Chapter 8: Abscond

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Sylvie sighed as she looked at the two metal rings around her wrists. She had managed to keep them hidden until she got into the bathroom and had hidden in one of the stalls. She then took a deep breath before grabbing one of them and beginning to pull. Sylvie pulled with as much force as she could and just as she was about to give up she felt the metal give slightly and bend. When she felt this she looked at her wrist and saw that there was now a bit more room between the cuff and her wrist.

She slid her finger under the cuff seeing this and once again began to pull and she slowly felt it bend before she eventually heard a loud snap and her wrist felt a bit better. When she looked she saw her wrist had been freed from the metal that was around her wrist and then heard a slight cling against the ground. When she looked she saw the piece of the cuff she had broken off and reached down to pick it up. Sylvie smiled seeing this and reached for her other cuff and like before after a minute of trying she was able to break it as well.

After she did Sylvie smiled and looked at her wrists, it was clear that she was feeling much better as she began to move them now free of the cuff restraint. Sylvie then picked up the metal piece that had fallen to the ground and walked out of the stall and over to the trashcan tossing the metal cuffs away before leaving the bathroom. When she did Sylvie began walking towards the area that she knew Ashley would be at.

It didn't take her long to locate the small section of the store that was selling guns and ammo and she could see Ashley talking to the male in front of her about a box of bullets in front of her. Sylvie smiled as she looked at the female in front of her. They had been in the mall for a few hours now and Ashley had spent most of her time trying to gather as much money as possible so that she could buy as many bullets as possible. "Thank you," Ashley said with a smile as she took the box of bullets she had purchased from the male and he smiled with a nod. Ashley then turned and began to walk away with a smile.

"So now what?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Let's get something to eat," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her. Sylvie nodded and followed the female to once of the several food stations that were littered around the mall. Sylvie as much as she didn't like the idea of trying to relax until they were safe, was rather hungry and she knew this might have been her only chance to eat until the next morning.

"Hello, how may I be of service?" The male behind the counter asked with a rather enthusiastic smile, however, the male's tone betrayed him suggesting that he really could care less about his job or the two female's in front of him.

"Yes, I'd like a salad, and if you don't mind could you also mix in whatever berries you happen to have? Oh, and some avocado if you have any?" Ashley asked as she looked at the male in front of her. The male nodded hearing this and Ashley turned to look at the female next to her to see what it was she wanted to eat. Seeing this Sylvie looked up and scanned the menu they had on display before looking at the male in front of her.

"I'd like your chicken fajita," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her and the male nodded as he looked at the two in front of him.

"What kind of drinks would you like?" The male asked as he looked at the two in front of him.

"Bottled water," Ashley answered almost immediately.

"Apple cider," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her. As soon as he said this the male nodded and looked at the two in front of her.

"That'll be twenty-five, sixty-two," The male said as he looked at the two in front of him. When he said this the two both reached for their wallets and began to pull out the money he had requested. Usually, Ashley wouldn't even bother asking Sylvie to help pay but since she had just spent most of her money on some ammo to help them escape she thought she could make an exception this time.

Once they had paid for the meal the male reached behind him in a small refrigerator where several drinks were kept and pulled out a bottle of water and a bottle of apple cider for the two and placed it in front of them. "Take a seat and we'll deliver the food when it's ready," The male said as he looked at the two in front of him. When he said this the two took their drinks and began to make their way towards one of the several tables that had seats around it.

When they sat down the two were silent for a moment each being unsure of what they should say. However, out of the two Sylvie was the first to speak. "So what are we going to do? I mean we can't stay here forever right?" Sylvie asked as she looked at Ashley.

"I know, I've already called Haile to ask her for help. She said she'd be waiting for us in the park with a teleportation spell ready for us. All we need to do is make it there in one piece," Ashley said as she looked at Sylvie.

"Right, that's going to be a challenge," Sylvie said as he looked at the female in front of her.

"Yeah especially since now we'll have the vampire coming after us as well. So we'll have to be a lot more careful about what we're doing," Ashley said as she looked at Sylvie causing her to nod. "Of course now that you've awakened some of your demonic and vampiric traits it'll be a lot easier for us. I'd say we could probably get to the park in thirty minutes tops," Ashley said with a smile causing Sylvie to look down a bit nervous.

"The thing is I don't know if I can really use things like that on demand. I wasn't really thinking about it when I did it, it just sort of . . . happened," Sylvie explained as she looked at the female in front of her causing Ashley to smile and nod.

"I understand, but at the same time, that's sort of natural for you. Monsters don't really need to think that much about their powers unless they're a very demanding power, just like how you didn't need to think about breathing or blinking when you were a 'human' you don't need to think about certain things. I know this is hard to explain, but for now you've just got to trust that you'll be able to do things like that in your sleep," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her with a smile.

"If you think but even so, I'm still not sure I can do it," Sylvie said as she looked at the female in front of her. Ashley sighed hearing this and gave the female in front of her a kind and warm smile.

"Don't worry," Ashley said trying to help Sylvie calm down. "I'm sure that soon enough you'll be able to use your powers like it's second nature. You'll think back to this day and laugh at the thought of not being able to control them," Ashley said with a smile as she looked at the female in front of her causing Sylvie to smile and nod. Then a moment later their food was placed in front of them.

"Please enjoy," The male said as he began to walk away causing the two to smile. Ashely then reached for the small plastic fork she had been given and began to eat her salad rather happily. It tasted a bit fresher than she was expecting which truly did bring her delight, especially the small sliced carrots that were littered all over her salad. Sylvie smiled seeing this she found this display rather adorable since she had never seen Ashley eat before.

"So where in the park are we supposed to meet her?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her. After all, despite their town being fairly small, the park inside of the town was rather large.

"She's going to meet us in a slightly more isolated part of the park. It's an open area clear of some trees, and it splits off one of the paths just past the lake," Ashley said as she tried to explain the location of where she'd be taking her. It was a rather odd spot in the park so Ashley couldn't blame her if she didn't know where it was.

"Alright, I guess I'll be relying on you to guide me to where the location is," Sylvie said as she looked at Ashley causing her to nod.

"Yeah that's fine, although, with that crazy speed you got, I might need to hop on your back for a ride," Ashley said with a slight chuckle as she looked at the female in front of her. Sylvie smiled slightly hearing this as she looked at her friend. After the two had finished eating Ashley sighed and stood up. "Alright, let's go," Ashley said as she stood up and began to walk away.

"What? Now?" Sylvie asked as she looked at Ashley.

"Yeah, I know we still got some time before we need to leave, but if we wait until the last second they'll just be waiting for us outside. At least if we leave now we've got some slight advantage over them. You can't be afraid of these guys, that exactly what they want. They want you to be afraid and live your life in fear so that when it's finally time to face them you're more likely to make a mistake," Ashley said as she looked at Sylvie.

When she said this she stood up and began to follow her out of the building. It seemed like the Condottieri's were more dangerous and manipulative than she had originally thought. The two then began walking towards one of the several exits and as they did Ashley split from Sylvie and began to walk towards a small switch she saw on the wall. As she did the female pulled it and within seconds the two heard a loud alarm from all around them and the sprinklers came from the ceiling and began to spray.

When this happened the two heard several screams and several people began to rush out of the building. As they did Ashley ran over to Sylvie grabbing her hand and rushing out of the building. "Come on, we need to go. It won't be long before they locate us," Ashley said as she began leading Sylvie out of the building. As they did Sylvie could feel her heart once again starting to race as the water from the sprinklers began pelting her face.

As they emerged from the building Sylvie began looking around for anyone that looked like the figures that had been chasing them before. After not finding anyone she relaxed a bit and continued to run behind Ashley. Unknown to her there was a male on top of the building looking down at them through a pair of binoculars watching their every move as they ran from the building. As he followed their direction he reached up to a small earpiece and began to speak.

"They're heading east-northeast, it looks like they may be trying to lose us in the more isolated part of town," Chris said as he once again began watching them. As he did he heard a slight buzz come from his earpiece followed by a voice.

"What would you say their location is my compagno?" Mago asked through the headpiece.

"They're just now passing by the bridge," Chris said as he put down the binoculars so that he could see and began running to the edge of the building. He then jumped off it and threw a small metal disk to the ground. When it hit the ground it sent out a large stream of air stopping Chris from hitting the ground and turned landed on the ground grabbing the disk and then running the directions he saw the two female's running. As he did he heard a voice from his earpiece once again play in front of them.

"Spotted, they're making their way towards-" The voice began only to get cut off by several gunshots. After hearing this Chris began running a little faster, he recognized that voice, it was Shane and since he was still fairly new Chris felt like it was his responsibility to try and make sure that Shane was safe. After all, he had made it into the actual base and not the false base they had set up outside of town. It would be a shame for someone like him to die so soon after joining.

However, unknown to him Shane was currently hiding behind a tree holding a large knife that was clearly used for hunting. While he hadn't been seriously injured, Ashley had shot the edge of his shoulder leaving a large gash behind from where the bullet had grazed him. While she was more than willing to kill those that she saw a threat to her own life, at the moment she didn't see Shane as too much of a threat.

He had been warning the others when speaking, so instead of aiming for a more vital organ like his heart, Ashley instead decided to fire a warning shot that would leave a mark on his arm and break his concentration. "Listen, I don't want to do this but-" Shane called out and before he had the chance to finish he heard a gunshot and a moment later two loud snaps. The first sounded like wood was breaking and the other was the familiar snap of metal.

When he looked back he saw that Ashley had shot through the tree he was using as cover to break the blade he had planned on using as a weapon. "Damn she's got good aim," Shane mumbled to himself before running away throwing a few smoke pullets to try and help him hide in the slightly dense forest they were passing through. As he did Ashley and Sylvie both came to a stop and Ashley grabbed her gun.

"Here hold this, and don't be afraid to use it if any of his friends show their faces," Ashley said as she watched Sylvie take her revolver. As she did Ashley ran towards the place that Shane had been just moments ago and turned into her true jackalope form and began to run towards him. Even though Ashley was almost entirely white, Shane still failed to notice that she was running right towards him until it was too late.

Ashley jumped towards him lowering her head slightly to use her horns as a weapon against the male in front of her. Seeing this Shane raised his hands to try and stop the attack however he heavily underestimated the power Ashley had as her horns were sent straight through the male's hands. Shane screamed in pain feeling this and then felt his hands being pulled back as he felt her horns pierce his chest.

Thanks to the fact his hands had been impaled he had unknowing managed to keep Ashley from doing any fatal damage to him. However a moment later Ashley began shifting from her monster form to her demi-human form with two large rabbit ears and horns on her head. As soon as Ashley was tall enough to place her feet on the ground she began moving towards him trying to push her horns deeper into male before stopping. Ashley then pulled her horns out of the male's head and jumped up kicking the male in the stomach pushing herself away from the male and running back to where Sylvie was.

"Okay I bought us some time now let's go before he gets his second wind," Ashley said as she looked at Sylvie causing her to nod and stand up running behind her friend. As they were running however Sylvie failed to notice a large piece of wood that seemed to be a root sticking up from the ground. As she did the two heard a loud snap and Sylvie let out a quick and loud scream of pain.

Ashley looked at her a bit worried and leaned down to look at her. "Are you okay?" Ashley asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Yeah," Sylvie said as she tried to get up and almost immediately fell down as she felt a sharp, stinging pain in her ankle. "Ah! My ankle, I . . . I need some help," Sylvie said as she looked up at Ashley with pleading eyes. After hearing this the female nodded and reached down picking her up and began to let her lean on her shoulder.

"Now come on, we don't have much time," Ashley reminded her as she began helping Sylvie run away from the area. As she did Shane looked at them, he panted heavily from his brief struggle to try and fight the two. After taking a few minutes to catch his breath the male reached for his earpiece. panting heavily and once again reached for his earpiece. "I've lost visual of them, they're breaking off, it looks like they're going to try and hide under the bridge," Shane said through the piece and Chris continued to run past him in pursuit of the two females.

"Ah, then this will be too easy!" Mago's enthusiastic voice said from the small piece. It was obvious that he was very excited about the idea of being able to fight the two from earlier. "Tell you what, Shane, Chris why don't you two head back to base? Let us take the spotlight!" The male said in an eager voice and Chris sighed as he heard this and slowly came to a stop.

"Alright, they're to fast for me anyway. I doubt I'd be able to keep up, I'll report to Zapal when I get back," Chris said as he began walking away. However, as he did Mago smiled as he looked at the bridge that Shane had been referring to. He was standing on a tree branch leaning against the trunk of the tree with Roslyn sitting beside him.

"So my little Vampira friend, are you sure that was the right call to make?" Mago asked as he looked at the female in front of him and the female nodded.

"Indeed, you heard, Chris, he said he probably wouldn't be able to keep up. He's been trained for infiltration and deception missions, not direct combat. He might be able to handle an orange class but anything higher than that would be too much for him. We also need him alive on the off chance this goes wrong and we die. The organization needs to know that there's a possible mutation in the Jackalope genetics allowing them to have new powers," Roslyn said as she looked at the building in front of her.

"And the other one?" Mago asked trying to understand her reasoning a little better.

"He's under watch, he's forbidden from being away from the building for more than twenty-four hours as is. The last thing we need is a traitor ruining out chances of killing these two," Roslyn said as she looked at the male next to her. Roslyn then moved forward pushing herself off the branch landing rather silently on the ground and Mago smiled as he looked down at her.

"I assume we'll be taking the silent approach?" Mago asked as he looked down at the female causing her to nod and look up at him.

"Do you think you can do silent?" Roslyn asked as she looked up at the male in front of her, referring to the male's rather loud and energetic nature. Mago smiled hearing this and bowed putting a finger in front of his lips.

"Little vampira I assure you, I assure you I shall be as quiet as a whore in church," The male said as he jumped off the branch and turning once again enveloping himself in his cape and vanishing from sight. Roslyn sighed hearing this and a few moments later parts of her became clear and moments later she vanished from sight. As the two slowly closed in on their targets Ashley sighed as she looked at Sylvie.

"Are you okay?" Ashley asked as she looked at the female in front of her. Sylvie nodded hearing this and began to nod. Ashley then walked up to the female and looked at her ankle. It was red, swollen slightly, and there was a bruise starting to form just under her ankle but it didn't seem to be broken. Ashley looked at her leg for a moment before sighing and standing up and began to load her pistol and then once again spinning the chamber. She didn't plan on using it at the moment but she'd like to have it ready just in case.

"Alright give me a second to think," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her causing Sylvie to nod. Ashley then stood up and began pacing back and forth she needed to think of a way to get the two of them to safety. As she was walking she heard a click and without thinking, Ashley turned with her revolver and shot towards the direction she had heard the sound from. When she did she saw that there appeared to be no one there.

However, a moment later the truth was revealed as she saw some wind from something moving and then felt a rather strong force grab her throat and pin her against the wall behind her. Roslyn looked like she was about to speak but before she could Ashley pulled her leg back and kicked her in the stomach sending Roslyn back. When she did Ashley once again transformed into her demi-human form and began to charge towards her. As she did Roslyn grabbed her horns and stopped her immediately.

Ashley then grabbed her gun and fired two more bullets at the female which Roslyn dodged rather quickly by moving her head to the side. However a moment later she felt a sharp pain in both of her shoulders and released the female feeling this. Roslyn then reached for the two now closed wounds that Ashley had made. It was rather obvious that something like that wouldn't be enough to kill her but even so, it still hurt a fair bit.

Seeing this Roslyn ran towards the female in front of her and Ashley shot at her twice. Roslyn moved to avoid the bullets however it seemed as if Ashley expected this as one of her bullets bounced off the other and hit Roslyn in the leg causing her to lose her balance and then fall down. As she did Roslyn pushed herself up off the ground and looked at the female in front of her. As she did Ashley once again shot at her this time shooting her in the eye that wasn't covered by an eye patch.

Since Roslyn was in the air she was unable to avoid the attack and let out a scream of pain feeling this as she covered her eye. "First you burn my face and now you shoot my eye? As soon as I get my hands on you, I'll skin you alive you filthy rabbit!" Roslyn screamed in frustration as she waited for her eye to recover. She may have been a vampire but the more sensitive parts of her such as her eyes and internal organs needed much more time to regenerate and recover than other parts of her.

Ashley jumped up hearing this and Roslyn fought her urges to dash forward knowing she would once again land soon. As she listened she heard Ashley land on a pillar on the other side of her and she dashed towards it hoping to hit the female that had temporarily blinded her. Ashley jumped over her and used her back to kick off her and send her towards Sylvie. As she did Roslyn swiped at the area she had been just moments ago. When she did she completely shattered the concrete that Ashley had been on and Ashley landed in front of Sylvie causing Roslyn to turn to look at her.

Ashley moved as slowly as possible and picked Sylvie up. As she did Ashley slowly moved her so that she could place Sylvie on her back being slow as she did so that Roslyn wouldn't be able to locate them. Ashley then darted away from the female and as expected Roslyn moved towards her aiming for the area she thought she'd be at. Ashley then began to use Roslyn's disability to her advantage and began to make long jumps.

As she did she noticed that Roslyn began to struggle to keep up having to rapidly relocate her. Ashley could feel the effects of this almost immediately as she began to tire herself out quicker. Ashley then heard something zooming towards her and a moment later she felt something cut the back of her calves causing her some rather intense pain, especially since she was carrying Sylvie on her back. A moment later Mago slowly appeared in front of them with his card in front of him.

"I'll admit I'm surprised you two are still alive," Mago said as he moved his hands in front of him several cards appearing to float in front of him before Mago moved his hands forward and the cards all began to move towards them at incredible speed. As it did Ashley jumped out of the way and attempted to make her way around him. However, as she did the male reached into his pocket pulling out a paper swan, and a moment later it began to grow to a size near Mago's own.

After it did the male smiled and stepped on the creatures' wings. "Fly away little birdie, and follow those two before they escape," Mago said as the paper swan began to fly into the air and began moving after the two figures in front of him. As he did the male once again reached into his pocket and pulled out a single card. The male then threw it at the two beneath him and as he did the card split into several cards each moving at an incredible speed. Seeing this Sylvie raised her hand above her and like before a green circle with strange runes and symbols appeared on her hand followed by a large gust of wind.

Ashley smiled seeing this and continued to run until she eventually reached the lake she had been referring to and began to run past it. "That's it, Sylvie, keep it up we're almost there!" Ashley said as she continued down the route she knew her friend would be at. As she entered a slightly more forested part of the park Mago jumped off the bird that he had made and into the forested area. As he did he saw that they were now in a magic circle that was glowing and appeared to be about to disappear.

"No!" Mago screamed as he watched the three disappear in front of him. When they eventually made it back Ashley sighed and turned to look at Haile with a smile.

"Thanks, Haile, you're a real lifesaver," Ashley said with a smile and Haile nodded with a smile.

"Of course, always happy to help," Haile said as she began walking away. Ashley smiled and bent down so that Sylvie could get off her back. When she was up Ashley let Sylvie wrap an arm around her and she began helping Sylvie towards her dorm.

"Thanks for helping me out, I'm not sure what I would have done if you hadn't shown up," Sylvie said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Don't worry about it. That's what friends are for right? Just try not to make a habit of it," Ashley said in a slightly joking tone causing Sylvie to chuckle with a smile. She nodded hearing this and when she finally reached her dorm Sylvie smiled and waved as she watched Ashley begin to make her way towards her own dorm. As she did Ashley smiled and walked into her room and saw a note on her desk. She was told that if she received any mail it would be delivered to her but she didn't expect whoever was delivering it to break into her room.

It actually made Sylvie feel a bit odd seeing that someone could enter their room so easily. She'd have to take a few extra precautions to hide her things from now on. Sylvie walked over to the envelope and opened it when she did she began looking over the folded piece of paper and saw that it was from a letter. It was obviously casual and not formal in the least showing that whoever wrote it viewed her as more of a friend than anything else. However, Sylvie tensed up slightly seeing who it was from.

Shane, if he had given her this letter the day before she might not have been so on edge. However, after him attacking her today, she felt much more cautious about the idea this time. After reading this Sylvie thought about what she should do. The letter said that he wanted to meet her and that he had something important to tell her. However, now she didn't want to be anywhere near him, especially not if she was alone.

As she thought about this Sylvie eventually thought about the figure she trusted more than any other, Jason. After a brief moment of thought, Sylvie began to walk out of her dorm and towards the dorm that Jason had told her was his. She was walking a bit slower than usual and was using the wall beside her for support. While it seemed that her demonic and vampiric genetics were helping her ankle heal a lot faster than when she was a human. She did have a few dull traces of pain in her ankle.

She didn't want to put any more strain on it than necessary fearing she might further injure herself if she did. When Sylvie finally reached Jason's dorm she sighed and began to knock on the door in front of her, and began to wait for a response. After waiting for a few seconds of waiting Sylvie once again knocked on the door and this time she heard some rustling behind the door. The door then opened slowly and she saw Jason looking at her with a rather tired expression.

He only had his boxers on which showed off his slightly developed body. "Sylvie? What are you doing here?" Jason asked with a tired yawn as he looked at her. "Can't this wait until morning? I've got classes tomorrow and-" Jason began only for Sylvie to cut him off.

"No, Jason look at this," Sylvie said as she showed him the envelope that she had been given.

"Another love letter? Sylvie, you got those all the time in high school I don't see why you're so surprised by-" Jason began as he looked at the female in front of him causing Sylvie to cut him off.

"No, look! It's a letter from that guy Shane," Sylvie said as he shoved the letter in his face. Jason sighed as he began to lazily skim the paper in front of him and mumbling to himself. "I'm sorry . . . something important . . . please meet me tomorrow," Jason said as he read the note before sighing and standing up a bit straighter than usual.

"Alright, I will admit that is pretty serious. Come on in," Jason said as he opened the door for her realizing why she was so panicked. When he did Sylvie looked around his room which while not a complete mess was a bit messier than she would have liked. His clothes had been piled up into one corner of the room and there were several empty cans scattered throughout the room. "Alright," Jason began as he started to sit on his bed. "So what do you want to do?" Jason asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

However, unknown to the two the male had left Sylvie the note had already made his way back to the Condottieri base. He was laying on his bed with his laptop just above him, he had some headphones on that way people wouldn't be as suspicious if they were to walk into his room. Shane was currently hacking into the buildings more restricted files. It was hard enough to even find where they were keeping their information let alone the more secretive files that they had.

Most of the files were hard to crack especially without leaving any trace of what he was doing. He wasn't as skilled as most people but he was a lot more careful with what he was doing so if he didn't think he could get a file without being found out then he didn't try to take it. He wanted to help as many monsters as he could but he couldn't help anyone if he was dead. As he continued what he was doing his eyes eventually landed on a file with a rather short name title 'W.C.' As he looked at it his mind flashed back to a certain hall inside of the building.

He had seen Roslyn and a few others down the hall before and the few times he had tried to enter the hall he had been stopped by the guards and told to leave. When he tried again when others weren't around he saw that the lock was rather complex and knew there was no way he could enter it without some major preparation. However, if they already had a file on what was inside then he didn't see any reason to not take the opportunity.

However just as he was about to click the file he noticed the one below it was labeled 'W.C.' as well. Shane found this odd and scrolled down and saw several more files of the same name. There had to be at least one hundred files of the same name, which utterly confused Shane. Typically organizations were more organized than that, they wouldn't give a file the same name as another, let alone do it nearly a hundred times. However, after some thought, Shane tried to rationalize what he was seeing.

"It okay, maybe . . . maybe it's just so long that it wasn't able to fit onto a single file and they just needed to make a bunch of files," Shane mumbled to himself as he looked at the computer in front of him. He found this possibility fairly unlikely but he still thought that it was possible. After all, it was the only excuse he could think of at the moment so he needed to believe something. Shane then moved over to the first file thinking he should start from the beginning.

As soon as the male clicked on the file the screen of his computer went black and he saw several numbers and letters appear on his screen. Shane did panic slightly seeing this but tried to remain calm as he saw his screen begin to scroll down with several lines of code. However he then his computer began to glitch out slightly causing him to panic before the screen returned to normal and he heard something began to play from his headphones.

"Warning, you are attempting to access a file of the W C hallway. In order to prevent knowledge of hallway W C from being leaked, several false W C hallway files have been created alongside the true file. Access is permitted to only those with authorized administrative clearance. Failure to have proper clearance will result in immediate hard drive destruction via a file nuke. Revealing the true nature of hallway W C to the general staff is cause for execution, as well as the termination of any staff who may hold the knowledge of hallway W C," The warning said through his headphones.

As soon as he heard this Shane immediately understood why there were so many files and his computer continued to glitch before they suddenly came much worse. "Nuke file a-a-a-a-activated," The voice said glitching out and becoming deep and rather distorted. Shane panicked seeing this and then felt a rather sharp pain in his legs and tossed the computer off before seeing that it was starting to short circuit.

He could see sparks and electricity coming off his laptop showing just how extensive the damage was and a moment later smoke began coming from the computer showing just how much it was overheating. Shane seeing this did the only thing he could think of and turned the laptop over and removed its battery. As he did the laptop continued to smoke for a few seconds before it eventually stopped.

While he had stopped the attack on his laptop he knew that at this point it was completely unusable. After this Shane's mind began racing at the thought of what could have been the cause of that. Just what was that? Why did they want to mask the true nature of hallway W.C.? Would they really be willing to kill not only him but anyone else he told about it? Most importantly, just why were they trying to keep it hidden? What was so important they were willing to not only kill him but others just to keep the fact hidden?

Before Shane could process any of this information he heard a rather loud knock on his door. Before he had the chance to answer he heard his door open and saw a few people looking at him. "Is everything okay? Why was smoke coming from your room?" One of the male's asked as they looked at the figure in front of them. This was going to be a difficult situation to explain.

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