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TW: child abuse.

Her older brother's muffled screams pierced her ears. Of course, it was a sound she was used to, but nevertheless, it still hurt. Knowing that if she tried to interfere, no matter how much she wanted to, it would just end horribly for everyone. She distracted herself as much as she could, writing letters, reading, studying for the new term, but nothing could take her mind off of the noises from downstairs. Maybe one thing.

"Aury-?" Regulus knocked on her door.

"Come in." she said quietly.

Regulus swiftly opened the door, gently closing it.

"Are you okay?" he asked, frowning.

"Are you?" she returned.

"Fair point." Regulus came closer to her and pulled her into a hug.

Regulus was never one for hugs, or physical touch in general, but it was different with Aurelia. She was his twin sister, and he cared about her more than anyone in the world. The two stayed like that for a little bit, until Aurelia broke the silence, just placing her head on her twin's shoulder. "How long do you think this will keep going today, Reg?"

"We'll never know. At least she's not making us watch this time." Regulus added.

"I guess..." she sighed.

Their parents were the cruelest people, that was for sure. Ever since Sirius' first year at Hogwarts, their punishments had gotten worse and worse. Shit hit the fan even more when Aurelia didn't get into Slytherin. She didn't have it as bad as Sirius, but she still got her fair share of curses every once in a while. Last year, her parents found out she had been taking muggle studies, and she was really in for it then. She was forced to drop the class after a howler from her mother, and then got what she thought was the worst punishment of her life that Christmas break.

"Sirius is quite the prick to us at school, but he doesn't deserve all of this... right?" Aurelia picked her head up.

Regulus had a look of sorrow on his face, taking a second to think. "No- no he doesn't. He's a git, sometimes, yes- but he's still our brother. He just doesn't know when to bite his tongue. Bloody Gryffindors."

He gave Aurelia a small reassuring smile, her returning it. Suddenly, the two jumped, startled, after hearing a loud bang, glass shattering. Their eyes widened, as Aurelia ran to the door of her bedroom, Regulus hurrying after her. She moved her way down the stairs, stopping halfway through, witnessing the sight of both their parents wands in the air, and their older brother grasping for breaths against a bookshelf, bruised and bleeding in different areas. Walburga and Orion snapped their heads to the staircase.

Aurelia's mouth was covered by her hand, while Regulus just stood in shock. Sirius looked over at them weakly, attempting to smile, but it was still very obvious he was in a lot of pain. The twins stood in shock, completely silent.

"Well then," Walburga began, "I think we're done here." she lowered her wand and nodded at her husband. "You two go back upstairs. He's fine." she spoke coldly.

Aurelia already felt the tears that pricked her eyes begin to slowly fall down her face, as she watched her parents walk away. She removed from herself from her paralyzed state, rushing down the rest of the steps, Regulus trying to stop her.

"Holy shit-" she breathed out, kneeling beside Sirius. "Sirius- can you hear me?"

He nodded, before struggling to speak. "I- I can't stay- I can't stay here-"

Regulus was also kneeled at this point, "What'd he say?" he said.

"He-" Aurelia was going to answer him, but turned back to Sirius. "What do you mean? You're going to be okay! We'll get you some help- Kreacher! He'll heal you like always!"

"He wants to leave?" Regulus' eyes widened, as Sirius shook his head at Aurelia.

"I can't Aury. I can't stay here anymore." he winced, sitting himself up a little more. "It'll only get worse."

Aurelia knew he was right. Regulus did too. If this kept going, they'd kill him. But he was their brother. He protected them, and was there for them, though he didn't show it at school, at Grimmauld Place, he did everything he could to keep them out of harms way. They knew that he needed to leave, to save himself, but they couldn't help but be a little selfish.

Aurelia shook her head, wiping the tears off her face, her expression turning cold. "Kreacher." she called out.

The house elf appeared. "Yes, mistress?"

"Help him." she didn't specify with what. Regulus looked at his sister, and then back to Sirius, showing as little emotion as possible. Aurelia turned on her heel to walk away. She couldn't bare the sight for another second.


About an hour later, Regulus came back into his sisters room, finding her reading on her bed. She looked up from her book, seeing the cold expression on his face

"He's gone isn't he?"

Regulus nodded silently.

"Right then." that was all Aurelia managed to get out.

They were upset. Angry, even. At Sirius, a little bit yes, but mostly their parents. They drove him away.

"Aurelia Walburga Black!" their mother's voice boomed from downstairs.

And so it began.

Aurelia took her time, placing her book down on her bedside table, walking towards her bedroom door, nodding at Regulus, who was still standing in the doorframe, with the same cold expression. He shook his head, signaling that she shouldn't go down there, but he knew she didn't have a choice.

Aurelia took her slow steps down the staircase of the glum house. Hearing the tapping of her mother's foot near, as she was getting impatient. When she made her way into the foyer, Walburga was furious.

"Care to explain where your brother has vanished to?" Walburga said.

"Regulus is upstairs, mother." Aurelia remarked.

Walburga scoffed. "Do not be smart with me right now, girl. Where is Sirius?"

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not." Aurelia snapped.

"I should've known! You'll end up being filthy blood traitor just like him!" Walburga spat.

"I didn't do anything!"

Walburga reached to grab Aurelia by the ear but she had been expecting it. She moved out of her mother's reach. This infuriated Walburga, so she latched on to the girls hair instead, dragging her up the stairs.

"Ow- what- the- hell-?!" Aurelia struggled against her mother's grip.

Aurelia caught sight of Regulus where he stood outside of his bedroom door, just watching the scene with a puzzled expression.

Walburga threw Aurelia into her room, and began screaming. "You are to stay in here for the rest of the night! Not to come out! Not even for food!" she inhaled, before her voice went booming throughout the house again, "Sirius Black has been disowned from this family! And if you keep this behavior up, you will not be far behind!" she slammed her daughter's bedroom door.

When she heard her mother's footsteps get quieter, she flopped on her bed and screamed into her pillow. She just kept reminding herself she'd be back at school soon enough, and wouldn't have to deal with her parents' bullshit for a while. When Aurelia finally calmed down a bit, she sat up, holding the pillow to her chest. She looked at the book on her bedside table, picking it up. Before opening it, she mumbled to herself.

"Damnit, Sirius."

This was going to be a hell of a year.


A/N HI!! yeah okay so starting this off with a bang. and by a bang i mean ANGST. I really like this actually and I love Aurelia so much already. thank you to all of my wonderful loyal readers and I hope you enjoy this fic! I'm so excited to write this one. This chapter is a little short but it's okay for a first chapter i think!

Love you guys, take care of yourselves <3

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