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"Why are we here again?" a neat green haired man asked, posture tense as he looked around. His blonde companion sighed, looking at the man with heterochromatic red and blue eyes. "Because she wanted to give us, more specifically you, a break." the blonde said, concerned for her companion.

"I don't need a break." the man complained, putting his arms behind his head. "Yes, you do." a voice said from their com links, sounding a bit exasperated. "Shadow?" the man questioned. "Take this break. You don't know what will happen next." Shadow said.

"But why a break so sudden from our last mission?" the man asked. "I knew an encounter with that man would set you on edge, but I needed you and him to confront each other at some point in time. The sooner option just so happened to pop up faster than later." Shadow said, joking at the end.

"But seriously, unwind a bit. I can't have one of my best fighters having a meltdown in the middle of a mission." Shadow said, then ended the link. "See, she wants you to relax." the blonde said, smiling at her companion. The man sighed, knowing he had lost that battle. He regained his composure, a bit more relaxed.

"No poker, Jack." the blonde threatened, pointing an accusing finger at the man. Jack gave her a mock hurt expression. "But Jester! How are we going to get our funds?" Jack asked, purple eyes pleading. Jester humphed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Shadow and the Executives take care of our funds." Jester said, then began walking away.

"Jester!" Jack cried, chasing after his partner.

Blüd Haven Warehouse
"Pegasus! On your left!" a spiky green haired male shouted, causing a spiky red haired male to twist to the side to avoid a black clothed man holding a knife. "The baddies just keep getting dumber." Pegasus grumbled, a pair of white tinted blue wings appearing out of his back.

"Leone! Drago! Get down!" Pegasus ordered, and the green haired male dropped down beside a white haired male. Pegasus' wings began flapping as he rose in the air, summoning wind. White tinted blue feathers shot out and into the cyclone, scratching and injuring the bad guys hidden throughout the warehouse.

Pegasus soon landed back on the ground, collapsing as his wings disappeared in white tinted blue sparkles. Leone rushed over and caught Pegasus before he could land face first on the ground, sitting him against one of the support beams.

"I should help." Pegasus said, trying to get up. Leone was having none of it and pushed his leader back, a frown on his face. "Shadow won't like it if you overwork yourself, Pegasus." Leone said, then looked over his shoulder at Drago. The man was tying the henchmen up and dangling them from support beams.

"Besides, Drago has it covered." Leone added, giving his leader a small smile. Pegasus sighed, then returned the smile.

Gotham City Skyline
"Big bro?" a small black haired boy said, looking over at a taller figure in a black suit with a red x on the front and off center. He didn't get a response for a few minutes, so he turned back to look at the cityscape.

"Yeah, Lil' X?" the taller figure asked, making the smaller boy look back at the taller. "Is being here bringing back bad memories?" Lil' X asked, slightly hesitant. The taller sighed, voice modified by a voice changer built in his suit. "It does. But that won't stop me from protecting him." the taller said, right as his com link buzzed.

The taller pressed his com link, allowing the connection. "Red X come in." a voice said. "Red X here. What's the matter Shadow?" Red X asked. "Penguin is stirring up trouble at the Pier. Bats is stuck with Day life duties." Shadow responded, and Red X could hear some typing in the background.

"Alright. Lil' X and and will be there as quick as we can. Red X out." Red X turned off his com, turning to Lil' X. "A mission?" Lil' X asked, eyes widening behind his mask in anticipation. "Yeah. Penguin is at the Pier." Red X said, standing up on the ledge. Lil' X followed suit, and the both of them leaned forward. The brought out grappling hooks and let them fly, soaring across the skyline.

"Why are we here again?" a white haired male in black clothing asked, holding his arms. "Come on, Phantom. Lighten up a bit." a white haired male in blue clothing said, smirking at the other. The first male scowled at the second, green eyes glowing slightly in frustration. "I'd rather be doing our assignments, Blizzard. We're already behind the other squads." Phantom said, getting a snort from Blizzard.

"Why should we complete some stupid assignments?" Blizzard asked, leaning back as if he were laying on a hammock. "If you want to be able to go out and look after them, you'd do the 'stupid assignments', Blizzard." a voice cut in, annoying Blizzard. "And we can't just skip the assignments and go find them why?" Blizzard asked, irritated.

"The assignments get you used to the atmosphere of this dimension and what type of crime they have. And we can't have two versions of the same person in the same vicinity of each other if one is unprepared." the voice said, and the two heard typing in the background.

"Are you... typing?" Blizzard asked, incredulous. "Yes, I am. I'm checking things off of the other's assignments lists that they have gotten done. You two, on the other hand, have a list full of assignments." the voice said. "Jack and Jester got a vacation, and they still have stuff to do!" Blizzard shouted.

"Yes they still have stuff to do, but Jack ran into a painfully familiar face on his last assignment that has him all wound up. He needed to relax to be on top of his game, so he and Jester got a vacation." the voice said. "We'll get onto the assignments as soon as we get back to Kansas HQ, Shadow." Phantom said, getting a hum of confirmation. "White Shadow, Silver Bullet, and Arc are there, looking through newspaper articles for me. Try not to bug them." Shadow advised, then cut out.

Paris, France
"Are you alright, my Lady?" a blonde male in a black bodysuit asked, looking at a blue haired female with concerned green eyes. Said female wore a red dress that ended at her mid thigh, black spots decorated the dress. Translucent wings fluttered on her back in an unseen breeze.

"I'm fine, chaton. Just, homesick is all." the female said, looking at her companion with sad bluebell eyes. The male's belt like tail drooped down in sorrow, and he intertwined his clawed hand with the female's gloved one. The male then began to purr, black cat like ears on his head twitching slightly.

The female giggled, getting a smile from the male. The male lifted the female's hand to his lips, planting a kiss. "I'm glad you're here, chaton." the female said, leaning against the male's side. The male wrapped an arm around the female, careful of her wings. "So am I that you are here, my Lady." the male said, and the two sat in silence as they watched the sun rise from their seat at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

New York City, New York
"Wow!" a brown haired and eyed boy said, eyes sparkling in awe as he looked around. A black haired male with some white bangs and sea green eyes watched in amusement, while an auburn haired male with white streaks looked around with narrowed amber eyes.

The black haired male whacked the auburn haired male lightly, gaining his attention. "You can be as overprotective as you want, Sharpshooter. Just don't let it interfere with Lightning's happiness. He's never seen this side of life." the black haired male said, then ran after Lightning to make sure he didn't break anything.

Sharpshooter huffed, a gentle smile on his face as he followed after his leader. "If Lightning breaks anything, the fault is on you." Sharpshooter said, getting an annoyed huff. "Come on, Riptide! I wanna know what that does!" Lightning said, running at a human pace towards the black haired male and grabbed his arm, pulling him along. Riptide laughed, following along.

Sharpshooter's gentle smile didn't fade as he followed after the two.

Kansas Homestead
"I'm bored~!" a messy brown haired male said, light blue eyes dull in boredom. A brown haired boy huffed from his position at a monitor, blue eyes flickering over to the male in annoyance before getting back to the monitor.

"Take your boredom somewhere else and stop bothering us." a neat brown haired male said, eyes a slightly darker shade of blue than the messy brunet. The first male was laying upside down on a two seater couch, looking like he would die from boredom (if it were possible).

The second male was reading a newspaper, having a couple stacks on the coffee table in front of him. There were two stacks on either side of him on the three seater couch he was on, one slightly taller than the other.

The messy haired brunet rolled over on his stomach, amazingly not falling off the couch. "I get that you two have stuff to do, but can't you take a break and relax for a couple hours?" the messy haired brunet asked, pouting. The neat haired brunet and the boy exchanged glances, before looking back at the messy haired brunet.

"Fine, as long as it's only a couple hours." the neat haired brunet conceded, right as the monitor the boy was at changed screens to a figure in a black hood. "Deduct Squad." the figure greeted, a slight smile on her face. "Ms. Shadow." the boy greeted, all three giving the figure their attention. "As I have done with Hazard Squad, I'm assigning you three a vacation to unwind. If you two do all the work and leave White Shadow bored and to his own devices, well, need I elaborate, Silver Bullet and Arc?" Shadow asked, getting head shakes.

"Go have some time to yourselves. California may help you unwind." Shadow said, then the screen turned back to normal. "Did she just suggest that we go to California?" Silver Bullet asked, looking at his two companions. Both nodded.

Unknown Location
"Shadow!" a voice shouted at a dark clothed figure, causing said figure to turn around. A blue haired male with blue eyes was running towards the figure. Once he got to her, he doubled over and tried to regain his breath.

"Psy? What's wrong?" Shadow asked, a frown on her visible face, which was only her mouth. The rest of her face was cast in shadows. "It's Dragonis. He's harassing Cielo, Tempo, Libro, and Shadar." Psy said, standing up and brushing his bang out of his face.

"Four this time?" Shadow questioned as they began walking swiftly back the direction Psy had came from. "I don't understand why he is harassing them. He was doing well until recently." Psy said, just as they walked into a room to find most of the people at their base behind an electric cage.

A spiky white haired male had a hand raised, electricity crackling around it as he advanced on a dusty-blonde haired boy who was holding a book close. "Quit protecting that damned book, Libro." the spiky white haired male ordered, getting a head shake from the frightened boy who clutched the book tighter.

"That's enough, Dragonis." Shadow said, voice hardened as she walked over in between Dragonis and Libro. "Get out of the way, Shadow." Dragonis ordered, only to have a black tendril move upwards from the ground under his legs to around his neck, restricting his movement.

"You can threaten me all you want, Dragonis, and it won't do a damned thing. Threaten a different member, be it an Executive or a Squad member, that I won't tolerate. Especially if they're a child. What would your brother think?" Shadow said, noticing Dragonis' face freeze up at the mention of his brother. With his concentration broken, the electricity around his hand dissipated and the cage disappeared.

"Dawn, Reinas. Get Cielo, Tempo, and Shadar to the medical wing. Take Libro with you. Nurarihyon, Cerberus, and Oni. Go make sure that Libro is alright. Everyone else, dismissed." Shadow ordered, and the people went their ways.

"Why did you attack them, Dragonis. And give me an honest answer." Shadow said. Dragonis was silent. "It's the anniversary." Dragonis said, getting a sympathetic frown from Shadow as the tendril removed itself from Dragonis' person.

"I get it. But I have never gone ballistic when my anniversary comes up." Shadow said. "Seeing them interacted reminded me of them." Dragonis said, as Shadow's mouth formed a small 'o'. "Go to your room. I've got a surprise set up." Shadow said, then walked away.

"What sort of surprise?" Dragonis asked, dark golden eyes narrowed in confusion. He just got a mysterious smile in return.

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