Part I

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She told another story. A small eight-year-old sneaking up the stairs and crawling into her uncle's study. The old man was mumbling to himself. Taking notes. "Lucie," He said when he saw her, "Come, child." She crept over to the side of the man's desk and looked into the mirror. "What do you see?"

She looked up at him, and then back at the mirror. "My reflection."


"The room. The room's reflection."

"And have you ever tried to get into that room?"

The girl looked up at him again. "Uncle. It's just a mirror."

"Why can't you get into the room?"


The man lifted up his arm, and placed his hand on the cold glass of the mirror, his reflection doing the same. "What if-" He whispered. Eyes fixed on his own eyes, across the glass. "We can't get through the mirror, because our reflection is stopping us."


He turned to face her. "Or. What if-" He was present in the room, but his mind was elsewhere. "Our reflection can't get through because-"

The child whispered. "We're stopping it."

The investigator was sweating. "Your uncle thinks that his reflection is- alive?"

"Each mirror has a different one, a different reflection. Kind of like a different person. For each mirror."

"Kid." He whispered. "If this is a load of-"

"It's not. I've- seen it."

"Seen what?"

"Seen my reflection move."

The investigator turned to the mirror behind him, his heart racing. His mind could have been fooling with him, and he could have been tired, but for a small second, he could have sworn he saw his reflection grin.

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