Prologue: Asi

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Asi was a female Astral Being who moved into the Human World. She found an interest to anything old in the Human World, the food (even though she couldn't eat it), and pretty much anything human related. She had long, flowing, sky-blue hair, which was pulled back from her face with a pink headband, a pink dress, sky-blue skin, and one gold eye. Her other eye, the right one, was white. She had no shoes, elf-like ears, and long, dangling earrings. She had glittering gems on her elbows, either side of her neck, her knees, hips, shoulders, and three on her head. Aqua, swirling designs went from her shoulders to the bottom of her arms, from her thighs to her ankles, around her neck, and all over her torso and back. She was always smiling and cheery. She lived in Heartland City, in a small town at the edge of it.

Asi entered the antique shop and waved to the man at the register. His name was Dave. "Hiya~!" she chirped. "Whatcha got today?"

Dave was a young adult, about the same as Asi. He had blond hair with green eyes. His skin was pale, he wore a white shirt with a red sweater over it since it was chilly, jeans, and sneakers. He secretly fancied Asi, but he never got the nerve to tell her.

He smiled back at her. "Hey, Asi!" He pointed to something in the corner. "Well, today, someone gave me this mirror. She said not to look at it or something." The mirror was covered with a tarp.

"Ooh!" Asi cooed. She loved anything mysterious. "How much?"

"Well, the lady seemed eager to give it away, so you can just take it."

"Are you sure?" Asi looked over to Dave. "I would feel bad if I didn't pay."

Dave just smiled, blushing slightly. Good thing Asi didn't know what blushing meant. "Nah, it's fine. Just take it."

"Really? Okay." Asi smiled and lifted the mirror with levitation. "Thanks, Davey~!"

"Come back anytime, Asi!" Dave called back with a wave.

Asi went back to her home at the edge of the small town. It was a small house, but it was cozy. She pushed open the door and floated inside, taking the mirror with her. She set it by the wardrobe she really didn't need. The place just looked empty without it.

"So, what's so special about you?" she mumbled. Asi looked at the grandfather clock by the door. "Well, I guess it'll have to wait. I have to work now."

Asi worked at a restaurant as a waitress. The people had long since gotten used to her, so it wasn't strange that she worked there.


When she came home again, Asi went to uncover the mirror. She hovered in front of it for a while, then she placed her transluscent hand on top of the tarp.

"Now, let's see what's got everyone so scared of you," she mumbled.

She pulled off the tarp, and she was paralyzed by what she saw.

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