Chapter 7

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What were you supposed to do when you can't remember who you were? Miss Fortune flew down to the front steps of a school that she vaguely remembered seeing from a dream, but she couldn't tell if she attended the school or not.

She looked around and saw that the streets were empty. Once she decided no one will see her, she removed her hood, and her cloak became translucent. She was about to start up the steps when a dark voice stopped her in her tracks.

Now just what do you think you're doing? Hawk Moth asked.

I was just going to school. I think I went here. I mean, it looks familiar.

No, Miss Fortune. Hawk Moth forcefully shouted in her mind. We have an agreement where I bestow great powers upon you and you bring me Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous.

But how will I get their miraculous if they aren't here?

She felt his evil smile and a shiver ran down her spine. Cause a commotion that forces them to come to you.

Miss Fortune shook her head vigorously.! That's not right. It wouldn't be...I mean...I can't hurt innocent people. What if I hurt people I care about unknowingly? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Oh yeah, and thanks for mentioning that little tidbit where I forget everything about myself when I transform into Miss Fortune. That would've been nice to know beforehand.

She felt a such dark force consume her mind that she fell to her knees on the stone steps of the school. YOU WILL DO AS I SAY OR I WILL JUST HAVE TO MAKE YOU DO AS I PLEASE. And you wouldn't want that, would you?

Miss Fortune's hand extended out in front of her, as if it was compelled by a secondary force, and slashed in a downward motion towards the school's front doors. Red beams shot out of her fingertips and exploded on impact on the doors. The wood fell in smoldering heaps onto the stone floor and Miss Fortune felt a single tear run down her cheek. She couldn't control her own limbs. Hawk Moth could control her whenever and however he pleased. If she was ever going to be able to maintain control of her new powers and protect her friends, she would need to do as he asked.

Miss Fortune slowly nodded her head. She felt Hawk Moth's power release her body and retreat back to her mind. She slowly stood up and wiped away the lone tear.

That's better. We wouldn't want another accident like that to happen again, do we?

Miss Fortune glared at the Seine in front of her. She couldn't confront Hawk Moth in person, so the river was going to receive her furious gaze. What do you want me to do? she asked begrudgingly.

Why don't you test your powers on the city? Once you have better control over them, you'll be ready to face Cat Noir and Ladybug. Besides, you'll love the rush that comes with using your powers. All my previous Akumas have loved the adrenaline rush that floods them when they use their gifts. I bet after a few blasts of your misfortune, you'll love the power that flows through you as well.

Miss Fortune nodded, afraid she may say something she couldn't take back if she spoke aloud. She pulled her hood low over her head again and saw the cloak fade to black. She looked up into the sky pictured herself up in the air. Her feet left the ground and soon she was flying over the streets of Paris.

She landed on top of the Eiffel Tower and gazed down at the streets, Parisians, and tourists below. She didn't want to hurt them, for they were innocent. They had done nothing wrong to deserve her rage, but she had to do as Hawk Moth instructed or else he'll take control of her again. And she knew without a doubt that if he pulled the strings with her power, a lot more people were going to get hurt.

She leaped off the edge and plummeted toward the ground. Right before she hit the concrete, she surged back up into the air and shot out red beams from her hands. They hit the buildings around her and the buildings instantly started to crumble. The sound of crackling concrete and people's shouts flooded Miss Fortune's ears. As much as she hated to admit it, she loved the feeling of power. She felt like she could do anything she wanted. She had the capacity to bring down the great Ladybug and Cat Noir.

She smiled wickedly as she thrust out her right hand again and shot red beams of light toward the streets. Just as before, the ground parted underneath the frightened Parisians' feet. Miss Fortune landed on another building as neighboring structures came tumbling down. They collided with the earth and shook the ground. She felt the vibrations run up and through her body. She closed her eyes and reveled in the power she wielded.

When she opened her eyes again, she noticed two teenagers among the crowd of scurrying people. They stood in the middle of the chaos and gazed right up at her, as if they knew exactly who she was. She squinted her eyes, attempting to see their faces. She floated off of her perch on the edge of the building and down to where the two were standing. Once she was close enough, she recognized them.

Nino....and....Alya.  Nino and Alya!

"Nino! Alya!" she exclaimed as she landed in front of her two friends. "I-I remember you guys. We're friends." She smiled. She was so relieved to recognize people she cared about. It gave her hope that all of her memory wasn't lost forever.

The two friends exchanged worried glances before they turned back to face her. "Marinette, please, stop what you're doing," Alya quietly said, her eyes imploring her best friend to cease the destruction she was causing.

"Marinette?" Miss Fortune brought her hand up to her head. That name resonated on a deep level with her, but she couldn't figure out why. "Who's Marinette? Is she another one of our friends?"

"No, girl, it's you. That's your name," Nino told her.

"Me? Well, I may have gone by that in the past, but not anymore. I'm Miss Fortune now. Get it?" she smiled. "Because I bring misfortune? You know, bad luck? Miss Fortune. Misfortune?"

Alya waved her hand, dismissively. "Yeah, I get it. Very clever. But seriously. You need to stop. Look at what you're doing. You're hurting people."

Miss Fortune looked around and saw that Alya was right. People were bleeding, limping away from her, calling for emergency care, crying out in pain. She looked at all of the destruction she had caused....and she had enjoyed destroying the city! She had enjoyed bringing people misery. What had happened to her? She felt sick to her stomach at what she had done.

"I...I didn't mean to. I didn't mean for all this to happen," she said as she trained her eyes on the floor.

Alya glanced at Nino before turning back to the girl in front of her. "You know what you're doing is wrong, don't you?" 

Miss Fortune gazed at the demolished wreckage. "Yes...but I have to do this to make things right."

Nino took a step back, shocked. "What are you talking about, dude? How is causing all this destruction a good thing?"

Miss Fortune turned away from her friends. "You wouldn't understand. I have to defeat the evil that's in this world and causing just a little commotion will bring the traitors to me."

"Who are the traitors? Hawk Moth and....someone else?"

"No. Cat Noir and Ladybug."

Nino and Alya gasped, simultaneously. 

"Marinette, you can't be serious!" Alya cried.

"But I am, Alya. They have been corrupting everyone! They...they can't be trusted. Hawk Moth is actually the good guy in all of this. He gives powers to those who are weak and just wants to make their lives better. Ladybug and Cat Noir take that power away! And they shouldn't. They shouldn't want to feel the need of being superior over everyone else. It's not right."

"What's not right is that you actually believe this load of-"

"Alya!" Nino grabbed her shoulder.

Alya released a breath but glared at her confused best friend. She can not actually believe Hawk Moth, right? I mean, she of all people should know better. Wait...

"Wait a minute, Marin-I mean, Miss Fortune," Alya stumbled.

Miss Fortune smiled at her friend using her new name.

"Do you really not remember who you were before?" Alya asked hesitantly.

Nino's eyes widened as he looked from Alya to the akumitized Marinette.

Miss Fortune's smile vanished. She kicked an invisible rock along the ground. "No. I don't remember who I was, but that doesn't matter. I remember you guys and....wasn't there someone else too? Were they blonde or something?"

Nino just about fainted. "No way, there is absolutely no way you don't remember Adrien." He stepped close to Miss Fortune and looked her in the eye. She shrunk under his intense gaze. "Holy guacamole. You seriously don't remember?"

She shook her head.

"Well, something had to have allowed you to remember Alya and me. You remember who you are, dude. It's just tucked away deep down because of Hawk Moth and the Akuma."

Alya tried to recall how she felt when she was akumitized. All she could remember was feeling very upset over being wrongfully suspended and feeling rage towards Chloe. She had believed that Chloe was Ladybug at the time. Yeah, I can't believe I actually thought that.

But when she felt at her weakest, her mind became clouded and a sudden burst of power surged through her veins. The next thing she remembers is waking up on the roof with Cat Noir and Ladybug smiling down at her. So she understood Marinette not being able to remember who she was, but she had recognized Alya and Nino. She remembered who they were, that they were her friends. Marinette couldn't be all gone and Alya believed that she wasn't. Miss Fortune or the Akuma weren't completely in control. Just like what Tikki had said...But how can I further jog her memory? Alya thought to herself.

"I'm okay, though. Really," Miss Fortune held up her hands and took a step back. "I'm still me, I think..."

A dark purple butterfly glowed on her face and Nino and Alya exchanged worried glances. "Marinette?"

Suddenly, Miss Fortune's face morphed into purge rage. "I have to go."

She surged into the sky and disappeared from Alya and Nino's sight.

"Well..." Nino said. "That went well."

Alya wanted to roll her eyes but she couldn't believe what had become of her best friend. For some reason, Alya never believed that Marinette could become akumitized. She just seemed too good, too happy, too compassionate to fall under Hawk Moth's influence. Alya had been wrong, though. Obviously, she thought as she mentally scolded herself.

"Did you guys get it?" a small voice from Nino's bag asked.

"Sorry, Tikki, but we didn't get her bag." Alya sighed.

The Kwami flew out of Nino's bag and stopped in front of the two teenagers. "Marinette can't be under the Akuma's influence for too much longer. She'll eventually lose what little memory she has retained for good and then..." she started to sniffle.

"Tikki, I promise we'll get her bag. We have to release that stinking Akuma somehow." Nino shook his head. "I just hope Adrien has better luck than us."

"And he's supposed to have the power of bad luck," Alya whispered to herself.


Cat Noir watched the love of his life terrorize the people of Paris from atop the Bourgeouis Palace. He wanted to help her, save her from the awful Akuma that had possessed her, but he couldn't. At least not yet. Alya and Nino were supposed to approach her first. They were supposed to grab the akumitized bag before Cat interfered. He was Plan B, according to Tikki, anyway.

He was shocked when he had found out that Marinette had been akumitized. He couldn't believe it, and he didn't believe it at first. But as his friends further explained what had happened to her, Adrien's heart had sunk. His partner had fallen to their enemy. He was about to transform and go and save her from Hawk Moth's clutches before Alya stopped him in his path. She had told him that they had to think through this logically and not rush into things head on. That's when Tikki spoke up and told the three friends her idea of how to save Marinette.

If Marinette's intentions were pure, then she would not hurt her friends, since that was why she was given powers in the first place.  Tikki explained how every Akuma always had a purpose, an objective that they had to accomplish. Whether that was seeking revenge on someone who had wronged them (Chloé, Adrien had thought), or retrieving something that was stolen from them, everyone had a mission. That was why some Akumas remembered the person who had hurt them (Again, Chloé). So if Marinette felt the need to protect her friends from the evil that threatened them, then she should remember Alya and Nino. Only problem: Hawk Moth had convinced her that it was Ladybug and Cat Noir who were the true enemies. 

As Cat sat and watched the akumitized Marinette demolish the streets of Paris, his heart constricted painfully in his chest. She was dark now. He saw her wicked smile as she caused destruction and chaos. Her new powers were like red lightning, zipping from her fingertips and out onto the streets below. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

Just then, Marinette flew down from her perch from atop a building and down to Alya and Nino on the ground. His tail flicked nervously behind him as he watched them talk. He thought for a second that maybe they got to her, that they reminded her of who she was, and retrieve her bag. But the same purple butterfly lit up her face before Marinette flew back up into the air and away from their friends. Nino and Alya hadn't been able get her bag. It was time for Cat to step in, but he didn't know if he had the power to fight against the love of his life, even if he had to fight in order to save her.


Did you forget your mission, my little fortune cookie? Hawk Moth said forcefully in her mind.

No, but Cat Noir and Ladybug haven't shown up and I was just talking with my friends-

That's not acceptable!

But why?! Miss Fortune landed in the park across from a small bakery and the familiar school. You gave me these powers to protect my friends! Why can't I talk to them?

Because if you wish to keep your powers, you will bring me what you owe me. The Miraculous! Besides, like I've said before, we're fighting a common enemy.

Miss Fortune stomped over to the large fountain in the center of the park and looked down at her reflection. She couldn't remember who she was before, but she liked who she was now. She was powerful, a force to be reckoned with, and she was going to bring down those who threatened the safety of her friends. Even if Hawk Moth was seriously getting on her nerves.

"Hello, Princess," a familiar voice said from behind her.

Miss Fortune slowly turned away from the fountain and faced the black cat superhero. "Cat Noir?"

He smiled at her saying his name as he bowed low in front of her. "The one and only, my lady."

Miss Fortune rolled her eyes. "Please, I bet you say that to every girl that catches your eye."

Cat stood up. "No, only to the one girl for me."

Miss Fortune felt uncomfortable under his gaze. He looked are her so intensely, studying her closely, and yet, beneath that, there was this indescribable warmth. There was a sort of love hidden in his gaze. Miss Fortune didn't know what to do with the hero.

"You know, you're not what I was expecting," she said finally.

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "Then who exactly were you expecting?"

Miss Fortune switched her weight over to her other foot. "Just someone less....I don't know...familiar."

Cat's ears perked up on top of his head. "You recognize me?" He took a step closer to her.

She took a step back. A throbbing ran through her head. She closed her eyes against the pain as she brought a hand up to her head. "I don't know...a little. Like I've seen you from a dream."

Miss Fortune, quit stalling. Seize his Miraculous! Hawk Moth shouted.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw Cat's worried face and knew the purple butterfly must be glowing on her face.

"Marinette, don't listen to whatever he's telling you," Cat pleaded. 

"My name is Miss Fortune! Why does everyone keep calling me Marinette?" She stomped her foot on the ground.

Well, there goes the subtleness. I gave you a cloak to hide your identity and yet, he still recognizes you. Oh well, back to business. Seize his-

I know, I know, the Miraculous! But I doubt that he's going to willingly hand it over.

Well, of course not, Hawk Moth paused and Miss Fortune could picture him rolling his eyes. You have to fight him for it! Hurt him, crush him, destroy him before Ladybug shows her face. That way it will be child's play when you take her Miraculous when she is without the help of her partner.

"Miss Fortune." The sound of Cat's hesitant voice broke through her conversation with Hawk Moth. "Please, stop what you're doing. I knew you before you became like this. This," he gestured toward her, "isn't who you are! You're kind, caring, compassionate, beautiful, and smart. Please, don't listen to Hawk Moth anymore." He held out his left hand to her. 

Miss Fortune looked into his green cat-like eyes and knew that he meant what he had said. He really did care for her. No, he cared for the girl she used to be. He didn't like who she was now. He would never accept her this way, would he?

No, he won't. Hawk Moth whispered in her mind. And it seems like he won't fight you. He cares too much for the weak and pathetic girl you once were. He wants you to be like that again. Show him who's more powerful now. Take away his power so he can't hurt anyone else ever again.

But how can I do that if he won't fight me?

There are more ways to win the battle besides using violence, Miss Fortune. 

She stared at Cat Noir. He didn't seem like the guy that Hawk Moth had described. He seemed incredibly familiar to her, like she knew him, but more than usual. It was almost as if he used to be her friend, or best friend. Or maybe more?

She saw that he noticed the war raging within her. He took another step towards her, his hand still open for hers. "Please, Marinette, come back to me."

My name is not Marinette! Ok, that does it. You can't accept who I am now? Fine! I don't need you anyways. I'm stronger than you now and you know it. But if you cared for the girl I was before....

"Cat?" she looked up at him from under her eyelashes.


She reached her hand out towards him, and just as she was about to place her hand in his, she shot red beams of crackling light at him. The red light exploded on his chest and sent him flying away from her. His back slammed into the grey, iron fence that surrounded the park and Miss Fortune heard the gasp of air that raced out of his lungs. He fell to the ground in a heap. She laughed at his hurt form on the ground as she slowly walked over to him.

"Did you really think that I would actually give up my new powers? Oh come on, kitty. I thought you knew me better than that." 

Cat turned his head up to look at her, his eyes wide with shock. "But I thought-"

"What? That I actually ever cared for you the way you cared for me? Please! As if I could love someone like you." She stopped a few feet away from him and watched him slowly start to stand back up to face her. 

She hoped that he couldn't see her worry. She had no idea what she was saying. She was just spouting off false lies and hoping one clicked. If she got him enraged enough, he would fight her. If he fought with a broken heart, he'd be even weaker than he was now. He would be blinded by hurt, rage, and betrayal that would cause him to lose his focus. He could then be easily defeated. Besides, she needed to finish him off quickly, before Ladybug ever showed her face. The two were stronger together than apart and Miss Fortune was going to use that to her even greater advantage.

"No, I know you're lying." Though he tried to sound strong, Miss Fortune could hear the slight wobble in his voice. He was falling for her lies, just like he said they were.

"But how could I be lying?" she asked with false innocence. "I remember you now. We were close, weren't we? Like partners, one could say. But you know what, Cat? I never thought of you as my partner. How could I when you are obviously so far below my level? You're weak and pathetic. Why do you think whenever there's an Akuma you always, and I mean always, become possessed? It's like I have to do all the work on my own. Seriously, though. It annoyed me to pieces whenever someone would call us 'partners' when in reality, I'm the super heroine and you're just my little sidekick. And besides, I never loved you like the way you cared for me. My heart always belonged and still belongs to someone far greater than you." 

With every word she said, it was like taking a hit far worse than any attack Cat had ever received. Her words cut deep into him, like a knife was being impaled over and over into his chest. And with each cold word, the knife twisted more into his gut and heart. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. At first, he tried to believe it was the Akuma talking, but the more Marinette described, the harder it was to believe it wasn't just the Akuma. 

No, this isn't Marinette anymore, Cat thought. This is Miss Fortune. My lady is still somewhere in her, trapped under the influence of the vile Akuma. And if Miss Fortune wants a fight, a fight is what she'll get.

"Oh and just so you know Cat," she came to a stop directly in front of him and looked straight into his eyes. She smiled, maliciously. "I've always hated your crappy puns."

That does it. Cat growled and swung out his staff toward his possessed princess. She easily dodged his attack. Already anticipating his next move, she flew a few feet into the air and sent a red lightning strike at him as he swung his staff again. 

Cat Noir saw the blast coming and rolled to the side. The red light hit the ground next to him and sent vibrations zooming through his body. 

As he looked up at Miss fortune, he yelled in outrage and charged again, ready to fight to the end in order to save his princess. 

For Marinette...

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