Chapter 6

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Miss Fortune turned in a circle to examine her new look. She wore a dark red shirt that faded to black at the bottom. She wore tight black pants and a dark grey cardigan. She also noticed that a long black cape flowed gently in the soft breeze behind her.

How do you like your new look, Miss Fortune?

It' not as extravagant as I thought it would be.

Hawk Moth chuckled darkly in her mind. Yes well, I've decided to take a new approach. You see, all of my past Akumas did  in fact wear exaggerated suits but they were easily spotted by my foes and were defeated. I've given you, Miss Fortune, a more subtle look. This way you can easily blend in with other adolescents.

Miss Fortune looked at herself in the reflection of the store window next to her. She tried to remember what she looked like before she transformed, but she couldn't. She couldn't even remember what her name was. All she knew now was that she was Miss Fortune and she was going to protect those she cared about...once she remembered who her loved ones were.

While looking at her reflection, she saw a dark purple butterfly outline glow around her face. A moment later, Hawk Moth's voice filled her mind.

Would you care to see what your new powers are or are you going to stand there looking at your reflection all day?

Miss Fortune shook her head. No, no. I mean, I have powers? Like what?

If you think of your powers, they'll come naturally to you.

Miss Fortune smiled at her reflection before the butterfly faded from her eyes. She turned away from the window and closed her eyes. Powers...

Her eyes shot open and she thrust out her hands. Red sparks ignited from her fingertips and shot out from her hand like a beam of red light. The surge hit the street in front of her and upon impact, the concrete cracked. Stones broke apart and the street seemed to tear in two. Gravel crackled, the earth shook, and Miss Fortune laughed maliciously, pleased with her new power. Cars driving down the street skidded to a stop before they plummeted into the chasm. Parisians walking on the sidewalks, hurried away from the commotion, yelling for others to do the same.

Miss Fortune looked up above and wanted to see just how much damage her powers had caused. Her feet left the ground and she flew up into the air. She was at first surprised that she could fly, since she had no wings but as she looked around, Miss Fortune forgot that she was defying the laws of gravity. She could see over the streets of Paris, the people were tiny and powerless against her, and she loved it.

As she floated down and landed on the roof of the nearest building, Hawk Moth's presence reappeared in her mind. Like your new powers, do you?

Yes! They-They're amazing! I can't wait to-

Just a minute there, Miss Fortune. You have to do me a favor first.

A favor?

Yes. If you complete this task, I will grant you your new powers permanently. And besides we have a common enemy.

We do?

Yes. You see, the threat to your friends and loved ones? This threat are also my greatest enemies: Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Ladybug and Cat Noir? Aren't they superheroes?

Anger that wasn't her own flooded Miss Fortune's mind. That's what they want the public to believe, when in reality, they abuse their power. They corrupt the innocent and it is I who bestow powers on the hurt and heartbroken. I help them be able to challenge those who have wronged them and bring an end to Ladybug and Cat Noir's reign of corruption. Alas, Ladybug and Cat Noir are just too strong. They both have a Miraculous that is the source of all their power. It allows them to shape-shift into their alter-egos. As long as Ladybug and Cat Noir have their Miraculouses, they're unstoppable. What I need you to do is to bring me their Miraculouses so I can properly...dispose of them so that Ladybug and Cat Noir can never use them again.

Upon hearing this, Miss Fortune felt a tug at the back of her head. There was something wrong here, very wrong. She recognized the name Cat Noir but couldn't picture his face. She also knew Ladybug, but more than anyone else should. It was almost as if she knew her from a past life. But just when she was about to grasp the thought, it vanished when Hawk Moth spoke again.

You will bring me the order to protect your friends. He said it like a statement, as if there wasn't any way that Miss Fortune could back out of the task.

I will. But how do I keep them from noticing me?

Your cape has special qualities. No one except for you can see your cape so when you leave the hood down, you'll look like every other young Parisian. However, when you pull your hood over your face, no one will be able to recognize you, not even Ladybug and Cat Noir. If they don't know you, they can't defeat you.

Miss Fortune reached her hand back and felt the soft fabric of the cape. She brought up her hood and pulled it low over her face. When she looked at her reflection in the windows back down on the street, she didn't recognize herself. All she saw in the store window's reflection was a black clad being with bright, glowing blue eyes.

I have granted you the power of misfortune. Fight your enemies well, my little fortune cookie, and use your powers of bad luck to the fullest. Your powers will cancel out Ladybug's good luck and turn Cat Noir's own strength against him. Go, and protect the ones you hold dear from those who are corrupted.

Yes, Hawk Moth.




"Why do I feel like we just keep making everything worse?"

"Because we do?"

Alya punched his arm. They had been searching the streets of Paris, looking desperately Marinette. After two hours, they stopped looking, hoping that she was alright, and sat down at a small café. Nino was swishing his water around in the glass. His eyes were glazed over, lost in thought. Alya sat across from him and picked at her fruit with a fork.

"I mean, I feel like we just keep saying 'What did we do' over and over again. Why can't we for once do something right?"

"Well, things can't get any worse, can it?" Nino mumbled, absentmindedly.

"Nino, are you crazy?!" Alya said as she stabbed a strawberry in her fruit bowl.

Nino jerked his head up. "What do you mean 'Am I crazy'?"

Alya looked at him like the answer was obvious. "You can't go around saying things like that, because with our luck, things will get worse. And I'd rather them not to."

Nino shrugged before turning his attention back to his water. Just then, one of the waitresses came by their table and refilled Nino's water glass. Before she left, though, she glanced down happily at the two friends and said, "I don't mean to intrude but you two make an awfully cute couple."

"Oh we're not a-" Alya tried to explain but the waitress was already gone. Alya sighed and turned back to stabbing her fruit.

Out of nowhere, Tikki flew straight into their table and crashed into the bread basket. Nino shot up from his chair. "Tikki?! Are you okay?"

Alya quickly took the breadsticks out of the basket and gently scooped Tikki up in her hands. "Tikki?"

"Oh right. Tikki, Alya. Alya, Tikki." Nino gestured with his hands, introducing the two before Tikki sat up and rubbed her small head in Alya's hands. "Tikki, what happened? Why aren't you with Marinette?"

Tikki looked up at Nino, her fear and worry evident in her eyes and Nino knew without a doubt that things were definitely going to get worse.


"Adrien!!! I need to talk to you NOW!" Alya yelled into the Agreste Mansion's security camera.

Natalie, Gabriel Agreste's assistant, replied, "Miss, he isn't here at the moment-"

"Bulldog! Nino said that he doesn't have fencing today and I know that he isn't with my other friend saving the world so he must be here."

There was silence on the other side of the camera before Natalie's voice cracked over the speaker, "One moment please."

Alya crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "I knew it. I knew he was here."

"Uh, Alya?" Nino said standing across from her. "Don't you think that was a little obvious?" He was out of the security camera's shot and glanced rapidly between his friend and the camera.

Alya raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Dude, you just said that he could be out saving the world."

Alya waved her hand, dismissively. "Come on. Every adult knows that average teenagers don't save people on a daily basis. She most likely thought I was just making a point."


"Guys! We need to focus," Tikki interrupted from atop Nino's shoulder. "We don't have much time before Marinette finds us. We have to warn Adrien-"

Natalie's voice crackled again over the speaker. "Adrien is in his room but his father is not permitting any visitors at this time."

"Look, Natalie," Alya pushed away from the wall and got in the camera's face. "We don't have time for this. Someone we know has been Akumitized and is causing trouble throughout the city. Adrien is in danger and we really need to talk to him."

"I'm sure he appreciates your concern but protecting us from Akumas is Ladybug and Cat Noir's responsibilty, not yours." Even though she tried to act stern, Alya noticed the slight wobble in Natalie's voice. She was slowly giving in. 

"Oh no, you don't get it, girl," Alya said as she jabbed a finger at the camera. "Ladybug and Cat Noir got nothing on me. Akumas fear me more than those superheroes and if they don't, then those Akumas just haven't met me yet. We need to talk to Adrien now! He has to hear our news from us in person. Nino and I  need. to. see. him." 

At the end of her rant, her words were clipped and precise, meaning that Alya was going to have her way whether Natalie liked it or not. Nino looked at his friend and was, truthfully, a bit frightened by her. Would he ever tell her that, though? Not in a million years. He'd rather give up movies for an entire year before admitting that he was scared of Alya at times.

Natalie didn't say anything else over the speaker. Nino was afraid she had left and wasn't going to let them in when the front gates swung open. 

Alya plastered on a quick smile for the camera before she walked through the gates. "Thank you!"


"So what's up?" Adrien asked as Alya and Nino walked into his room. He had been sitting at his desk, typing up an essay for English before they had walked in. 

"Dude, you may want to sit down," Nino said as he sat on the white couch in Adrien's room.

"I already am," Adrien leaned his head across his arms on the back of his chair. What had happened? Nino only tells him to sit down when something serious had happened. Did something happen in movie productions?

He looked between his two friends before he noticed the red blob on Nino's shoulder. Once he realized what it was, he stood up from his chair. " Ladybug's Kwa-Kwami?" he stuttered.

Tikki nodded. "Yes, I'm Ladybug's Kwami and we need your help Adrien."

" How can I help?" 

"We need Cat Noir," Nino softly smiled.

"Wait, you know?" Adrien whispered, shocked. "How? How did you find out?" He glanced at Alya. "Did you tell him?!"

"No,bro!" Nino exclaimed. "I figured it out on my own, well, sort of. No, yes, I figured... you see it was-"

Alya saw her friend struggling and decided to help him. "What Nino is trying to say is that he put two and two together and figured out on his own that you're Cat Noir." 

Nino smiled appreciatively at the redhead. "Exactly. Thank you."

Adrien stared wide-eyed at his best friend before looking dishearteningly at the floor. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't say anything before. I wanted to tell you, honest, it's just-"

"Dude, it's fine." Nino slung an arm around his friend. "Seriously. I know why you didn't tell me. I have my own share of secrets that I can't dish to anyone either, just like yours. Trust me."

Adrien smiled at his friend, happy that he doesn't have to hide his biggest secret from him anymore.

"Well, if everyone here knows that you're Cat Noir, then I don't have to hide anymore and I can get back to my cheese," Plagg said as he shot out from behind Adrien's computers. He landed on the desk and started eating away at the already half-gone cheese. 

"Plagg!" Tikki beamed from Nino's shoulder. "It's good to see you again."

Plagg nodded towards her in greeting, his mouth too stuffed with camembert. 

Tikki rolled her eyes at her old friend. "Still a lover of cheese I see."

"Always, sweet tooth." Plagg swallowed his bite and smirked. "I can see why you chose the girl you did as Ladybug, though, since her parents run a bakery. You're always surrounded by cookies, your favorite."

"Speaking of Ladybug," Alya said, remembering why she and Nino had come in the first place, "Adrien, there's something you need to know."

Adrien's smile from the two Kwamis' reunion faltered. "What is it?" he asked hesitantly.

"Well, uh, it''s.." Alya couldn't seem to get the words out. She looked to Nino and he nodded for her to continue. "It's Marinette, Adrien. She's been Akumitized."

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