Chapter 3: Star Shade

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Sylvie smiled as the two continued to explore the city of Star Shade. "What do you think? Pretty cool, huh?" Jason said as he looked at the female in front of him and Sylvie nodded. All of this was in their small town? This had to be at least five times the size of the park that they were in, it might even be bigger than the town itself!

"Wait a minute," Sylvie said as she looked at her skin and then at the giant orb in the sky. "Why doesn't it hurt to be in the sun?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the orb, and while it was a bit straining on the eyes, it didn't hurt nearly as much as looking at the actual sun would have.

"Well that's because it's not sunlight," Jason said as he looked at the female next to him causing Sylvie to look at him a bit confused. "It's moonlight, just amplified a bit so it's not as dark," Jason said with a smile as he looked at the female in front of him. Sylvie nodded hearing this and looked around. It made sense for them to have moonlight since she knew that several monsters had a strange weakness to sunlight for some reason.

However, she couldn't think of a single monster that was weak to moonlight. "So what do you want to do first? They got like tons of different things to do here. My favorite is swimming, then again I'm a water dragon so that's probably a biased statement," Jason said as he looked at her. Sylvie then shook her head hearing this and looked at the male.

"No that's fine, it'll give me a chance to learn some of the layouts, so let's go swimming," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her. Jason nodded hearing this and turned so that they could start to walk down the streets together. The two eventually arrived at a large pool, however, Sylvie noticed something rather strange about it. Unlike most pools she had gone to, it didn't smell like chlorine but instead smelled like the ocean.

Jason smiled and walked over to a small stand. "One please," Jason said as he reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet.

"What size?" The male asked looking at him.

"Medium," Jason said as he looked at the male causing him to nod. Before the male had the chance to respond Jason placed the money in front of him showing that he had clearly done this before.

"See any that you like?" The male asked as he turned to the side so Jason could get a better look of what was around.

"Do you still have a pair with the whales, and sharks on them?" Jason asked as he looked at the male in front of him causing the male to nod.

"Yes but they're in the back," The male said as he looked at Jason.

"Great! Then can I get on of those?" Jason asked as he looked at the male in front of him. The male nodded and disappeared from sight. As he did Sylvie walked up to the male.

"You're buying a pair of swimming trunks?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the male causing him to nod.

"Yeah, I've got a lot at the house, but I wasn't exactly planning on stopping here on the way home. It was just sort of something I did without thinking," Jason said as he looked at the female in front of him. Sylvie nodded hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. The male then returned a moment later with the shorts that Jason had requested.

"Yes," Jason said happily as he made his way towards one of the changing rooms. Sylvie then looked at the male in front of him.

"What sizes do you have?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"We've got everything from a size zero up to thirty-two," The male said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Can I have a look around?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the male in front of her and he nodded. He then lifted the small board that formed the top part of the counter he was at and then opened a small door that formed the lower part and stepped to the side so that Sylvie could step into the building. Sylvie took a few minutes looking for an outfit however after some time she settled for a lovely purple outfit.

After she paid for it and put it on she looked for Jason who was doing some warm-up stretches beside the pool. Sylvie then began to walk towards him and without warning pushed him into the water. When she did Jason let out a slight yelp as he hit the water and turned to look at her. Sylvie began laughing seeing this and Jason smiled as he began to float on his back before kicking the water with enough force to send a large ten-foot wave towards her.

When he did Sylvie looked up at the large wave, and watched as it quickly clouded her vision. However a few moments later she began to spit out what was in her mouth. "Ew, saltwater," Sylvie said as he looked at the male in front of her.

"Well yeah, this is a saltwater pool," Jason said as he looked up at her. Sylvie gave him a slight glare for a moment before she ran forward and jumped into the pool with him. As she did the started laughing and then without warning, Jason seemed to be pulled under the water by something.

"Oh haha Jason," Sylvie said a bit sarcastically as she looked down at the water. Did he really think this was going to work? This was one of the oldest tricks in the book, and they were public, did he really think that he was going to be able to pull something like this over on her? A moment later Sylvie felt something brush by her leg. However it didn't feel like skin, it felt rough and scaly.

A few minutes later a massive blue beast appeared in front of her. It was a dragon, it had some fins around its head, and behind them what appeared to be gills, as well as two massive whiskers that seemed to be floating as if they had a mind of their own. The creature then let out a loud menacing roar, and Sylvie flinched and covered her ears. When she did the creature began laughing at her before it started to shrink down.

Sylvie watched as she looked at the creature in front of her slowly become more humanoid in shape until eventually, Jason was in front of her laughing. "You should have seen the look on your face!" Jason said as he continued to laugh at her.

"That wasn't funny!" Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Are you kidding me? Of course, it was! You knew I was a dragon, and yet you still freaked out!" Jason said as he looked at the male in front of him. Sylvie continued to pout seeing this and Jason sighed as he swam over to the edge of the pool. "So what do you think? Star Shade might be boring if you're human, but if you're a monster . . . well, we've only just scratched the surface," Jason said as he looked at the female.

Sylvie smiled and after nearly an hour of swimming, Jason sighed and jumped out of the water. "Come on, our parents are going to start worrying about us if we're not home soon," Jason said as he offered Sylvie a hand out of the water.

"What are we going to do now? I mean I didn't see any towels in that shop," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her. However, as she did she noticed that he was looking around at a few of the other people that were playing some other games nearby. He eventually stopped at two male's that were playing volleyball and began to walk towards them.

"Come on," Jason said as he began to walk towards the two. "Mind if we play a quick game?" Jason said as he looked at the two. When he said this they looked at each other.

"What do you think?" One asked as he looked at his companion.

"Yeah, I think we got time for a quick game. Although I got class in like forty minutes so it'll need to be quick," The other responded as he looked at Jason and Sylvie.

"Sure, how about first to five wins?" Jason offered as he looked at the two in front of him. The two nodded and Jason walked over with Sylvie following behind him. "I should warn you," Jason said as he took a rather aggressive stance. "Playing with monsters is a lot more intense than playing with humans," Jason said as he looked at her. Sylvie nodded hearing this and took a slightly serious but more relaxed stance.

She wasn't sure if it was because monsters were more competitive but at the same, she couldn't help but wonder why Jason felt the need to bring it up. She shook her head hearing this and turned to look at her two opponents in front of her. "I'll serve," One of the male's offered as he looked at them. The other nodded hearing this and tossed him the ball.

The male smiled seeing this and nodded as he held the ball in his hand for a few seconds, most likely trying to size up the competition. The male then threw the ball high into the air, and a second later the male jumped high into the air after it. Sylvie was a bit surprised seeing this since the male seemed to jump ten feet off the ground. The male then hit the ball with the palm of his hand sending it towards them leaving a streak of red energy behind as they did.

Sylvie watched as the ball darted towards them at an incredible speed. However, before it hit the ground Jason jumped in front of it and used both of his hands to stop it and send it into the air. It was obvious how much power had been packed into the hit as the wind from the ball stopping brushed past Sylvie and for a moment she felt herself being pushed back by the wind. "Sylvie, toss it up!" Jason said breaking her from her slightly dazed state.

"R-right," Sylvie said as she moved forward and tossed the ball into the air. When she did Jason jumped from where he had been to in front of the ball and hit it with both hands. This sent the ball towards them and one of the male's darted towards the area he had been aiming for.

"As if!" The male said as he stopped the ball sending it towards the male from before.

"Good pass!" The male said as he jumped up and once again hit the ball leaving behind a red streak of energy as it passed by Jason and Sylvie. As it hit the ground Sylvie heard a loud boom and then a moment later she felt some wind behind her push her forward causing her to lose balance. "My bad, that wasn't on purpose," The male said as he looked at Sylvie. When he said this Sylvie looked up at him.

So this is what it was like to play a game with monsters? The two continued to play for a few minutes and despite their best efforts, neither of them were able to score any points. However, that was most likely due to the fact that it was more like one on two than two on two since Sylvie couldn't really follow what was happening most of the time. "All right," Jason said as he looked at Sylvie.

"Now, let's get changed and head home," Jason said as he looked at the female in front of him. Sylvie hadn't noticed until now, but the wind from them hitting the ball was drying them off. Sylvie nodded and the two changed and began to make their way home. When they arrived back at the area that they had come from they saw Vidron looking at them.

"So did you enjoy your visit?" Vidron asked as he looked at the female in front of him and Sylvie nodded.

"Yeah, this place was amazing," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her. Vidron smiled hearing this and nodded as he looked at her. "In that case, I hope you keep us in mind when thinking of a future university to attend," Vidron said as he looked at the two in front of him. They nodded and Vidron once again opened a door back to the academy. Vidron then led the two out of the building and they began to walk down the path that led away from the campus.

"I had no idea that being a monster could be so much fun," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Yeah, I can't imagine how many humans out there would love to be in our place doing the things we do on a daily basis. It really is a bit weird to think about," Vidron said as he looked at Sylvie.

"Yeah, I wish I had known about this sooner. I would have drunk blood years ago," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her. Jason chuckled hearing this and nodded as he looked at her.

"Yeah, although there are times it's easy to forget we're not humans. Which means that to some extent we're prey and that we always need to be on guard and watching for Condottieri's," Jason said as he looked at the female in front of him. However unknown to the two as he said this there were three figures in a building. One is the male that Sylvie had met earlier that day Shane Dawson.

He was currently talking to two other figures in front of him. One was a male with short white hair who appeared to be in his early twenties, he wore a piece of cloth over his eyes most likely to hide something that had happened years ago. He also wore a black button up suit, that seemed to hug his frame a little tighter than usual, but it was what he felt comfortable in. This male's name was Chrom.

The other being a female with an eyepatch covering one of her eyes, and in an interesting choice in clothing, she was wearing gothic styled clothing. She had long black hair and a bright crimson red eye. A fact that most didn't know was that she also had a scare in the shape of a bite mark on her neck, resulting in her now red eyes, along with another trait that she tried to keep hidden being her rather large canine teeth it was very apparent this girl was a vampire. This female's name was Rosalyn.

The three were currently standing on top of a building. While Shane showed no interest in their activity, however, that was simply because of what they were currently doing. While Chrom was standing not taking notice of many things that were around him, the female was looking through a pair of binoculars. "Are you sure you saw him here?" Shane asked as he looked at the two in front of him hoping to discourage the two from their pursuit of the male.

"Yes, I wouldn't have set traps otherwise," Chrom said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I'm just saying, we've already been here for five hours and I'm starting to doubt what we were-" Shane began only to get cut off.

"Target spotted," Rosalyn said as she continued to look through her binoculars.

"Distance?" Chrom asked as he looked off the edge of the building, not truly being able to see what he was staring at.

"Approximately two clicks, traveling at his current speed he'll arrive in approximately twenty minutes," Rosalyn said as she continued to stare at the male.

"Wait, hold on, how do you know he's the guy we're looking for?" Shane asked as he looked at the two in front of him, once again trying to discourage them from attacking the male.

"Height, roughly two hundred eight centimeters, looks to be in his mid-twenties, muscular, has two visible scars on his cheek and neck, and most likely has more, short thick black hair, a beard and most importantly two amber eyes. He's definitely the target," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male.

"If you're too scared to fight then just don't get in our way," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male in front of her before once again turning to watch the male that was approaching them. "Chrom profile," Rosalyn said as she continued to observe the male they were tracking.

"Name, John Grimm, occupation, mechanic, alleged werewolf, unknown generation but speculated to be in either one seventy-seven or one seventy-eight, seventy-two confirmed kills, and possible two hundred speculated kills," Chrom said as he looked at the female in front of him.

Rosalyn groaned hearing this and stood up from the area she had been crouching in. "I hate dealing with mongrels," Rosalyn said as she stood up. "The usual?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the white haired male beside her causing him to nod. When he did Rosalyn jumped off the edge of the building. Shane was a bit surprised seeing this and walked over to the edge to see her walking down the alleyway she had dropped into.

"Is she always like-" Shane asked as he turned to look at Chrom only to see that he had disappeared from sight. "This," Shane said finishing what he had said before he let out a sigh. It seemed like these two were a bit more confident than the people Shane usually got told to shadow. It seemed like if he wanted to save this monster he'd have to try a bit harder. Shane watched as the male slowly came into sight.

Just as Rosalyn had said the male appeared to be around the age of twenty-five, he was extremely tall standing around six feet, ten inches, he was covered with scars most likely from previous battles, he had thick black hair that seemed like it belonged more to an animal than it did to a human, an extremely muscular frame giving him the appearance of a bodybuilder, and cold amber eyes.

Shane tried to think of something he could do that would help him save the creature however nothing came to mind and before he could try anything desperate it was already too late and John was already at the building that Shane was standing on. As John walked down the streets he heard some footsteps rush past him. When he did John looked down the alleyway that it had come from.

When he looked down he saw nothing which for most was nothing special however for him it was something to be a bit concerned about. He took a few whiffs of the air, and to his surprise, he smelled nothing, which put him on edge. Even if it was just a squirrel passing by he would have still smelled it. John now being on guard began to walk down the streets a little faster. He then turned down an alleyway and for whatever reason, it took him a few moments to notice that it was a dead end.

John turned seeing this hoping to escape before it was too late however when he turned he saw Rosalyn staring at him. "Hello, cur," Rosalyn said insulting the male in front of her. When she said this John hunched over to transform however before he could Rosalyn dashed forward and stopped in front of him causing some wind to brush past the two as she did. Rosalyn then hit the male with her umbrella sending him off balance slightly.

The male swung at her in an attempt to punch her in the face which she avoided. Rosalyn then hit the male in the stomach causing some mild pain before she straightened her hand and hit the male in the face with her umbrella. She then turned and used the hook of her umbrella to trip the male. However, before he could hit the ground she took her umbrella and tapped the male on the forehead.

It seemed like it would barely be enough to cause damage, however, due to the speed she was traveling when she hit him the force behind was more than deceptive sending him into the building that he had been running toward with enough force to completely break through the wall. "What? Did you really think I was just going to sit there and let you transform? If so then you're even stupider than I took you for," Rosalyn said as she walked into the building.

As she did she began to hear grunting in the building and sighed. She was about to run but stopped when she heard some cracks from his bones having to change and rearrange themselves in his body. After a few moments she then heard a loud roar, and sighed, she always did hate it when they were noisy. Rosalyn then began to walk through the building, she was happy it was abandoned although she was a bit curious as to why it had so much machinery in it.

As she walked she could hear the werewolf roaring and smashing things she could see his outline and it seemed as if he had actually grown a bit from his transformation standing almost ten feet tall now with an even more muscular body than before. He was nearly three times the size of any werewolf she had come into contact with before. It seemed as if during his rampage he had broken something rather important because the room began to fill with steam.

Rosalyn stopped as she reached the cloud of steam and within seconds a large metal crate was sent sliding towards her. Rosalyn moved out of the way seeing this with a sigh merely because she didn't want to extend the effort of actually trying to stop the attack when moving would just be easier. Rosalyn could see the male making his way towards the exit and reached up to her ear to press a small button on a device that was in her ear.

"Chrom he's leaving," Rosalyn said as she looked at the creature in front of her. When she said this however the male stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her before picking up a forklift that was beside it and throwing it at her. When he did Rosalyn once again sighed and moved out of the way.

As she did the creature began to make its way towards the exit and as it did he saw Chrom standing in front of him. He seemed to be holding a sword of some type and was taking a basic stance which showed his confidence in what he was doing. The creature smiled seeing this and began to run at him on all fours.

As he did Chrom waited and listened for the creature to close the gap between them. When it was only a few inches from him it lunged and aimed for his jugular. As he did Chrom ducked and moved to the side slashing his chest as he did. The creature let out a pained cry as he felt the sharp shooting pain of the wound.

There was also some steam coming from the wound that seemed to cause some more damage than one would think possible. His sword must have been made out of silver, or perhaps have small traces of silver in the mix? The beast slammed it's fist on the ground causing it to crack, and shake slightly. The creature then stood up and turned to look at Chrom letting out a loud menacing roar as he did.

"So noisy," Chrom said as the creature charged towards him and swung at him. This time Chrom had little time to dodge so to help buy him some time Chrom raised his sword and let the creature hit it. When he did his sword shattered into several pieces.

The creature then looked at Chrom and let out another menacing roar. Chrom then hit a small button on the button of the handle he was holding and a stream of electricity shot out and began to connect all the shattered pieces of his weapon. As the creature once again went to attack him Chrom easily avoided the attack by stepping to the side. However as he did he pulled on the handle he was holding violently, as he did the pieces of the shattered sword came around and struck the male on the back leaving a large gash on his back.

The creature let out another loud roar hearing this and in an attempt silence him quicker Chrom swung forward striking the creature on the cheeks splitting one of its cheeks. As it did the creature lunged towards him and Chrom jumped up avoiding the attack and landing on its hand before flipping away and landing. When he did Chrom and the werewolf began to circle each other.

As they did the creature looked at Chrom's newfound weapon which resembled a bladed whip more than a sword at this point. The creature growled seeing this in an attempt to intimidate the blind male he was fighting. This attempt clearly didn't work, as Chrom seemed to return the action to some extent cracking his whip as he looked at the creature. Seeing this the creature ran towards him and went to attack him.

An attack that Chrom easily avoid, however, a few moments later Chrom realized the male was never aiming for him as he heard a loud boom behind him, as well as the rumbling of concrete hitting the ground. Chrom then turned and while he could see, he knew exactly what he was staring at. It was a building, with the wall now missing from where the creature tried to escape him.

Chrom then began to walk towards the building, once again pressing the small button on the bottom of his handle causing the stream to shorten, and bring the pieces together, and once they were together the cracks seemed to heat up before melding to each other forming a sword that never looked damage in the first place. Chrom then heard several snaps, and movements before he smiled and walked into the building.

When Chrom walked in he shifted his head upwards so that he would be looking at his trap. The werewolf was now surrounded by a net that seemed to be shrinking by the second and before long it began to constrict the male's movements before eventually making to where he couldn't move at all. As the wires from the trap slowly began to dig into the male's skin steam started to come from his wounds showing that wires of the net were made of silver.

After a few moments, Shane managed to make his way towards the area that the creature was being held. It was amazing to think that Chrom had set a trap in the building that creature had smashed into. Almost as if Chrom knew what was going to happen during their battle. Then again he did specialize in monster psychology to make his job of capturing and killing them easier. After all, if he knew how a monster would think and act, it would make his job much easier.

Shane tried to think of something he could do to help the monster before it was too late. However it seemed as if luck was on their side as the weight of the creature caused the wire holding the trap together to snap, and he was sent falling to the ground hitting it with a solid thud. The creature then began to run away and once again burst through the wall. "Damn," Chrom said as he walked over to his trap and picked up the threads of silver.

"He must have been heavy to have broken that," Shane said as he looked at the male in front of him. Chrom nodded hearing this and began to gather what was left. Silver wasn't cheap after all.

"So what do we do now?" Rosalyn asked as she looked down at the blind male.

"We report back and tell them what happened," Shane said as he turned to look at the female. Chrom nodded hearing this and stood up.

"He's right if there's one thing I learned about monsters. It's that they're worse than roaches. If you see one, then there's probably one hundred more that you don't see," Chrom said as he looked at the female in front of him. Shane, however, tensed up hearing this, he had been able to keep most of the monster that lived here safe from harm. However if what he saw was any indicator of how they acted on a regular basis.

There was no way he could compete with them, he was confident in his skills but they were in an entirely different league than him. "I'll see if I can't track him down," Shane said as he looked at the two in front of him causing them to turn and look at him. "I know it's not my strong suit but it'll give me some idea of where they're going right? We can't have them leaving town after all," Shane said as he looked at the two in front of him.

The two nodded and began to walk away from him. Shane smiled hearing this and began to run away from them. After a few minutes when they were definitely out of earshot Rosalyn turned to look at Chrom. "What do you think? Is he helping monsters like his parents were?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male in front of him.

"Don't know, but . . . it's possible," Chrom said as he continued to walk down the streets with her. Actually, that was a lie, Chrom thought that it was actually very likely that he was helping them.

"If he is, then I hope he tastes as good as his parents did," Rosalyn said with a slight smile remembering how sweet the two of them had tasted.

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