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"Mom, you look fine," Nathaniel bemoaned when Aya walked downstairs in her third outfit, a sea-foam green button-down blouse with a pair of white pants and matching flats. "It's just career day, no one's expecting Dianna Agron."

"Isn't one of your classmates the mayor's kid?" She retorted while fluffing her hair a bit.

Nathaniel blinked. "You mean the mayor who gives into his daughter's little tantrums and was this close," he presses his thumb and pointer finger together. "To shutting down my friend's family bakery all because his daughter is a total brat with no regard for human emotions because she lacks a heart?" He said, all with a single breath.

"... Sweetie, watch your mouth. Anyway, this is the outfit I'm going with." Nathaniel sighed out of relief. He actually likes to get to school early so he can sketch in some peace. "Okay, I called Devorah, got my business cards." She pats her purse to double-check. "... Wait, no. They're not in here! Where are they?" Aya looks around the living room, checking to see where she left them before moving to the kitchen when she couldn't find them. All the while, Nathaniel is contemplating whether or not to leave without her. She knows the way to the school.

"Ha! Found them!" Aya beamed as she grabbed the small stack of business cards off of the kitchen counter. "Cannot leave these!" Career Day- most people don't know this- is a day for parents to network and meet people... This ain't about the kids! Nathan's class has a bakery owner, a cafe owner, and the head chef of the mayor's hotel, and it couldn't hurt to exchange business cards around between the four of them. "Okay, let's head out- Nathan!" She yelled when the young redhead was halfway out the door.

"You know the way to school," he groaned.


Sabrina always dreaded Career Day. It's just another reminder that no one's particularly fond of her dad or just law enforcement in general after Mr. Pigeon and Stoneheart. It only seemed to get worse when videos and memes have been spreading with the hashtags IncompitentCops, JustBadCops, and PoliceBlooperNominees. Alya and Marinette weren't the only ones the day of Ivan's second Akumatization recording. These other guys were there, too, comparing the squad to the police from that weird American cartoon where everyone is yellow. And it didn't help when they got footage of Ikati Black yelling at Roger for insulting Scarlet Beetle. Fortunately, Bug and Cat Chat has been drowning it all out, but it's still circulating and now people are just waiting for the police force to mess up so they can get it on video.

Plus, Career Day is just another opportunity for Chloe to hold it over her's and everyone else's heads that her dad can get anyone and everyone fired or even kicked out of the city if they don't "Obey." 'It's just eight hours,' she thought to herself as her dad parked the car. 'It's just eight hours.' Well, maybe it won't be so bad this time. Alya's sort of her friend, so if things get a little tense and Chloe's not around, the two can hang out... If she wants to, that is.

Noticing his daughter's thoughtful look out of the corner of his eye, Roger squeezed her shoulder a bit. "Hey, it's gonna be great this year. Don't worry about what Chloe has to say, alright?"

Sabrina only shrugged. "I guess," she said, trying her best to sound optimistic, but Roger's been the single father of a daughter long enough to know better.

"... You know... That white cardigan you saw at the mall last week is on sale for- I believe fifty percent off?" Seeing Sabrina's eyes light up, he smiles. "If all goes well, and I can see that smile I love so much," Sabrina couldn't suppress a giggle. "Maybe, just maybe we can stop by and see if they have your size."

The ginger-haired girl smiled. "Thanks, dad." Once Roger put the car into park, she wrapped her arms around him for a hug, one he happily returned.


"Mr. Dupain-Cheng?" The baker nearly had a heart attack when The Gabriel Agreste approached him. His face is in quite a few of his daughter's fashion magazines and aspiration boards, so he's done his research, made sure the guy didn't have a record, and then encouraged Marinette to strive to be like him. And now, here he is, approaching him, a humble baker. "Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father."

The burly man chuckled as he took his hand. "Tom Dupain-Cheng, Marinette's father. And no need for introductions, my daughter's been admiring your work since she was five. What can I do for you?" 'Oh, please say you'd like caterers.' To work for a big-shot like Gabriel Agreste would really put the bakery on the map.

"Well, first a business card if you don't mind," he asked, and Tom quickly searched through his pockets for a card. "Adrien goes on non-stop about your pastries, and frankly, I'd like to see what all the fuss is. He said, and I quote, 'Marinette brought it some passion fruit macarons, and I could not stop smiling.'" The two fathers laughed, paying no attention to Adrien's cries of embarrassment as Nino patted his shoulder for comfort.

Tom hands him a business card. "You know, Marinette designed these herself. Even created the font." Career Day may be for the parents, but he wants his little girl's name out there, too.

"She's certainly got an eye for detail," Gabriel commended. "I'm not surprised, after all, she won my contest a few weeks ago. You must be very proud, sir." While the other man beamed, he continued, "Now, if she's ever interested in an internship, you give me a call." He hands Tom one of his cards. "Besides, Adrien could use someone his age around during shoots. Being around the adults, the home-schooling, and having those 90s sitcoms to watch every day, I just want to make sure he's developing well- socially."

Before Tom could respond, Mme. Bustier announced, "Alright, it's time for the parents to give a little run-down of their jobs! I know we usually go in alphabetical order, but let's have the mother of one of our new students come up and introduce herself. Marlene Cesaire."

Marlene, dressed in her chef's uniform steps to the front of the classroom, all smiles and just radiating a kind disposition. "Hello, everyone. I'm Marlene, Alya's mother." The auburn-haired girl preened. "And I am the head chef at the Grand Paris hotel-"

"Owned by my daddy, the mayor!" Chloe loudly announced just like every year ever since her father got elected, annoying not only the students but the parents as well. Anya Bruel brought earplugs just to put in when the mayor starts talking. Because that's when Chloe really started talking. "She's just a servant," she dismissed with a wave of her hand, the light coming from the window reflecting off of her jewel-studded gold bracelet.

Emmet Lavillant scoffed and whispered to Anarka. "Who brings such an expensive piece of jewelry to a school of all places? Look, it'll fall off her wrists." The grey-haired woman nodded in agreement.

Marlene didn't look the slightest bit bothered. After a long... Long day working for that girl and her father, she comes home to a meal prepared by her husband, Alya, Ella, and Etta telling her about their days, then she hits the gym with Nora and takes out her frustration on a punching bag. And when she needs to relieve some stress at work, she'll bend a ladle and then straighten it back out. It keeps her from snapping at the other chefs because she doesn't want to yell at them unless they absolutely deserve it.

Mme. Bustier offered her a blue stress ball, but Marlene gently pushed it away and continued. "Actually, I am not a servant. Yes, I cook meals for guests who come into the hotel, but I also oversee all of the chefs who work there. I'm in charge of all activities related to the kitchen, which usually include creating menus, managing kitchen staff, ordering and purchasing stock and equipment, plating design, enforcing nutrition, safety, and sanitation, and ensuring the quality of the meals that are served in the restaurant." She looks up at her daughter giving a thumbs up and a proud look.

Chloe scoffed. "Whatever. You serve me, you're a servant."

"Jealous that you can't make a fancy five-course meal?" Marinette smirked, her fist out for Nino's fist bump.

"Well, why would I want to touch a bunch of dirty flour, anyway?" Chloe retorted with her nose turned up in distaste. The chefs in the room rolled their eyes. This girl wouldn't last a day in their kitchens.

Before Marinette could respond, Tom rested a hand on her shoulder with a soft look that say, 'Not now.' And Marinette relented with a fond roll of her eyes. Tom smiled. He knew from the day Marinette was born that she'd be the rebellious out-spoken type. Her lack of a filter often got her in trouble, but it only seemed to be when she was defending a friend of hers. When she was four, a boy stole Nino's juice box and she did not hold back on the insults. Honestly, it was more like a psychological takedown.

He and Sabine were proud they had a daughter who wasn't afraid to speak her mind... But, when it came to the mayor's daughter, they're just a bit afraid of what she'll try to do to Marinette. The girl almost got their bakery shut down, and that was the family as a whole! The worst part was that it was all over a ludicrous misunderstanding the Bourgeois family did not apologize for when the Dupain-Cheng's managed to keep their bakery and home.

So, whenever they're around the heiress, the couple tries to reign Marinette in before she can mouth off the girl... No matter how much of a reality check she could use.

Mm.e Bustier nervous chuckled, clearly sensing some of the tension in the room. "Well, why don't we hear from other parents who work in culinary?" She suggested, trying to get this moving along. Honestly, what was Damocles thinking putting these girls in the same class again? 'Seven more hours,' she reminded herself. "How about, Aya Kurtzberg?"

The other red-haired woman whom Caline swears has to be a distant relative does some motherly things to Nathaniel, leaving him embarrassed before she made her way to the front. "Hi, everyone! I'm Aya, Nathan's mom." The young redhead sank into his seat when a few eyes trailed over to him. "And I own a diner. All the food is kosher if anyone's wondering. I have a total of four employees who help with cooking, working the register, and serving-"

"MY BRACELET!" Chloe suddenly screamed.

Aya glowered at the source of the interruption. "Dear, I'm sorry if there's a stain on your bracelet, but that's no reason-"

"No, you lousy excuse for a baker!" She dumps the contents of her purse on the table. "My bracelet is gone!"

Nathaniel shoots up from his seat. "Don't talk to my mom like that! You probably just lost that stupid bracelet on your own!" Kim gave a low whistle and whispered to Max, "They finally dropped."

Mayor Bourgeois turned to the boy. "Do not harass my daughter!" All of the students stared slack-jawed at the politician. He's telling one of them not to harass Chloe? "Her property has been stolen, and no one is leaving this room until we search every bag in this room! Starting with yours'."

Aya storms forward and jabs her finger at the man's chest. "Don't you raise your voice at my son! And he was sitting there the entire time! How could he get up and steal her bracelet without anyone noticing?" All of the parents gave the mayor expectant looks, daring him to say something in defense of himself.

Chloe gets up and storms over to Marinette and Alya's desk, practically jamming her finger into the Eurasian girl's face. "Then you stole it! And now your greasy baker hands are probably getting it all dirty, and-"

"Get your damn finger out of my face, Bourgeois!" She snapped, smacking Chloe's hand away as she screamed over her broken nail.

"You're paying for my manicure! Better hope that dump you live in will be enough to pay for it!"

Nino chuckled as he pointed his phone at the two. "Catfight alert." His aunt lightly smacked the back of his head for that remark.

Alix shoots up from her seat despite her father's protests. "Cram it, blondie! You're not kicking Marinette and her family onto the streets again! And if you're so rich, you can pay for the damn nail job yourself!"

The blonde sputtered for a moment. "Well see if your lame dad still has a job at that museum!" Alim paled at those words while Alix and the other students felt rage boiling inside of them.

Emmet's jaw dropped. "Mayor Bourgeois, are you going to allow your daughter to threaten our livelihoods, now? Over some little bracelet that should not have even come with her to school in the first place?!"

"How dare you blame my daughter for this?" He gestures to Chloe who's putting on a show of innocence. And when he's not looking, she smirks a vindictive smirk. "And if my daughter says Mary-Anne-"

"Marinette!" The bluenette furiously corrected.

"Stole her bracelet, then we are searching her bag this instant!"

Marinette looked eerily calm for a moment, and a feeling of dread washed over them when she picked up her pink messenger bag off the floor. The Bourgeois' looked triumphant for a moment until Marinette threw her bag at Chloe's face with just a bit too much force so she fell on her back. Sabrina didn't even make a move to help her up. "Have at it, you spoiled little-" Alya quickly slaps a hand over her mouth, earning a relieved sigh from Tom.

After situating herself, Chloe rifled through the bag, throwing all of the contents onto the floor. Some even hit parents and students in the face. While she did this, Nino, Kim, and Max looked to their friend, who only smirked while the heiress dug her and her father's graves. The three gave a look around the classroom and saw the parents appearing appalled by their classmate's behavior. And they knew, without a doubt, they were blaming their not-so-beloved-anymore mayor.

If this is how he allows his daughter to act, jumping to conclusions and demanding probably illegal searches without any sort of motive despite her detestation of her classmates, then every adult in the room was beginning to wonder if maybe they were a little tipsy at the voting booths. Anarka knows she was... And maybe a little high, too.

Frustrated that she couldn't find her bracelet in Marinette's bag, Chloe tossed it aside, hitting Sabrina in the face. "Empty your pockets!"

"Of for the love of," groaned Anais Lahiffe. "She doesn't have it!" The Moroccan woman muttered something in Arabic that had Nino and Alim blushing. She gave her nephew a little pat on the head and then continued, "I know Marinette, and she is no thief! Besides, she's been sitting at her desk the entire time since she and her father got here, going nowhere near you before or after you had your bracelet."

"Facts," Nino said as he high-fived his aunt.

Chloe was fuming. It should not take this long for her to get her way! She points to Roger Raincomprix. "I demand you arrest her, this instant! She stole my bracelet." Roger blanched. He turns to the mayor but finds him giving an expectant look... He can't seriously be considering...

"How do you know I don't have it?" Ivan murmured, causing everyone to look at him. "Go on. Accuse me of stealing your bracelet." There was a hidden threat in there, but everyone knew Ivan wouldn't go through with it... Well, all except Chloe and her father.

"Was that a threat?' The mayor challenged.

Ivan shrugged. "Nope. I'm just wondering why she's only targeting Marinette. So, go on, Chloe. Accuse me. Here." He picks up his black messenger bag. "I'll even hand you my bag the same way Marinette did." Okay, now that was the threat because Ivan had the arm of a major league baseball player. One throw from him and Chloe could end up in a coma.

"W-well, you were sitting all the way over there!"

"So is Nath!" Alix exclaimed. "And your crackhead dad was about to check his bag first!" Alim sharply whispered for her to knock it off.

Chloe stomped her foot in frustration. These peons were supposed to fear and respect her father! "Daddy!" The mayor stood at attention like a soldier.

'Yeah, we were definitely wasted,' all of the parents thought.

"Fire her dad!" She points to Alim, and all hell broke loose.

"That is so unfair!"

"What kind of mayor are you?!"

"That girl needs a serious whooping."

"I need my lawyer."

Cutting through the commotion was the loud call of Roger's whistle. When everyone settled down, he took a few breaths. "Alright! Now let's make one thing clear- We do not go around accusing people without any sort of evidence!" He wasn't looking at them, but everyone knew that comment was directed at Chloe and her father. "Now, Miss Bourgeois," he starts, trying his best to remain civil. "Maybe you simply misplaced your bracelet-"

"You're calling me a liar, now?!" Sabrina tried to calm her down, but Chloe was on a tirade. "Daddy! Do something!"

"Roger, search the girl." He points to Marinette. Or he could if Tom hadn't stood in front of her, doing his best to look intimidating despite being scared out of his mind. "Everyone else! Empty your bags!" Noticing a few with devious expressions, he adds. "And whoever throws them at me or my daughter will be detained!"

Gabriel puts a hand on Adrien's shoulder before he could empty his bag. "I think not, Bourgeois. I've put up with you and your family for quite some time now because I believed Adrien could use a friend his age." Seeing Chloe winking at his son, he grimaced. "I have put up with your spinelessness, your wife's horrible personality, and your daughter's brattiness! My God, I'm ashamed that I helped with your campaign." How can such a sorry excuse for a family man be a mayor when he makes others miserable just to make his spoiled daughter happy? "And what is this I hear about you coming close to kicking Miss Marinette and her family out of her home? I wonder, 'Why was that not in the paper?'"

As the parents murmured, Mayor Bourgeois was starting to panic. This was supposed to be a pleasant Career Day. Chloe would boast a bit, he'd make her proud to be his daughter. Oh, why did he allow her to take her bracelet with her? Then this never would have happened! Word of this will spread to other parents, they'll convince them not to vote for him, and all he and Chloe will have is his chain of hotels across France! Yes, they'll have some sort of influence, but no power, and these heathen children will be allowed to torment his little angel relentlessly! No doubt they'll be led by that dreadful baker's daughter.

"Oh, enough of this!" He snapped, shocking even Chloe. "Roger, I demand you search her! Need I remind you that as mayor of this city, I am your superior?"

"It's against the law!" Roger shot back. He may be his superior and the father of his daughter's... Friend... But he took an oath to make sure the law treats everyone fairly! "I can't just go around searching through a child's bag or arresting her on the whims of your entitled brat of a daughter!"


"Damn," Juleka whispered.

Mayor Bourgeois took a step forward. "Be that way, because as of right now, you are fired!"

A deathly silence hung over the classroom.

"... Oh, fuck," Khuyen cursed.

"Y-you can't be serious," Roger stammered. "Over a-a missing bracelet?!"

"This is my daughter's bracelet we're talking about!" The mayor asserted while Chloe smiled smugly. She shoots a look at her classmates, daring them to try something unless they want their parents to lose their jobs, too. "You're incompetent and you're fired! Get out!"

With a solemn shake of his head, Roger walked out of the classroom in shame. "I'll pick you up after school, Sabrina."

Everyone had almost forgotten about the young ginger. One look at the girl and they could tell she was horrified by what just happened. Her father, a single man now had no job, no way to provide for the both of them! Chloe claims to be not only Sabrina's best friend but her only friend. And this is how she treats her? By having her father fired so they'll probably end up on the streets, and all over a bracelet?!

Alya was quick to run over to Sabrina, making sure to push Chloe aside with a little too much force. It's not her fault Nora takes her to the gym on Saturdays. "Hey, you're okay. It's gonna be fine," she said gently when Sabrina's breathing was starting to come out shaky.

"H-how could she... She got- she got my d-dad fired. I gotta l-live on the st-streets now- How could she?!"

"It's official," Juleka murmured. "The girl has snapped."

Chloe scoffed. "Drama queen. Now everyone, empty your bags! Or I'll just call Scarlet Beetle and have him take care of everything! He practically adores me!" Unbeknownst to her and others, Kim felt bile rising up in his throat.


Max panicked for a moment until the parents argued once again with the mayor over their childrens' rights. Fortunately, his mother was one of the people getting in the Mayor's face and Kim was checking on Sabrina with Alya so he could check in on Plagg and give him a proper scolding.

"What were you thinking?" He hissed as the destruction Kwami came from under the table with Chloe's bracelet stuck on his big head. "H-how could you possibly mistake that for cheese?"

"I mean, it was in a dish shaped like a cheese box," Plagg reasoned. "If anything, you should blame false advertising."

He tried very hard not to scream right now because this was bad. If he doesn't find a way to get the bracelet back into Chloe's bag, then the mayor's probably gonna start firing more parents unless someone speaks up. Honestly, were these people drunk when they voted for him?

"I never liked the land lover, but you can't just fire him over nothing!" Anarka yelled.

Max sighed. With all of the commotion, he reached into his bag and pulled out a small bottle of lotion. Max didn't really use lotion, but when he got his Miraculous, he started carrying around a travel-size bottle just in case his ring finger ever got swollen and he needed to remove his Miraculous before it cut off circulation... It's not weird.

He squeezed a little bit onto his finger and rubbed it around Plagg's head, making the Kwami squirm around and spit out some of the cucumber-scented lotion. Max gripped the bracelet with one hand, pressed down on Plagg's head with the other, and in a quick second, Plagg was free. Now comes the really hard part... Getting it back into Chloe's bag without looking like the thief even though he isn't, but Chloe won't care and demand he be arrested.

'You've got this, Max. You're smart, you're a superhero. If you can defeat Akuma, you can figure this out.'


'You were able to transform and send off an Akuma in a public park, you can figure this out.'

He needs to Akumatize Roger, now while he's still feeling betrayed. But how can he get out of the classroom?... Maybe... Nathaniel opens the side pocket of his messenger bag and whispers to the Kwami, "Can you make an Akuma?" Nooroo's eyes widened. While it was possible, it was also dangerous for a Kwami to use their powers without a holder to balance them out. And Nooroo's never created an Akuma on his own before, not in centuries! He doesn't even know if...

When an origami butterfly was pressed into his little hands, he looked up at Nooroo with an unsure expression until the redhead gave him a reassuring smile. With a nod, Nooroo snuck out of the classroom, an easy feat since everyone was yelling at the mayor or Chloe, shouting for a lawyer, or comforting Sabrina.

... Here's hoping he remembers how to do this.


"What are you not getting, you oaf?!" Claudia screamed, and never once before had Max seen his mother so angry. "You cannot demand an illegal search on your daughter's whims and then threaten us with termination and blacklisting! Have you no shame, you udoti?!"

Chloe scoffed before he father could get a word in. "As if he has to take lip from a subway worker!" If Max weren't being held back by Rose and Juleka, he would've slapped the smug look off of her face. His mother was much more than a subway worker, and she'd prove it to everyone very soon.

"Stay out of this, you insolent child!" The woman retorted. "This is about an invasion of our children's rights and privacy all over a tacky bracelet!" Chloe gasped, shocked by the insult. "Your bracelet probably rolled out of your purse and is somewhere in the halls! Ever think about that, Mayor Bourgeois?"

The man seethed, "Madame, I suggest you-"

"What?" Khuyen challenged. "Are you going to fire her, too? For speaking the truth? Face it, Bourgeois, if you fire all of us as you did with poor Roger, people are going to get suspicious as to why the parents of an entire class were fired in a single day by the 'beloved Mayor of Paris'. Investigations will be made, we'll give testimonies, and we'll see what the people still think of you and your daughter."

"Y-you can't do that!" Chloe stammered, and before she could say anything else, she noticed Lahiffe holding up his phone. He was recording everything! Well, not on her watch! "Hand over your phone, Lahiffe!" She went to snatch it, but Ivan stood in front of the capped boy, glaring down at the blonde and prompting her to back away. "Daddy! Take his phone! He was recording everything illegally!"

Mme. Bustier arched an eyebrow. "Actually, Chloe, Nino was given full permission to record today's events so he could email the video to the parents." She grabs her tablet off of her desk. "As sort of a souvenir, if you will. The parents each signed an online consent form, and so did the students... Even you." She turns her tablet towards the girl so she can clearly see her cursive signature.

Chloe's eyes shot open. Oh yeah, that was definitely her signature. "W-well, he can still use it as a form of defamation-"

"Give it a rest, already!" Mylene suddenly shouted, startling her father.

"Oh, enough of this," muttered the mayor, rubbing his temples as if he were the only one in this room in need of an aspirin. "I'm going straight to the principal of this school! If your children won't respect me, then they will most certainly respect him!" And with that, he stormed out of the classroom.

"Ooh, I'm so scared," Marinette fake-cried before sticking out her tongue.

"Don't worry," Mme. Bustier whispered Emmet, who she noticed was looking worried. "If Damocles tries anything, a few teachers and I have been keeping records of his... Less-than-perfect track record with the students- I am talking unfair expulsions, and no disciplinary action taken against the more influential students."

While everyone muttered amongst themselves, Nathaniel was the one to notice Nooroo phasing through one of the walls. The Kwami flew into his jacket pocket and gave his version of a thumbs up. Should be any moment...

The door exploded inwards, a cloud of cement dust and wood chippings obscuring everyone's vision for a while until it cleared to reveal what the parents could only describe as an upgraded futuristic version of Robo-Cop.

"Man, that takes me back," Fred chuckled.

"Where is the mayor?" He demanded in an automated voice, but Sabrina recognized it instantly.


Mme. Bustier stepped forward, wearing a calm expression and trying to mask her fear. "W-we're not sure where the Mayor is, but-"

"Are you lying?" He asked without missing a beat, and the teacher really wished she could curse right now.

"... No," she weakly lied. "No. No, I am not lying-"

And with horrible timing, the mayor's voice could be heard just from down the hall. "I demand that you conduct a search on those unruly children! One of them has stolen my daughter's bracelet!" The Robo-Cop copy side-eyed Mme. Bustier, making her sweat bullets as the mayor continued with his threat. "Or your job will be on the line, sir! I am talking blacklisting, I will even shut down this school if I have to!"

She nervously chuckled and pulled on the collar of her jacket. "That, uh... Must be the other class. I hear one student has improv performers for parents." Clearly, he wasn't convinced. "Heh... Well, then... EVERYONE, RUN!" Using all of the strength she developed thanks to her weekly pilates class, Mme. Bustier leg-swept the armored police officer, making him trip and fall to the floor with a loud thud, allowing her and everyone else to run out of the classroom. However, Sabrina's feet were glued to the floor, and so the teacher hoisted the ginger over her shoulder to rush her out - Not that she was worried her own father would hurt her, but with what happened, Mme. Bustier isn't going to leave Sabrina alone with her current mental state.

By the time Rogercop got up, the students and their parents were gone. Well, no matter. He wasn't after them anyway. Mme. Bustier will definitely be facing repercussions for assault on an officer and kidnapping his daughter, but he has more pressing matters to tend to. Before he could leave, a certain blonde blocked his way.

"Oh, I don't think so! You are going to use whatever powers Monarch gave you to find my bracelet and have that loser baker arrested!" Chloe demanded, making Rogercop roll his eyes and shove her aside so he could leave. "Hey! Do you have any idea who my father is?!"

"Your father should enjoy his political power while he can, Chloe Bourgeois," he replied ominously, shocking Chloe before making his way to the principal's office. It's time for a few changes to Paris.


"Well," Claudia exhaled as she stretched her legs. "That was an interesting Career Day, huh?" Max nodded and crouches down to pet Kareem.

"Yeah, Akumas usually don't appear this early," Max remarked, not as out of breath as his mom due to the exercise he got when fighting Akumas. When Kareem tries to lick his face, he gently pushes his head away. "Often, it's close to, or during noon when Monarch strikes. Could be he's getting bolder."

Claudia nodded. "I guess you should get comfortable." She makes her way down the wall and into her room. "Something tells me this one is going to take a while." Once her door closed, Max, followed by Kareem, heads into his bedroom and flips up a green light switch, turning on a green lightbulb just on his doorframe. This was to signal his mom and anyone else that he was working on a new project and didn't want any interruptions, or so he could slip out of his room as Ikati Black and not have anyone walk in and find his empty bedroom/lab.

With Plagg looking over his shoulder, Max types something on his laptop. "Okay... What do you think? Should I add 'Recording 7'? This Akuma may last us a while."

"Just activate the recordings through your staff, or something," Plagg whined. Feeling Kareem trying to sniff him again, Plagg hissed, and the bulldog scampered away.

"Hey, you at the moment, have no right to complain." Max shoots the Kwami a pointed look. "You stole an expensive bracelet belonging to the brattiest girl in Paris, Roger got fired, Alix's dad almost got fired, Sabrina's spiraling, there's definitely going to be some political problems after Andre tried to run an illegal search, and now there's an Akuma." Plagg rolled his eyes, not really bothered by today's events. "... Alright, I guess if I get an alert, I can play the recordings." Besides, his mom was obviously tired, going over today's events in her head, she won't be out of her room for a while. If anything, she'll spend her day making phone calls.

"Plagg, Claws Out."


Scarlet Beetle dodges the Akuma's lasers while also using his yoyo to toss his deputies away from him, feeling guilty with each one that had a harsh landing since they used to be innocent civilians. When Rogercop charges up another blast, he looks over at his upgraded police car where the Mayor and Chloe are locked in the back, both with glowing handcuffs on their wrists. He tried not to smile, but that is karma at its finest.

A quick duck before a laser could hit him, and Scarlet Beetle surged toward Rogercop. But before he could land a hit, a blur of black smashed into the heavily armored Akuma and knocked him into a wall. Hard. Once the debris cleared up, Scarlet Beetle could see his partner standing over Rogercop with a vindictive grin.

"Oh no," he groaned. As soon as the Akuma entered the classroom, Scarlet Beetle knew Ikati Black would not hold back. And while he's touched it's in his honor, he shouldn't keep holding such a grudge against one man no matter how hasty he may have been with Stoneheart or how he hit him where it hurt when he was only trying to fix his mistake.

"You are disturbing justice, Ikati Black." He grabs the hero's staff before he could strike him, and uses it to fling him away. And like a cat, Ikati Black landed on his feet with a skid. Rogercop blows the blue whistle around his neck, and his deputies rise again, prompting the heroes to get their weapons ready. "You two will be punished to the fullest extent of the law."

Ikati Black smirked, flashing his sharpened canines. "Make sure you add bodily harm to those charges!" Seeing him charging up a blast with his left hand, he deflects the beam so it hits one of the deputies coming for them, putting a pair of handcuffs on them.

"Nice one," commended Scarlet Beetle.

"Little tip- On your left." On cue, Scarlet Beetle blocked one of the deputies and threw them at another, sending the two of them into the fountain. "Robo-Cop's left-hand shoots cuffs while his right turns you into a deputy." He deflects a blast from the right hand, angling his staff just right so the beam flies into the sky.

'Man, this guy is awesome.' Noticing Rogercop's left hand glowing and aiming for his partner, he hastily gets in front of Ikati Black and deflects the handcuffs by spinning his yoyo. But, instead of hitting one of the deputies as he had hoped, it hit the side of the Agreste mansion. "Shit."

Rogercop narrows his eyes at the hero. "I will be sure to add 'Destruction of property' to your list of charges, Scarlet Beetle. And soon, Paris will have a new hero. The one they truly deserve."

Ikati Black stiffened at those words and shoots the Akuma a hate-filled glare. "Oh, hell no."

"Ikati," Scarlet Beetle warned, but he went unheard as his partner suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him to the Akuma's police car. Ikati Black got behind the wheel. Having a feeling where this was going, the hoodie-clad hero buckled up. "Ikati, what are you doing?"

"I may never get this chance again!" He jerks forward when the deputies start to rock the car back and forth. He tries to look for a way to start the car, but there's no ignition, just a black screen where the radio and gear shift should be. "How do you start this thing?" Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Rogercop approaching, forcing him to press whatever buttons that are in front of him, turning the lights on and off, activating the AC, and putting up a glass window between him and the Bourgeois. He'll just leave that up. Finally, the car starts. "Alright!"

Scarlet Beetle looks out the window and furrows his brow when it looks like the ground is getting lower. It's only when he notices the front wheel had flipped over, that he realizes at the same time as Ikati Black-


"Shit, Monarch is getting creative." Ikati Black experimentally steps on the gas pedal, and much like a normal car, they move forward. "Okay, this works like a normal car, sort of."

Scarlet Beetle ignores Chloe's screaming from behind the glass. "So, what's the plan? You just sort of dragged me in here."

"Right. Well, the first thing we should do is get her royal brattiness and her dad to safety." He points at the glass. "Roger's clearly got something against them, and who knows what he'll try to do with the mayor captive? He could easily take over the city by forcing Andre to relinquish his political standing over to him in exchange for his and Chloe's safety. The perfect way to have the city under his, and by extension, Monarch's control. That way, he'll declare us criminals of the country and force us to hand over our Miraculous."


"You good, Scarlet?"

The other hero blinked. "I-Ikati, that was a... A chilling scene you just described."

"Hey, it makes sense, right? So, any ideas where to drop them off? Obviously not the hotel or city hall. Those will be the first places RoboCop goes to look for them."

After a beat, an idea came to him. "I think I know just the place."


"No way! As if I would stay in this dingy hovel!"

Chloe wasn't the only one upset over these temporary arrangements. The Dupain-Cheng family looked particularly miffed as they glared at the father and daughter with their arms folded. Sabine was by far the angriest. And what's worse is that she's holding a rolling pin. If anyone knew the Chinese woman well enough, they'd know that her having a rolling pin while angry is dangerous.

"We're not quite fond of the idea either," Sabine said in a calmer, eerie tone. Chloe backed away as if she would attack her and tried to make a break for it, but Scarlet Beetle grabbed the back of her jacket so she couldn't escape. "Scarlet Beetle, this is no disrespect towards you, but my family and I morally cannot allow the Bourgeois to stay here until the Akuma is defeated."

"Ma'am, as your superior, I-" Andre started, only to be silenced by a fierce glare from the normally kind father. "... I urge you to reconsider."

"Do I detect a threat?" Sabine challenged, gripping the rolling pin even tighter.

Before things could get out of hand, Scarlet Beetle puts himself between the two families. "Look, you don't have to talk or interact in any way. Just let Andre and Chloe hide somewhere, completely out of your way until Ikati Black and I get rid of Rogercop." Hearing a scoff from the heiress, he rolled his eyes.

"I'm still not doing it! They probably don't even have bottled water!" Before the hero could get a word in, she was clinging to his arm. "Get me out of here, and let that mangy cat deal with what's-his-name!" Not feeling Scarlet Beetle tense up, she starts to feel up his muscular arm until he snatches it away.

"Look." He pinches the bridge of his nose and leans over the order counter to whisper to the Dupain-Cheng family. "It's clear you three have a grudge against the mayor and his daughter, but I really need you to set that aside for about an hour, alright? If they give you grief, I will..." He clicks his tongue as he tries to come up with some sort of payment, but it's Marinette who beats him to it.

"You gotta promote our line of hero-themed macarons." Tom and Sabine nod, liking this idea. "Post a few pictures on your accounts, tag our bakery's account, and we'll be even. Deal?" She holds out her hand, which Scarlet Beetle quickly takes without a second thought.

"Deal." He turns to the Bourgeois. "And you two? Try not to cause them any trouble." With that warning, he leaves the bakery and uses his yoyo to get up to the roof where Ikati Black is waiting in the car. "Alright, well it looks like the Dupain-Cheng's are gonna be using me for advertisements for the foreseeable future. What's next?"

"Well-" A crash followed by screaming cuts him off.

"I don't have your stupid bracelet!"

"Get your man-hands off of me!"

"... Drive, man!" Ikati Black stomps on the gas pedal and the hover-car leaves the bakery in a hurry. "Yeesh. Did not feel like staying around for that. So, you were saying?"

Ikati Black continued, "Now we take on Rogercop. He doesn't have any sort of leverage, and it doesn't look like his deputies have any sort of powers. And remember, we faced an army of huge rock monsters and mummies. I'm sure those deputies will be a snap."

Scarlet Beetle smiled. "Hey, I've gotten this far by trusting you. Keep an eye out. He could be anywhere."

"Like city hall?"

"It's possible-"

"No, look!" Ikati Black hands him his staff, flipped to the phone setting, and shows a live stream from the Mayor's office. Rogercop is sitting at the mayor's desk with two deputies at his side.

"From here on out, the Mayor has lost all of his authority, as he is not deserving of such power. In just one day, he has abused his power on the whims of one person alone. His daughter. If you do not believe me, I urge you all to go to the link at the bottom of your screens. Skip four minutes and twenty-five seconds ahead, and you too will come to accept me as your new leader and realize Andre Bourgeois is not fit to be in office. And my first act? For assault of an officer, grand theft auto, hiding fugitives, and destruction of property, Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black are now wanted criminals. They must be hunted down and taken into custody immediately. That is all."

Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black's faces go stark white... Surely, the good citizens of Paris won't turn on them, not after all they've done... Right?

Before Rogercop signs off, Monarch's mask appears over his face. "... Also, Monarch is given immunity... And any form of assault on him will be met with detainment." And with that last order, he signs off."


With their jaws agape, the Parisians stare at the butterfly-themed villain with widened eyes as he walks down the sidewalk without a care in the world. "Hey, yeah, it's me. Oh, love your jacket." Noticing a woman pulling her son away, he rolls his eyes. "Lady, I'm not gonna steal your son. W-what would I even accomplish by doing that?"

This by far, had to be his best Akuma. The Mayor's earlier deeds are getting exposed, Chloe will soon get taken down a peg or a hundred, and he has immunity. Monarch really doesn't see a way this could get better.

... That was until he came across him.

Marc's eyes shoot open, mirroring Monarch's expression. It's only been a week, and he still couldn't get what happened out of his mind. Since he was young and realized he preferred guys, Marc's always dreamed of getting saved by a superhero and having his own Spiderman-style kiss in the rain... But instead, he was saved by someone deemed a villain by the majority of the city.

He's stayed up late trying to figure out why on earth Monarch, a villain would save him, civilian unless it benefited him somehow. He's not rich or influential like Chloe, so if he comes back wanting to make things even, he can't give him anything... Except... Marc shuddered at the thought.

Monarch clicked his tongue, interrupting the silence between the two. "I'm gonna go... Around you..." He cautiously side-steps around Marc, arms kept at his side, and continues his way down the sidewalk. Only this time, he was speed-walking. And if Marc had listened closely, he could hear him muttering, "Damnit!"

After watching that very awkward display, Parisians were reminded once again that their "villain" is a teenager. But that doesn't mean they'll let their guards down.

Marc's feet remained glued to the ground as he stared after Monarch until he took off with his wings like that night. All he could think was, 'Please don't let this happen again.'


"Thanks for the refuge Mme. Bustier," Scarlet Beetle heard Ikati Black say as he checked out a Bug and Cat Chat live stream. Rogercop had been busy while they were looking for him when they found he was no longer at City Hall. Already, a good handful of Paris had been deputized and are storming the streets looking for them, and he's back in City Hall like he never left. Fortunately, they were able to throw the deputies off by putting the hover car into auto-pilot and sending them on a wild goose chase while they stayed hidden.

The redheaded woman pours some hot chocolate into two mugs before sitting next to Sabrina on the couch. The educator offered the ginger-haired girl a place to stay with her until her father was deakumatized, and while Sabrina is old enough to stay home on her own, Caline Bustier could not in good conscience leave her alone right now. "Oh, it's no problem. Not the first time I've hidden political prisoners in my basement," she chuckled, reminiscing and remaining oblivious to the astounded expressions on the heroes' and Sabrina's faces. "Yeah, that's the nineties in America for you."

The hoodie-clad hero awkwardly coughs into his fist. "Well, thanks again for the help. It'll only be a while until we can come up with a plan."

"As I said, no problem," she reassured. "If you two need an attorney, my cousin's only a phone call away." The two beamed. Even when they weren't her students at the moment, Caline Bustier is still helping them out.

"Okay, what's a way we can leave him defenseless?" Ikati Black asked with a sip of hot chocolate. "We know his deputies can be handcuffed, but what about him?"

For the first time since they got her, Sabrina spoke, "Try to get him alone. Then cover up his arms so he can't blast anyone. It's a long shot, but it's something. Right?"

Ikati Black considered this. It could work, but how would they get Rogercop alone?... And then it hit him. "Sabrina, we're gonna need you to come with us."


"Send more deputies to find her!" Rogercop ordered over the phone. "This city will not rest until my daughter is found!" He slams the phone back down on the receiver and then looks out the window with a neutral expression. It's getting close to dark and Sabrina has still not been found. He even sent his deputies to check Caline Bustier's home, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Hey, you'll find her," Monarch reassured while stirring his tea. "Alright, there's only so many places she could go. Not sure if you know this, but that Bourgeois girl? Chloe? Yeah, she kind of ruined her reputation at school." He sips his tea.

This grabs Rogercop's attention. "What?"

"Yeah, before Akumatizing someone, I do a deep dive into their memories. Saw the memories of students and DuPont, and you will not believe some of the stuff I've seen," he half-fibbed. "Spilling water on homework, having stuff confiscated because they annoyed her, getting students blacklisted from clubs, having Sabrina work on group projects on her own. All that ever since her dad became mayor. Really, it's amazing how power can go to a person's head, huh? So, any plans for the weekend?"

Monarch realizes he's struck a nerve the second when Rogercop blasts a hole in the wall. All according to plan.

"Chloe Bourgeois will pay," muttered Rogercop.

"Yes, yes she will," Monarch grinned, almost maniacally as he drank more of his tea. He normally didn't drink the stuff, but it just felt right to hold the cup. "Hey, not to interrupt your brooding, but your phone's ringing."

Rogercop goes to answer, ready to tell off one of his deputies for not finding Sabrina, the heroes, or Chloe and her father. How hard is it to just find one of them?! "Hello?... Sabrina?... Where are you?! Are you safe?..." He furrows his brow. "... I'll be on my way." This time, the receiver breaks when he slams the phone back down on it.

"Everything alright, man?" Monarch asked when his Akuma made his way towards the door.

"Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black have Sabrina," he answered then continued walking.

Alarmed, Monarch flies in front of him. "Whoa! Hold on! You don't see anything suspicious here? They just found your daughter and now they're what? Holding her hostage of- Hey!" He yelps when he's shoved to the side like some kind of pest. And when he gets back up, Rogercop is gone. "I swear to God, man if you fuck this up! I-I'm gonna... I... DAMNIT!" He folds his arms with a huff. "People are calling me a villain, why can't I act like it?"


A secret basement. How did he not figure this out? Caline Bustier lives in one of the older homes, the ones built back during World War 2. They've all got secret bunkers, attics, and even tunnels. Those so-called "protectors of Paris" are no doubt keeping his daughter down there in the harshest conditions until he relinquishes his power! Well, he'll figure a way out of this. He'll have his daughter back, turn Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black in, and continue to have all of Paris under his control.

He goes down the ladder and finds himself in a poorly lit room. His visor automatically activates a night-vision setting so he can clearly see what looks like a converted living room complete with furniture, carpeting, and even a functional kitchen. It's all nice, but he needs to continue with his mission. Before he could walk further into the room, a blur sped past him.

"Who is there? Show yourselves on the order of Paris' new leader!"

"FIGHT THE POWER!" Rogercop was suddenly knocked on his back when he heard, "CATACLYSM!" When he tried to get up, the floor beneath him crumbled, and he fell right through, leaving only the top half of his body showing. He charges up another blast and tries to look for Ikati Black, but it's like he just disappeared. But then he sees Scarlet Beetle with... What appears to be two oven mitts. He shoots at him, but he's somehow able to dodge. It's just then that he notices the goggles over his eyes with a spot pattern and hastily shoots at him with both arms, but he's just too quick.

And he was helpless once the mitts were over his hands and tied with a rope. Scarlet Beetle snatched his whistle, broke it, and everything just started to get fuzzy after that...


"Hands up, Monarch!" Ordered a secret serviceman when he, two heavily-armed guards, Scarlet Beetle, and Ikati Black burst into the Mayor's office... His empty office. "... Keep a look out." The five of them scope out the office while Andre and Chloe hang back in the hallway, more bothered by the awkward silence between them and the Raincomprixs than they are.

"All clear," Ikati Black confirmed.

Scarlet Beetle was just walking by the desk when he spotted a neatly folded piece of paper with an origami butterfly on top of it. He waves Ikati Black over so he can read it with him.

'Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black, I'm writing this letter as the Miracle Cure takes effect. I believe congratulations are in order for you two, so congrats on defeating my Akuma fucking yet again! But just know, you two may have beat me, but that only means I just need to make my Akumas stronger. Valentine's day is coming up next week, you know. Where there's love, there are also broken hearts. And I'll be waiting, ready to Akumatize them with open arms. See you two soon!

With Love, Monarch.🦋'

"... You have gotta be shitting me," Ikati Black hissed. "He was here the whole time! We could've ended all of this!"

Scarlet Beetle solemnly nodded before noticing something on the letter. "Oh, a P.S."

'P.S., make sure Roger gets his job back, plus more benefits and promotion while you're at it. He's a single dad, he needs this job.'

The heroes stare at that last part, surprised Monarch cares about a civilian, but go through with his request and approach the Mayor. However, unbeknownst to Scarlet Beetle, Ikati Black sneakily slipped Chloe's bracelet into her jacket pocket while she was too busy ogling her partner. He told himself to pocket the bracelet, he did, and now Chloe won't get more people fired... Now.

Plus, he just wants to embarrass Chloe.

"... So, you see, Mayor Bourgeois, you had no right to fire Roger," Scarlet Beetle explained, putting a hand on the man's shoulder. "He was only following his oath." The ex-officer looked at the younger man, touched. Even after his actions during Stoneheart, he was behaving so civil... His partner on the other hand? That glare is going to haunt him for the rest of his days.

The Mayor seemed hesitant for a moment but relented. He's had a rough day and just wants to go home and be done with it. "I suppose my ruling may have-"

"Um, hello?!" Chloe interrupted. "What about my bracelet?! He still hasn't found it, one of my classmates is probably pawning it for spare cash, and-"

"What's that in your pocket?" It took all of Ikati Black's willpower to not smirk when the heiress pulled her bracelet out of her pocket. It was amazing that she didn't even notice the change in weight of her clothes when he snuck it in. "Well, look at that. Now, I do hope this wasn't all over a bracelet, Mr. Mayor." He decides a slight smirk is necessary when the man starts sweating bullets. 'Not so tough now, are you?'

"Must have fallen out of the case and into her pocket when she went to put it back in her purse," Roger deduced, and just once... Ikati Black decided to let him have that... For Sabrina, of course. He refuses to even think of dampening her mood right now, not when she looks so proud of the guy. And as much as it pains him to do so...

"I think Officer Roger has proven his excellence to you, Mr. Mayor..." His partner puts a hand on his back, urging him to continue through his clenched teeth. "... You'd be wrong not to keep him on the force." Hopefully, no one heard him gagging.

"O-of course, Ikati Black," he stammered. "You are absolutely right!"

'Man, this guy folds faster than The Flash on laundry day,' Sabrina thought to herself.

Before the Mayor could figure out another way to suck up to them, their Miraculous started beeping. Only three minutes left. Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black said their goodbyes, ignored Chloe trying to get a selfie with them, and made their way out of City Hall. But before they could leave, Sabrina caught up with them.

"Everything alright, Sabrina?" Asked the leather-clad hero.

"Y-yeah, I-I just wanted to say thanks, again." She smiled. "Look, I know my dad wasn't at his best when you two showed up, but I really do appreciate what you did back there for him."

"Well, we can't let grudges get in the way of justice," said Scarlet Beetle. "And your dad didn't deserve what happened back at your school, alright? The Mayor was hasty with his decision, threatened to put jobs on the line, and fired a good officer." Remaining unaware of Ikati Black's baffled look, he reaches into his hoodie pocket and gives Sabrina the origami butterfly found on top of Monarch's letter. Before he could say more, his earrings and Ikati Black's Miraculous beeped again. "We gotta head out. Stay safe, Sabrina!" And with that, he swung away.

Ikati Black gave Sabrina a two-finger salute before vaulting in the opposite direction. But as he made his way home, there was just something on his mind. What Scarlet Beetle just said really bothered him. He shouldn't know the full extent of what happened in the classroom, and he's sure he didn't watch the video since they were with each other the whole time and neither of them clicked the link...

So, how did he know the Mayor was threatening the parents' jobs?

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