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Aditya's POV-

Out of everything I could have expected her in, it was not a saree, yet here she was, in a golden saree and looking ravishing.

" Let's go?" I heard her say, but there was something and I could not stop looking at her.

" Ass....Aditya?" She said, improvising in front of her family or else she would never have called me by my name if we had been alone. Over the span of a week, I had heard her call her asshole numerous times.

I then greeted maa and grandpa.

" Let's go." I said, now addressing her.

I could see shock written all over her face because of my interactions with maa and I felt guilty about it. This was not the impression I wanted her to make of me.

Aditya Kapoor, since when did you start caring about your impression in front of others?

" go or else you'll be late." Maa spoke to her and she nodded.

I exited and she followed me to the car.

" Who are these relatives?" She questioned.

" My bua and her kids." I informed her.

She needn't be uncomfortable with bua, Amayra and Hardik. They are quite open minded.

The rest of the drive was silent while I made occasional glances at her, she kept looking about.

" Let's get in." I said after parking the car.

Swara's POV-

The rest of the ride was me planning how to stay calm and not reply back to elders.

" Let's get in." I heard the asshole say. I did not even realize that we had reached.

I got down the car and I prayed to let this go smooth but god was on his angry mode with me these days so I was expecting the worst of the situations.

Bua with horns, ready to attack me as soon as I walked in along with aunty and Aditya's grandparents.

From parking to the living room, I thought of running away various times but finally decided against it.

I am not a loser to run away.

We walked in and I saw three people. A sweet looking lady.....I don't know how deadly she will turn on me and two people of Asshole's age.

I folded my arms into namaste and she gave me a smile.

Oh! I was expecting a sarcastic remark. I don't know how to respond to a smile in a situation like this. I did not think about it in the car.

I was almost panicking when the girl came and hugged me.

" Welcome to the family bhabhi." She said.

" Please call me Swara." I said and offered her the same warm smile that she had on.

" Okay Swara, I am Amayra. Aditya bhai's younger sister and this is Hardik, my elder brother." She said enthusiastically and Hardik side hugged me.

" Welcome to the family Swara." He said too.

" Thank you." I said, unsure how to react.

" You were totally not expecting this? Were you beta?" Aditya's bua asked me and caught me red handed.

" See beta, I know this week must have been very hard for you and I am totally sorry for how you've felt in the family till now but thank youfor giving us time and not losing temper with all the taunts you had received." She said.

How does she know all about this!?

" Your mother in law told me and she is really sorry for how she has behaved with you." Aunty replied. Shit, did I speak that out aloud?

I looked at her with wide eyes.

" Yes, you did sweetheart." She responded back.

I was deeply embarrassed that I blushed.

" I am really sorry for how your dad and I had behaved with you Swara. You saved our family's reputation and yet all were we was mean to you. You had no fault in everything that had happened and was a victim of the situation like all of us and way more...I'd say because it's your life that has changed alot. It was unfair on our part to just take out our anger and frustration out on you and we are truly ashamed about it." Amrita aunty said.

" Yes beta, we are truly sorry for our behaviour. You are just like a daughter to us and no parents behave with their daughters like this the way we have behaved with you." Uncle said.

Shit, I was totally unprepared for all of this. Did the sun rise from west today?

" It's okay uncle, aunty. I did not mind anything that you said. I know it was all in anger so it's all forgotten and in a way, yes, my family has wronged yours because whatever may have had happened, I cannot deny the fact that Kritika didi is my sister and one day I am going to forgive her for all of this because this is what family does, stay angry at each other but eventually forgive them because we are family. However she may be or whatever she does, she is going to remain my sister. Just because I am angry at her does not mean that I don't love her. I do, absolutely but I will not forgive her until she realizes that she has wronged so many people here just because of one stupid decision." I spoke my heart out.

At the mention of Kritika didi, the atmosphere in the hall tensed.

Aditya left my side and shooed upstairs, probably to his room.

Shit! Did I ruin it all?

" Give him some time Swara, he loved Kritika hard." Amayra said.

" Yes beta. Now help me set the dining table for lunch." Amrita aunty said.

I walked with her inside the kitchen where she hugged me.

" I am truly sorry Swara." She said.

" I did not feel bad aunty. So no hard feelings." I replied back, smiling.

" Beta, now that you are married to Aditya, try calling me maa or mom if you like. No pressure." She said, hopefully.

" Okay mom." I said, hesitantly.

" Where is grandma and grandpa?" I asked.

" They have gone to Delhi to live with papa's brother for two months." She informed. I nodded and helped her set the dining table.

" Beta, please go and call Aditya from his room." Amrita aunty asked me.

" Me?" I asked, widening my eyes.

" look like you've seen some ghost." Amayra di remarked as she looked at me.

Reluctantly, I dragged my feet upstairs and knocked at my dearest husband's door.....note the sarcasm!

He opened the door and looked at me. Anger filled eyes.

" Listen...I am not scared of you so stop giving me that look and come down for lunch, everyone is waiting for you." I said strongly.

He kept looking at me with the same expression.

" Did you even hear what I said or you're just standing zoned out?" I asked, waving my hand in front his face.

" Let's go." He said and I started walking in front of me.

At the stairs, I lost my balance because of the saree and screamed, scared of falling and closed my eyes but never touched the ground.

I slowly opened my eyes only to see him holding me by my shoulder all my weight was on his thigh. It was such an awkward moment! Jesus Christ!

He saved me!

" Thank you." I said, looking straight into his eyes.

" Careful." He muttered and helped me balance on my feet.

I walked carefully now.

At the dining table, everyone had already started eating and we joined them. There were just two unoccupied seats side by side. Shit! I really did not want to side beside him and make things awkward more than they already were.

He did not a tad bit affected with what had happened on the stairs and here I was getting all embarrassed.

" Sit kids." Bua said.

I smiled, nodding and we began to eat.

" So beta, I've heard that you have given your boards exam this year? What were your subjects?" Bua asked me.

" Yes. I had taken up commerce with maths." I told her.

" So Swara? What do you plan on pursuing for higher education?" Hardik asked.

" I have given entrance exams for BBA in marketing and resource management." I replied and he nodded.


My result was supposed to be out today! Why did that idiot Aryan not check and call!

Somehow I contained myself from jumping out of my chair and calling Aryan but the television was another shocker for me.

" CBSE class 12th boards results are out." The news screen flashed.

I got up in a stance and I fell everyone look at me in a stance.

" What happened beta?" Mom asked.

" Board exams results are out. Please excuse me. I am so sorry!" I jumped away with my phone and wallet and ran out of the house, hailed an auto back home.

" Hello. Aryan?" I called him in the auto.

" S, the results are out." He exclaimed.

" Yes! I am on my way back to home to get the hall ticket information. Meet me there only and get Tanya also. We will see the results together. No cheating." I threatened him.

" Yes, I'll be there." He said and hung up.

My phone rang, it was Asshole.....Aditya but I had saved him number by that.

" Hello." I said, receiving the call.

" Swara, what the fuck? Where are you?" He asked.

" Listen Mr. right now is really not a good time to argue. I am on m way back to home to see my results. It at all you are a good man, you'll pray that I better get good marks. Now please say sorry to everyone there from my side for leaving like that. Bye." I said and hung up.

Please ganpatti bappa....please let me pass! I prayed.

Within 20 minutes, I was home and rushed inside.

" Shona....what is wrong? Did something happen there?" Mumma asked, sounding panicked.

" board exam results are out!" I exclaimed.

" What? See na then?" She said, very excited.

" Yeah...I am waiting for Aryan." I said.

" And here he is." She replied, looking at the door.

" Aryan, Tanya....let's do this together." I said and they nodded.

We logged into the website.

English- 96

Business Studies- 100

Economics- 100

Accounts- 94

Maths- 92

" 96.4 percent." I said, shocked.

" 94.8 percent." Aryan said.

" 90.6 percent." Tanya added.

" Thank god I did not fail." I sighed, content.

" Failed? You all got in 90's kids! I am so proud of you all!" Mumma said and hugged us.

" I am going to cook a sweet dish you go and tell grandpa. He is in the lawn." She said but the phone's started coming.

I rolled my typical of relatives.

Mumma answered all the calls. Aryan and Tanya went to their respective houses and I was still in shock.

Grandpa was very happy. He even gave three thousand rupees to the three of us.

I thought that I was going to fail in maths.

" papa and tell him!" Mumma said.

I nodded and called him.

" Hello." I said.

" Yes Shona?" He said.

" I got 96.4 percent in my boards." I told him and he was on cloud 9.

" Tell me...what do you want?" He asked.

" A puppy as a pet." I said, trying for a chance.

All my life, I had been a huge dog lover but my parents.....huh!

Then I hung up and the doorbell rang.

" Shona....come downstairs." I heard mumma call for me.

I immediately changed my clothes because of all the jumping, my saree was about to come off.

Swara's look-

As I walked into the living room, Mom and uncle along with Mr. husband were sitting.

Now what!?

" Congratulations beta!" Mom said and came to hug me. I was a bit shocked but I guess I could do with this mom rather than that Amrita aunty. Mom was sweet.

" Thank you mom and I am really sorry for running away like that." I said, embarrassed.

" It's okay beta. We understand. Congratulations." He said, side hugging me.

" Thanks uncle." I said, smiling at him.

" Don't you think this is a strange call Amrita mom and you call me uncle? Call me dad." He said.

" Thanks dad." I said. I was so happy that I did not fail in maths that I was just agreeing to whatever we being said to me.

" Congratulations Swara." Aditya said.

" Thank you so much!" I replied and my cell phone again went off. It was Aryan so I cut the call but he called again so I picked up.

" Aryan, I'll call you back in sometime?" I said.

" S, we got into ABC College." He announced. It was one of the premier institutes of India.

" What! Really?" I shouted.

" Yes! Tanya also. Today is such an amazing day!" He exclaimed.

" I know right! Today ganpatti bappa is not angry on me that's why this day is going great because seeing my past week's track record, I was convinced that he hates me!" I exclaimed in excitement and then realized what I have done.

I hung up.

" I am really sorry. I did not mean that to come out that way." I lied. That's exactly how I meant it!

" It's okay Swara but now what?" Mumma asked.

" I got into ABC College with Aryan and Tanya." I told her.

" I am so proud of my Shona!" She said and embraced me.

All the others too congratulated me including my dear husband.

" Mumma....I am going for a movie with Tanya and Aryan in an hour." I said.

" Beta, can you reschedule? Your bua is still at home. Both of you please stay over there today?" Mom asked and I did not have the heart to say no.

I looked at Aditya and he was expecting an answer from me.

" Yes mom. No problem." I replied. Today I would agree on anything because I freaking did not fail in maths!

" Okay Mom. I'll go home and get my things. You all leave." Aditya said and I hugged mumma and grandpa before leaving. I'd have to meet papa tomorrow as he was still in his office.

" Aditya, take Swara with you because first we are going to Siddhivinayak and then we  will come home. It will take time." Mom said.

No no no....I'd rather go with mom and dad.

" It's okay na mom. I'll also take blessings. Let's go." I said, hopeful that she'll give in.

" No Swara, your bua and Amayra are really looking forward to spend time with you. We will go to the temple together some other day." She tried to knock sense into me and I gave in.

" Okay mom." I said and we left.

" Congratulations." Aditya said as he started driving.

" Thank you!" I chirped because I did not fail in maths!!

" What are your marks subject wise?" He asked, why is he taking so much interest!?

Nonetheless, I answered him question.

" 96 in English, 94 in Accounts, 92 in maths, thank god I did not fail and 100 in business studies and economics." I replied.

" You got a 92 in maths and you are saying thank god you did not fail?" He asked shocked.

" Did I say that aloud?" I asked, looking athim.

He nodded while looking at the road.

" I was scared that I'd fail that's why." I confessed and he gave me a funny look.

Today's day was all in all a good one. Give and take, I felt somehow, just a teeny tiny bit that I could survive all of this as long as I am sure that I seriously did not fail in maths!

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 90 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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