Chapter 7- Fun and Surprising Night

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Alya's POV 

Everything is going according to plan! Playing truth or dare will help get Adrien and Marinette closer together. If not, Nino and I have many more plans up our sleeves. I need Adrientte to happen! I could see the horror in Marinette's face. Oho, this is going to be a fun night!

Marinette's POV

The whole class then sat in a circle. Well, except Chloe, because she didn't want to sit on the sand. Typical Chloe, instead she went back to the hotel.

"Well who wants to go first?" Alya asked.

"I will." Alix answered. "Rose, truth or dare."

"Truth." she answered sweetly.

"Is it true that you're dating Prince Ali?"

"...Yes..." Rose blushed.

"Good for you Rose!" Alya replied happily.

"Marinette, truth or dare." Rose asked.

Oh no no no no, it's my turn why?! Out of all people why me?! "Uh..Truth." 

"Do you have a crush on anyone in the class?" 

I broke into a nervous sweat as I heard the words "Crush," and "Class" come out of Rose's mouth.

"Uh...yeah..I do..." I answered quietly so no one could hear.

"Huh? What was that Marinette?" Alya gave a smirk.

"I do!" I blurted out, I covered my mouth, realizing how loud I was. Alya giggled at my sudden outburst.

Alya you are so dead, when we get back to the hotel! Or I could get revenge now...hehehe... "Nino truth or dare" I smirked.

"Always dare dudette." Nino responded.

"I dare you to kiss Alya." I answered smugly. Alya was giving me the death glare, but it was worth it.

"Um...I..." I could tell Nino was flustered.

"Oh come on Nino, a dare, is a dare..." Kim remarked.

Alya went over to Nino and pecked him on the lips. They were both blushing as Alya hurried to sit back down. 

"Adrien truth or dare." Nino asked.


"What do you think about Marinette?" He smirked.

"Well...She's caring, kind, selfless, a great baker and fashion designer, and amazing." Adrien looked down for a moment, his head turned away from the class.

I blushed a bright pink, and stared down at the sand. When I looked up, we locked eyes with each other. When I stared into his emerald green eyes, it was like time stopped and it was just the two of us. We were brought back into reality with a crash of a wave.

Adrien turned towards Alya, "Truth or dare." 


"Do you like Nino?"

Oh- Adrien! Oh no, no, no! Now Alya's going to kill us both! I'm done for... I stared in awe waiting for her response.

Alya's face turned a bright red, "Well...yeah..I do." Alya mumbled.

Nino's face turned as bright as Alya's face. Wow, they're really made for each other. 

"I-I-I l-like you too." Nino stuttered.

I squealed and nudged her. I'm so happy for my bestie! I realized it was Alya's turn when she smirked at me evilly.

"Mari, dare or dare."

"Um, isn't it truth or dare?" I questioned.

"You know I could do much worst, come on Mari, choose one." She whispered in my ear.

I sighed, "Dare."

"I dare you, to share a bed with Adrien for the rest of the trip." She grinned evilly.

I stared back at her wide eyed processing what she told me. Me, Adrien, SAME BED- WHAT?!?!

"Did I, hear you correctly?"

"Oh you heard me Mari. No backing down from this." 

I stealthily leaned closer to Alya and whispered in her ear, "B-but, I mean- I don't wanna invade h-his personal space, w-what if we-" Alya cut me off before I could say another word.

"Ap-up-up-up, no but's, no take-backs, and no whining!" Alya gave a huge grin.

Oh no, how am I gonna get through this...

Adrien's POV

Mari looks so cute when she's excited .

"I dare you to share a bed with Adrien for the rest of the trip." Alya grinned evilly.

Wait are my ears failing me right now?

  "Did I hear you correctly?" Mari asked.

  "Oh you heard me, Mari. No backing down from this." Alya answered smugly.

  Nino nudged my side.

"I guess you can start figuring out how to pursue a relationship with Marinette." He whispered.

I felt my face getting hot again. How is Mari making me feel this way? 

"Nino," I whined.

He just chuckled and we continued the game.

Marinette's POV

The rest of the game wasn't all too bad. We had to go back to hotel, since it was getting late. Alya sat with Nino so I just sat near the back of the bus at a window seat.

"H-Hey mind if I sit here."

I looked up and it was...Nathaniel(You though it was Adrien hehehehe) "Uh.. no, not at all."

"So, enjoying the trip so far?" Nath asked.

"Yeah, it's been fun so far."

Adrien's POV

When I got on the bus I was going to sit next to Mari. Until I saw she was sitting with Nathanael. So I decided to sit across from them. Why is he sitting with my princess? I know that he has a crush on her. He better not steal my princess away from me. I jealous? How can I like two girls at the same time?!  I was snapped out of my thoughts, when I heard Marinette giggle. I felt myself growling. I finally realized something at that moment. I like- no... scratch that, love Marinette and Bed Head Tomato Head isn't going to get in my way. Marinette Dupain-Cheng will. be. mine.


Author's Note

Zee & Skittle- Another chapter done!!! Adrien finally figured out his feelings for Marinette. Wonder what he has planned to get together with Marinette?? Also how will the sleeping situation go? By the way each room has 2 double beds. Well, anyway see you in the next chapter, PEACE!

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