Chapter 14: The Liar met her quick end!

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It was a pleasant day in the city of love where Justin woke up from his nap where he spent the night with the girls of his life Marinette. Justin woke up early to go back home and take a shower and put on some nice clothes to wear because he decided that since Marinette is home to herself he thought about making his girlfriend a nice breakfast in which he was going to make a nice morning food for her but looked to see that her family didn't have any the ingredients to make the food so Justin went back to his place and took his shower and then left with some ingredients he needed to make the perfect breakfast for Marinette. He arrived back at the bakery and locked up the door and headed back up to the floor and began to cook while Marinette was still in her room sleeping peacefully.

Plagg: Whats you doing kid?

Justin: Making Marinette a morning breakfast. I thought of doing something nice for her after she took me to the concert last night.

Plagg: Seems like you know what you are making.

Justin: That I do, say mind handing me that spatula over there by the stove.

Plagg: Sure thing kid.

Justin: Thanks buddy and I brought some cheese.(Justin saids and holds out some cheese for Plagg)

Plagg: It's official you are my absolute favorite holder.

Justin: I do what I can to make my Kwami happy.

Meanwhile with Marinette, after sleeping all night all of sudden the smell of cooking reached her noise in which she started to wake up from her slumber as well as Tiki.

Marinette: Yawn!......

Tiki: Good morning Marinette.

Marinette: Mmmm...good morning Tiki. What a night that was.

Tiki: Seems like you and Justin had a great time together.

Marinette: Yea....wait where is Justin? I thought he was in bed with me? Oh my gosh we shared a bed together last night?!!! I remember everything!!

Tiki: Don't worry Marinette you two didn't do anything, you both slept peacefully though you did however were cuddling onto Justin's chest like he was a pillow.

Marinette: TIKI?!!!(Marinette saids while blushing crimson)

Tiki: What? I thought it looked adorable that you were cuddling with Justin.

Marinette: I am so embarrassed....

Tiki: Sniff...mmm I smell something good downstairs.

Marinette: Hm? Sniff....say you know what I smell it too.

Tiki: Why don't you get dressed and then we head down and see for ourselves.

Marinette: I think I will do that, and I get to try on my newest outfit I made.

Tiki: You mean the red one.

Marinette: Yup, it may look like my original outfit but I made some changes to the fabric.

Back with Justin, he just finished up cooking the food as well as clean the dishes like anyone would and when he finished, he put the food on the table where he and Marinette can enjoy a good morning breakfast together and he poured him and her a glass of delicious orange juice and laid out some fruit to stay healthy.

Justin: All right that seems good enough. What do you think Plagg?

Plagg: Not bad kid, you really out done yourself. I am sure your girlfriend is going to like it.

Justin: I am sure she will, I think due to the smell of the food might wake her up so best to hide to avoid detection.

Plagg: You don't have to tell me twice kid.(Plagg saids and hides in his holders pocket)

After Justin looked to see everything was perfect he heard to the top of Marinette's trap door open and saw her coming down in a totally new beautiful outfit that made Justin smile and blush a little. He saw that the outfit that Marinette was wearing looked like her old outfit but had red pants, a new custom made black jacket as well as a white shirt with red blossoms flowers while also keeping the same hair style.

Justin: Wow good morning beautiful.

Marinette: G..good morning Justin.

Justin: Love the new look, especially that it's all red. I didn't know you like that color I thought you liked pink.

Marinette: I do but I decided it was time for a change and red is more to my eyes.

Justin: I see, oh I made you some breakfast and call it as a thank you for letting me stay for the night as well as taking me to the concert last night.

Marinette: made me breakfast..that is so sweet of you.

Justin: Thanks though you didn't have any ingredients that I need so I headed back to my place to get a quick shower then get the ingredients I have and come right back here so I can make the girl I love a perfect morning breakfast.

Marinette smiled at Justin then walked over and gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek to show that she loved what Justin did for her.

Marinette: Thank you Justin, and wow you cook this yourself! If my parents saw this they wouldn't believe someone like you could make something like this for a morning breakfast.

Justin: Learned from the best Marinette.

Marinette: It smells so good...(Marinette while trying not to drool)

Justin: Careful Blueberry Angel you don't want drool hanging from your mouth now do you.

Marinette: Hehehehe sorry, I couldn't help it.

Justin: It's all right, come on sit and let's enjoy our food together and I will be happy to help clean up since I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen after I was done.

Marinette: Wow...he is the perfect boyfriend and he did all of this for me and helped cleaned up that is the most sweetest thing he has ever done for me.(Marinette saids in thought)

Both of them sat down and ate their food in which Marinette was blown away by the taste and still can't get over of how Justin's cooking was so good to her. When they both finished and cleaned up their plates together, Marinette decided to open up the bakery and sell some pastries to costumers and asked if Justin can help her and he told her that he would be honored to help since he does live in bakery himself and does enjoy welcoming customers.

The bakery opened and customers started to come in and bye some pastries from Marinette while Justin was helping customers find what they want. Marinette was happy that Justin was helping her with the bakery while her parents were out and the place was making good money.

Customer(Woman): Excuse me miss are these for sale because they look so good.

Marinette: You mean the macaroons, of course they are for sale.

Customer(Woman): No I mean these ones right next to the original because I love the creation of them. Peanut butter macaroons, jelly filled macaroons and this red velvet macaroons I love red velvet.

Marinette: I don't remember having these out?

Justin: Oh I made those Marinette, I thought it could help with the sales.

Marinette: You made these Justin?

Justin: Sure did, I made them before I made breakfast. Would you like to try some samples miss.

Customer(Woman): I would love to I think I will try the peanut butter one.

The woman took the peanut butter sample and when he tried it, she gushed over the creaming peanut butter flavor that made Justin smile that someone likes his macaroons.

Customer(Woman):'s so good and I especially like the color on these macaroons.

Justin: Why thank you ma'am.

Customer(Woman): Mmm...and these jelly filled macaroons they taste almost like those pop-tarts I used to have when I was little. However the red velvet macaroons are beyond amazing and the flavor absolutely remarkable. You must be quite the bakery to make these delicious treats.

Justin: I picked up my skills from my parents who are also bakers.

Customer(Woman): They would be proud that their son is a genius.

Justin: Oh stop it you're too kind.

Customer(Woman): I will take a whole box full of these and I will pay double for each of them.

Marinette: Wow thank you ma'am and sure I will a box full of these ready for you.

Marinette packed up the macaroons that Justin made and sold them to the kind woman who payed Marinette and thanked her and Justin for the treats and soon when the other customers heard about the macaroons they too decided to buy them as well. Marinette couldn't believe how much money the bakery was making thanks to these macaroons that Justin made and even tried them herself and she too gushed over the flavors of each of them.

Marinette: I can't believe how much money the bakery has made thanks to these macaroons you baked Justin.

Justin: I am happy to help and I do enjoy people when they appreciate my pastries especially you BlueBerry Angel.

Marinette: I think you deserve an award.

Justin: And what would that...mph..(Justin didn't finish as Marinette kisses him on the lips)

Marinette: Mph...theres you award.

Justin: Well, I have to say I enjoyed it.


Marinette: Hello and welcome!

Marinette looked towards the front and looked to see Officer Roger from the police. He walked over towards Marinette and Justin in which Justin probably knows what the man was going to ask because of the incident that took place last night.

Officer Roger: Good morning Miss Dupain Cheng.

Marinette: Good morning Officer Roger, what can I do for you.

Officer Roger: I came to ask if you would like to place charges on these two students from that school that you and my daughter used to go to before she transferred to military school.(Roger saids and shows the images of Kim and Ivan)

Marinette: Whats going on?

Officer Roger: Apparently these two are charge with almost destroying public property where they had two galleons of gasoline tanks as well as some matches in which they were going to burn down your bakery with you inside of it and it will also cause them to be charge with attempted murder.

Marinette gasped in pure horror of what she just found out and she couldn't believe that Kim and Ivan would resolve to murder in which she thinks that Lila told them something and caused them to go over board. Marinette has never been so scared in her life.

Officer Roger: That's not all but someone recorded their conversation about doing awful things to you and we are still investigating.

Marinette: W.what did they say?

Officer Roger: I will show you now Miss Dupain Cheng and it's one hundred percent real.(Roger saids and shows Marinette the recording)

(Video Record)

Kim: Come on man we need to be quick before somebody catches us.

Ivan: Are you sure this is a good idea to it at this time at night?

Kim: Hey after what Lila said to us about what Marinette did this is the only way to make sure that bitch gets what she deserves. And what better way is to smoke her out of her house and then drag her into an alleyway and beat her like before.

Ivan: Even though this is still a stupid idea but I agree with you.

Video ended

Marinette was on the verge of tears of what she just seen while Justin still looked pissed that those assholes would dare to try something so reckless and they both deserved to be punished for their actions and locked away.

Officer Roger: Would you like to place charges on them?

Justin: Officer I think it would be wise to do so, those two along with some others have been targeting Marinette for a couple years and have been doing such awful things to her and it would be helpful that those two morons get what they deserve.

Officer Roger: I knew that school wasn't safe for my daughter, and I agree with you young man.

Marinette: long would they be in prison?

Officer Roger: For almost attempting both public destruction and murder I say around fifteen years in prison and their parents have been notified of their actions.

Marinette: I want to place charges on them sir.

Officer Roger: Very well Miss Dupain Cheng. Thank you for your time. Have a good day and you to young man.

Justin: Thank you officer.

When Roger left the bakery, Marinette broke down into tears that she was almost about to be murdered last night as well as her bakery being caught on fire. She hated Lila and for everything that she has been doing to Marinette in which Justin comfort her and brought her into a warm hug to calm her down.

Justin:'s all right I am here for you Marinette.

Marinette: I hate her.....

Justin: I know so do I and those idiots who believed her and not this kind and warm special person in my arms.

Marinette: Stay with me...

Justin: Always..I love you Marinette and I wont let nothing happen to you.

Marinette: I love you too but how did Roger get those recordings.

Justin: Where do you think.

Marinette: Justin...

Justin: While you were sleeping last night, I got little thirsty and went to get a drink of water until I heard some commotion outside the bakery and looked to find those two morons with galleons of gasoline and matches in which I recorded everything that they were about to do and heard them talking about Lila and their plan, so I called the police and sent them the recording of Kim and Ivan and both of them were taken away by the police and are now being sent to prison for their crimes. It's like I said I will always he here for you Marinette and keep you safe and I did.

Marinette was brought into more tears but tears of love and compassion that she hugged Justin for protecting her as well as keeping her safe from those bullies and that liar who will pay for what she has done.

Marinette: 😢sniff...Justin thank you.....

Justin: You're welcome Blueberry Angel. Come on wipe those tears away I don't want to see my beautiful girlfriend upset.

Marinette: Hehehe...I am not upset I am just so happy to have someone like you in my life.

Justin: I am happy that you do and I am very happy to have such a cute and lovable girl like yourself in my life.

Marinette: think I'm cute...(Marinette saids while blushing)

Justin: Of course I do, you're the cutest and funniest girl I have ever been with.

Marinette: This is too much for my heart!❤️(Marinette saids in thought while smiling and blushing at Justin)

Justin: Say after we're done wanna go over to a burger place for lunch.

Marinette: Sure I could go for a burger, what place do you have in mind?

Justin: I found this place called East Side Burgers. It's basically like a vegetarian place but it saids it has great food and good burgers.

Marinette: I wouldn't mind trying that place sounds great to me.

Justin: Awesome but for now let's greet some customers and sell some pasties to them while I go make a fresh bash of those macaroons I made.

Marinette: All right and I will be at the front if you need me.

Justin: Sure.

Many hours later more customer came flying and were told about some new macaroons and they headed in and bought them where Marinette couldn't believe that there were over a hundred customers outside the bakery and if her parents saw this they would flip. Justin was working on his baking magic and creating more of those macaroons for the customers and as soon as the last customer left, Marinette closed the bakery and decided to rest.

Marinette: Oof that was a lot of customers.

Justin: You said it, I never seen so many I guess word spread about the macaroons pretty quickly.

Marinette: Well, they are good macaroons that you baked yourself.

Justin: True. So how much money did you make?

Marinette: Made over a lot of money, I was running out of room in the resistor and had to get the spare one.

Justin: Damn...

Marinette: Mama and Papa are going to be so happy and when I tell them how many customers came papa is going to faint with excitement.

Justin: I betting that he will, I like the guy especially your mother. They're good people Marinette.

Marinette: Thanks and so are yours Justin.

Justin: Indeed they are Marinette.

Marinette: Say its about twelve already wanna head over to that East Side Burger place.

Justin: Sure I am feeling quite hungry right about now.

Marinette: Let me get my purse and we can be on our way.

Justin: Take your time no reason to rush.

Marinette: There is a reason why I love him so much and he is so better than Adrien.(Marinette saids in thought)

Marinette came back with her new purse that she made and soon both her and Justin went out together and locked up the bakery. They walked down the streets together to head over to the burger place that Justin informed Marinette about until both stopped and looked to see two people that they didn't want to see in which was Lila Bitch Rossi and Adrien Ass Agreste standing next to a orange Lamborghini.

Justin and Marinette: Oh hello no..(Both said in thought)

Adrien: Hey Marinette!

Marinette: Let's just go..

Justin: Agreed.

When both Justin and Marinette were about to leave Adrien caught up to them and wanted to say something.

Adrien: Marinette.

Marinette: What is it Adrien?

Adrien: I was wondering if you wanna check out Lila's car that she got from her mother.

Justin: Does she even know how to drive that thing?

Adrien: She just got her drivers license.

Justin: Really? Did she drive it?

Adrien: Well, no actually I had to, so I can show her some lessons on how to drive it.

Marinette: Adrien do you even know how to drive a Lamborghini or even Lila at that case?

Adrien: Took me a while to figure it out but I was able to solve it with no problem.

Justin: Well good for you and now we're leaving so bye.

Adrien: Wait Marinette why don't you take a ride with Lila so that you and her can make admins and apologize to her.

Marinette: This shit again Adrien, how many times do I have to tell you I will not apologize to her because I didn't do anything to her while she was the one who was doing stuff to me so no is your answer and I wouldn't be caught dead sitting in that car with her.

Justin: And it's an awful color, I never liked the color orange. Also I think you should see a therapist Agreste because you need one, it is clearly obvious you don't know what is right or wrong in this world.

Adrien: Listen if Marinette just...

Justin: If you dare say those words I will break you in half.

Adrien: But she needs to...

Marinette: I don't need to do anything Adrien because I am done with you and done with Lila's bull shit.

Justin: You tell him Marinette.

Lila: Is everything all right here.

Justin: We were just having a short conversation with your future husband here.(Justin saids with a smirk that made Adrien blush while Marinette giggled)

Lila: I see, so Marinette how you like my new car that my mother got for me.

Marinette: Honestly Lila I don't really much care I prefer a Cadalack.

Justin: Mustangs are my favorite.

Lila: Well if you must know that I just got my drivers license and planning to take my new car out for a spin. Would you like to take a ride.

Justin: I'll pass.

Marinette: Same and orange is not my favorite color.

Justin: I prefer black, but with some green lines on the front and possibly some green and black seats that would be cool.

Lila: By the way I never got your name?

Justin: I don't usually give out my name to strangers.

Lila: You can trust me with it especially Adrien.

Adrien: You really never told us your name.

Justin: Because I don't like you dipshit that's why.

Lila: Come on you can tell us and we promise not to tell.(Lila saids with a smirk because she wants to get some dirt off Justin)

Justin: Very well.

Marinette: I wonder what he is going to say.(Marinette saids in thought)

Justin: I am known as Valentina's Akalyn Elysee Hakushi Dabo Harrods.

Lila: Well it's nice to...

Justin: Gumby Go Bella blue Stradivari talent trance Pierre Andre tartan hey mo if olivine cheap all those towards joyful Kaiser the third. Don't hesitate to call.

Adrien and Lila: Huh?

Marinette: Did he just say the same line from that anime character Vash The Stampede.(Marinette saids in thought while keeping her laughter inside of her)

Lila: Uh....right.

Justin: Good now we will be taking our leave now see you never. Oh by the way I don't think it is right to park your car on this lane.

Lila: Why because I am going to get a lot of attention from so many people who want to see my beautiful car as well as Adrien.

Justin: No because you are parked in a no parking spot and you need to pay for that parking ticket.

Adrien: What parking ticket?

Justin: The one on the front window obviously and it looks like you got two of them better pay them. And if you didn't know there is sign that saids no parking seriously you two need glasses.

Marinette: Hehehehe.

Justin: Oh Agreste I would bring that bride of yours to a restaurant because it looks like she could use some food due to the fact she looks skinny to the bone and do have her drinks some milk because with a heart as dark as a black hole when her chest and ass are flat as a board while her hair smells like rotten cow meat.(Justin saids with a smirk that made Adrien blush again but Lila she blushed very red while Marinette was trying so hard not to burst out laughing)

Justin and Marinette left together and when they were away from the idiot model and the psycho liar, Marinette burst into laughter of what she heard Justin just said to Lila and Adrien and it was gold because everything that Justin said to them was true absolutely true.

Marinette: I can't believe you said that to them it was incredible!!

Justin: Hehehehe, well they deserved it they are crazy. You think they might get married to each other.

Marinette: Oh that would be a horrible life for them. Lila would cheat on Adrien and Adrien will cheat on her and if they had kids they would disown them and be cruel to them.

Justin: A spineless moron and a liar who smells like rotten cow meat.

Marinette: Such a horrible relationship but they are made for each other.

Justin: Hehehehe. Oh theres the burger place Marinette.

Marinette: Sniff...mmm I smell some good food.

Justin: So do I, let's head on in and get us some burgers.

The couple headed inside the place and got themselves a table to sit and then ordered their food where both Marinette and Justin decided to get two different burgers as well as some onion wings and cheese sticks.

Justin: Ooh this looks so good.

Marinette: I'll say, never had East Side Burgers before.

Justin: Shall we Blueberry Angel.

Marinette: Absolutely SkaterBoy.

Justin: Oh before that I think I am going get some sauce for my burger be right back.

Justin got up and went to get some sauce for his burger in which he spotted one but then the boss of the place came out to Justin and asked him something.

Boss: Is there something you need sir?

Justin: I was just getting myself some sauce for my burger and I was planing to try this one here called the Omega 500. Sounds interesting.

Boss: I am afraid that sauce wouldn't be to your liking.

Justin: Why not?

Boss: Because I fired the the employee who made it for almost causing someone to die because there was poison in the sauce.

Justin: Posion? Sir are sure there is poison in this sauce.

Boss: Well, actually I don't know because the girl said she saw the employee put something into the sauce to make it look poison.

Justin: What did this girl look like?

Boss: Um..dark brown hair, yellowish green eyes, tan skin, wearing orange and black clothes and brown shoes while also hanging around that Agreste kid.

Justin: That stupid bitch again.(Justin saids in thought)

Boss: We found this red stuff that the employee had and I believe its the poison.

Justin took the bottle and did a taste test and found out it was just barbecue sauce.

Justin: Sir this is barbecue sauce not poison. You been lied to and you fired an innocent employee who was just doing their job.

Boss: WHAT?!!!

The boss tasted the sauce himself and it was indeed barbecue sauce and not poison meaning that he just fired an employee without hearing the side of the story and believed in some strangers words.

Boss: I got to call up that employee and have him rehired, thank you for clearing this up sir.

Justin: My pleasure and if you see that girl again or not don't bother to serve her anything.

Boss: I will make sure of it. How dare that brat lie to my employee's.

Justin went back to his seat and told Marinette everything in which she was furious that Lila started more trouble and got an innocent employee fired but the boss will make sure to rehire that employee and will allow the sauce to be sold. After a while both finished their food and thanked for the burgers which were delicious as well as the sauce. And when they were about to leave all of sudden a large shadow appeared in front of them and they both looked up and saw what looked like a giant burger monster and it didn't look too happy.

Think my sauce isn't good enough well here try some of King Burger's Ultra 9000 sauce!

The Akumatized villain saids then fires sauce at the East Burger where Justin pushed Marinette out of the way so both wouldn't get it.

Marinette: Oh no it's another Akuma.

Justin: Must be that employee that was fired and he doesn't look too happy.

Marinette: We need to get out of harms way.

Justin: Head into the alleyways, he can't reach anything there.

Marinette: Promise me you will be all right.

Justin: I will and you better hope so too.

Marinette: I will Justin.

Both headed into different alleyways and once alone both of them said to the words to their kwami's.

Justin and Marinette: Tikki Spots On!/Plagg Claws Out!

Both of them now transformed came out of their hiding place and headed towards the fight where they spotted King Burger shooting fries and some buildings as well as covering half of the area with mustard, ketchup, as well as some pickles, onions and tomatoes.

Ladybug: We better stop him before Paris turns into the city of burgers.

Cat Warrior: It would seem that the Akuma might be in that large sauce bottle he has on him.

Ladybug: Thats true I heard from civilians that the employee made a new sauce at a burger place but was fired for something he didn't do.

Cat Warrior: All right let's take him down but watch out for those burger toppings as well as his sauce.

Ladybug: Right let's go!

King Burger spotted some people having some food and splattered them with sauce then saw another group of people and shot burger toppings at them.

King Burger: Now everyone will know that my sauce is the greatest and not poison!!

Ladybug: Thats enough harming innocent people King Burger!

King Burger: Ah Ladybug and Cat Warrior, splendid it is to see you two now have some of my Ultra 9000 sauce!!

Both heroes dodged the sauce attack and then jumped towards King Burger and him with both the yoyo and staff.

Cat Warrior: Ladybug go for his legs!

Ladybug: On it!

Ladybug used her yoyo to wrap King Burger's legs together and try to make him fall but he was still standing until Cat Warrior sent him falling when the hero landed the villain a hit to the head. When Cat Warrior looked for an opening he was about to destroy the giant sauce bottle until King Burger shot his fried at the hero where he and Ladybug took cover because the fries were sharp and very dangerous.

Ladybug: We can't get close to him now that he is shooting those fries at us.

Cat Warrior: Got a lucky charm that could help to defeat him and don't worry I will help you figure out how to use it.

Ladybug: I know I can always count on you to help. Lucky Charm!

Ladybug caught the charm in her hands and had a closer look at it in which it looked like some kind of weapon but than-fully it wasn't a killing weapon but a weapon that be used to help defeat the villain.

Ladybug: I never summoned a charm like this before?

Cat Warrior: MLB Freeze way, what you summoned was freeze way meaning that you can use it to freeze King Burger until he is a block of ice.

Ladybug: A lucky charm that actually works this time. Ok Cat Warrior think you can distract him while I get a clear shot of him.

Cat Warrior: Sure and I will start by deflecting those fries away.

Cat Warrior did the same trick with his weapon and changed his staff into a pair of nunchucks that made Ladybug impressed and would still like to gain new abilities in which Cat Warrior will help her with.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Cat Warrior: All right time to deflect those fries, Ladybug when an open comes take your shot.

Ladybug: I will just keep him busy.

Cat Warrior jumped into the view and started to deflect the fries from him and Ladybug while using such skills with the nunchucks in which Cat Warrior was moving faster and more clever while deflecting the fries being fired at him.


Ladybug pointed the freeze way at King Burger while he was being distracted by Cat Warrior and when Ladybug found an open she fired the freeze way and it hit King Burger and the entire villain started to be covered in a block of ice.

King Burger: NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Ladybug: It worked! Cat Warrior the Akuma.

Cat Warrior: Right, Cataclysm!

Cat Warrior destroyed the sauce bottle and out came the Akuma in which Laybug saw and did her thing.

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to Devilise! Got Ya! Bye Bye little Butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!

Ladybug threw the charm into the air and everything went back to normal as well as the employee who has no memory of what happened.

Ladybug and Cat Warrior: Good job!

Employee: What happened?

Ladybug: You were Akumatised but don't worry we saved you.

Cat Warrior: Also your sauce that you made wasn't poison your boss made a mistake and wants to rehire you.

Employee: You mean my sauce wasn't poison and I get my job back.

Ladybug: We will take you back so that your boss can fill you in on the information.

The heroes arrived back at East Burger and the boss of the place told his employee that he is rehired and that his sauce will be sold but also told that the girl lied about everything in which the employee was pissed that the girl he served lied to him and was the cause of him being fired in the first place. Now rehired the employee went back to work while serving customers with burgers and his sauce that made everyone enjoy it. The heroes took their leave and changed back to their civilians selfs.

Justin and Marinette met up with each other and both decided to take a nice walk together while also feeling bad for that employee who got fired because of Lila but were happy that employee was rehired and was going to get a promotion for his sauce.

Marinette: Can't believe Lila would do something so cruel to that employee.

Justin: I'll say hope she gets what she deserves in which is a punch to the face.

Marinette: I would love to see that happen.

Justin: Who wouldn't.

While the two were walking together unknown to them was someone who was watching to two from inside a car in which was Lila herself who was glaring daggers at both Justin and Marinette and after that those things that Justin said to Lila it made her pissed and wanted to get back at him as well as making Marinette more miserable until Lila had an extreme and horrifying idea.

Lila: What better way to get rid of Mari-Brat and her friend then getting hit by a car. Good thing there is nobody to see this and I can get away without anyone knowing. I better record this because it would be priceless.(Lila saids with an evil smirk on her face and placed her phone in front while its being recorded)

Lila waited for the right moment while starting up the car and when she looks to see Justin and Marinette crossing the street it was the time for them to get hit by Lila's car when she hit her foot on the peddle and drove in high speed.


Justin and Marinette were crossing the street together until Justin heard a something coming towards him and Marinette and looked to see an orange Lamborghini speeding towards them in which Justin looked to see it was Lila herself with a crazy smile on her face in which Justin took action.


Marinette: Jus.....WHAAAAAA?!!!!(Marinette saids then gets tackled by Justin to avoid being hit by Lila)

Justin and Marinette got out the way while Lila was still speeding straight in which she missed her targets that made her angry but stopped when she lost control of her car and bumped into another car that was parked and then lastly the Lamborghini lost control flipped over and hit a tree then went over to the edge before Lila came bursting out of the front window of the car and landed onto the solid ground then splashed into the water along with the Lamborghini. In the sky a news helicopter flew over and saw the whole thing and captured what happened.

Back on the ground Justin looked over and saw that Lila crashed and her car was no where to been seen but then looked to see Marinette in his arms and checked to see that she was all right and not harmed.


Marinette: J...Justin....

Justin: Thank goodness you are all right Marinette..I thought you would gotten hurt or worse..

Marinette: risked your life to save me....

Justin: I wasn't going to let that Rossi bitch kill you not on my watch.

Marinette: SHE TRIED TO DO WHAT?!!!!

Justin: She went insane and full speed her car towards us but I got us out of what way before she could do something that could put us in a hospital or worse have us killed.

Marinette: Where is she because I want to beat the crap out of her now!!!

Justin: She lost control of her car and hit another then her ride flipped over and landed into the water, I am not sure she survived or not.

Marinette: My god....

Justin: Best to call the cops and let them know what happened.

Justin called the police and informed them of what happened in which the police were on their way along with an ambulance as well as crane to fish out the car. Marinette then spotted something near the tire tracks and it looked to be Lila's phone.

Marinette: Looks like she dropped this before the crash.

Justin: She must of had her side window open when it fell out. It looks like there is also a recording.

Marinette: Let's see what she said.

(Video Recorded):

Lila: What better way to get rid of Mari-Brat and her friend then getting hit by a car. Good thing there is nobody to see this and I can get away without anyone knowing. I better record this because it would be priceless.


Video Ended

Marinette was shaking in fear that Lila was going to hit her and Justin with her car that could have killed the both of them in which Marinette broke down into sadness while Justin looked livid of what he heard Lila said and she better be gone because the world will be better off without that psychopath.

The police arrived along with an ambulance in which Justin asked the paramedics to look over Marinette who looked she was in shock while Justin on the hand informs Officer Roger and his men about what happened and show them the video recording of Lila Rossi trying to kill both Marinette and Justin. Roger was in shock of what he saw and pissed at this girl for her stunt and when the police boats arrived they found the car and brought it up to the surface as well as a body that was floating in the water.

Justin: Whats the news sir?

Officer Roger: We found the car, it's smashed and has lots of broken glass and the front is completely ruined also we found the girl, and she didn't make it. Paramedics informed me that the girl who drove the car had a shattered skull, broken ribs, shattered arms and legs and lost so much blood...and it's best not to know what she looks like now after that incident.

Justin: Thanks for telling me sir.

Officer Roger: Why would she do something like that?

Justin: Lila Rossi had it for Marinette and those who didn't believe in the lies she spilled to others in which those classmates at that school that your daughter and Marinette used to go to fell for them and started to treat Marinette with such disrespect as well as bullying her until she couldn't hardly breath.

Officer Roger: And the principal and teachers didn't do anything to stop it?

Justin: Marinette and her friends told me that the teacher and principal wouldn't believe in Marinette or her side of the story but took the words from Lila Rossi instead. Rossi is a manipulator as well as a dangerous threat to society.

Officer Roger: After what I have seen kind of makes sense. Her guardian would have to be informed of this.

Justin: Seed to it that the parent does because that girl was nothing but a monster and cruel heartless being who just tells lies and makes her victims suffer.

Justin left and headed back towards Marinette who was given something to drink to help her calm down then spotted Justin coming towards her.

Justin: How you feeling?

Marinette: Sigh...a little better...did they...

Justin: She's gone..she didn't survive the crash.

Marinette: Oh...

Justin: Is she free to go?

Paramedic: Yes she will be fine just need some rest.

Justin: Come on let's head to my place.

Marinette: Ok..

Justin took Marinette's hand and the two of them left the scene in which Marinette was being held close to Justin who is making sure that his girlfriend will be all right until they get back to Justin's penthouse. Once they arrived Justin and Marinette sat on the couch together while Marinette cuddled into Justin's chest because she wants to forget about the incident that took place.

Marinette: Justin...

Justin: Yea.

Marinette: Thank you for saving my life.

Justin: It was my pleasure Marinette.

Marinette: I never want to leave your side.

Justin: I will keep you close.

Marinette: She's finally gone....

Justin: Yea..and I think her lies will be exposed soon.

Marinette: I hope they will..I wont miss her.

Justin: Same here.

Marinette: Hold me please.

Justin cuddled Marinette into his arms and gave her a pat on the head that made Marinette feel more calm as well as smile that Justin will always have her back no matter what. Both him and her then drifted off to sleep while laying down on the coach together then their Kwami's came out and were relived that their holders were safe and pissed at Rossi who Plagg wanted to cataclysm her while Tiki agreed with Plagg's idea because nobody harms her holder and gets away with it but now seeing that Lila Rossi is gone they were thankful that psycho got what she deserved.

Marinette: Justin....

Justin: Hm?

Marinette: I love you.

Justin: I love you too.

Marinette: When I finish my online courses and become a fashion designer, would you like to um...well...

Justin: Yea?

Marinette: Would you like to move in together..just you and me.

Justin: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Marinette: We can move to New York together because thats where I would be working to become a fashion designer.

Justin: I like New York and I can open my own bakery there after I finish my online courses.

Marinette: I can help you with it if you want.

Justin: I would like that. Maybe a house that is both a bakery as well as fashion design company where there is the bakery on the bottom and on top is your fashion design office where you can work on your creations.

Marinette: Oh that would be amazing.

Justin: We will call it, Pastries and Fashions.

Marinette: Hehehehe I think it works for me sweetie.

Justin: And we can get two hamsters because I know you love hamsters.

Marinette: I do, if it is a girl I want to name it Cooky.

Justin: For me if it's a boy I will call it Mr.Cuddles.

Marinette: Cooky and Mr.Cuddles they are such cute names.

Justin: Yea.

Marinette: Mind if I stay here for the night with you Justin. My parents will be coming back tomorrow.

Justin: Of course just send them a text to them to let them know.

Marinette took out her phone and texted her parents that she is staying over Justin's place for the night and once that is finished Marinette went to continue to cuddle with Justin.

Marinette: Cuddle me like you did last night.

Justin: Hehehe whatever my Blueberry Angle wishes. Wanna watch a movie.

Marinette: Sure, hows about we watch something that has action and romance.

Justin: Have you ever seen the movie The Mask of Zorro, it's a ninety's film.

Marinette: I heard about that film but never seen it.

Justin: The Mask of Zorro it is.

Both sat up and put on the movie while Justin made popcorn. The couple happily watch the movie together in which Justin liked the Zorro scenes and Marinette enjoyed the romance with Elena and Alejandro but also the reuniting of Elena and her real father Don Diego who was the original Zorro until Alejandro put on the mask. Towards the end of the movie both Justin and Marinette felt sleepy and soon both headed up to the bed where Justin put on his sleeping clothes and gave Marinette a long shirt to wear and the two of them cuddled into the bed and went to sleep as well as Plagg and Tiki.

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