Cricky | Student/Teacher [S]

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Suggested by @satansrazor666 & @askingjack


Another day, another detention I'm sure. Why does Mr. Cerulli even bother asking me to stay after class? I know he's just going to write me up at usual. He could do that during class and not make me have to run to catch my bus every day. He's trying to be the noble one and not embarrass me in front of my classmates. They hate me anyways.

I stayed posted at my desk while I waited for everyone else to clear out. As they started to, I put together my things. Mr. Cerulli closed the door and began to walk towards me.

With crossed arms, he addressed me sternly, "Mr. Olson, how many times do we have to have this conversation?"

"Until I'm not in your class, most likely." I sassed him.

"That's going to be a problem because I teach all of honors English, for all grades. The work you turn in is amazing, but this whole showing up to class late thing is killing your grade." He attempted to lecture me.

I stood up from my desk, throwing my bag over my shoulder, "Well I'm not going to stop so can you please just give me my detention time so I can leave?"

He sighed, "You're not getting a detention this time. I'm going to have to suspend you, Ricky. You know suspensions are unexcused absences, and you won't pass this year if you get anymore."

That caught my attention. I quickly dropped my act, "I have to pass this year. My parents will kill me if I don't. Look, I'll stay after class and make up the time or something. There's got to be something I can do."

"First, tell me why you're always late. The truth, Ricky." Mr. Cerulli spoke as he gave me a parental glare.

I froze, staring at him like a deer in headlights. My nerves set in and I shut down. I can't tell him where I go! He'd for sure expel me. And I don't want to get Ryan in trouble either.

"I... I can't tell you." I admitted. "I don't want to get other people in trouble."

"You don't have to name names. I know you're too smart to be doing drugs-"

"No! No, it's not drugs. I'm not that stupid. I, um, uh. After lunch, I've been going down in the boiler room with a friend of mine." I half told the truth.

He knew I hadn't confessed everything. Mr. Cerulli waited for a minute for me to speak more, but realized I wasn't going to. "And, what have you two been doing down there?" He asked.

I sighed and glanced over at the door to make sure it was closed. Then I looked back at him and muttered, "Him and I, we've been, um... We've been having sex down there."

Shock swiped across his face. I did use male pronouns to refer to my friend, so he was most likely more shocked to hear I was gay. I'm sure Mr. Cerulli has to deal with teen sex all the time. He readjusted his stance while finding the words to say.

"And he is your... boyfriend?" He suspiciously asked.

"No, not really. Just friends with benefits. I don't have a boyfriend." I replied.

"Well, I don't think I have to lecture you on how you shouldn't be having sex on school grounds during school hours. And we both know lectures don't work on you anyways. However," Mr. Cerulli took a large step closer to me, "I do believe it's given me an idea of how you can make up for your tardies."

"Wh-What?" I stammered.

He backed me against one of the desks. Mr. Cerulli was very close to me. He came so close our bodies were pressed against each other. I should be uncomfortable with this but I was turned on. He's a very sexy man and now that he's standing this close, I could smell his cologne. It was weakening to me. He put his arms on either side of me, resting his hands on the desk behind me.

"This just stays between us, right?" He mused.

I couldn't say anything, so I just nodded. Was he really about to do what I think he was? He was. He is. Mr. Cerulli leaned in closer until his breath was dusting my skin. He growled lustfully at me, then kissed me. My fucking teacher kissed me. Once he had one taste, he wanted more. That went for both of us. He tasted heavenly.

There was just something about being held by a mature man that I craved. I didn't realize it until now, but it's so much more addicting that fucking one of my friends that's my age. His authority put power over me, and his age provided him with experience and skill. I could feel all of this just in a kiss. I wasn't sure how much he wanted from me, so I kept my hands to myself.

Mr. Cerulli pulled away with a gasp to catch his breath. He ran his hands down my chest. As he brought them back up, he pulled on my shirt. I lifted my arms and let him pull over my black tank top. Then he started pulling on my belt while he returned to my lips. I blindly started to mess around with his clothes.

I pushed his suit jacket off his shoulder. He broke away from me and picked me up, setting me on the desk. My legs wrapped around his waist. Mr. Cerulli rushed to undo his tie. He unbuttoned his white shirt and tossed it to the ground. I couldn't help but stare at the tattoos along his skin. He always wears long shirts. I had no idea he had full sleeves like this... Holy fuck he just got so much hotter.

"You like what you see?" He teased me.

"Y-Yeah, Sir." I mumbled.

He simply laughed and pressed our lips together once again. Mr. Cerulli pulled me off the desk I was on and carried me over to his own desk. With one swipe, he pushed all the papers and shit off the top of it so he could force me to lay back. He got ahold of my belt buckle and started to undo it. While doing so, he placed kisses along my hips. It felt damn good.

I heard the clank of my belt as it hit the ground. Before I could even think more about it, my skinny jeans were being ripped off me. It was so aggressive I fell off the desk a little. I grabbed myself on the edge so I didn't crash onto the ground. Mr. Cerulli grabbed my hand and placed it suggestively on his belt. I got the hint and began to undo his pants.

He placed his mouth on my neck and kissed me deeply. I felt like I was getting attacked by a vampire and I loved it. I managed to get his pants undone. He didn't break away from kissing me as he kicked off his shoes. He drew in a deep breath. Then he pulled me off the desk and flipped me around. It was so forceful and it turned me on.

It was still hard to believe I was fucking my teacher but I'm enjoying this, and I get better grades out of it. Mr. Cerulli pulled down my jeans and boxers to about halfway down my thighs. He stripped his remaining clothing. Then he wasted no time in suddenly slamming himself into my body. Fuck.

I reached towards the edge of his desk and held on like my life depended on it. This sexy as man was nailing me hard, and trust me he was big. I had always guessed he was packing and I'm happy to know my guess was very right.

"Uunf, fuck." I moaned. "Ooh~"

He slapped his hand over my mouth. My back arched as he seethed, "Not so damn loud."

Well that's a little hard when you're fucking my ass with your huge dick. For fuck's sake. It felt so damn good though and I could barely hold on. I wanted to scream his name as loud as I fucking could, but I understood why we had to be quiet.

My knees almost caved in when he hit my prostate. That was enough to push me over the edge. I fell on the desk as my body shook. Every muscle relaxed as I released. It's never felt that good before! I panted while he continued to fuck me more. When I felt his fluids release inside me, I couldn't help myself from moaning just once. He had kept quiet most the time, but did let out a relieved grunt when he came.

Mr. Cerulli quickly began to collect his clothes as he left my numb body laying here. I fought to catch my breath still and I felt like a jellyfish. All my muscles had unwound. I could go for a good nap cuddled up to someone after that, but I doubt I'd get that from him. I managed to pull myself together the best I could.

"Sorry you had to miss your bus." He spoke casually.

"Don't apologize." I beamed while pulling on my shirt. "I don't mind walking. Although it might be a challenge after that."

He chuckled, "Same time tomorrow then?"

I grinned as I grabbed my bag, "Same time tomorrow."

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