New Experience

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Today's the day I finally will attend a normal high school!...I'm so excited!

Oh...If you're wondering about Yukari, SHE IS SO SCARY!! Ever since our so-called date, she's been braking in my room in the middle of the night, sometimes in the morning and sometimes when I'm in the garden. She only comes for the same reason.... She tries to seduce me for I can have sex with her... But that's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN! I don't want to have sex with a girl like her... She scares the crap out of me!

It is five o'clock in the morning.
I can't sleep from my excitement... For once I was awake before my grandmother came in... Not knowing what to do, nor able to go back to sleep, I just stared at the wall waiting for my grandmother.

"Today is going to be great..." I whispered to the wall. I was eager to attend school. But I am also a little nervous about how it might be...oh, I forgot to ask my parents if I can make my own friends for once... I might bring up that question at breakfast.

A few minutes pass and my grandmother walks in with some folded clothes in her hands...I think it's my uniform. She walked to me "wake up shin-" she saw that I was already awake. "oh you're up early today... Could it be that you want to attend school? " she said knowing the answer.

"you know it... What's that?" I pointed to the clothes she had in her hands.

"It's your uniform" she smiled

She handed the uniform to me...
I looked at my grandmother, she nodded and I took the uniform and headed to my bathroom.

I quickly put on the black uniform pants, the white under long-sleeve, and this sort of long-sleeve coat or vest thing with gold colored buttons on the front. It was very comfortable and cozy.

"Alright..." I sighed and patted myself down, I fixed my bed hair, then I walked out my bathroom. "Oh... You look so handsome...I think I'm more excited for you" my grandmother gave me a huge smile. "I think I beat you on that one..." I replied with a bigger smile. We both exchanged smiles.

My grandmother and I walked to the dining room, making small talk about how I've been.

We entered the dining room to see my parents and no Yukari... I was so relieved. Haven't I mentioned that she's ALWAYS HERE!

I sat down and the maid brought me pancakes, and my parents and my grandmother the usual everyday oatmeal."Um.. Mother, Father...Can I ask you a question?" I was nervous as hell but who fucking cares anymore. "What is it, Son? " My Father pisses me off when he just calls me 'Son'.
I have a Fucking name... It's Shinji... Shin-ji!....

I took a deep breath "Can I try to make my own friends?...since I'm already sixteen years old..?" my father looked at my mother...she shrugged. My father looked at me."Yes, you can, but your mother and I have to meet them..." Wait what!? excuse me for a second.... WHAT!.. am I hallucinating?

I've been asking if I can make my own friends since I was eleven, and all the times... A mean ALL the times I asked they rejected my request... I think I'm going insane.

"Thank you...I will choose wisely" I replied... It's the beginning of the day and I'm already this happy.

Once breakfast was over, my grandmother went to drop me off at school. I was in the back seat with her " Your parents let you choose your own friends, are you nervous?" my grandmother looked at me.

"Well kinda, because I'm supposed to be the "Perfect Man" and everyone might give me the special treatment because my parents are famous" I air quoted.

"Well, they might not do that... Because I talked to the principal, and he said that he'll tell the students today" she smiled.

"And do you think those students will listen, no!" I scoffed

"Maybe they'll listen this time" she smiled.

"Maybe they'll just tease me..." I mumbled.

"Shinji! stop thinking so negative"

"Sorry I can't help but think's my first time in high school" I crossed my arms.

"Well, good luck " she smiled. I just sighed in reply and turned towards the window. We were now driving into the city, I saw many people, some were walking with friends, there was some with angry expressions, there were also parents walking with their children. My eyes shined with excitement. I live in the countryside to prevent people stalking my parents. And I normally don't see things like this.

"You look like your interested in something"

"Yeah...these people...I have to write about this..." I swiftly took out a small journal out of my pocket. I always have my journal with me.

With a pencil in my hand I wrote:

Humans... How they live and how they act...fascinating, so careless, they show many expressions that I want to feel and experience one day...But that day will never come...I envy humans... No, I don't envy humans... I envy their expressions and their behavior... Will someone come along and show how to make those expressions or will this heart stay fake And lonely...

I wrote what came into my mind...I know it's depressing and weird but... That's how I am. Just a fake person. And I can't do anything to stop it...

Haii Haii

I'm not quite happy with this chapter... But hey, at least it's over with...╥﹏╥

Baii Baii


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