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"You wretched little girl!" the sound of her mother's voice rang throughout the house.

"Ow! You're hurting me, Mother!" Aurelia howled, as she was being dragged up the stairs of Grimmauld Place by her ear.

"Good. Get in there!" Aurelia was tossed back through her door by Walburga, smacking her head on the end of her bed. "You," she paused, pointing her finger. "are a no good, nasty little bloodtraitor, and a revolting excuse for a daughter!" Walburga slammed the door loudly.

Aurelia's lip quivered, as she rubbed over her ear, which was red in pain. As she continued to look around the room she was already quite familiar with, it seemed to get smaller and tighter, like the walls were closing in. Her breath was shaky, as she ran back to the door, banging on it.

"Let me out! Let me out of here! Please!" Aurelia screamed bloody murder. She could feel the walls getting closer and closer, her chest feeling awfully tight. She kicked the door in anger, "You bitch!"

Aurelia turned around, realizing the walls stopped caving. Her breathing, still quite shaken, slowed down a bit. She slowly walked away from the door, hearing quiet sobs coming from somewhere. She looked around, confused and a tad scared. She moved her gaze from each wall until landing on a corner near her bed. A little girl, her face was burried into her knees.

Aurelia's face contorted, her mouth agape. "Are you okay? Who are you?" she crouched to the little girl's level. She watched as the little girl slowly lifted her head. She came face to face with herself. A 10 year old Aurelia stared back at her. "Oh."

The younger Aurelia frowned, but didn't speak a word. "Oh... Aury..." Aurelia said to herself, patting her head, gently pushing her hair out of her face.

The girl did nothing but slowly raise her arm up, pointing to the door. Aurelia looked confused for a second, before hearing the loud stomping of her mother's feet getting closer to the door. As the door swung open, she immediately stood in front of her younger self, holding her arms up as she faced her mother.

"Don't touch her." Aurelia felt tears uncontrollably run down her cheeks.

Walburga chuckled, "My dear, I believe you'll find... I can do what I want. I am the adult here. You are nothing but a child."

Aurelia scoffed, "A child?! Oh yes! A child that is to be married off quite soon, no?!"

"You dare talk to me like that-"

"You are so fucking ridiculous! Sirius had the right fucking idea! You're a monster- and that's all you'll ever be-"


And she woke up.

Aurelia jolted out of her bed, breathing heavily. Her gaze shifted around the dorm, noticing it was empty. All except for her. The light shining through the window showing that it was far too late for her to just be missing breakfast. The immediate panic rushed to her head. This wasn't who she was. This was the complete opposite.

After slowing her breathing, she jumped out of her bed, struggling out of the uniform she fell asleep in, and shuffling on a clean and less wrinkled one.

Running her fingers through her hair, she grabbed her black Mary Jane's, and bolted out of the dorm. She ran down the corridors, not thinking straight whatsoever, stumbling as she put on her shoes, slightly ripping her tights in the process. Just hoping she wouldn't draw too much attention to herself. When she made her way into the charms classroom, she was met with a disappointed look from her head of house, Professor Flitwick, as well as an angered Regulus silently scolding Pandora, who was zoned out in her textbook.

She placed her head down in shame, walking towards the two, Regulus' whispers finally becoming audible.

"I told you! You said you'd get her up!"

"I tried- but she just looked so peaceful!" Pandora replied, not taking her eyes off the book. "Oh- Hi, Elia."

Aurelia scoffed, her sleep that night was anything but peaceful. "Hi." she huffed.

"Aurelia- what happened?" Regulus sighed, placing an open book in front of her to get her on track.

"Nothing. I'm just a little late, it's fine." she pressed her lips together, nodding.

Pandora tilted her head, "You seem pretty content about being late-"

"It's okay!" she took a breath, looking over to the book, and moving her focus to Professor Flitwick.

This year felt different, even though it was exactly the same. Aurelia wasn't there, not really. Her mind was blank, almost a faint buzzing or like someone had stuffed her head with cotton, replacing her brain. The idea of attending classes that day felt exhausting, her energy at an all time low. Her dream had drained her completely. She had expected to get a full nights rest before classes but the results were the exact opposite.

Regulus observed his sister, watching her carefully as they moved throughout their day. He could feel that something was off. This wasn't an uncommon type of feeling between the two. Regulus and Aurelia had always felt connected, like some type of bond. Maybe it was because they were twins or there was more to it, they never really knew. But one thing they did know for certain, was that no matter what, the twins were intertwined as one, one soul split in two.

Worry washed over him, as his concern for his sister superceding his priorities for the day. The exhaustion she exhibited was palpable, almost as though a cloud surrounded her, following her throughout her day. He wanted to ask her, figure out what had her in such an odd mood but he didn't know how.

On the first day of school, classes were normally just going over syllabus for each course, things that would be taught and looked over throughout the school year. Aurelia's classes this year included Charms, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, and Astronomy. Her electives were chosen by her parents, after the Muggle Studies debacle last year. She shared a lot of her classes with Regulus, except for Herbology and History of Magic, those two were switched for the twins.


Aurelia was mentally exhausted, and they hadn't even done anything that day. Her thoughts were just too loud. At the end of the school day, she was just sort of wandering the halls. She had separated from Regulus a little while ago, telling him she was going to clear her head. Her bag filled with books and notes slouched over her shoulder, she continued walking the corridors, until she found her way to the one place she knew would be quieter. The library.

Even in earlier years, Aurelia would go to the library as a way of clearing her head, distracting herself from other issues. Most of the times she was in there, she would spend reading different books, or rereading them, depending on how she was feeling. This time, she sat herself at a table to look over the notes she had taken. She pulled out the stray pieces of parchment from her bag, realizing how unorganized and crumpled they were. She did her best to straighten them out. Even then, her writing was almost intelligable. The handwriting varied from her nice and neat writing she usually had, to messy and scratched writing. Going through them, it was easy to tell when she was actually paying attention and when she was zoned out.

Aurelia sighed at the scratchy writing on the pages, disappointed in her notes. More so disappointed in herself. She was lost. As she stared, trying to decipher the words, she heard a soft voice from behind.

"Oh- Aurelia?" her head perked up, it wasn't a voice she recognized on the spot.

She slowly turned around, and was met with the tall, brown-haired Gryffindor boy, known as Remus Lupin. The same boy she ran into on the train. The same boy who was best friends with Sirius.

She furrowed her eyebrows, before turning back to her notes, ignoring the boy.

"Are you o-"

She cut him off before he could ask that same question. The question she had been asked far too many times these past few days. "What do you want, Lupin?"

"Nothing- I was just in here. The library is open to the whole school." he gestured his head to the side, letting out a short laugh.

"Where's your little gang of troublemakers?" Aurelia questioned, not looking up from her notes.

"Marauders." Remus corrected, with a small smile.

"Yeah-" Aurelia turned around with a fake smile before dropping it. "I'm not calling you that."

"Fair enough." he nodded, looking over to what she was working on. "Who's notes are those?" his eyes widened slightly at the handwriting.

She slightly slammed her quill onto the table in frustration. "They're mine. Now, would you please go back to your own business?" Aurelia groaned.

Instead of doing so, Remus sat down across from her, causing her to look up again, completely puzzled. He pulled a book out of his bad before draping it over the back of his chair.

"What are you doing?" Aurelia furrowed her brows once more, a look of frustration on her face.

"Reading. In the library." Remus shrugged. He thought about asking her something along the lines of why was she ignoring Sirius, but that wasn't his place, and definitely not his own business like she had requested he focus on.

"Can't you read somewhere else? I don't want you here." she replied rather harshly. Tilting her head she caught a glimpse at what he was reading. The cover was quite odd, she had never seen the book before. "The Shining?" she mumbled.

"It's a good book. If you like scary stories." Remus nodded, ignoring the first part she said. "Stephen King writes lots of horror novels-"

"I don't read muggle literature." she did, once. Christmas break, 3rd year. The book was "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott. She only made it halfway through the novel before her mother discovered it. She had gotten quite the beating for it, while Sirius was yelled at, Walburga thinking it was him and his blood traitor friends at fault for it. It wasn't his fault. Not at all. The book was given to her by her roommate, Dorcas, before they left for break.

"Should've guessed that one-" Remus let out a breathy laugh before looking up at Aurelia, the tired and upset expression on her face was very prominent. Her eyes were staring past him, like she was looking at something that wasn't there.

"Are you okay?" there it was again.

Aurelia was snapped out of her trance immediately. "I'm fine!" she wondered how many times would she have to say that before it would stick. She just didn't want to admit that it was because the statement was obviously not true, and it was shown in many different ways.

As she frustratedly grabbed her notes off the table, she knocked over the little vial of ink she had. "Fuck." she gritted her teeth, as the ink pooling on the table spilled droplets onto her lap. Remus immediately shot up to help.

She held her finger up to him not taking her eyes off the ink. "Don't."

"Remus!" there was a voice she knew all too well.

"Shh!" Madam Pince retaliated at the loud voice of one Sirius Black.

Aurelia's eyes widened, her face turning to a mixture of sadness and anger, almost looking like she was going to cry. She took a deep breath before quickly getting rid of the ink on the table with a wave of her wand, and then standing up. "Goodbye, Lupin."

Remus looked at her, sort of baffled, as she began to walk away so quickly.

Sirius turned the corner to where the two were, noticing it was Aurelia just as she started to look away and hurry off. By the time he picked his jaw off the ground to say something to her, she was out of the library doors. He turned to Remus, "What was she doing here? Did she say anything to you? About me? Did you see her face? I mean I only saw it for a second- but she doesn't look well-"

"Sirius, breathe!" Remus said to his best friend. "She was going over notes, she didn't say anything about you, and yes. I did see her face." Remus sighed.

"Well- I just- uhm-" Sirius shook his head, clearing his throat, as an attempt to clear his mind. "I came to get you. For dinner." he smiled slightly at Remus, "C'mon, Moony- We're all waiting."

He walked towards the exit of the library, Remus following after.

He thought about Aurelia for a split second. She did look miserable, but even then, he couldn't deny... she was still quite pretty.


A/N REMUS!! better appearance than the last one and oooo he thinks shes pretty tehe <3
SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. i have been super busy these past few weeks with work, and school, and then last week i was travelling because i went to the guts world tour which was AWESOME
okay enough about my life, AURELIA AND REMUS <33
im so excited to write more for them, so heres a little gif that kinda goes with the chapter :)

i love you all so much and i hope you're doing well! don't forget to take care of yourselves <33

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