Chapter 9

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Ladybug...How nice to finally meet you, Hawk Moth whispered in her mind.

Marinette looked down at her bag then at Adrien, still lying on his back gazing up at her uncertainly.

"Adrien, it's you?" she asked hesitantly.

He slowly nodded. "Yeah, it's me, my lady."

Marinette felt Hawk Moth demand for her attention. How interesting that it had been Ladybug who had sought to protect her friends, and inevtiably accepted my offer of power. Ironic, isn't it? The very threat you wanted to protect your friends from is the same danger you agreed to accept.

No more will I listen to you, though, Hawk Moth. Never again. She reached for her bag to release the Akuma when she felt Hawk Moth fight her for control.

You will hand over your miraculous along with Cat Noir's! Hawk Moth commanded.

Adrien, with cuts and bruises aching all over his body, struggled to stand. "Don't listen to him anymore, Marinette. Fight him. You can now. I know you can."

Marinette looked over at her friend, her partner, the love her of life, and saw he believed in her. He always had. She smiled sadly at him. "Forgive me?" she whispered.

Adrien tilted his head to the side, confused. "For what?" he asked.

Marinette didn't answer him and instead flew straight up into the air. She reached deep inside of her for strength as she fought Hawk Moth for control. Red beams of light shot out of her, empowered by the battle raging inside Marinette's mind. Slowly, she started to overpower his dark presence. She shakily reached for her bag and felt the small purse beneath her twitching fingers.

No! Hawk Moth yelled, but it was too late.

Marinette flung the bag away toward the ground and felt the last her energy drain from her body as a final beam of light shot out of her . She lost consciousness and started to plummet from the sky. Adrien struggled, but quickly stood up from his place on the ground. He reached out and barley managed to catch the weak girl from colliding with the ground. Adrien wrapped her in his arms as Alya and Nino sprinted through the park's gates.

"What happened?" Alya asked, worriedly.

Nino's eyes looked from Adrien and the unconscious girl in his arms to the akumitized bag on the ground. He ran over to it and immediately ripped it in two. The dark purple butterfly fluttered out of the torn purse and dark purple goop washed over Marinette, returning her to back to normal. Alya caught the butterfly in her hands but looked toward Adrien for help.

"Why isn't she waking up? Doesn't she have to de-evilize the butterfly?"

Tikki flew from Nino's shoulder to Marinette. She placed her hand on the girl's forehead before she gasped. "She dying."

"What?" Adrien exclaimed.

Tikki looked helplessly from the girl to the boy holding her in his arms. "She used up all of her energy in fighting Hawk Moth. Now she barley has any energy left to breathe. Her heart is slowly giving up."

"No, no!" Adrien yelled as he hugged Marinette closer to his chest. "No, I won't lose her. Not again. I can't lose another person I love!"

Alya looked desperately from Adrien to the red Kwami. "Isn't there anything you can do?"

Tikki turned to Alya. "The only thing I can think of is sharing our energy. Whenever Marinette transforms into Ladybug, she receives a sudden burst of energy, like Adrien does when he transforms into Cat Noir. That's our energies combining into one which then, in turn, causes Ladybug and Cat Noir to become more agile, aware, and powerful. If Marinette transforms, I may be able to give her some of my strength so that she'll be able to breathe and de-evilize the Akuma."

Plagg, who had been quiet ever since the de-transformation, flew over to Tikki, worry evident in his green eyes. "No, Tikki! You can't! She's much too weak and you'll give too much of your own energy-"

Tikki softly smiled. "It's okay, Plagg. We'll both be fine."

Adrien looked between the two Kwamis before gazing at Marinette in his arms. Her breathing was becoming shallower by the second. He didn't know how much longer she would be able to hold on. "Please, do whatever you can to help her."

Tikki gave a single nod. "I will."

Adrien leaned down and whispered, "Please, come back to me, Marinette." He then stood up and laid the girl down on the grass.

Tikki flew into Marinette's earrings and forced the transformation. Soon, Ladybug was lying on the grass before she gasped and a large breath of air raced into her lungs. Her blue eyes blinked open as she sat up and looked around. Ladybug saw all three of her friends crying and a black Kwami hovering nearby.

She looked to Adrien and saw him reach for her. "My lady?"

She smiled. "Hi, kitty."

In an instant Adrien was at her side. "You're alright," he cried as he wrapped the girl in his arms.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. "Adrien-"

"Um, I don't mean to interrupt but we still have a problem to deal with," Alya said as she released the Akuma from her hands.

Ladybug nodded and Adrien, begrudgingly, pulled away from her. He held out a hand, and helped Ladybug to her feet. She was still pretty weak, but she was able to stand on her own.

She unclipped her yo-yo from her side and captured the Akuma. As she released the white butterfly, she whispered, "Bye bye, little butterfly." She then threw her yo-yo into the air and exclaimed, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

In an instant, the ladybug cleaning crew swept throughout all of Paris and repaired all the damage Miss Fortune had caused. Once everything had been rebuilt and everyone healed, Ladybug shakily fell to her knees. She immediately de-transformed and a weak Tikki flew into her hands.

Marinette gazed down at the Kwami in her hands, and felt tears begin to run down her face again. "Tikki, I don't know what to say...thank you so much for....just...I can't believe you would....thank you."

Tikki rolled over in her hands and smiled up at the dark-haired girl holding her. "Of course, Marinette. Could I just ask for a small favor, though?"

Marinette nodded, vigorously. "Yes, anything!"

"I would like a cookie very much right now."

Marinette laughed. "Of course." As she slipped Tikki into her restored purse to rest, she looked up and saw Nino and Alya smiling at her, tears also in their eyes.

Alya ran to her best friend first and hugged her so tight Marinette couldn't breathe. "You're okay. Thank goodness, you're okay. Don't you ever scare me like that again, you hear me?"

Marinette struggled to laugh but she was slowly suffocating from Alya's hug. Alya released her hold and smiled at her friend. "Sorry," she said.

"It's alright." Marinette saw the worry, desperation, and fear evident in Alya's eyes. Marinette placed her hand on the brunette's shoulder. "I'm alright."

The fear in Alya's eyes slowly started to turn into relief as Marinette smiled. Alya had been truly worried for her.

Nino walked over to the two girls, hands in his pockets, and smiled at Marinette. "You, dude, made one terrible villian. Please, for the sanity of all of us, don't become akumakitzed again."

Alya smacked his shoulder. "Nino! What did I say about you talking like that?"

Nino rolled his eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"I don't plan to," Mairnette said, happy to be herself again.

Movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned and saw Adrien walking toward the group with a soft smile. "I think we need to talk."


A few hours later, the four friends stood atop of Marinette's bakery, gazing down at the streets below as the Paris started to settle in for the night. Nino was stuffing his face with macaroons from downstairs while Alya tried to steal some without him knowing.

Marinette wrapped her arms around her torso, trying to keep herself sheltered from the cool night breeze. Adrien leaned against the rail next to her, unsure what to do next.

Alya looked over at the two and sighed. "So now what? Hawk Moth knows your identities and that Nino and I are your friends. What are we going to do?"

Nino wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "I'll tell you what I'm going to do," he said as he swallowed the last of the macaroons. "I'm not going to mess up again. I've already discovered Marinette's alter ego without her consent, talked Adrien into dumping Ladybug, and caused Marinette to turn to the dark side. I'm done goofing up and making things worse."

Marinette softly laughed. "I doubt you'll cause any more damage, Nino."

Alya rolled her eyes. "Come on. It's Nino we're talking about here. He'll find a way to screw things up again."

Nino elbowed the brunette next to him. "But at least I'll have another partner in crime to cause mayhem with." Nino pointed at Marinette and Adrien. "See? You guys are the fixer-upper superheroes that clean up my and Alya's damage. We make a good team, you know, the four of us." Nino slung his arm around Alya's shoulder and gazed dramatically off into the distance.

Alya sighed, but didn't shrug off his arm. She glanced at the awkward pair beside her and saw that they needed to talk, privately.

Alya yawned and pushed away from the railing. "Well, I'm sure that whatever Hawk Moth tries to hit us with, we'll be ready. I don't know about you guys, but I want some more macaroons since Nino ate them all."

"Yo!" Nino spun around from the balcony and crossed his arms. "I did not eat them all! I saw you sneak a few! Don't even try to deny it."

Alya nodded towards the blond boy and dark-haired girl next to him. The two both wore the same confused expression as they tried to figure out what Alya was up to. "Then, come help me get some more because I'm still hungry."

Nino groaned and rubbed his stomach. "But I'm full-"

Alya grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the trap door that led from the balcony into Marinette's room. "But I'm sure you have room for a few more right?"

Nino raised an eyebrow at Alya. She was acting really strange until she hissed in his ear, "Can't you see that they want to talk alone? Come on, let's give them some space. We can come back later."

Nino glanced over his shoulder and found Marinette slowly sliding away from Adrien to the spot he and Alya just vacated. He saw that Adrien had noticed her movement because he shoved his hands in his pockets and cast his eyes down at the ground.

At last, Nino turned back to face Alya and nodded. He waved goodbye to his friends and followed her down the ladder.

In Marinette's room, Tikki and Plagg were sound asleep on Marinette's pillows. Cookie crumbs and bits of cheese were scattered all across the bed.

"Marinette is not going to like this mess," Alya whispered, not wanting to wake the Kwami's.

Nino glanced toward the roof. "Yeah, but I think she has other problems to deal with right now."


A cold breeze blew against her arms and Marinette felt goosebumps prickle her skin. She shivered and wrapped her arms tighter around her body.

She glanced at Adrien from the corner of her eye and saw him take off his white over-shirt and lay it gently on her shoulders. "Here," he said before he stepped away again.

Marinette smiled gratefully from the nice gesture and pulled the cloth around her arms. She was expecting him to say something else, perhaps a cat pun, but...he didn't. He simply returned to his place on the balcony and leaned against the railing, facing away from her.

Marinette cast her gaze down on the street below. She didn't know what to say. What could one say, though? Hey, I'm sorry I almost killed you today because I was under the influence of an Akuma. Had I known that you were my long-time crush and my partner, who I started to develop deeper feelings for, I probably wouldn't have wanted to destroy you.

Yeah, that would go over real well, Marinette thought to herself as she shook her head. What was wrong with her? Here she was, a couple feet away from the guy whom she'd always loved, and yet she couldn't talk to him. When she looked at him, all she saw was Cat staring back at her, hurt and sprawled on the ground, fully believing that she was going to kill him.

She felt tears form in her eyes. He must hate her now. Of course, he's too nice of a guy to say that outright, but...she was afraid he truly did despise her. But she couldn't blame him. He had always admired the strong, courageous, and kind Ladybug. Now, he saw her for what she truly was: a clumsy, awkward girl who had had the biggest crush on him in school. Not only that but she was sure that when he met her eyes, he saw the shadow of Miss Fortune still there, lurking beneath the surface, waiting to strike and destroy him.

She banged her hand on the rail in frustration and immediately regretted it. Red, hot pain shot up her arm as Marinette tried to hold back her scream.

Adrien spun toward her, shock evident in his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked as he carefully reached out to examine her hand.

Even when she caused herself harm, he was still there, wanting to help her and make sure she was alright. She couldn't hold the tears back anymore as she stepped away from him again and pulled her hand back.

"No, I'm not alright," she admitted, truthfully. Tears ran freely down her cheeks as Marinette cursed herself for being so awkward.

The blond looked like he wanted to step toward her and help her but he stayed where he was. Marinette couldn't blame him. She was a mess.

"Why?!" she suddenly yelled at him.

Adrien, startled at her outburst, took a step back. He met her eyes and tilted his head to the side, thoroughly confused. "What?"

"Why are still so nice to me when I've been nothing but a...a..." Marinette couldn't think of a worse enough name to call herself. In that moment, she hated herself more than she ever had before. Flashes of their fight raced through her mind as she recalled all the horrible things she had said and done to him. She had even insulted his puns, when in reality, she had actually liked them. They had always taken her mind off of the fact that they were fighting an innocent person and made her feel more at ease. Now, she was shocked to find that he still wanted to be around her.

"Marinette, I don't understand-" Adrien tried to say before she cut him off.

"Why are you still here? Why do you still want to be around me when I've done nothing but hurt you? Adrien, I was horrible to you today and I...I don't understand how you still want to be near me after-" Marinette's tears forced her to stop. She couldn't get enough air. She was full on sobbing in front of the only guy she ever loved. She was surprised that he didn't race for the trapdoor that would allow him to leave her and never see her again.

"Marinette, there is nothing you could say or do that would get me to leave you," Adrien said as he stepped toward her. She stepped away from him again and felt the cool brick wall behind her back.

She tried to get him to understand. "But I'm not the girl you wanted."

He stepped toward her again but this time she couldn't go anywhere; she had trapped herself against the wall of her balcony. "How could you know who I want?" he asked.

"Because I know you wanted someone like Ladybug to also be the girl behind the mask. You wanted someone brave, heroic, and smart like her. But instead, I'm just a clumsy, shy, nobody who couldn't even gather up the courage to talk to you like a regular, normal person. Not only that, I was akumatized today. I had hurt you and insulted you. That's why you kept your distance tonight, because I wasn't what you expected." She hung her head and saw her tears roll off of her cheeks and onto the ground in front of her.

Adrien closed the distance between them. He placed his hand under her chin and gently lifted her face so that she would meet his eyes. She saw that he was dumbfounded by her words and confused as to why she was believing what she was saying. And yet there was something else in his eyes when he looked at her, but she didn't know how to describe it.

"You're right. You weren't what I was expecting," he said at last.

Marinette closed her eyes and felt more tears run down her face at his statement. I knew it, she thought. 

She felt one of his hands reach up and wipe away her tears. "Marinette, look at me."

She slowly opened her eyes and met his green eyes. "You're far greater than I could've ever hoped for. I've actually known it was you for a while now."

"But how-"

"I saw you the other day with Mylene's yo-yo." He smiled. "It doesn't take a genius to realize how comfortable you were with the toy. And the trick that you showed her? I see you preform that almost every day. Your lucky charm. I knew it was you." He placed his hands on either side of her face and Marinette felt the cool silver of his ring against her cheek.

"Finding out it was you...I was ecstatic. There's no one else I would've preferred to be my partner. You can't see yourself the way I do, my lady, but if you could...You would see just how much I...I..."

Marinette slowly nodded, desperately wanting him to continue.

"I...I was so afraid of losing you today. You mean more to me than anyone else. The reason why I kept my distance tonight was because I was worried about how you would react. I mean," he smiled shyly, "I was worried you wouldn't like me, Adrien, as your partner all this time. The great Cat Noir is just...Adrien Agreste."

Marinette was dumbfounded. Could he really not see how she felt about him? Has he really not known all this time? She was so stressed over the possibility of him not liking her when he had been worried that she wouldn't have been able to accept him.

"And by the way," Adrien whispered as he stepped even closer to her. He rested his forehead against hers. "The words you said about yourself just now...they hurt more than what you had said earlier today because I knew that wasn't the real you talking before. It was just the Akuma."

He pulled away just enough to look in her eyes. "There's no one I'd rather be with than you. I love you, Marinette. All I ask is...will you accept me for who I am? Would you still want to be with me?"

She gazed up into his light green eyes as she ran her hand through his soft blond hair. She couldn't believe it. He loved her. He loved her. Ladybug and Marinette. He loved her.

And she loved him too.

"Of course," she whispered. "I love you too, kitty."

Adrien smiled an all too familiar smile that she had seen Cat Noir wear every day as he finally leaned down and kissed her.

At last, Marinette finally realized that she had always loved him. She had always loved Adrien because he had reminded her of her amazing, pun-spewing, flirtatious partner. And she had always loved Cat Noir because he reminded her of her shy, sweet, and kind friend at school. She was so happy to know that the two people she cared most about...were one and the same.

When Adrien pulled away, Marinette was more than tempted to kiss him again when the trap door opened and she heard a very loud, very obnoxious "Aww!".

She and Adrien turned and saw their two friends' heads poking up from her bedroom, along with Tikki and Plagg.

"Yay, you guys made up," Alya sing-songed.

"You know," Nino said as he pulled himself up on the balcony and helped Alya up as well, "you guys make an adorable couple."

Adrien reached over and brought Marinette's hand up to his lips. He kissed her knuckles before intertwining their fingers. "I know."

Marinette blushed.

"Ugh, is this how it's going to be from now on? If so, I'm going to need more cheese if you still plan on transforming into Cat Noir," Plagg complained.

"You always need more cheese," Tikki said as she rolled her eyes.

"Never have truer words been said," Plagg smirked.

"Are feeling any better, Tikki?" Marinette asked, still worried for her Kwami.

Tikki flew over to Marinette and hugged her cheek. "I'm all good."

Marinette laughed, relieved that her Kwami was well again.

"Now, I'd hate to be the buzzkill here," Nino said as everyone turned their attention to him, "but what are we going to do about Hawk Moth now that he knows?"

Adrien and Marinette looked at each other before they smiled and nodded. "No matter what happens," Marinette said, "we'll be ready. We've got each other now. Hawk Moth has no idea who he's up against."

"Oh yeah," Alya exclaimed as she cracked her knuckles. "Let's kick some Akuma butt!"

Everyone laughed at the brunette's statement.

Alya always knows the right things to say, Marinette thought to herself.

"That's it!" Nino exclaimed. "I've just came up with a name for us. Wait for it.....Team Miraculous! Eh? Yes? Yeah?"

Everyone rolled their eyes but laughed just the same.

"You know it does have a certain ring to it," Adrien said.

"Yeah, I like it," Marinette said.

"So we're Ladybug, Cat Noir, the Bubbler, and Lady Wifi versus Hawk Moth? Oh yeah! That butterfly won't know what'll hit him." Alya punched her fist in the air.

Marinette looked up at Adrien and saw that he was already watching her. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry. I'll protect you if you get scared, my lady." He winked.

"I don't need any protection, kitty," she said playfully.

"I know. But whatever happens, we'll face it together."


As the large window closed in his mansion, Hawk Moth usually felt defeated and full of rage at not achieving his goal. But tonight, he felt like he discovered one of the world's greatest secrets.

"Thank you, Miss Fortune," he said as the room went dark and his transformation wore off. "You gave me Ladybug and Cat Noir's greatest secret. You're the only one who did as I had asked: Bring them down."

"Master, please, don't do anything you're going to regret-"

"Hush, Nooroo. I'm not going to do anything rash. I just need to have a chat with my son about a certain...nemesis of mine."

As the door to his lair shut and locked behind him, Mr. Agreste smiled wickedly as he walked down the hall toward his son's room.

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