Chapter 10: Your time has come Mayura!

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Y/N along with Hollow were heading to school while walking with both Adrienne and Marinette who asked him if they want to walk to class together which Y/N didn't mind. After what happened with Lila and how she tried to manipulate Y/N into something that he never wanted and got the liar arrested as well as exposed her for who she was and it was on broadcasted by the news who were filming near the Agreste mansion where the police took Lila in and have her sent to prison for causing such pain and suffering to many others. What Y/N knows that Marinette along with her friends do not know that Lila was sent to prison because it wasn't shown on the news yet but soon it will and it will change everyones lives forever and hopefully the Akuma class who will now see what kind of person Lila truly is.

Adrienne: So Y/N after school are you doing anything?

Y/N: Going to the store and pick up some pet food as well as some pet toys after I am done with school.

Adrienne: Why?

Y/N: I found a little black kitten outside my window and took it in and decided to take care of it.

Marinette: Aw! That is so sweet of you Y/N is it a boy or a girl.

Y/N: It's a girl and her name is Ma'ri.

Marinette: KYAAAAA!!!!! OH MY GOSH HE NAME A KITTEN AFTER ME EEEEEEEE!!!!!(Marinette saids in thought while also excited and filled with joy)

Adrienne: Do you have a picture of her! I wanna see I wanna see!

Y/N then stop near the school and took out his phone and pulled up the kitten that he and Hollow are taking care of and once both Marinette and Adrienne saw it they gush in pure cuteness.

Y/N: This is Ma'ri.

Adrienne and Marinette: AWWWWWWWW!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!! 🥰 ❤️

Nino: Hey dude and dudettes whats with all the squealing?(Nino saids as he along with Kagami, Luka, Juleka, Alix, Chloe and Zoe came towards their friends)

Marinette: Y/N is showing us this little kitten he brought into his home and she is so adorable!

The girls went to look at the photo of the cat and they too were in gush of the cuteness while the boys never imagined Y/N was into looking after animals. But soon the bell for the school started to ring in which everyone started to head in and get to class to start their day.

As soon as the students of Miss Bustier class arrived and seated all of sudden the Akuma class were wondering where their precious little Lila was and asked each other if she even called or texted them about of her whereabouts until Miss Bustier came into the room to greet her students.

Bustier: Hello students before we begin class today we were all task to watch the news today because something happened with a student that we all know and that student will no longer be part of our class or the school because of who that student truly was before transferring here.

Alya: Miss Bustier do you know where Lila is? She didn't come to school or answer any of my calls or text?(Alya saids in which the Akuma class agrees)

Bustier: Save it for another time Alya for right now we need to watch the news.

Bustier turned of the television screen in which the news lady known as Nadja Chamack appeared and began to tell everyone the news.

Morning people of Paris this Nadja Chamack with the news for today. Unfortunately todays news will shock everyone to their core as police have arrested a girl who did such awful things in her life before moving to Paris with her mother and has been targeting as well as spilling lies to others to gain attention and fame. The girl was around in her young adult years and goes to Francoise Dupont High and has been causing such problems around the school area and telling students lies about her adventures as well as meeting famous people who sued the girl for the lies that she told everyone but not only that but she caused a student that who I came to know for years and has been looking after my daughter and was a good friend to us and this evil student who made the girl who babysit my daughter life a living nightmare and not just her but others in other countries in which the student caused others to bully and attack innocent students who didn't cause some harm or did anything because the evil student told lies and the other classmates believed the stories and became ruthless and violent. Due to the students recored she said that she has a disease that causes her to lie but when scientist check to see if the disease was real it turned out to be a myth and no such disease existed and by doing so this female student has been lying to everyone in different schools at one point lead to a child's death as well as many suicides in which the families were heart broken over the loss of their children and swore revenge of the girl who drove their kids to death but somehow she escaped to a different city and try to hide away from being caught.

The Akuma class were listening to what they were hearing on the news and were thinking that this girl was Marinette but stopped and listen to more of the words that Nadja was saying in which now they are thinking it is Lila but wouldn't believe it or not.

Further more we have did some research on this girl and it turns out that she has been doing these things for years and was about to cause another student to commit suicide but luckily the police caught her and was later on thrown in prison for the crimes she has committed even her own mother disowned the girl of what kind of monster she has raised and will never see her former daughter ever again and not only that but it turns out the she also was willing to work with a terrorist in which she admitted it when the police were taking her away from the Agreste mansion while also having everything she worked on for her life stripped away and was later fired by Gabriel Agreste for he would not want a bad influence like this girl anywhere near his company and was only doing this for money and fame. We also got reports from what she has been spilling on a website that a student from the school I mention who did such wonderful things and helped a lot of people but it turns out they were all lies even Jagged Stone himself admitted that he didn't know this girl or explained to why she lied about saving his cat of which the famous rock star is allergic to fur and has always had his pet crocodile Fang with him for years even the Prince himself Ali was furious of what he found out about what this girl was spilling about him and will not have a girl like Lila Rossi spilling lies about him or any other famous person that Miss Rossi has lied to and she received many lawsuits and restraining order towards her for what she truly was. A liar, a thief, a bully, a murderer, and a person who was working alongside the terrorist known as Hawk Moth.

Now the Akuma class were in shock and horror of what they just heard and decided to look up on the internet and try to prove that Lila was a good person and not a liar of which they couldn't find anything about her except for the LadyBlog. Alya was getting mean and harsh comments of having someone like Lila on her blog and started calling her the killers friend and learn to fact check your work you useless reporter. They all looked and check everything but so far nothing came up and then they realize the promises that Lila made were all lies and they now know that they have destroyed their dreams forever.

Marinette along with her friends were in shock of that Lila did such horrible things besides lying and wanted to know who exposed her and had her thrown in prison and didn't know that she worked with Hawk Moth until they saw Nadja pull up the video of Lila contacting Hawk Moth about sending out an Akuma for her.

And to prove it we have video of miss Rossi asking to be Akumatized but nothing came to her in which she exposed herself to the city of Paris and to the world that she is a threat and needed to be locked away.


Marinette and her true friends: She was working for Hawk Moth.(All said in thought)


Captain Freeman: Shut up you menace! First hurting innocent people wasn't enough now working with a terrorist you are going to the slammer for a long time. Men get this psycho out of her and make sure she doesn't try anything foolish.

Officers: Sir yes Sir!

Lila: DAM YOU HAWK MOTH!!!!!!!! DAM YOU PARIS!!! DAM YOU........

Officer: TASER! TASER!

And that everyone is who Lila Rossi is a liar, a thief, a manipulator, a bully and a complete psycho path who threatens others to get what she wants and now working with Hawk Moth makes her more of a threat in which the judge has found her guilty of all charges and has sentence her to life in prison where she will remain there for the rest of her life. As for the LadyBlog that was created by a student named Alya, as of this now your blog will be permanently shut down and removed for believing this dangerous girl as well as getting lawsuits from every news company who will not allow someone like you who doesn't fact check their work and just listens to whatever comes out of the mouth of miss Rossi. As for those who took the liars side in the bullying you all will get harsh punishments from your families of which we have videos of you all attacking an innocent girl named Marinette Dupain Cheng who I came to know her as my daughter's big sister and care taker in which I am ashamed of the parents for not seeing their children who became such awful bullies and almost brought Miss Dupain Cheng to her death and hope you learn from your mistakes and not believe in someone without fact checking their sources. And if you want to look up Lila Rossi's criminal record check out the site most wanted criminals and you will know this is Nadja Chamack with the news good day.

As soon as the news ended all hell went loose in the classroom in which the Akuma class screamed and yelled for what they have done and for what Lila did to them including the lies they were told as well as loosing their chances of their dream jobs that Lila will get them in the future but they were all lies. Alya broke down that he blog was filled with lies and now is being shut down for not fact checking her work as well as going to get the worst punishment from her family that their daughter became someone who bullied a former best friend to death as well as did such awful things to the others. Rose called Prince Ali and then was told that he is cutting all ties with her because she believed in a liar without doing fact checked and that brought the small girl into tears of sadness while the others were not doing so well either and feel like they became the fools but they it turns out they are the fools for falling for Lila lies.

Marinette and her friends on the other hand were filled with such excitement and joy that Lila was finally gone from their lives and her lies were exposed on live television that people around the world heard and wanted to celebrate for her being gone for good and out of their hairs. But they still want to know who exposed Lila in the first place until they looked at Y/N who was giving them a sign that saids your welcome in which they were in shock and yet filled with joy that Y/N was the one who exposed Lila and got her sent to prison in which made Marinette and the other girls who like Y/N very happy even the the guys were proud of their friend for doing something right.

Bustier then calmed the class down and began to the lesson while the Akuma class looked down in sadness as well as broken for what they have become and wanted to apologize to Marinette and her friends for what they did but Marinette wasn't going to have because they did such awful things to them and she didn't want their apologies because they believed a liar over their someone who knew them for years and simply betrayed over a bunch of fake stories and lies.

After Bustier finished the lesson with her students, they all headed to their next class and then the next and when lunch came the Akuma class tried to apologize to Marinette and her friends so that they can all be friends again but it didn't go so well.

Marinette: You want me to forgive you after everything that you have down to me! You bullied until I was almost of the brinks of death and you destroyed my stuff and posted bad things about me and my friends about doing things that I did to Lila that I didn't do!!!

Max: But how would we to know that Lila was lying?

Kagami: You are suppose to be the smart one around here, it is called the internet use it and look up the clams that Lila did bit no you just believed the words that came out her mouth. It's no wonder you all became brainless and stupid.

Chloe: I agree you all are ridiculous utterly ridiculous! It is not that hard to look something up on the internet I mean really.

Adrienne: I thought you guys were such great friends that we made in school but I guess not.

Rose: But we are sorry!!! Please forgive us!!!!

Marinette: I might forgive you Rose because you weren't bullying me or physically attacking me you were just lost and confused so you are forgiven.

Zoe: You sure Marinette?

Marinette: Yes, Rose wouldn't hurt a fly and she is too sweet.

Rose: 😢sniff....MARINETTE!!!!(Rose saids and hugs Marinette who later hugs back then goes over to Juleka to ask forgiveness in which she said she needed time and Rose can give her that)

Marinette: As for the rest of you I will not forgive because you broke my heart after you took Lila's side and almost drove me to kill myself and don't get me started on the text messages you sent me about ending my life because I almost did but I moved on and grown up and stayed close to my true friends who had my back.

Alya: We are your friends Marinette! Your my best friend!!

Y/N: You were her best friend not anymore after what you have done to her and I hate people who harm others it makes me sick.

Nino: I am with on Y/N on this one you guys caused us a lot of pain during those years and we are done with you all so we suggest that you cut your looses with us and move on because we just did.

Alya: N...Nino.....

Nino: No Alya I thought you were the one for me but I realized now you are not after you took Lila's side and brought harm to dudette as well as us so just move on and live with the consequences.

The Akuma class looked down in which they realize that their former classmates and friends were right they did do such awful things towards them as well as almost driving Marinette to kill herself making them feel worse and get the feeling that they are starting to act like Lila now when she did those awful things to the students from the other countries and bullying them. The Akuma all nod and left and decided to cut all ties with their former classmates and friend meaning nothing will be the same ever again and will try to do their research on who is telling the truth and or who is lying.

The school then ended in which Y/N went out to go to the pet store to get some food for his kitten with Chloe and Adrienne who wanted to come along with him since they wanted to spend time with him and Y/N doesn't mind them going somewhere.

Adrienne: What do you think of getting the kitten Y/N?

Y/N: I will see what they have and hopefully she will like the stuff I got her.

Chloe: Ooh! Hows about we get her some toys to play with and a nice comfy bed to sleep on.

Y/N: I will think about it bumblebee.(Y/N saids the nickname again to Chloe who blushes and smiles)

Adrienne: Oh I can help pick out the cat toys! I am excellent tracker of finding the best toys for a cat.

Chloe: In which you clearly are one Adrienne.

Adrienne: I am not!

Chloe: Then explain the purring?

Adrienne: I do not do that all the time?!

Y/N then took his hand and scratched underneath Adrienne chin that caused her to stop yelling and then started to act like a cat then proceeded to purr while enjoying the chin scratch.

Adrienne: PURR............

Y/N: Good kitty.

Chloe: Pffff.....hehehe you were saying Adrienne.

Adrienne: Hmph!...Shut up......Purr......

Chloe: Whatever.

Adrienne: Meow......GASP!(Adrienna meows then gasped then closed her mouth shut)

Y/N: Did you just meow just now?

Adrienne: Uh not at all...cough!...anyway shall we get going to the pet store. Come on Y/N I know the way to get them.(Adrienne saids and takes Y/N's hand while Chloe grabbed the other)

Chloe: Yea we will both show you the way together.

Both of them took Y/N's hand and all three of them walked down the street to head towards the pet store to get the kitten some things that it needs if Y/N is going to take care of it along with Hollow who is the one who brought the cat into the house in the first place.

Once they arrived at the store, they looked around for cat stuff in which Y/N found the food to feed Ma'ri while the girls picked out some nice little toys for the kitten to play with as well as a bed for it to sleep on and something for the kitten to go to the bathroom included since Y/N needed that for the cat. After they got everything they needed and paid for all the cat stuff they headed out together and thought about hanging out for a while. So Chloe invited Y/N with Adrienne back to the hotel to spend some time together.

When the arrived at the hotel, Adrienne thought it would be a good idea to watch a movie and so she went to find a movie for her along with Chloe and Y/N to watch while Chloe herself sat down on the couch with Y/N next to her until she started to feel a pain in her neck.

Chloe: Ah.......

Y/N: What is it?

Chloe: I been feeling a little sore with my back and neck all day for some reason.

Adrienne: Well we have been working hard in school and the other thing so maybe thats why.

Y/N: And what is the other thing?

Chloe: Oh that is a secret we girls have Y/N nothing to worry about. But still my back and neck hurt like crazy.

Y/N: Want me to give you a massage maybe that could help ease the pain.

From the minute Y/N said those words it got both Adrienne and Chloe's attention that Y/N will give out massages for sore pains in which there is no way they are denying that request.

Chloe: Oh....uh...really...I mean are you sure you want to?

Y/N: Do you want to have a sore back and neck?

Chloe: Uh never mind so how do you want to do this?

Y/N: Just lay on the couch and I will do the work and just relax yourself.

Chloe did what she was told and landed flat on the couch and await Y/N to begin while also getting excited to feel Y/N's touch and was wondering how he is going to massage her.

Y/N: Alright here I go just let me know if you feel something.

Chloe: Alright.

When then started to place his hands on Chloe in which caused her to gasp and then felt something that made her heat up in which she was feeling the parts of her body that Y/N was massaging and it felt amazing that Chloe was starting to blush madly.

Chloe: feels......ooh.....I can't......I......oh my gosh......

Chloe was moaning with the pleasure of Y/N massaging her in which Adrienne looked to see and was blushing and feeling the heat getting to her of what she was hearing and seeing with her own eyes and was hearing how Chloe was moaning and getting the pleasure of being massaged by Y/N.

Adrienne: Does it really feel that amazing.....

Chloe: OH MY GOSH HE IS HITTING THE GOOD SPOTS OF MY BODY!!!! I NEVER FELT THIS WAY BEFORE AND OH MY THIS FEELS LIKE I AM BEING PLEASED BY A GOD...A TOTALLY HOT AND ATTRACTIVE GOD!!!!(Chloe saids in thought while her face was turning red and sweating while continuing to moan)

Y/N: Looks like she has been working hard, I can't say I blame her.(Y/N saids in thought)

After Y/N was finished, Chloe was breathing heavenly as well as holding herself of the pleasure massage she received and to her it felt amazing that cause her too blush and heat up all over her body.

Chloe: Path.....that was....path...path....amazing....path path...thank you Y/N....I feel...path....amazing now.....path.. path....

Y/N: You're welcome I think?

Chloe: Oh that is a man right there not wait that is a god with such amazing fingers!(Chloe saids in thought)

Adrienne: Um Y/N can I can get one as well.....I am feeling a little sore myself.

Y/N: Very well lay down and I will do you.

Adrienne: YES!(Adrienne saids in thought with excitement)

Five minutes later Adrienne was breathing more heavenly then Chloe of which she felt more heat coming to her as well as sweat and her heart beating like crazy meaning she too enjoyed the massage as well and felt her whole tingling and couldn't help it because she was the massage from a god of pure hotness.

Adrienne: I have been pleased by a very hot and good looking god....oh Y/N my love.(Adrienne saids in thought)

Y/N: Are we going to watch a movie or what?


Adrienne looked through the movies to find something to watch in which found the movie called The Mask of Zorro and thought it would it be a great movie to watch together.

Adrienne: Hows about The Mask of Zorro sound good?

Chloe: Sure why not.

Y/N: I like Zorro.

Adrienne: Great! Zorro it is!

Chloe got the popcorn ready and Adrienne got the drinks while Y/N sits on the couch when the girls came back with the stuff and sat next to him and decided to move closer to the guy who didn't mind having two girls he knows close to him.

Adrienne and Chloe: This is the best day of my life!(Both said in thought)

The movie then started of which Y/N was impressed with the skills of Zorro from the old and the new as well as the battles that were fought against their enemies. Chloe loved the romance scenes from the movie where Zorro(Alejandro) and Elena kissed during their fight. Adrienne basically loved all the scenes in the movie though the part of Diego passing was sad for her and Chloe while Y/N admired the original Zorro for what he has done to reunite with his long lost daughter and make Alejandro the new Zorro. The soundtrack of the movie was what got everyones attention because it sounded it amazing including the ending song.

When the movie ended Y/N told the girls he needs to head home now and give the cat something to eat which the girls understood and told Y/N that they had fun having him with them and want to do something else when he is free.

Y/N: I enjoyed the movie thank you for inviting me.

Chloe: You are welcome Y/N and thanks for hanging out with us.

Adrienne: Really appreciated.

Then soon both gave Y/N a kiss on the cheek that made Y/N look at them for a minute before leaving the room while both girls were blushing crimson of what they did and couldn't believe what they did was unexpected.

Chloe: Oh my gosh I kissed him!

Adrienne: We both did! And...and it was....

Chloe: I can't even form words anymore!

But then soon their talk came to an end when they heard a sound coming from outside and they know what it means.


Both girls looked outside the hotel window and saw what looks like a giant walking candy man that was made out of lollipops meaning that a sentimonster has appeared.

Adrienna and Chloe got the call from their leader Ladybug(Marinette) and both transformed into their heroin forms and went off to deal with the sentimonster with their teammates.

Meanwhile with Y/N who was in the the elevator was having a conversation with Hollow.

Hollow: Hehehe wow now you got more girls kissing you, I have to say if I didn't know any better Y/N maybe you are forming a harem with the girls you spent time with.

Y/N: This again Hollow seriously.

Hollow: What it could happened you just have to believe it.

Y/N: Sigh...

Hollow: Well let's change the subject then, what did you get for our little Ma'ri at the pet store?

Y/N: Some food, toys, a place for her to go to the bathroom, and a bed to sleep on if she sleeps on it or not.

Hollow: Oh that sounds great I am sure she will love it.

Y/N: I hope so.

Hollow: Yea and maybe we can......

Y/N: Hollow what is it?

Hollow: Y/N I sense the peacock miraculous is close.

Y/N: How close?

Hollow: Very close I think it is about time we take back Duusuu.

Y/N: Very well.

Y/N and Hollow went outside together and once they were they spotted someone dressed in all dark blue and purple that looked like a bird and carrying a feather fan which they looked to see it was Mayura herself.

Hollow: Thats her alright and I want my friend back.(Hollow saids with some venom in her voice)

Y/N: Like I said before I will get them back and crush both Hawk Moth and Mayura.

Hollow: Let's do it Y/N.

Y/N: Hollow, Raise The Shadows.(Y/N saids then changes into Shadow Knight)

With Mayura herself, she was observing the heroes facing off against her sentimonster that she summoned when she saw a child wanting candy but instead created a candy monster to cause destruction and chaos.

Mayura: Hawk Moth this Mayura, the distraction is working perfectly as we planed.(Mayura saids while speaking to her boss on call)

Hawk Moth: Excellent Mayura keep it up until soon their miraculous will be mine.

Mayura: Considered it done Hawk Moth. I will keep you posted of what is going on.

Hawk Moth: Make sure you do.

When Mayura ended the call with Hawk Moth she went back to observe the battle between her creation and the heroes until all of sudden she felt a chill down her spine.

Mayura: Why all of sudden I feel cold?(Mayura saids while feeling the chill all over her body)

So you decided to show your face Mayura. KYOOH! KYOOH!

Mayura: That voice.....he can't be here...we are so close.

Mayura looked around her to find where the voice of the dark warrior is but couldn't spot him anywhere until she felt something that made her freeze.

Mayura: Gah!...what..why can't I move my body?

You truly think I will allow you to leave with the peacock miraculous in your possession think again.



Mayura looked behind her and saw the dark figure with the mask and blade on his belt and it looked like Mayura was in the presence of fear itself.

Shadow Knight: I have been expecting you Mayura, we meet face to face for the first time.

Mayura: So you are the one that we saw during the battles with the heroes as well as in the procession of a miraculous that saids to be more powerful than the ones Ladybug and Kitty Noir have.

Shadow Knight: I see that Nooroo and Duusuu informed you both of my miraculous as well as Hollow I must say I am impressed.

Mayura: I have never met a miraculous holder like you before not even Hawk Moth of which he was thinking of taking your miraculous as well.

Shadow Knight: Then he is a fool because mine will not work on him because the miraculous I wear can cause pain for who ever tried to take away what belongs to me.

Mayura: You really think that, well hows about I ask something of you but first mind letting me go so I could talk.

Shadow Knight knows what Mayura is planing and we let her do it then he will finish the job and take away the miraculous of the peacock.

Shadow Knight: As you wish.

Mayura: Now then, instead of fighting each other why not I ask a proposal.

Shadow Knight: I am listening.

Mayura: I will make you a deal, myself and Hawk Moth will give up our miraculous if you help us get the miraculous of Ladybug and Kitty Noir so that Hawk Moth can have his wish and you can have both the butterfly and peacock miraculous.

Shadow Knight: Tell me why he wants the miraculous first then I will make my decision.

Mayura: He wants the miraculous to undo a mistake he made long ago and he believed merging the two miraculous together and making a wish will change all of that.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Shadow Knight: And what was the mistake he made long ago.

Mayura: I am afraid I can not give you that information since it is classified.

Shadow Knight: Classified you say how so.

Mayura: I will tell you if you join us and help us get the miraculous from the heroes.(Mayura saids and walks towards Shadow Knight and holds out her hand)

Shadow Knight: I will join if you and Hawk Moth stop with the whole mess you cause to this city and no more harming innocent lives.

Mayura: We promise.(Mayura saids with an evil smile)

Shadow Knight knows she is lying just like Lila because he read her thoughts and decided to make his move on the villain.

Mayura: Do we have a deal because if not then no getting mine or Hawk Moth's miraculous.

Shadow Knight: Then you will die and I will take the miraculous from you by force.

Mayura: What........ARRRRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!(Mayura saids then screams when Shadow Knight slices off her hand in a blink of an eye)

Mayura held her injury where her hand used to be and fell over to the ground in pain while Shadow Knight was moving towards her with his blade.


Mayura: Please! Stop you don't understand!!!

Shadow Knight: Did you truly think I will fall for your lies Mayura. Did you truly think I will work with pathetic weaklings like you and Hawk Moth think again.

Mayura: No!...I wasn't lying to you I was serious!!!

Shadow Knight: I read your thoughts you were lying and I hate liars and so I will be taking your miraculous now.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Mayura: Hawk Moth needs the miraculous!!!!

Shadow Knight: Then tell me why and I will let you live.

Mayura: I cannot do that, I will not disobey my bosses wishes.

Shadow Knight: Then I will take the information from your head myself.

Shadow Knight then lifted his hand up and place towards Mayura's head to look into her subconscious and find out why Hawk Moth wants the miraculous.

Mayura: will...not.....allow know!!!!

Shadow Knight: You will have no choice, now show me everything.

Shadow Knight got into Mayura's head and saw everything and saw who Hawk Moth really is as well as the identity of Mayura and why Hawk Moth wants the miraculous of Ladybug and Kitty Noir.

Mayura: AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!(Mayura screams in pain while Shadow Knight got the information he needed)

Shadow Knight: So the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste is Hawk Moth and you are his assistant Natalie. He wants to bring back his wife Emilee from the magical coma due to a broken miraculous of the peacock.

Mayura: I am sorry sir I failed you.......I am so sorry Hawk Moth.

Shadow Knight: You have served your purpose and I thank you for the information.

Hawk Moth: Mayura are the heroes still there? Mayura can you hear me.(Hawk Moth saids through the feather fan)

Mayura: Hawk Moth! HELP I AM.....GULP!


Shadow Knight: She is no longer aloud to speak because she is on hold now.


Shadow Knight: Oh wouldn't you like to know Hawk Moth or should I say Gabriel Agreste.

The call was silent now in which Hawk Moth couldn't find any words to say but then remembers the voice that he heard in which was the dark figure and if he is with Mayura then that means, Mayura is in trouble.

Shadow Knight: And don't bother denying it because I took the information from Mayura or should I say Natalie your assistants head and I found out why you want the miraculous of Ladybug and Kitty Noir for, well your plan for that will never come Gabriel because your time has come.

Hawk Moth: WHERE IS SHE?!!! TELL ME NOW!!!!!

Shadow Knight: She is being forced into retirement and she will no longer have any memory of you or the miraculous and any memory of being Mayura. You both chose your fait and you didn't heed my warning and now you both will suffer the consequences.


Call Ended

Shadow Knight: Sorry your call has be canceled Hawk Moth.

Mayura: Please.......I....I......

Shadow Knight: You will no longer remember Gabriel or the things you and him have done to this city and its people and for that I will be taking the miraculous of the peacock now.

Shadow Knight snatched the miraculous of the peacock from Mayura of which now she changes back to her civilian self known as Natalie but still had her hand missing but Shadow Knight decided to stop the bleeding and then face Natalie who was shivering in fear.

Natalie: What are you going to do with me......

Shadow Knight: I told you will die but I have decided to let you live.

Natalie: You will....

Shadow Knight: Not before erasing your memory of being a villain and working with Hawk Moth of who I will soon come for him and take away his miraculous and you will have no memory of him.

Natalie: Nooo!!!! Wait let me!!!!

Shadow Knight: ERASE!

Shadow Knight uses his power to erase Natalie's memory and after that she fell unconscious on the ground and will no longer have any memory of previous self or Gabriel because they both did horrible things to people and deserve punishment.

Shadow Knight: Now that Mayura in taken care of, it is your turn now Gabriel and I will get back Nooroo from you and then I will destroy you. The peacock miraculous will now be in the hands of someone who will take good care of it as well as treat the kwami with respect and not be used as a villains weapon.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Shadow Knight then took Natalies unconscious body and destroyed the hand that he cut off so that it cannot be traced and later dropped off the woman near a hospital without anyone knowing and as soon as doctors and nurses saw Natalie they took her in and treated her until she wakes up.

With the heroes who were dealing with the sentimonster, while they were battling it all of sudden it reverted back into a white feather and blew away that left Ladybug and her team confused of what happened and couldn't place it.

Ladybug: Did the sentimonster just vanished?

Princess Vixen: Looks like it but why though?

Kitty Noir: Maybe something happened while we were battling it. Maybe Mayura decided to leave and attend to something else.

Ladybug: Something is not adding up. We should do some patrols around the city just to be on the sage side.

Princess Vixen: Good idea.

Soon Ladybug did her cure and fixed everything without using the charm and both herself along with Princess Vixen and Kitty Noir headed off to patrol the city.

Shadow Knight saw the heroines leave in which he did the same after he got the peacock miraculous and decided to change back and headed home with Hollow along with Duusuu who is still inside the miraculous.

Once Shadow Knight changes back into his civilian form, he headed back to his place with the cat stuff that he bought for Ma'ri. Y/N made it home and opened the door to see Ma'ri walking towards her owner and began to snuggle around Y/N's legs.


Y/N: Hello Ma'ri, I got you some stuff from the store as well as food, bed, potty and other stuff.

Purr...(Ma'ri purrs while being pet under the chin by Y/N)

Y/N gave Ma'ri a ball and once he did, the cat started to play with it and was then soon hugging it inside the cute little kittens paws.


Y/N: Looks like you like your toys good to know.

Hollow: Y/N you did it! You got the peacock miraculous back!

Y/N: I told you I would now you can see your friend again.

Once Y/N placed the peacock miraculous on the counter it began to glow and out came a kwami that looked like a small peacock and had blue skin and feathers meaning that Duusuu has made her appearance.

Duusuu: Whoah what happened where am I? This doesn't look like Hawk Moth's lair?

Hollow: Duusuu.......

Duusuu: GASP!...HH....Hollow......

Hollow: DUUSUU!!!!!!

Duusuu: HOLLOW!!!!!

Both kwami's floated to each other and hugged for being separated for so long and are now reunited again and let out tears of joy while Y/N showed a small smile at the seeing his kwami and the other being together again.

Hollow: I missed you so much.

Duusuu: We missed you too Hollow both me and Nooroo.

Hollow: I am so sorry that Hawk Moth used you both for evil and I want to find him and make him pay.

Duusuu: I know he abused our power for his own doing but now that you saved me I no longer have to be used by him anymore.

Hollow: And it was all thanks to my holder here.

Duusuu: Really I would like to meet him.

Hollow: I will introduce you to him follow me.

Both kwami's floated towards Y/N who was attending to the cat when he sees both Hollow and Duusuu flying towards him.

Hollow: Duusuu this is my holder Y/N Sky. Y/N this Duusuu.

Duusuu: Nice to meet you Y/N and thank you for saving me from Hawk Moth and Mayura, as well as taking good care of Hollow for both myself and Nooroo.

Y/N: My pleasure Duusuu.

Duusuu: And as of today I am your kwami now since Hawk Moth wasn't that much of a care taker or Mayura but I think for you Y/N you look like someone who will take good care of me.

Y/N: I will but first is there a way to fix the miraculous because went I took the information I need about Mayura and Hawk Moth I found out that the miraculous got broken.

Duusuu: Yes indeed it is broken in which my holder used it and it caused her health to get worse.

Y/N: Just like Emilee Agreste.

Hollow: So Gabriel Agreste is Hawk Moth and he wants to use the miraculous to bring back his wife from the coma and does he know if he makes that wish another life must take the other persons place.

Y/N: In which I am not going to let him do that because he could cause the deaths of millions included.

Duusuu: Oh that would be catastrophic.

Hollow: Don't worry we will not let that happened and we will get Nooroo back.

Y/N: Before that we need to fix the peacock miraculous.

Hollow: Well luckily for me I know the secrets of fixing a damaged miraculous because spent years reading that old book that Wang Fu lost and I know how to fix the peacock miraculous in which I memorize the ingredients to help repair the damages.

Y/N: Good then soon Hawk Moth end will come and then we can get back to helping the city with the other problems running around.

Duusuu: I like your holder already Hollow.

Hollow: He is the greatest and speaking of which you haven't eaten anything at all Duusuu because if you like there are seeds in the cabinet for you so help yourself.

Duusuu: YIPPY!

Hollow and Y/N: Oh boy.....(Both shaking their heads)

With Hawk Moth who was in his lair and screaming with all his might that his plan failed again and now he lost Mayura and the peacock miraculous all because of that new holder.


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