Chapter 8

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She was stronger than him. But then again, she had always been.

Cat Noir skidded around a corner and pressed his back against the sturdy wall. His breathing was ragged and he had cuts and bruises all over his body. Miss Fortune had come pretty close to destroying him a few times; Cat had only just barely dodged her attacks. Red beams of crackling light would still scrape his arm, cut into his leg, or yank on his belt tail.

Whenever she shot her red lightning at him from up above, he had only a few seconds to jump out of the way before it collided with him. When he actually did get hit, it felt like every inch of his body was on fire. He always crumbled under the agonizing pain before it eventually subsided. But when it did, Miss Fortune was always ready with another attack.

Whenever he barely dodged her attacks, the crackling beams of light collided with the ground next to him and the earth tore in two. The ground below his feet would shake and rock back and forth as if he were on a ship during the worst sea storm imaginable. Dust and gravel would spray up into his face and he wouldn't be able to see. That's when she would fly up into the air and shoot more beams of light at him and the cycle would begin again.

However, this time he managed to slip away. With each new blast, she grew weaker and weaker. She couldn't keep fighting him forever, but he couldn't keep dodging her attacks forever. He had had the chance to strike her down with his staff, but just as he was about to make contact with her side, he stopped. He couldn't do it; he couldn't and wouldn't hurt her, no matter how much she bruised and tormented him.

She was still Marinette; she was still his lady. Every time he looked at her, he saw the love of his life just under the influence of evil. When he met her eyes, for a second he thought he saw her struggle. She seemed like she didn't want to fight him, as if her actions weren't her own. She looked at him and he thought he saw a glimmer of recognition. But then in an instant, the look vanished. She blinked and gone were the conflicting emotions and recognition. In its place were always anger and rage.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty..." she called to him.

He heard her stop a few feet away. Cat pressed his back closer against the wall and held his breath. Just when he thought she would find him, he heard her turn and walk away. Once the sound of her footsteps faded away, he let out the breath he was holding. He closed his eyes and let his back slide down against the wall until he sat on the concrete ground.

I don't know how much longer I can hold out, he thought to himself.

He heard two sets of footsteps quickly approaching  and when he looked up, he saw Nino and Alya racing toward him. 

"Dude, are you alright?" Nino asked as he held out a hand for his friend.

Cat gratefully took the hand and Nino helped pull him up. "I don't know how much longer I can fight her," he said wearily.

Alya placed her hands on her hips. "Just shake it off! Pull yourself together and get back out there. You can win this battle like every other Akuma you faced, including Nino and yours truly. You're Cat Noir, for crying out loud!"

Cat met her gaze and anger flashed across his green eyes. "Yes, but she's Ladybug who could kick my ass anytime of the week if she wanted. And while she may not have any problems hurting me, I can't do the same to her. I won't!"

Nino's eyes widened at his friend's exclamation but Alya refused to back down. "She's my friend too, you know! I love her too and hate to see her this way. Marinette was the one person whom I believed would never become akumitized, and this was before I discovered the secret. Don't think you're the only one who worries for her, alright? We have to break that darn Akuma's trance and you're the only one who can save her."

Cat wanted to yell more. He wanted to be angry and lash out at Alya but the rage in him deflated like a balloon. He knew Alya cared for her best friend just as much as he did and yelling at her was not going to save Marinette. Cat Noir took a deep breath. "Then what do you think I should do? Because attacking her head on isn't working."

Alya saw his change in demeanor and her anger subsided as well. "I...don't know," she replied, honestly.

Nino looked between the two and saw their similar expressions of hopelessness. He wanted to help, but didn't know how. Adrien had been their back up plan and he had failed as well. Nino felt helpless. He glanced at Tikki on his shoulder and saw her tiny face also tearing up. If only they had a lucky charm of some sort to use against Miss Fortune...

"If only we had a lucky charm like Ladybug has to use about now, huh?" Nino was trying to lighten the mood, if only a little.

Just when he thought no one had heard his little joke, Cat Noir's head snapped up to meet his eyes. "What did you say?"

Nino stepped back from the intensity of Cat's gaze. "I..I was just saying if only we had a lucky charm like Ladybug's to use against Miss Fortune but obviously we don't so..."

"A lucky charm," Cat whispered under his breath. His eyes glazed over in thought and Nino looked to Alya.

"Uh, am I missing something here?" he asked her.

Alya shrugged. She was as lost as he was.

"That's it!" Cat exclaimed. Nino and Alya stumbled back away from him at the sudden outburst before looking at Cat Noir like he had lost his mind.

"What's it?" Tikki asked from Nino's shoulder.

Cat turned his gaze towards her. "I think I know a lucky charm that we could use to defeat Miss Fortune, but I have to run back to my place to get it. Can you two cover for me?"

Nino's eyes were as bug as saucers. "You mean to tell us that you, out of the blue, now know the exact thing that will finally bring an end to Miss Fortune all because I mentioned a lucky charm? And not only that but you want us to somehow keep her occupied so you can swing by your place and grab it?"

Cat nodded. "I think so."

Nino threw his arms up in the air. "Well, now that we've cleared that up-"

A sudden earthquake stopped him mid sentence. The earth shook beneath their feet and the buildings shuddered. Wicked laughter rang through the streets that belonged to only one person. "Come out and fight, you scaredy cat, or I will unleash my wrath on the citizens of Paris! Or we came make this even simpler if you'd like! Just hand over your Miraculous to me and we can end this whole dispute. The choice is yours, but time is running out and you know how little patience I have!"

The three friends looked at each other as the ground ceased to shake.

"Go!" Alya shouted at Cat. "We'll keep her distracted for as long as we can."

Cat Noir nodded before he leaped to the top of the roof and disappeared.

Alya turned towards her shocked friend after Cat left. "What?" 

"" Nino was so frustrated he couldn't get a single, coherent sentence out of his mouth.

"How are we going to keep her distracted?" Alya asked the question for him.

Nino huffed before nodding.

"I have an idea." She paused. " me, okay? Follow my lead. Oh and act shaken up and shocked."

As Alya walked out of the alley and onto the street, Nino muttered under his breath, "I don't need to act."


Miss Fortune sat atop the stone fountain in front of a large mansion. It looked familiar to her, but then again, everything that day looked familiar.

She closed her eyes and felt the soft breeze blowing through her hair. She had almost collapsed on the ground from exhaustion after Cat Noir had disappeared. Hawk Moth had pushed her to her breaking point. He refused to allow her to stop attacking. With each strike, Miss Fortune slowly felt all the energy drain from her body. Not only did she feel exhausted from her attacks, but she had to really concentrate in order to fly. One had to think about how high they wanted to be, which way to face, and which way they wanted to go. Between focusing on staying in the air and shooting red beams of misfortune at Cat Noir, she had lost so much energy that she couldn't even stand anymore.

She had tried to keep her exhaustion hidden from the hero, but she knew that he had picked up on her weariness. She had even allowed him to sneak away without Hawk Moth's knowledge just so she could have a moment to rest and regain her energy.

Now, sitting atop the fountain, she felt rejuvenated, but still weaker than before her and Cat Noir's battle had begun. She opened her eyes and looked out over the Seine. She counted down the time in her head before Cat had to make an appearance. If he didn't show, she would have to terrorize the people again in order to get his attention. She really hoped that it wouldn't have to come to that. She refused to hurt another civilian. Something in her gut told her to stop hurting the innocents. It was almost as if she had protected them each day and to hurt them...would destroy her. She hoped Cat would show before any of that happened because she knew that Hawk Moth would not hesitate in taking control of her again.

Movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned and saw Alya and Nino sprinting toward her. Confused as to why they were racing toward her, Miss Fortune called out, "It's not safe for you guys to be here! Cat Noir could show up at any minute and-"

Alya stopped in front of the fountain and placed her hands on her knees. She gasped for breath before looking up at the girl on top of the fountain. "Miss...Fortune...he's trapped...building...collapsed-"

"What?" Miss Fortune couldn't understand what Alya was talking about. She flew down from her perch and landed in front of her two friends. "What happened?"

Nino, also trying to catch his breath, looked up at her with worried eyes. "It's Adrien, dude...a building...fell and...trapped him...underneath."

Her eyes widened at the news. Adrien is trapped? How long has he been there? Is he still alive? He's been hurt be I had caused the buildings to collapse and he could be dead because of it., I couldn't have killed him. No, he means something to me; I'm sure of it. I would never hurt someone I love...

Miss Fortune! Hawk Moth's voice shouted in her head, interrupting her thoughts. Once he was sure he had her attention, he spoke again. Leave the boy, he said with no emotion whatsoever. He's probably gone by now anyway, so, he paused, just retrieve Cat Noir's miraculous.

How could you be so cruel?! she shouted at the dark voice in her mind. How can you live knowing that an innocent boy is danger of dying, if not already? What's so great about Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous that it's worth sacrificing an innocent boy?!

Hawk Moth didn't answer her. She felt his presence retreat from her mind, but knew that he would return if she didn't do as he had asked.

Though she desperately wanted to go and help the boy, she knew that Hawk Moth wouldn't allow her to leave when Cat Noir could show up at any moment.

She looked at her friends. "Who's Adrien again?"

"He's your boyfriend," Alya cried out before Nino could say anything. "Come on, girl! We have to go help him! Only you can move the rubble off of him and save him. Let's go!"

And with that, Alya turned on her heel and sprinted away, fully expecting her friends to follow.

Nino looked at Miss Fortune with wide, worried eyes. He started to say something before he decided against it, sighed, and quickly ran after his friend. Miss Fortune hovered a few feet off the ground, before she flew after the two.

They raced down so many streets, Miss Fortune lost count. She was growing more and more frantic about finding Adiren in time and saving him before...before...

No! she scolded herself, shaking her head. Don't think like that. You will find him. You have to. 

She couldn't help feeling strong emotions that were tethered to the boy's name. They were almost exactly the same feelings she felt towards Cat Noir. The emotions were excruciating to think about and almost suffocating. She felt strongly for the two boys but she didn't remember if those particular feelings were positive or negative. 

All she knew was that she had to save her friend from the damage she had caused. She still was having trouble believing that she had loved the feeling of power coursing through her veins as she watched the buildings around her crumble and topple to the ground. She had never expected anyone to be in those buildings or on the street where they fell. Then again, there was always someone in those homes, work places, and stores. There was always civilians around. No matter what, if someone gives in to their dark nature and causes destruction, innocent people were going to get hurt, physically and/or emotionally. By accepting Hawk Moth's "gift" of power, she had believed she could better protect her friends from the evil in the world. Only, in reality, she had caused one of her friends, her boyfriend apparently, to be crushed under a building. She had caused great deal of misery and anguish in Alya and Nino because she had hurt Adrien. 

She was pulled from her thoughts when Alya finally stopped in front of a giant pile of broken cement, wood, and other large pieces of construction. The red head fell to her knees and started to sob. Nino ran to her side and bent down next to her. He tried to comfort her, but she turned away from him. She looked up and met Miss Fortune's gaze. "Can you...can you still save him?"

Miss Fortune looked her friends, desperately. They were hurting and she knew she had to save Adrien. She had to

She walked around and stood in front of the pile of rubble. She lifted her hands and shot red beams of light out at the heap. She wished for the pile to rise into the air, but her powers didn't do as she commanded. They, instead, blasted into the remaining construction, still barely managing to stand, and caused more rubble to be forcefully added to the pile. She let out a strangled gasp as she looked between her hands and the growing heap of rubble. She had the powers of misfortune; her powers are useless in trying to help someone. They only cause others bad luck and harm. 

Knowing the boy under the heap didn't have much time left, Miss Fortune threw herself at the pile and desperately started to dig. She pulled slabs of concrete away and chucked useless pipes over her head. Everything else in the world faded away as she furiously tried to save her friend. 

After an immeasurable time had passed, Miss Fortune stopped her digging. She looked up at the pile of rubble and saw that she had barely made a dent. She wouldn't be able to reach him at all, and she knew that enough time had passed that he wouldn't have enough oxygen to breathe. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around herself. 

I have...failed, she thought as tears started to stream down her face. She had failed her friends. She had only wanted to protect them. But she hadn't been able to.  She couldn't protect them from danger, from the evil in the world because...she was the evil. She was the threat to their safety. Once she had accepted Hawk Moth's so-called "gift" of powers, she had become the evil. 

No...Hawk Moth is the evil in this world. Cat Noir and Ladybug are the heroes, just like how they say they are. Alya and Nino were right. I was a fool to accept these stupid powers.

Now, Miss Fortune, Hawk Moth's presence once again filled her mind, but she wouldn't have it. Not this time. She would not allow herself to be controlled again. She was going to protect her remaining friends because she had already failed one. She wouldn't fail Alya and Nino.

As she reached for her bag, the item containing the Akuma, she felt Hawk Moth fight her for control. 

No! she shouted at him. I will not be your puppet anymore! You were wrong! Cat Noir and Ladybug are right. You are the evil in this world and I won't let you use me to hurt anyone else ever again!

You think you can defeat me?! Just who do you think you are? You're a nobody, little fortune cookie. I found you crying over failing your friends, and that was because of your own doing. I only offered you the chance to redeem yourself with a small price in return. You can't back out now, little girl. You're mine.

The hand reaching for her bag froze. Hawk Moth's negative energy overran her mind and demanded control. She couldn't stop him. She felt herself retreat further into her mind as Hawk Moth raised her hands in front of her and blasted the pile until it was nothing but a pile of ash and dust. She sobbed uncontrollably until she heard a familiar voice from behind her. 

"Marinette?" Cat Noir asked hesitantly.

Hawk Moth forced her to turn around and face him. "The girl you once knew is gone." Hawk Moth used her to speak to Cat Noir. Her voice sounded the same, but the words that came out were not her own. It only caused more tears to fall. "Hand over your Miraculous."

Cat Noir raised his chin. "Never."

Miss Fortune felt her feet leave the ground and her hands charge in power. "Then prepare to die."


Cat Noir must've eaten the best, most energizing lunch while he was away because he seemed to be stronger, more agile, and more enraged than Miss Fortune had ever seen him. He must've noticed that Hawk Moth had taken control because he was no longer holding back. He swung his baton with amazing force at her that she was surprised she just barely managed to dodge his attacks. He had a certain fierceness in his eyes that wasn't there before. It was like he was fighting to save someone he cared for deeply and wouldn't give up until his last breath. 

He managed to get her to retreat all the way back to the park where they had first begun their battle. With Hawk Moth in charge, her attacks were slower to respond to his wishes and Cat used that sluggishness to his advantage. He could pinpoint where her attacks would hit and always escaped being blasted. With each blast, however, Miss Fortune grew weaker and weaker. Hawk Moth wouldn't allow her to rest, though. With Cat Noir's miraculous so close to being in his grasp, he refused to allow Miss Fortune to retreat and regain her energy.

Just when she thought she was about to have the upper hand, though, Cat Noir swung his staff and she felt it collide with her side. Miss Fortune was flung out of the air and she collapsed on the ground, flat on her stomach. As she rolled onto her back, she heard Cat's slow, calculating footsteps approaching. As she tried to stand to fight again, she heard him shout, "Cataclysm!" 

She turned toward him and saw his hand swipe out and grab her hood. The dark cloak disintegrated under his touch and left her bag unprotected. He reached for the purse,  but Miss Fortune danced out of his grasp. She shot another blast of misfortune at him. He rolled along the ground, missed the attack, and hopped back on his feet, a few meters away. His ring beeped, indicating he only had a few moments before he would de-transform. 

Miss Fortune felt herself laugh. "I will finally have your miraculous,Cat Noir. It's only a matter of time now. Only now I wonder where your partner has run off to with hers."

Cat's eyes slightly widened at the statement, before he shook his head and met her eyes. "You're never going to win, Hawk Moth, not now and not ever."

He raised his staff above his head, for another attack. Miss Fortune felt Hawk Moth draw on every last bit of power she had and forced it into her next attack. Just as Cat swung his staff, Miss Fortune's hands thrust out in front of her and sent the largest strike of misfortune straight for Cat's chest. 

He couldn't duck out of the way in time. The blast hit its mark and Cat fell to the ground. His body started to shake as red lightning danced across his black suit. He struggled to crawl away but her boot stomped down on his belt tail, halting his escape. 

"I think we both know how this ends, Cat Noir," she said as a wicked smile that wasn't her own plastered itself on her face.

Cat rolled onto his back to look at her. His ring beeped again, now only showing one bud of the paw print. "It would be an honor to die by your hands, my lady," he struggled to whisper.

Tears streamed down her eyes as she reached for his right hand. His ring beeped for the last time before his transformation wore off. Where Cat once laid, Adrien remained, a soft smile on his face.  An uncontrollable sob broke free from Miss Fortune as she realized that Adrien hadn't been under the pile of rubble. He had been Cat Noir all along. As she glanced again at his hand, she saw that he wore a bracelet, but not just any bracelet. Her lucky charm bracelet, the one she had given him so he would have good luck when he competed in the video game tournament.

And in that instant, all of Marinette's memories came rushing back and flowed over her. She remembered her parents, her home, her friends, and Adrien. She remembered Tikki, transforming into one of Paris' most famous superheroes, saving people from the evil Hawk Moth's clutches, and her amazing and pun-spewing partner, Cat Noir.

I am not Miss Fortune. I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I am Ladybug. 

And I will not be controlled by Hawk Moth anymore.

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