Cricky | Student/Teacher MPreg [F]

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This is a bit of a part 2 to the last one shot, as suggested by @satansrazor666 (PS this one is long AF)


"Ricky!" My mom called from the bottom of the stairs, "Your friend is here!"

Before she even could finish her sentence, I rushed down the stairs, skipping steps I was going so fast. Devin had just got himself in the door and was already shocked at my hastiness. I grabbed his wrist and started to yank him upstairs, but my mom stopped me.

"Ricky, hold on." She said.

I turned around on the staircase and looked at her annoyed, "Yeah mom?"

"Your farther and I are going to run some errands. Will you boys be okay alone for a few hours?" She asked.

"Yeah, we'll be fine." I replied, "Is it okay if Ange stops by to work on our science project?"

"As long as it's okay with his parents, it's okay with us." She spoke in typical mom fashion.

I smiled a "thank you" and told her goodbye. My mom disappeared towards the laundry room and I returned to aggressively pulling Devin towards my room. Thank God she's leaving because it gives me more peace of mind to know she won't be listening at the door when I tell Devin what I desperately need help figuring out.

As we got to my room, he wiggled out of my grasp, "Where's the fire?" He chuckled at my frantic state.

I fell backwards on my bed and covered my face with my hands. Just thinking about saying it out loud made me get teary-eyed. "I'm so dead, Dev." I managed to mutter.

The bed shifted next to me as he sat down. Devin put his hand on my shoulder, "Sit up, Sweetie." He instructed me and I hesitantly did as I was told. I took my hands away from my face to reveal my puffy eyes. He ran his thumb over my cheek with a sympathetic coo, "What happened?"

I sighed, "I-I... I thought I was going crazy. Well I thought I was just having a flu that wouldn't go away but flues don't stick around for months." I glanced up at the ceiling to try to get tears to push themselves away. Cautiously, I brought my stare back to Devin's as I continued, "I started to get paranoid that it was something else and just to make sure, I took a pregnancy test."

He let a little concern seep through in his expression, but tried to stay stone-faced until I gave him the full verdict. "And?" He asked.

My eyes drifted away and my voice fell. "It came back positive." I spoke just above a whisper.

"Are you sure it wasn't a false positive?" Devin tried to reach for some hope.

"N-No, I took a second one because I was scared of that took. They both were positive." I said. I sniffled, then fell into his chest, "Dev, my parents are going to kill me! I can't have a kid!"

"Shh, it's okay, Ricky. We'll figure this out." He spoke, then got distracted by his phone buzzing. He reached over to where it sat on the bed and read the screen, "It's Ange. He says he's here."

"Tell him to let himself in. The garage code it 9876." I murmured amongst all my tears.

Devin text Angelo back with one hand, while keeping the other wrapped around me. Once he was done he tightened both his arms around me and I just fucking cried. I hugged him tight because it felt good to hold on to someone. I'm sure he had more questions but he was just going to let me cry it out for a moment.

I heard my bedroom door open. Knowing my makeup must've been smeared, I buried my face into Devin's chest so Angelo didn't have to see me looking like shit. Even though he's slept over at my house before and seen me without makeup, I just didn't want to feel even more like a fucking loser than I already do.

Devin whispered something to him but I didn't catch what it was. I felt a third hand on my back and it was followed by Angelo's soft voice, "It's okay, it's just me." He said. "You're going to be okay."

"No I won't!" I protested, which was muffled against Devin's chest. "My parents are going to disown me and people already think I'm enough of a freak! And I'd be a terrible parent!"

"Hey, look at me." Devin said and forced my chin up, "We're going to figure this out. I promise. That's what friends are for. Go clean yourself up and then we'll talk it out."

I weakly stood up and let my hair fall in my face. It covered up what a mess I really was right now. I hobbled towards my bathroom and tried my damnedest to calm down. Breathe, Ricky. This are your best friends. They'll help you figure this out, somehow. I don't know how, but somehow.

It only took me a few minutes to wipe up my makeup and put my hair back into place. The real problem was I kept crying. Every time I thought I was okay, I'd cry again. I must've been in that bathroom fifteen minutes but the guys were understanding. When I came back out slowly, they were both on the floor working on our science project. They pushed all their books aside when they saw me.

I plopped down in the space in between them. Angelo ran his hand up and down my arm, "Feel better?" He asked.

I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees. As I pressed my hands over my eyes, I replied, "I guess. I just... Fuck I've fucked up and I don't know what to do."

"Have you told Ryan yet?" Ange spoke, just assuming it was Ryan's kid.

"That's... Apart of the problem." I murmured. "Um, I don't think it's his."

The two shared a look of worry. "Why wouldn't it be his?" Angelo questioned.

Devin then asked, "Who else's would it be?"

"Uh... Well... Um, I, uh..." Fuck. What do I even say? "Well Ryan and I are good about using protection and I usually top. He hasn't topped in a while and um, well, I've been sleeping with someone else who I don't use protection with and I'm always bottom."

"Who is it?" Ange questioned, "Is it someone at the school?"

"You could say that, but... It's not a student." I confessed. I didn't even look up at them when I said it because I didn't want to see their reactions. "Look, you guys are my best friends. You have to promise me you won't tell!"

"You're sleeping with a teacher, aren't you?" Devin gawked. I gave him a strong shot of my puppy dog eyes and his expression softened. "Ricky, Sweetie, of course we wouldn't tell anyone. Just as long as you tell us who it is."

I glanced between the two of them. They were waiting for an answer and there was no backing out now. I took a deep breath for courage, "Mr. Cerulli."

It got really fucking quiet. You could hear a pin drop. I knew it. Even my best friends think I'm a loser freak. I lowered my head, my hair falling in my face, and one tear managed to slip.

Then Devin broke the silence, "Thank God you're at least fucking the hot one. I'd be disappointed in you if you were risking this much for an ugly lay."

I broke a laugh at his comment. Angelo took his hand and lifted my head, "This isn't the end of the world, I promise. Even if it is, we're here to go down with you. We'll help you get through this."

"Thank you guys." I smiled and looked back and forth between the two of them.

"Do you plan on keeping it?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I can't abort a baby that's half someone else's without their permission. It's a dick move. I don't want to raise it alone either though."

"Either way, you need to tell him ASAP. I know you're scared to, but he needs to know tomorrow." Devin said.


"Tomorrow." He repeated. "We'll walk you down to his classroom after school and wait just outside the door. Afterwards, we can all go back to my house and I'll have my mom make whatever you want for dinner. Sound good?"

"I guess." I sighed.

"Everything happens for a reason. I'm sure there is a silver lining to this. You just have to find it. What there isn't a silver lining to is the fact that my parents will kill me if I'm not home by supper, so can we get back to working on the project?" Angelo stated.

I sniffled once again and ran my hand under my eyes. Then I nodded and grabbed my textbook off my bed. For once I actually wanted to do homework so I could get my mind off of things.


The next morning I didn't feel well enough to even bother with makeup. I looked like shit because I had bags under my eyes and hadn't showered in a while, but I honestly didn't care. I felt like I got hit by a bus. I just wanted to fast forward to the end of the day when I could crawl back into my bed.

I sat in the far back of all my classes. Luckily I had Angelo in two classes and he let me borrow his IPod to listen to music so I could get my mind off of things. He even kept me from getting busted when I almost fell asleep multiple times during class. When I had English as my last period, I barely spoke a word. Sitting in the same room as Mr. Cerulli and thinking about having to tell him was making me fucking sick.

He happened to notice I was paler than normal. When he asked if I was okay, the draining look I gave him was enough for him to send me down to the nurse. Devin was the office assistant during this hour. He broke away from filing papers when he saw me walk in.

"The nurse stepped out for a moment for a meeting. She'll be back soon." He told me. "Are you okay?"

I groaned and fell against the doorway to the nurse's room. I felt so sick to my stomach that I couldn't answer.

Devin smiled softly at me. He very gently directed me inside the nurse's room, "Lay down Sweetheart. I'll turn off the lights for you and I'll let the nurse know you're in here when she gets back."

I didn't say anything even though I did owe him gratitude. He shut off the light and cracked the door. The only light coming in was a sliver from the office on the other side of the door. It must've only been five or more minutes I was laying there but it felt like an eternity. Eventually the nurse came back and I heard Devin tell her I was in here. Then he said something else that I didn't quite catch.

She very quietly entered. The nurse turned on the desk lamp instead of the overhead one. She gave me something for my stomach ache, but it was different from what she used to give me. Oh well. I'm sure Devin told her what's going on so she didn't give me any medication I couldn't take while knocked up. I just laid in the nurse's room for the last ten minutes of school.

The bell rang and killed my fucking head. Devin walked back in and I sat up. He rubbed his hand along my spine, "Feel better?"

I rubbed my eyes tiredly, "Somewhat. Can I lay down when we get to your house?"

"Of course." He beamed, "You know you have to do one thing first before we leave."

I sighed, "Yeah, I know. I have to go back to his classroom anyways. My things are still in there."

"C'mon, I'll walk you down." He said.

I stood up and took a minute to let vertigo calm down. Devin stayed close behind me as we walked back to the English hall. Thankfully my locker was down this way at least. It was less walking. The halls were full because everyone else had just gotten out of their last class for the day. I instantly felt my heart race when I spotted Ryan at Vinny's locker, talking to him. Please don't see me. Of course he saw me.

"Hey." He somberly greeted me, "You okay? You don't look good."

"He's not feeling well." Devin answered for me. "I'm going to help him grab his things from Mr. Cerulli's then I'm going to walk him to my place so he can get a nap in. Him and Ange are staying the night tonight. You wanna join us?"

Why the fuck did he do that?

"Actually I promised Vinny and Balz I'd go to the game tonight with them." He responded. Thank God.

"We're eating at five. Can you guys at least stop by for dinner?" Devin asked. Why is he pushing so hard for Ryan to come over?

"I don't see why not. I'll see you then. I hope you feel better, Ricky." Ryan perked a small smile.

I forced one out before turned to Devin and giving him a dirty look. "Why'd you do that?" I whispered.

"You have to tell him. I know you just use him as a fuck buddy but he does genuinely have feelings for you." He replied.

I huffed in frustration. I know he was right but I didn't want him to be right. Now, I have two people I have to try to be emotionally strong in front of when in fact I want to break down and cry. At least I have Devin and Angelo, even if they push shit on me like this. Angelo was waiting for me outside of Mr. Cerulli's classroom.

Devin stopped and stood next to him. He gestured for me to step inside the classroom. I looked inside and saw Mr. Cerulli at his desk. He glanced up at me and smiled. I took one last deep breath as I knew there was no turning back. I stepped inside the classroom and shut the door behind me.

Mr. Cerulli stood up from his desk. He straightened some papers, then walked closer to me as I did to him. "How are you feeling?" He asked delicately.

"Better, kind of." I muttered.

"Well, I won't force you to do some make up work today then." He chuckled. "Go home and get some rest."

"I will, Sir, but can we talk before I leave?" I asked as I felt my insides tremble. I felt like I was going to puke and being in my current state, I easily could.

"Of course. Why don't you sit down on my desk first, though? You look like you're going to pass out." He spoke, words that could be closer to the truth than I wished.

"Thank you, Mr. Cerulli." I replied and pulled himself up onto the desk I had been nailed on top of several times now.

He seemed amused at my choice of words, "Call me Chris. I think at this point you deserve to call me by my first name." He leaned against the edge of the desk and began to rub his hand up and down my arm.

"Um, thanks." I repeated myself like an idiot. It was hard to focus when I was getting high off the smell of his cologne. It was so fucking sexy and I just wanted to be held in his arms right now. I tried to look up at his eyes but failed. "It's about my... extra credit."

Shock wiped onto his face, "And... What about it?"

"I, um, I..." I glanced over at the door. There was a window pane next to the door and I could see Devin giving me that look. There was no backing out of this. I took a deep breath again, like it would even help. "I'm... Pregnant." I murmured.

His hand stopped moving. Chris froze and tried his best to work through this in his mind, "And, it's mine?"

"I think so. You're the only person I've bottomed for and not used protection." I stated with my eyes glued to the floor.

It seemed like an eternity passed as the silence ticked away at us. Chris took my chin in his hand and forced me to look at him. He gently placed a kiss upon my lips. I was worried it would be my last from him, but what he told me shocked me.

"It's time I'm honest. I've been developing feelings for you, and this just made me realize that I need to stop being a little bitch about it and tell you the truth. I want you to be my boyfriend. There's only a few months left so if you chose to have the baby, you can over the summer. We'll figure this out but I promise I'll be there for you. That is, if you want me to."

I was stunned. I thought for sure he'd want nothing to do with me! I dropped to my feet and gave him a hug. The tears found their way to my eyes as I managed a, "Thank you, so much. I'm scared."

"I am too, but I promise we'll get through this." He reassured me.

Chris pulled back enough so he could kiss me. Our lips felt like Heaven together. I was melting in his arms. I was still terrified, but not nearly as bad as I was before.

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