Chapter 14: Yami

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Note: I'm sorry for not updating in the weekend. There was sad news that I must attend to. One of our relatives died in a car accident. So I have to attend the funeral. Please understand my position.

I was about to rush over to him, but stop myself because I heard a painful whimper.

I turn to where it if came from and see Wing Kuriboh on the ground. In pain.


I kneeled over him and gently picked him up. Careful from furthering his injuries. Somehow, I have a feeling that I know who made those injuries.

You must quickly heal the Magician. You're the only one who can save both him and this creature.

"Give me a good reason why I should listen to you?"

Because. If you don't. You'll be the one who killed them.

"Shut up!"

This is stupid. Here I am. Talking to my subconscious. But on the outside. I'm basically talking to myself.

Just hurry.

I growl.

I lifted Wing Kuriboh to see that his body is starting to disappear.

"Come on little guy. Hang in there."

I quickly enter inside the Science Room. Seeing that Yugi-sensei is laying on the floor. His breathing is uneven, while sweats pile down from his forehead and onto his neck. I gently put Wing Kuriboh down and began checking up on Yugi-sensei.

"Baka. *Idiot* If you have a cold you stay in bed. Doesn't your parent ever tell you that?"

I strip my PJ shirt off and drape it around Yugi. I hold him in my arms.

"You'll be okay."

When I was about to carry him; Yugi's hand grasp my shoulder. Which stopped my action.

He open his eyes, half-way.

"W-wait......* breathing harder*......I can't leave."

"Don't be stupid, sensei. I respect you too much for you to get sick. Especially in a place like this."

Yugi gave a small chuckles, but that small chuckle quickly turn into a harsh cough.

"H-Hey! Anata wa daijōbu!? *You okay!?*"

My respond is more coughing. As Yugi tried to form sentences.

"I-*cough* I'm *cough* fine.....*coughing*."


I couldn't take it anymore. Even though he's saying that it obviously a lie. A really BAD lie.

Yugi was shocked. He never heard me yell at him before. Not even once. But now, I'm angry.

Angry that he's pushing himself too hard.

Anger that he's pushing me away from helping him. When he actually needed someone to give him a lift. 



He shut his mouth. Blushing a bit from the sudden tone that he also did not realized before.

When I began talking, I spoke with a more gentle tone.

"Yugi. You don't have to do this by yourself. You're not alone. So......don't try to say that you're fine. Because you're not."

I smile down at him, while tears began too swell around his beautiful eyes.

"I'm here for you."

He couldn't control himself. He quickly wrap his arms around my neck. Catching me by surprise as he releases his sorrow and other emotions that has been locked away for the past years. His tears flow down like a waterfall as he clutch on to me. Wanting to have, at least, some comfort.

"I...hic....lost something. Something that has always been with me, and protecting me....hic...n-now. I lost them! Everybody!"

He hugged me tighter. While I continued to sooth him.

"Who are they? The one that you lost."

"My family.......Not by blood or spirit."

"What do you mean?"

I gave him some time to calm down. I clean some of the tears that are still on his flush, pink, cheeks. Marvel at how my teacher, can have a face of a cute, youthful, boy.

'And babyish.'

(Me: I don't think Yami would ever actually say 'babyish' to him, but I just put it in anyway. Because it's TOTALLY a cute description for him. Am I right?)

"You don't have to explain."

He hesitated. Not sure if he should tell the truth or not. I understand his predicament, so I place my hand on his shoulder. Reassuring him.

"It's alright. I know what going on."

"Y-You do?!"

He started flustering. Shaken a bit of the news.

'Maybe he doesn't know. Maybe he's here because he heard that I was sick.'

"You're here because you need to save the spirits from the Spirit World."


"Hahaha..Y-Yami....that's funny. Really funny. But seriously, I think we you should head back. The others are waiting you know."

I shook my head. Confusing him even more.

"Sorry, sensei. Ever since I encounter Wing Kuriboh and a weird freaking shadow, which is now talking inside my head, I'm going to pretend that all of this are for the attraction. Even though it's not."

"Wing Kuriboh? Shadows."


Both of us turn towards the sound to see another Kuriboh holding on to Wing Kuriboh.

Kuri Kuri KURI! *Yugi, he's hurt!*


Yugi tried to move but slump back in exhaustion.

"Don't Yugi-sensei! You're not strong enough to move yet."


"No! You must take care of yourself!"

"Yami I- GAH!"

He wince in pain, while clutching his stomach and his chest.


He started shaking. His eyes shut close, really tight.

"Y-Yugi! What's wrong?!"

"I-I must.....hold"

"Yugi, just tell me!"

I wrap my arms around him.

'He's burning!'

Kuri Kuri~ *His powers are going to release! At this rate, he'll be kill!"

"What? What do you mean?!"

"Yugi's power is sealed away, and Yugi can't unsealed it. We need the 'key' to unlock it's sealed."

"Then what is the 'key'?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just a skin-on-skin contact. You know, a lip-on-mouth thing."

Digesting of what he just said.

"EHHHHHH!!!!! You don't mean... A KISS!?"

"Yep. Now hurry up and kiss him so that he can release his powers and heal my friend."

"Easy for you to say!"

'And what makes him think that my kiss can unseal it?'

Since you can somehow see Spirits and hear my mind. I think you're connected to this somehow. Especially with the Magician.

I bet I'm blushing right now. And Yugi panting heavily, while his cheeks turn to a pinkish color is REALLY not helping me.

Kuriboh made a look that says 'You're kidding me, right?'. Before he sigh.

Look, just listen to him okay. If you don't kiss the Magician, he'll die.

If the situation wasn't that serious I would've shut that thing's mouth by now. But, it's right. I have to save Yugi.

I lower myself until my lips are only 2 inches away from his.


"It's okay. You'll be alright soon. I promise."

I'll protect you no matter what.

That's when. Everything is happening all at once. My lips clash on to Yugi's. Feeling a sudden pulse through me. Feeling the tight grasp of Yugi's arm around my neck, as I deepen the kiss further. A sudden bright light appear out of no where. Engulfing everything around us.

Including me.
Location: HQ Judging Center

"Group #5?! Is the class rep. gonna win?! No. Ryou-kun and Malik-kun are in kiss position, too!"

Camera zooming in Science Room. (Bottom floor)

"Group #4's Anzu Mizaki can't be seen, due to camera difficulties! Including the Group #2 the Twins! ( Even though they are already disqualified )"

Even though Joey is enjoying this activity, he's still concern about Yami's disappearance.

'Yami, where the heck did you go?!'

"Alright, it seems that Rebecca-chan, from the former Group #3 (The Rivals), is ready to go. Vivian Wong, is also ready to go. Even though she's having a difficult time of controlling Yugi-sensei." Trison mutter the last one you himself.

'Poor Yugi-sensei~ *crying in anime tears*'

"Alright! Let's make this judging successful! Out of all the four Yugi-senseis, whoever kiss him the fastest is the WINNER!"

"YES SIR!" They solute Joey for his excellent announcement. Except for Seto of course.

(Seto: Damn right.)
Group #5: Mai and Yugi

Group #1: Ryou, Yugi, and Malik





(Me: They kiss on either sides of Yugi's cheeks. Just to say.)
Group #3 (Split) Rebecca and Yugi

"My love~!❤️"


Group #3 (Split) Vivian and Yugi

"Hold still my sweet little dumpling~!"



(Yugi #4: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)
Location: Dorms of Renka Middle school


Author's Note: Next chapter is going to be the last. Enjoy this story as much as you can~ Because everything that I have work for this story is almost coming to an end. Thank you for those who love this book very much and support me along the way!

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