Chapter 12: Unleashed Power

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Astral concentrated on the power hidden within him. It was very hard to find it since he didn't even know where to start! It was harder than finding a needle in a whole three-story house of hay!

He brushed against a place in his being, and something seemed to activate. He didn't know how, but it did! That little energy sparked into a huge inferno that threatened to engulf him with the slightest loss of control.

Dark looked at Astral, who was attracting attention with his brilliantly glowing body. He frowned while dodging another of Sanji's pitiful attacks.

He's finding his inner strength. This isn't gonna end well. He whipped his hand around in a 360, which knocked everyone out.

Astral was in shock, and for a moment, he wondered how he did it until he saw dark purple gas evaporating into the air from his arm. A gas that knocks people out? It makes Dark dangerous, then...

"Don't worry, Light Side," the malicious reflection purred. "This only affects humans. It has to be stronger for beings like us. You just never developed it to be stronger." He grinned, as if he would savor this next part. "This move was intended for humans."

I made this...for humans...? Astral was shocked he would even make such a thing!

"I keep telling you, Light Side. Your wish was to destroy the humans in your town." He grinned. "Now that that's done, I can continue with my wish, and you can't stop me!"

"Actually, I came to do just that." Astral gave his reflection a cold glare. His glow was growing brighter and brighter with each second that passed. It wouldn't be long until it was ready to use. "You cannot and will not do what you wish and get away with it!"

Dark laughed explosively. He fell to his knees, pounding the earth almost to the point of tearing his hands open as he laughed until he could hardly breathe. When he had to breathe, he would take a deep breath, and then start up the laughing storm again. This irritated Astral, but he kept his concentration.

"You think it is a bluff," he sighed, rolling his eyes. "It isn't."

This only made Dark laugh even more. He was practically in danger of not breathing again!

"You're-you're too...too much!!" Dark managed between gasps of laughter. "L-like you'll ev-ever beat me!"

Astral rolled his eyes again. He felt his energy at maximum and tried to focus it into his hands. It worked. The light seeped from all around his body to the palm of his hands. With a mighty grunt, he hurled them both at Dark.

The smoke and debris clouded up around Dark's laughing form. There was soon fits of coughing and wheezing and sputtering coming from the core of the cloud. A slash of wind sliced through the settling dust to reveal the livid, vexed, angered, Dark. He glared indignantly at his reflection.

"Good try, Light Side," he snarled, the dust he previously inhaled puffing out with every breath, "but you're just trying to get killed! I tried to leave you in the wardrobe so that you wouldn't get hurt, but how do you repay me?"

Astral could care less what he was trying to do. All he wanted was to stop the reflection from getting his wish.

"I could really care less," he mumbled, voicing his thoughts.

"Well, you should!" Dark dashed at him and headbutted Astral right in the abdomen.

Astral felt the wind being pushed forcefully out of him from the force of the headbutt. He stumbled back, gasping like a fish out of water.

Dark took the moment to aim a roundhouse kick to Light Side's side, roughly where the kindey should be in the human anatomy. The kick landed right on target. He then punched his stomach and stabbed his pressure point with two fingers.

With each attack that landed, Astral felt the energy strengthen more than if he wasn't being attacked. Still, he could do nothing to stop the attacks, as he was not a fighter, and as a result, it was very difficult to keep concentrating. He really had no reason to fight in the past, so he basically had little to no fighting experience.

"What's wrong, Light Side!?" Dark hissed. His face was clearly showing his excitement. "Why don't you fight back!?" He knew perfectly well that Astral couldn't fight at all. He was merely toying with him. All I have to do is weaken him enough so that he won't be able to use those damn attacks!

Little did poor little Darkie know that Astral was back at maximum power. He just couldn't get out of the barrage of attacks long enough to charge it to his hands and throw the energy at the reflection.

"Through your eyes," Asi whispered into his ear.

Astral complied, and he was soon blinded with a veil of pure white, which landed right in the reflection's face.

Dark howled in rage and pain and stumbled back, clutching his now burned face. He was seething with fury, gently running his fingers along his face to feel the extent of the damage.

Astral took advantage of this to recharge his energy to the maximum once more.

"Oh, you little...!" Dark hissed when he felt the deep burn scars. "You'll pay! Every thought I've had of keeping you alive has changed!!"

Astral paid no heed to his words; although, he couldn't help but shudder somewhat.

Dark made multiple spears in the air and reinforced them with some kind of aura. On their own, these things aren't strong enough to penetrate Light Side's skin. With this energy coat, however, they'll be more than strong enough! He threw them with an angry shout.

Astral was ready. While he didn't have his energy full, he had enough to do that energy reflective shield to bounce the spears off. He swept an arm, and as promised, the spears bounced off, whizzing through the air.

Dark was expecting this. With a grin that caused a small but insignificant pain in his face, he, too, swept his arm. To Astral's horror, a purple reflective shield caused the spears to ricochet off and back at him.

The blood splattered on every dead human. A sharp tip buried itself deep into Astral's head and heart; thus, ending his life.

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