Chapter One

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We were in the middle of the forest on a supposed cursed island where we would hopefully find an artifact that could save our people, an artifact that our enemies were also looking for.

To destroy us.

I look at my Master. He is an old man, maybe in his seventies, and his hair was turning white. Although he is old, he is still a force to be reckoned with, at least in our people's way.

We follow the way of the Shadowstalker.

The Shadowstalker is silent, it watches, and listens. And when it needs to leave the shadows, it strikes quickly and cleanly and then disappears.

But back to what I was saying.

My Master is on my left, on his right is my half brother, Min, and he is more of an assassin than a spy, like some of our people. He has dark brown hair, forest green eyes, a broad nose, and high cheekbones. He is wearing black, as is our custom. There is a master's test, if you can hide in white in plain sight, or in the shadows, for a whole day, then you pass.

Me on the other hand, I have bright red hair, a curse really, but I can somehow still hide with it, I have blue-ever-changing-shade eyes, full lips, but I put black ink on them to help hide them, also a custom for the women, I have deep sunk eyes, high cheekbones like Min, a small nose that has been broken more than once, and slightly pointed ears. I, like my half brother (I don't know who my mother is.), am wearing black, form fitting leathers.

"We will split up here. Go separate ways, we need to find the Tringe before they do." Master says. His voice is crackly with age, but still strong, and a light baritone. We all know who they are. They are the Golden Tribe.

They follow way of the Golden-Lion.

The Golden-Lion is an amazing warrior, strong, graceful, powerful, but it is afraid of the dark. Meaning it is afraid of the Shadowstalker.

Meaning we are mortal enemies.

I head up one path more like a ghost than a ghost is. Min and Master go toward a different path; they are going together because Min can't hide very well. Even though I am younger, I am going on my own. I don't usually speak, but I can, contrary to some people's beliefs.

I had been looking for about an hour, and finally, I come across a shrine, inside is a small stone, it is the color of the night sky, and it is surrounded by a tight fitting cage of wound wire connected to a necklace piece. I grab it, and right as I exit the shrine, I see a boy. He has bronze skin, a strong body; he must be a fighter, his mouth is open is surprise; while I know my face shows no emotion, his nose is about medium in build; but it has been broken once before, his eyes are a hazel green and almond shaped reflecting his surprise, his hair is sun bleached blond, he is wearing armor, not show armor, but well maintained. He doesn't speak; I must be giving the impression that I would run the moment he spoke.

"Girl! Where are you?" I hear Min call; his voice is a light tenor. We had decided to call me girl, and him boy.

I turn to the left, from where his voice is coming from, but I hear the boy in front of me say:

"Who are you?" His voice, musical, I could listen to it all day, and not get tired of it.

I look at him, and without a word, I dissolve into the forest.

Onyx: YAY! First chappy done! I wonder how Night's chapter is doing. Oh well! I will cross that bridge when I come to it! And thank you all for reading out pathetic attempts at writing!

Night: What are you calling pathetic attempt at writing?

Onyx: *gulps* Vote, Comment, Follow, all that jazz. Now if you will excuse me, I will be running away from my deranged angry sister. Byeeeeeeeee.


Onyx: HHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*screaming fades into the distance*

Day: Well. This will be interesting.

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