Chapter Three: Meeting Classmates

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Rebecca entered the classroom. Since she was a science student, she had been put in senior class 2B because she was a science student. 2A was for art students and 2C was for commercial students.

When Rebecca found a seat in the middle of the class, she was satisfied. A few minutes after Rebecca had settled down, bored out of her wits watching the other students go about their daily activities, five new students suddenly entered the class. One of them sat beside Rebecca.

There were now twenty students in her class. After some time two teachers walked in and distributed the books they would need for the term.

The day had been very long. Rebecca had hardly been able to cope. It was almost as if the teachers had been tied together with ropes. Immediately one left the class another would come in. It was finally time for lunch break. The class had been so busy after the teachers started arriving that Rebecca hadn't said anything to the girl beside her. That wasn't too good. Well now that she was finally free, it was best to talk to her now.

In Rebecca's school there's no dining hall so there was no where to rush to (Unless you needed to buy something at the school snack shop) everyone usually has their meals in their classes.

"Uh, hi I'm Rebecca" She said tentatively

"Hannah King" She replied smiling. "Honestly, I was beginning to wonder if I was invisible in this class or something"

Observing Hannah, Rebecca could see that she had short brown hair which was braided in a style popularly known as "all-back" She had light brown skin and an oval shaped face. She also had an Apple figure and was a bit fatter than Rebecca.

"Sorry, the first day of school is usually a bit busy for everyone" Rebecca told her.
"That's okay, at least now I have someone to talk to"

Rebecca and Hannah talked about the new students in the class. Hannah brought up one of the boys.

"The one with the bushy hair is Tom. He's so cute and really smart" She says.

Rebecca didn't really know what to say to this. She didn't like other people talking about their crushes because it was just... Weird. Especially when she had never had one before.

"I don't think he looks too cute" She says "But he is really smart"
She replied.

As if he knew they were talking about him, suddenly, he walks up to them with his book in one hand and a chair in the other.

Tom was the definition of dreamy. He had chocolate brown skin, nutmeg eyes and a really nice smile. He wasn't too tall but he looked fit and muscular but a little nerdy.

"Um, hi, can I ask you something?" Tom asked.

Rebecca knew that the question had been directed to her. Hannah seemed to be really excited about Tom. All she could do was stare at his face. I'm not sure if he noticed this but if he did, he was just ignoring her.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked.

"From what I've heard, you're really smart so I was wondering if you could help me with this math equation. Oh and by the way I'm Tom" He said.

Rebecca smiled. If she was hungry before, she definitely wasn't hungry now. "Sure" For the rest of her lunch break, she explained algebraic equations to Tom.
After the break, Tom thanked Rebecca and went back to his table. It seemed like all the girls were interested in him but Rebecca wasn't. She was only interested in her school work. She was always very busy, trying to get good marks in every test she wrote.

When the day was finally over, Hannah and Rebecca met Janet on their way to the school's parking lot.

"Hi, Janet this is Hannah, Hannah this is Janet" Rebecca says .

The girls greet each other and continue the rest of the walk together. They all exchanged numbers before going their separate ways (Janet was also worried that she might not get to talk to Rebecca) Rebecca was simply elated. Even though she realized later that Gabriella had been transferred to her class she didn't care. She was determined to make things work.

Hello, hello, hello 👋
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Stay safe!!!


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