A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! part 20

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Today was today, that Marinette Dupain Cheng, daughter of the finest bakers of all Paris as well as the hero of the people begins to leave for a new world where she can be with the person she loves and soon to be her husband along with Sugu who the Kwami of the spider miraculous. Her parents have packed everything that they have in the house along with the baking tools to make their sweets with the help of their future son in law as well as his friends who offer to help them pack everything for the trip to their new home. After packing everything that they have, Marinette's friends came by and wanted to say their farewells to their best friend as well as leader of the miraculous team.

Jake Hala: Ok that should about do it!, everything is in there Tom and Sabine.

Lucia Thompson: We made sure we didn't forget anything while taking everything out.

Ryan Jason: We even made a list to check off everything on it and so far nothing seems to be missing.

Sabine: Oh thank you all so much, we really appreciated the extra help, especially since were about to have more member into our family.

Tom: I can not wait to meet your family Jake!

Jake Hala: Yea but first as soon as we get there, I have to explain to them where I been because they might be worried sick about me and I know how over protective my brother can be if something happens to me.

Sabine: Oh we understand, after all you were sucked through a portal and landed in completely different earth.

Tom: She's right you know

Jake Hala: I get that, hopefully there wont be more that happening ever again, I think?

Swan: You will be alright Jake and besides don't you think you should say goodbye to your friends over there because your fiancées are doing that right now.(Swan saids to Jake while pointing to everyone who is hugging both Sugu and Marinette)

Jake Hala: Yea your right I should be doing that now

Snow: We will wait here until your done

Jake Hala: Thanks, well looks like it is time for the water works

Back with Marinette and Sugu who were being crushed by their friends who have tears in their eyes but with big smiles knowing this was not a forever goodbye but a till we see each other again.

Girls: WERE GONNA MISS YOU MARINETTE AND SUGU!! 😭😭(All the girls said together while crying and hugging their two friends)

Sugu: Hahahaha!, were gonna miss you to girls and don't worry we will see each other again we promise after all our future children need fun loving aunts to hang out with.(Sugu saids while hugging the girls back)

Marinette: 😭sniff.......and we promise to visit you all during the holidays I will make sure of it.(Marinette saids while crying in the arms of her friends)

Alya: 😢sniff.....Marinette you have the greatest friend a girl like me could have and I happy that your starting a brand new life with someone you truly love, and I promise to be the best aunt ever when you guys have kids of your own.......😢sniff.....I love you girl!, so much.

Marinette: I love you too......😢sniff.....Alya and look after Paris for me would you.

Alya: You can count on me Mari!

Rose: No you can count on all of us! We will not let anything happen in Paris Marinette!

Alix: Absolutely!

Juleka: If you girls ever have daughters can we take them to places where they can have the greatest fun of their lives.

Mylene: Yea I would like to watch your future children have fun with their fun loving aunts!

Chloe: At least let me dress them up, I would love to play dress up with them.

Sabrina: Totally!

Sugu: Hehehehe, of course you girls can, and what I can tell is that when we have our children they will love you dearly.

Marinette: Absolutely, would like to know their names before we say goodbye to the guys.

Girls: YESS!!!

Marinette: For my daughter, her name will be Emma Dupain Cheng Hala.

Sugu: And mine would be Zessica Hala


Jake Hala: They sure are girls and for our sons, for Marinette she wants her sons to be named Justin and Charlie Dupain Cheng Hala while Sugu's would be Josh Hala.(Jake saids while walking towards the girls)

Girls: JAKE!!(The girls screamed his name and tackled him to the ground)

Jake Hala: Whoah!! easy girls! easy!

Marinette and Sugu: Hahahahaha!!!!!

Alix: I am gonna miss you a lot work out buddy! and promise me that when you have sons can me and Kim take them to train with us when they are older.

Jake Hala: Sure but don't tell the girls, because they could get suspicious.

Alix: Got Ya!

Rose: Jake thank you for looking after Marinette, and for being our friend...😢sniff....me and Juleka promise to be such wonderful aunts to your future children.

Juleka: Your the best Jake and take care of our friend for us!

Chloe: Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid while she is there with you.

Jake Hala: I would make no such promises

Alya: You better otherwise we will hurt you, if something bad happens to her.

Jake Hala: Ok ok I will make sure she doesn't do anything stupid!

Mylene: Thats what we like to hear Jake

Alya: Tell your family we said hello while you get back

Jake Hala: You know I will Alya and thanks for being such an awesome friend to me and Sugu we really appreciated.

Alya: Your very welcome spider

Jake Hala: Oh I have something for your Ladyblog Alya, me and the girls did something and thought you want to use it for your website.

Alya: Really what is it?

Jake Hala: Here you go(Jake saids and hands her a picture of him and Marinette in different suits)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)


Marinette: Yup, in that suit I was known as Lady Katipo

Jake Hala: For me I was called Red Beetle

Girls: AWESOME!!!!

Marinette and Jake: Thanks girls!

Once Marinette, Sugu, and Jake said their goodbyes to the girls, it was time to say their goodbyes to the guys who will miss them very dearly.

Nino: Looks like this goodbye dude and dudettes

Jake Hala: It is not a goodbye Nino, it is till we see each other again

Sugu: And we will see each other again, so don't worry about it.

Luka: Thanks for everything you two did for us and for Marinette we really appreciated of what you have done for our universe and for Paris.(Luka saids while shaking Jakes hand)

Jake Hala: It was our pleasure Luka and we hope you become such a great music artist some day.

Sugu: And I would like to listen to your songs someday in the future and share them with our future kids.

Luka: Thanks you two, and Marinette good luck in the other universe and never give up on your dreams.

Marinette: Thanks Luka, I will miss you the most of all(Marinette saids while hugging Luka)

Nino: Hey I thought you were gonna miss me the most!

Marinette: And you too Nino, thanks for being my friend along with everyone else at school.

Nino: No problem Mari, and stay safe at your new home.(Nino saids while hugging his friend)

Marinette: Thanks Nino and good luck becoming a professional DJ

Nino: Thanks

Max: I will miss you game buddy and thanks for everything you down for all of us including me.(Max saids and giving Marinette a hug)

Marinette: Your welcome Max and good luck on your dreams(Marinette saids to Max while Jake came up to Max and told him something that shocked him)

Jake Hala: Hey Max want to hear a secret that would blow your mind

Max: Sure what is it Jake?

Jake Hala: I beat Marinette in Ultimate Mecha Strike III....(Jake whispers to Max)


Everyone: NO WAY?!!!

Marinette: JAKE!!!

Jake Hala: Sorry I couldn't help it and they needed to know that no one can beat this spider in mecha games. Hehehe! OW!!(Jake saids while receiving a hard punch to the arm by Marinette)

Marinette: I told you I would hurt you if told them(Marinette saids with a smirk)

Jake Hala: Ok yea I deserved that one

Sugu: Yes yes you did

Kim: I will see you around work out buddy and thanks for everything.

Jake Hala: No problem Kim and don't worry we will come back and visit

Nathaniel: You better because we want to watch other movies from your world again, so me and Marc can get some new ideas.

Marc: Yup

Jake Hala: Sure sure, I will make sure to bring more movies for all of us to watch together.

Marinette: I am gonna miss you two a lot and look out for each other would you.

Marc and Nathaniel: We will Marinette and thanks for everything

Ivan: Thank you as well Marinette for believing in me and helping me getting together with Mylene and helping me over come my fears.

Marinette: Your welcome Ivan and take good care of Mylene, you two deserve each other.

Ivan: We will

Sugu: Hey guys hows about we do it one last time, before we leave.

Alya: Oh heck yea!

Alix: Yo!, Swan, Ryan, Lucia, Snow get over here you are part of this team as well.

Lucia Thompson: Oh what the hell

Sabine: Language

Lucia Thompson: Sorry Sabine

Everyone got together into a circle including Jakes friends and were getting ready for one last goodbye.

Everyone: POUND IT!!

Kwami's: Goodbye Tiki, Plagg, Duusu, and Nooro take care of yourselves!

Tiki: Bye everyone and we will!

Plagg: Later!

Duusu: So long everybody we will visit soon!

Nooro: Count on it!

With everyone including the Kwami's said their goodbyes and found farewells, Marinette, Sugu, Jake, Sabine, Tom, Swan, Snow, Ryan, and Lucia got into the trucks and began to drive off into the new world, Jakes world while Ryan opens up the portal with everyone waving goodbye to them.

Everyone: GOODBYE GUYS WILL SEE YOU SOON!!(Their friends said goodbye then the portal opens and then the trucks disappear)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Once they cross through the portal, Marinette and her parents saw was Paris but not their Paris, and their appearances changed as well. And thank them that no one saw them come out of a portal while driving the moving trucks.

(Minus the people outside and it completely empty)

Marinette: J.....Jake are we you know

Jake Hala: Yes blueberry this is my universe and your new home.

Sabine: Wow, everything looks so different from our universe and yet it looks amazing Jake.

Jake: Thanks Sabine, and don't worry we help find a new place for you three to live as soon as possible.

Sabine: Thanks Jake

Tom: Still I would like to meet your family and what kind of house you live in.

Marinette: Same and hey what happened to me!(Marinette saids while looking at herself in the mirror as well as Tom and Sabine)

Tom: Whoah thats new?

Sabine: Jake whats going on?

Sugu: Oh yea, well you see when you travel to other dimensions your fiscal form changes to match with the world your visiting.

Marinette/Tom/Sabine: Oh?

Jake Hala: Don't worry you will get used to it and you look beautiful Marinette you really do.(Jake saids to his fiancée in which she blushes)

Marinette: Thank you Jake

Sabine: So where we heading Jake?

Jake Hala: To meet my parents of course and I want them to meet you three.

Marinette: Awesome, I get to meet my in laws!

Jake Hala: I will just text my friends to leave the other truck by your new home that they texted me about while we visit my family.

Sabine: Thats sounds alright with us Jake

Jake Hala: Alright then lets go meet my family

The ride took a couple of hours due to traffic but when they made it to their destination, Marinette was surprise to see such a lovely home that Jake has even her parents were impressed by the site of Jakes home.

Marinette: This is where you live sweetie!(Marinette saids while admiring the house)

Jake Hala: Yup welcome to my humble home

Sugu: Still looks the same after we were sucked through the portal.

Jake Hala: Hey Marinette you mind waiting here while I talk to my parents about what happened.

Marinette: Sure not all Jake

Jake Hala: Thanks(Jake saids as he and Sugu go up to the door and ring the bell)

BELL RING! Hello is somebody there?(A woman talking behind the door)

Jake Hala: Oh just your second favorite son who is now home along with Sugu.

The door opens and there stood three people who have a worried face, and those people were Jakes parents and his brother.

JAKE!! SUGU!!(Jakes parents rush to their son and Sugu hugging them with love along with the brother)

Jakes Mom: Oh my sweet little boy.....😢.....when your friends told us what happened we were so worried about you and Sugu!(Jakes mom crying while hugging his son)

Jakes Dad: Son don't ever scare us like that again, we can not bear to loose you.(Jakes dad hugs his son with so much love)

Jakes Brother: Thank god you are alright little brother, as well as you Sugu.

Sugu: We missed you guys so much!

Jakes Mom: We missed you as well and where did that portal take you two?

Jake Hala: It brought us to a totally different version of Pairs and get this it turns out me and my friends were not the only ones with miraculous or Kwami's.(Jake saids to his family who look shock)

Jakes Brother: There are others just like you and your friends bro?!

Jake Hala: Yea and they were quite different from ours, like their kwami's can not take on human form, they have timers on their miraculous to alert them when they transform back into their civilian form, they had a super villain who also had a miraculous but used it for evil as well as guardians who protect the miraculous in case they fall in the wrong hands.

Jakes Father: Son that is quite something out of the ordinary and how did you two massage to survive in that world?

Jake Hala: That is something I must tell and also to introduce you three to some people I met in that world and decided to live in this world.

Jakes Mom: Really where are they Jake?

Jake Hala: You guys can come out now!(Jakes saids to the Dupain Chengs and made their appearance to the Hala's)

Jake walks over to them and takes Marinettes hand then walks back to his parents so he can introduce them.

Jake Hala: Mom, Dad, Roy, allow me to introduce to the Dupain Chengs Tom and Sabine and this lovely person right here is Marinette Dupain Cheng, she is a fabulously fashion designer as well as the leader of the miraculous team named Ladybug and this little kwami here is Tiki the goddess of creation.(Jake saids to his family and sees the little kwami floating near them)

Jake Hala: Marinette, Tom, Sabine these are my parents John, Terra, and my older brother Roy.

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Marinette: Mr and Mrs Hala it is such a pleasure to finally meet you as well as you Roy. Jake has told me so much about you.

Terra: Oh my gosh she is an Angel!(Terra saids to Marinette who blushes at the comment)

John: Tom, Sabine and Marinette it is a pleasure to meet you all.(John saids while shaking Toms hand)

Tom: Oh the pleasure is all ours!

Sabine: Jake was such a wonderful boy and we enjoyed having him with us including Sugu who was such a bundle of joy.

Sugu: Aw thanks Sabine

Roy: Please to meet you Marinette, I am Jakes older brother Roy.

Marinette: Nice to meet you Roy(Marinette greets Roy then Tiki came over and introduces herself)

Tiki: Hello there Terra, John, and Roy my name is Tiki the kwami of creation it a pleasure to finally meet you in person.(Tiki saids to the family)

Terra: Aww why aren't you the cutest little thing I ever seen!(Terra holds Tiki in her hands while tickling Tiki's tummy in which she giggles)

John: Please to meet you as well Tiki

Roy: Same here little red

Terra: Tell us Marinette is it true that you are the leader of a miraculous team as well as a hero named Ladybug?

Marinette: Yes in deed let me show you, TIKI SPOTS ON!(Marinette changes into her hero form)

The Hala's look upon Marinette with amazement knowing that Jake and his friends are not the only ones who are miraculous heroes.


Terra: Marinette you look so beautiful!!

Ladybug: Hehehe, thank you so much Terra(Ladybug blushes)

Jake Hala: Oh it gets better, you see when something gets damage or destroyed she can easily repair it by chanting the words Miraculous Ladybug and then thousands of sparkling ladybugs repair everything turning the things back to normal before it was destroyed.

John: Amazing

While everyone was admiring Marinette's miraculous form, Terra took a look at Sugu's hand and sees a ring but not just any ring an engagement ring.


John: Seriously?!! Son why didn't you say anything

Jake Hala: I was in another universe how could of told you

Roy: He has a point dad

Sugu: He didn't just propose to me, Marinette show them.

Marinette: Spots Off, he also propose to me and we both said yes!

Terra: OH MY GOSH!!! I HAVE TWO DAUGHTER IN LAWS!!(Terra hugs both Sugu and Marinette with tears of joy)

John: Jake how did this happened not that I am made but very happy that I have such two beautiful daughter in laws?

Roy: I wondering as well bro?

Jake Hala: Let's all go inside we have a lot to talk about and I mean a lot.

With that everyone went inside the house to talk about what happened after Jake and Sugu were pulled into another universe.

Chapter 21 and 22 coming soon!

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