Prove Yourself

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Chapter 4:

The next morning was kinda awkward to say the least. Sitting at the dining table sandwiched between Tikki and Plagg made Marinette feel insignificant. Tikki would talk with Plagg, trying to pull Marinette into the conversation, but she honestly didn't want to talk. She just wanted to move. And not only that, she wanted to get home. This world of crazy monsters and old goat men were about to drive her crazy.

Across the table, Master Furiel was taking his sweet time, scooping up his porridge at an agonizingly slow pace. Was he some sort of turtle, because it was starting to drive Marinette to the point of insanity.

"-and then I said, why don't you just find a better job?"

Plagg chuckled and said through a mouthful of cheese, "Tikki, it's not like Snowdin is just going to hand out jobs willy-nilly."

"Well, if Grillby can let you enter his restaurant and order only cheese off the menu, I'm almost positive he would offer someone a job."

Marinette sighed and finally got to her feet. "I'm sorry, but I need to go."

"But you just got here," Tikki pointed out.

She turned on her, her eyes harsh as she glared her down. "I'm sorry, but I can't just sit here and listen to mindless blabber when I need to get back to my family." She looked at Master Furiel. "I'm sorry, sir, but I can't just sit around here much longer. I'm grateful that you've taken me in without question, but I need to leave."

The two kwamis exchanged looks, then turned their attention to Master Furiel. The old goat man sighed, setting his spoon next to his bowl of porridge.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but I cannot let you leave."

"Why not?" she demanded.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "There are monsters out there that will kill you on the spot."

"You're a human," Plagg answered, somehow clarifying the mentor's words. "The folks around here aren't huge fans of your kind, what with the war that happened and the incident a couple years ago."

"It was more than a couple," Tikki corrected.

"Does it matter when the exact time was?" Plagg snapped. "The point is that it happened and no one trusts humans anymore."

"I don't need anyone to trust me, I just want to get home," Marinette said. She folded her arms. "I don't understand why you guys are all up in arms about this whole ordeal."

"There is no way out of the Underground, my child."

She looked at Master Furiel with a narrowed gaze. "Oh, and why is that? Does this involve the whole 'I'll tell you in the morning' spiel, because I'd love to hear that too."

The old goat man didn't respond right away. He didn't even lift his gaze to look at her until he spoke.

"I can understand how upset you might be to have lost your family, but I'm sorry to say that there is no way out of the Underground."

"But Master," Tikki pipped up, getting to her feet and leaning against the table. "Are you not going to tell her about the Barrier?"

Marinette furrowed her eyebrows and dropped her arms. "The Barrier?"

Master Furiel appeared weary as he sighed and got shakily to his feet. "I was hoping to not bring up such a topic, but though it might be theoretically possible, the King would never allow a human through."

"Y-you mean, I could get home?" Marinette stuttered.

The old goat man dropped his head. After a moment of silence, he responded, "Yes, my dear." Before he could let the words sink in, he continued. "But it is a dangerous journey. The Underground is much bigger than you would believe and the Barrier is hundreds of miles away from here. To think that you could get that far on your own would be only a fantasy." He turned his head away and picked up his cane. "I'm sorry, my child, but I cannot let you embark on such a dangerous mission."

Marinette was speechless. She took a couple steps back, then came around the table until she stood next to him. "Master Furiel, please," she pleaded. "I need to get home. My parents, my family, my friends... They all need me. I can't just-"

"No, child!" he shouted, getting to his feet so quickly, his chair toppled over. It crashed to the floor with a loud bang! It startled even Plagg. After taking some deep breaths, he continued. "My dear, there are many things that could hurt you, and it would pain me to have such an innocent human get thrown into the midst of the contention. The Underground is dangerous. The only safe place for you is here, with Tikki, Plagg, and I."

"But I can't just abandon my other life!" Marinette shouted. "I have to leave, or I'll never see my family again!"

Before she could continue, a fist slammed into her stomach and she flew across the room. She skidded down the hallway, stopping next to the stairwell. She coughed and gasped, trying to get her breath back. With blurry vision, she titled her head up to see if she could see her attacker. The only person she could see was Master Furiel stalking toward her. His head was bowed, eyes shrouded in darkness. His pawed hands were clenched, a weird wavy light radiating from them.

With wide eyes, Marinette scrambled to her feet, leaning heavily against the stair's railing. "Master Furiel, what are you-"

"If you wish to leave," he growled, "you must prove yourself."

Marinette almost tripped over her feet as she back pedaled. "W-what? Prove myself?" She screamed and ducked, barely missing a fireball that burst into flames as it hit the wall.

"If you want to go home, you must prove to me that you are ready to face the world of monsters," Master Furiel answered. He snapped his fingers and his hands caught aflame. "The Underground has many evil and dangerous monsters. Running amok, untrained and oblivious like an unbehaved mole rat, will only cause more problems." He thrust out his arm and a circle of fire erupted around Marinette. "You must learn to fight back, child!"

Marinette screamed, the fire licking at her skin. She fell to the floor, covering her nose and mouth. She couldn't breathe! The smoke was choking her!

"P-please!" she pleaded, crawling her way out of the circle of flames. "Please s-stop!"

Master Furiel didn't. He threw out his arms once more and the fire attacked her again. This time, however, Marinette was able to roll behind one of the tables in the hallway. Fire licked the edges of the wood, burning them to a crisp.

"Master!" Tikki shouted from the other end of the hallway. "What are you doing?!"

"Stay out of this, Tikki," the old goat man scolded. "She must prove her worth, just as you once did."

Marinette risked a glance around the edge of the wood. Through the flames, she could see Tikki's watering gaze and Plagg's wide eyes. It was like they had seen this before. Were they going to help or not? She watched as Tikki bowed her head and turned away, Plagg resting a hand on her shoulder and looking away as well.

That was it.

Marinette clenched her fists. If they weren't going to help her, she would just have to help herself. She pulled herself to her feet. She turned toward the fire, threw out her arms, and shouted, "I'm leaving to return to my family whether you like it or not! If you want to kill me, just do it!"

She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the flames to envelope her skin and fry her alive. She wasn't afraid. She wasn't going to let some old goat man force her to turn away from her previous life. Though she didn't know much about what would happen or where she would go, she knew one thing clearly - one of the only truths rooted in her heart.

She would fight for what was right, and going home to her family when they needed her the most was her goal. Nothing would stand her her way!

Standing there, waiting for her doom, she could feel the gratitude for Master Furiel surge into her mind. Tears soaked her eyelashes. With a small sob, she opened her eyes. Through the blurriness, she saw one thing for certain: the fire was bending around her. Not a single flame touched her body. Though she could smell smoke, it no longer choked her. She blinked repeatedly until she could clearly see what was right in front of her.

Master Furiel, with tears in his eyes, dropped his arms. The fire disappeared, as if it hadn't even been real. The table Marinette had hidden behind returned to normal, the burn marks fading into the wood. Had any of the fire actually been there to attack her?

With a proud smile, Master Furiel gazed at Marinette with tear-stained cheeks.

"You are ready, my child."

Marinette's eyes widened and she looked down at her hands. Had she really done it? Was facing her fear or standing up for what she believed in the test?

"I am so sorry, my dear," Master Furiel started, bowing his head and looking away. "I had to see if you were prepared for the horrible troubles that lay ahead. Though I had my doubts, you have more than proved yourself worthy to pursue your goal."

Marinette sucked in a breath, then broke into a grateful smile. She ran at the old man and threw her arms around him. He seemed taken aback by the hug, stumbling back in alarm. She squeezed the little goat man tightly, burying her head in his shoulder.

"Thank you, Master Furiel."

With tears in his eyes, Master Furiel smiled and hugged her in return. After a moment, the two pulled away and he rested a paw on her shoulder.

"Pack your things, child, for you are embarking on your journey as soon as you are able." He turned to look at the kwami monsters. Tikki straightened while Plagg stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Tikki," Master Furiel said, "you will accompany Marinette in her journey. Plagg, you must inform King Agreste of the situation. Are we clear?"

"Yes, sir," Tikki responded, saluting him respectfully.

Plagg huffed, hunching his shoulders. "Whatever you say, old man," he mumbled.

Master Furiel turned back to Marinette. "Before you leave, my dear, I only ask one thing."

Marinette nodded. "Anything, Master Fu."

His smile turned sad and he patted her shoulder. "Promise me that you will never return to my home."

Her eyes widened in shock. "Master, I-I don't think-"

"Please," he pleaded, his grip tightening. His expression turned dark as he looked away. "Many young human children, such as yourself, have passed through here countless times." Marinette's eyes widened, but before she could ask any questions, he continued. "It breaks my heart every time a young, innocent child ventures into the Underground. I have heard nothing from any of these brave souls, so I beg of you, please do not return. I will have Tikki or Plagg tell me of your adventures." He looked back up into Marinette's eyes and gave her one final tearful smile. "They will show you the way. Best of luck, my child."

Marinette couldn't help herself; she started to cry. She pulled Master Furiel into one last hug and whispered, "Thank you."

Without another word, she pulled away and ran toward her room to pack her things.

Plagg scoffed. "She'll only cause trouble out there, Master. Are you sure this is the right course of action?"

Master Furiel turned and wiped his fur of tears. "There is only so much a guardian can do for a child. Once they learn as much as they can, they must prove themselves in the world."

"If that's true," Tikki said, biting her lip, "are you sure you wish to have me accompany her?"

He nodded and glanced back at her room with a weary smile. "Of course, my dear Tikki. I feel as though you two would be a fine pair. Your enthusiasm will definitely be one of the many things that will help keep her going."

The red monster smiled and bowed. "Thank you, Master. I will go pack my things." And with that, she hurried off to her room as well.

As she rushed away, Master Furiel glanced at Plagg. The black cat was leaning against the wall, glaring at the floor. The old goat man smirked and tucked his hands into his sleeves.

"Is there something the matter, Plagg?"

He scowled and looked away. "Why is it that you always choose Tikki to guide all of the new humans who fall down into the Underground?"

"Hmm, I thought you would have already found the answer by now."

Plagg turned his harsh gaze toward the goat man. "What's that supposed to mean?" he accused.

"Your job is not yet finished. Am I wrong?" He met the kwami's eyes. Plagg looked away, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets.

"It's a lost cause, you know that, old man."

Master Furiel chuckled. "He's still your responsibility. All that matters now is how you handle it in the future."

Silence fell between the two of them. Eventually, Plagg's mouth twitched.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." 


Wow, I can't believe I found the inspiration to write some MiraculousTale. Seriously, guys, this is a miracle. I want to thank those of you who've been waiting for me to update for being so patient. My life is kind of crazy now that I've graduated from high school. 

Gosh, the idea of college is really freaking me out... 

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! More will be coming soon, now that summer has started up again. 

Since I don't have any more announcements, let's get to my favorite comment!

Favorite Comment: 

By: LucyWolf2015

A friend of mine that likes Miraculous Ladybug (did I get that right?) suggested this, since I don't know the show, while she doesn't know UnderTale

This is what I love about fandoms: though we all might not be in the same one, we can all still be friends and support one another. (Oh, and also introduce new content to each other *wink*). 

And, as always, Stay Determined!

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