Chapter 19: Trade Ya!

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Today was going to be a special kind of day for the Mane 7 including Spike as they are all heading to Rainbow Falls again, but this time it's not for an Equestria Games event. They are going there to participate in the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange and not only that, but Twilight and (Y/N) were the ones on duty for the exchange too.

They have now just arrived at Rainbow Falls via train as they all got off and Pinkie Pie was obviously really excited.

Pinkie Pie: *squeals* Yes! Best day ever! We're all going to the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange! And not just going – we're accompanying a princess and a prince on an official royal duty!

A great bound on the end of this line carries her over to her boyfriend (Y/N) who she hugs tightly and rubs her cheeks on his prompting a smirk from him while Twilight, who is already off the train and levitating several books into a box that stands at one window. She throws a slightly annoyed look back at the goofball being overly excited.

Twilight Sparkle: Please, it's not that big of a deal.

(Y/N) then levitates Pinkie off of him and back on the ground.

(Y/N): It's just part of the event, Pinks. Since Twilight and I are pretty much the latest ones crowned in royalty, we had to volunteer for this no questions asked.

All of them then head off to go to the exchange as they go right through a rock tunnel.

Twilight Sparkle: Last year was Princess Cadance, this year it's me and (Y/N) marking him the first prince to even be in the exchange.

(Y/N): Well either way I wouldn't want to turn down something as important as this. Ponies needing help for exchanging items they no longer need? Sign me up! I'm sure we'll somewhat be bombarded with attention at a event like this.

Twilight Sparkle: You're making this all seem like it will be some problematic paparazzi. I'm sure nopony will practically notice we're here.

(Y/N) looks at Twilight raising an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Uh. . . Twi? You do know how popular we are all across Equestria, right?

The two of them have thoroughly failed to notice the looks of complete shock stealing over the others' faces, but a sudden shower of confetti and streamers, and a sudden roar of cheers accented by a Twilight's surprised yelp, clue them in very quickly.

Crowd Pony 1: Look over there! It's a princess! And there's a prince here as well!

Crowd Pony 2: Oh, this is amazing!

(Y/N) leans over toward the dumbstruck Twilight with a half-smirk.

(Y/N): See what I mean?

Twilight gets a big strained grin in place and somehow forces out a nervous little chuckle at the big to-do over her arrival.

(Y/N): Come on princess, let's just ignore the patrons for now and go towards the booths where the actually trading sales are taking place.

Twilight Sparkle: You say that like it's going to be easy.

(Y/N): Maybe not, but even if we're on duty here, we can have just as much fun here trading whatever we want for things that are scarce to us.

(Y/N) walks ahead with Twilight and the rest of the gang following right behind him as well. While they were able to get through the crowd, they did have to stop a couple of times for some quick autographs from ponies that were really excited to see them here, especially since it's both Twilight and (Y/N) first time at this exchange.

Once they got to the actual trading area, they were able to see that tents have been set up on nearly every square inch of available grass to accommodate the attendees. As they were all walking around, Fluttershy sees a statuette that was bunny posed as Cupid with a bow and heart shaped arrow.

Fluttershy: Oh, my goodness!

Rarity: You said it. The Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange is simply divine. You can get anything you want here!

Rarity says this as she was trying on a pink hat with some roses on it.

(Y/N): Take this from me Rares, but I believe that hat makes you look pretty due to those roses going with your eyes.

Rarity smiles from this before she walks over and pecks (Y/N) on the cheek as a thank you for his little compliment.

Rarity: Well if you think so darling, then I may just get this little chapeau.

Applejack: That is IF you got the goods to trade for it.

Rarity floats the hat off her head and tries on another. Spike was walking with a comic book in his claws he and wasn't paying attention to where we was going as he stumbles over a small rock and he belly-flops to the turf with a grunt with his item flying out of his grip. A gust of wind carries the comic and then drops it straight toward a puddle.

Spike: NOO!

With inches to go before the mud, a magic aura envelops the book and gently lifts it away. It revealed to be Twilight who was responsible for it as she puts in back in Spike's claws.

(Y/N): Nice save, Twi. And Spike, watch where your going if you don't want that comic of yours to end up looking more refurbished than it already is.

Spike: I know. I want to trade this in perfect mint condition.  And if you want to trade for a mint comic, you gotta have a mint comic.

(Y/N): That's a little too fresh for me, buddy.

Twilight and (Y/N) smile as Spike walks away, but the gentle reverie vanishes as a knot of ponies gathers behind them, pointing and murmuring excitedly. Twilight blushes and she hunches down while grabbing one of (Y/N)'s wings to cover her head as best she can. (Y/N) sighs as he walks holding the embarrassed princess so she wouldn't have to deal with all of the ponies who just really want to see them as a prince and a princess.

Applejack: I guess ponies who are on official royal business has to expect a little fussin'.

(Y/N): Sure, it's not every day that somepony is going to see both Twilight and I, but yeah. . . it's definitely going to be a challenge to try and deal with a crowd like this.

(Y/N) then continues to see Twilight holding onto him as he groans a little with a slight forced smile.

(Y/N): Twi. . . Quit being so clingy. Besides, they're gone now.

Twilight looks up from (Y/N)'s wing to see that he was indeed right and the crowd of ponies were no longer following them for now. She blushes again with a nervous smile being a little overdramatically cute around her boyfriend.

Twilight Sparkle: S-Sorry, (Y/N). I was just a little. . . uncomfortable.

(Y/N) sighs with a smile as he shakes his head.

(Y/N): It's fine. I didn't mind. I mean we're not really here to see ponies who want to admire us anyway.

Pinkie Pie: So what's the business that you and Twilight are here for, sweetie?

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N) and I are supposed to settle disagreements over whether a trade is fair or not. And since the rule is that a trade is fair as long as both ponies get what they want, there's never been a disagreement. So there's really no reason for anypony to treat me as anything special.

(Y/N): It's basically bartering. You get something from somepony as long as you have something that they want as well. I mean this whole place is pretty much one big yard sale.

A Pegasus filly then steps slowly towards the group smiling at (Y/N) and Twilight from a few paces away as her tail twitches wildly.

(Y/N): Oh, hi there tiny filly.

Twilight Sparkle: What can we help you with?

The now-beaming youngster dips her head aside and comes up with a couple of photos of a laughing Twilight and a winking (Y/N). Twilight sighs wearily earning a nudge from (Y/N) telling her to at least pretend that she's enjoying it causing Twilight to give the filly a forced smile. Both of them floats up quills and bend down to provide the silently requested autographs.

Rainbow Dash then flies back to the group full of excitement.

Rainbow Dash: There's a pony here who's got a signed first edition of Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue, and I'm gonna get it! I've been able to get first editions of all of the Daring Do books, except this one! Nopony's ever put together a whole set, and I'm gonna be the first!

Her hopes then come down just a little at one possibility that may happen.

Rainbow Dash: If it hasn't been traded yet. . . It's the only one in all of Equestria!

Fluttershy: Oh no! I'd really hate to see you disappointed.

She then fishes an item out of her wing which was a duck call, but with a carving of a bear's head attached to the end.

Fluttershy: I did want to trade this bear call I've got for a bird whistle, but getting that book seems so important to you, so if you need me to help you first. . .

Rainbow Dash: *smiles* Normally I'd say I don't need any help, but you're right. This is really important. I've gotta get that book!

A sky-blue foreleg lands across the yellow shoulders, and Rainbow airlifts Fluttershy away from the table as Twilight, (Y/N), Pinkie, and Rarity wave.

(Y/N): Good luck with finding whatever your looking for.

Applejack hoists a large sack from the cart and gets it settled across her back as Spike hurries away, clutching his comic.

Applejack: Well, I'm off to take a gander at some of the vintage stalls.

(Y/N): That's really uncommon for you. You usually don't consider to much stuff that is new.

Applejack: Well, I also figured that vintage is somethin' that Rarity's interested in considerin' she likes to look at uncommon items.

Rarity: Oh, you know me so well Applejack. I'll have to come along with you too.

She magically brings out her saddlebags and gets them in place before hurrying to catch up with Applejack.

Rarity: Old and rare items are so in style right now! I'm hoping to get a vintage item as well. I just hope I brought enough to trade.

Applejack: I know what you mean, Rarity. Hey! Why don't we pool our trade stashes?

Rarity: Pool?

Applejack: That way, if one of us finds somethin' real valuable she can't live without. . .

Rarity: *gasps* She'll definitely be able to get it! Who could say no to exchanging a single object for such a huge assortment of items? Oh, yes! That is absolutely brilliant! I'm so glad I have a friend like you, Applejack.

She says with a hug and small nuzzle to her best friend.

Applejack: I feel the same way.

Rarity: Then let's go shopping!

They trot off, side by side and behind them Spike steps up to one geeky-looking stallion with an abundance of comics on display to see if he can trade in his comic book.

Back with Twilight, (Y/N), and Pinkie, the princess steps up to levitate a couple of tomes out as the group's now-empty cart stands alongside, and Pinkie walks up and sits on her haunches as Twilight starts to arrange books for display. While (Y/N) was digging in some saddlebags that he brought with him.

Pinkie Pie: Um, shouldn't you two be heading to the royal box seats?

Twilight Sparkle: We may be on duty, but I don't think that means we have to sit up there with each other doing nothing.

(Y/N): Besides, there is a little bit of stuff that I want to trade myself. Check this out!

Pinkie walks up to look inside of (Y/N)'s saddlebags as he pulls out an assortment of things.

(Y/N): Old lantern, sticky hoof, water gun, music disc, boomerang, glass mug with my face imprinted on it, clay model of Celestia. . . actually I'll keep that one. . .

He says as he stuffs the figurine back in his saddlebags.

(Y/N): Oh, and an unfinished rubik's cube too.

Hearing that last item caused Twilight to stop what she was doing as she instantly turns around to (Y/N) and she snatches the rubik's cube out of (Y/N)'s magical grasp.

Twilight Sparkle: I'll take that!

(Y/N) gives an annoyed glare back at Twilight as she was admiring the cube with deep interest.

(Y/N): Hey! You didn't give ME anything to trade for it!

Twilight looks at the stack of books that she was setting up as she looks at each of them before levitating one out of them and throws it beside (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: Here, you can have this.

(Y/N) looks at the book on the ground and the title of it just made raise an eyebrow.

(Y/N): "101 Facts about. . . Chemistry?" I. . . don't think that something like this is my taste Twi.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, please (Y/N)!

Twilight then does the usual puppy dog eyes trick on (Y/N) to try and butter him up which made (Y/N) blush before he gives an exasperated sigh.

(Y/N): (One day. . . One day! This dork that I have as my girlfriend is going to get me sick with the symptoms of either a brain cramp or cuteness overload!) Fine, go ahead and take the cube Twilight.

Twilight smiles as she gives (Y/N) a peck on the lips and a small hug before going to organize her books on display as (Y/N) puts the book that Twilight forcefully gave him in his saddlebags.

Pinkie Pie: Hold on! You're giving those books away? Why?

Twilight Sparkle: Ever since I became a princess, Celestia's been sending me more books to read than ever. The library's overflowing, so I figured while we're here, I might as well trade away some books I don't need anymore. And I already gave out my first one.

(Y/N): To your boyfriend. . . not an actual customer.

Twilight Sparkle: Eh, same difference.

(Y/N): Pinkie, you don't look like you brought anything. Didn't you come for the exchange too?

Pinkie Pie: Nope. I came to pony-watch and check out to see how my sweetie is on duty.

(Y/N): Okay, I guess. Well, you two have fun with each other. I might go and see how the others are doing with their exchanges too.

(Y/N) says as he trots off with Pinkie waving after him.

Pinkie Pie: Bye-Bye!

With Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, they were currently on the journey of finding that first edition book that Rainbow said that she desperately wanted and they were in luck as they come up to a stall and they see on the counter that there was a first edition copy of the Daring Do book as it is propped up on a counter among other knickknacks. Rainbow hovers across the way from the display and sucks in a huge gasp.

Rainbow Dash: *gasps* There it is! The first edition of Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue! It hasn't been traded yet!

She then sidles up to the mare in charge of the stall.

Rainbow Dash: Lucky for you, because I've brought my most valuable possession to trade for it: My lucky horseshoe!

One blue hoof slaps down a battered horseshoe for the Daring Do dealer to examine it closely before she gives a hard glare to Rainbow Dash.

Teddie Safari: I don't want it.

Rainbow Dash: What?!

Teddie Safari: It's just a rusty old horseshoe. That's not worth anything to me.

Rainbow's mouth falls open in pure shock as Fluttershy steps up.

Fluttershy: But, but how is Rainbow Dash going to get the book she really wants?

Teddie Safari: Well, she's not.

Rainbow Dash moans weakly and topples backward in a faint, but that drama went away instantly as the dealer spoke up again.

Teddie Safari: Unless. . . she can get me that.

She points off to one side a very large dog with one rather unusual feature: the presence of a second head.

Both mouths are snarling, barking, and slavering. A chain attached to one collar and being pulled in the teeth of the bandaged, scarred stallion running this tent, stocked with crates that surely contain other very strange creatures. Rainbow Dash is horrified by the appearance of this beast, but Fluttershy reacts much more favorably

Fluttershy: Aww, an Orthros! How cute!

The mighty jaws of the creature snaps its bone in half. Now Rainbow's face has gone so slack that it might be in danger of sliding off her skull.

Teddie Safari: The pony running the ancient beasts stall doesn't want anything I've got. But if you can get me the Orthros, I'll trade you the book for it.

Rainbow looks over the book one more time before she comes up smiling.

Rainbow Dash: You got it!

She and Fluttershy take a few steps away with her blue wings twitching with nervous energy.

Rainbow Dash: I don't know how, but somehow, we're gonna get that Orthros.

Off they go to try and attempt to snag the said creature with any effort they can muster.

Meanwhile with Applejack and Rarity, Rarity was looking critically around herself before she smiles broadly after a moment noticing Applejack. The farm pony does likewise, after which the two gallop toward each other.

Rarity: Oh, Applejack, I am so glad I found you.

Applejack: Me too! You're not gonna believe it!

Suddenly, they simultaneously said the exact same line at the same time.

Rarity & Applejack: I found a super valuable vintage item I just have to have, and all it's gonna cost is all our stuff!

That's when they simultaneously realize that their goals are mutually exclusive.

Rarity & Applejack: Uh-oh.

Applejack: Uh, w-why don't we just see exactly what we want to trade and try to come to an agreement?

Rarity forces a smile from that.

Rarity: Y-Yes, that the most apparent solution to our little problem.

Applejack: Well, let me show ya what I found first? I guarantee ya that this will be worth spendin'.

Applejack walks off with Rarity following right behind her not looking very enthusiastic about whatever the farm pony wants to buy with their stuff.

Rarity: So, where is this valuable vintage item you want to trade everything we have for?

They arrive at a stall set up with an assortment of well-used cookware, whose operator is a bespectacled gray Earth pony stallion.

Applejack: There!

She has indicated a stained pie tin, grinning at it while Rarity glances confusedly around herself for some moments.

Rarity: Where?

Applejack: Right there!

Rarity then notices the pie tin and get's more confused seeing this.

Rarity: But. . . that's a dented old pie tin.

Applejack: A dented "vintage" pie tin. The metal they used to fashion this one helps cook the pies up to five seconds faster! They don't make 'em like this anymore!

She says as she holds it up to the unimpressed unicorn. Rarity just manages a smile before she floats the tin away, putting Applejack's hoof down.

Rarity: I'm so glad you showed that to me, darling. . .

The pie tin hits the counter hard enough to knock all the other items off, prompting a dumbfounded look from Applejack.

Rarity: . . .because once you see what I've found, you won't want to waste our trade goods on that.

Her giggle floats back as the blond mare follows. Rarity then takes Applejack to a jewelry counter where she eyes a jeweled gold brooch designed as a flower blossom framed by two concentric circles.

Rarity: Just look at this gorgeous vintage brooch. It's one of a kind!

Applejack aims a puzzled glance at the item, then to Rarity.

Applejack: It looks exactly like the one you're already wearin'.

She says as she pushes aside her mane to expose an identical brooch pinned to the flap of Rarity's saddlebag.

Rarity: Well, yes, they may "look" the same, but I know it's older, and that's what makes it so much more divine!

Applejack: But that doesn't make a lick of sense! Why, I'd wager if I switched them up, you wouldn't even know the difference!

Rarity: Oh, don't be silly.

Rarity then sees a certain boyfriend of hers trotting across from Applejack as she calls out to him.

Rarity: Oh, (Y/N)~.

(Y/N) hears Rarity's voice as he turns around to see both her and Applejack at the jewelry counter and he trots up to them.

(Y/N): Hey, girls.

Applejack: I thought you had some prince duties to take care of watching over for any disagreements.

(Y/N): That doesn't mean I have to sit around and do nothing. Plus, there are things that I want to get traded as well.

Rarity: That's lovely, dear. But there appears to be a small conundrum that I hope you can resolve due to you having such divine eyes such as mine.

(Y/N): Uh, what?

Applejack: Rarity wants to buy this brooch that's on display, but it looks EXACTLY the same as the one that she already has.

Rarity: Perhaps it does, but this as I said, "new" vintage brooch is way better than this old one that I already have. (Y/N), could you be a darling and tell Applejack that there is a difference between the two?

Applejack: And can you tell Rarity that there's no need to trade all of our stuff for something that she already has?

(Y/N) looks at the two very puzzled on which side should he choose as he decides to contribute to something else.

(Y/N): Okay, why don't you guys just show me the brooches and I'll give them a quick look to see which one is much better than the other one?

Rarity simply smirks at Applejack who's only response is to raise one eyebrow very slowly at her. Both brooches are then dropped onto the counter, and as (Y/N) watches, Applejack switches them back and forth repeatedly. Her hooves move slowly at first, but steadily increase their tempo until they are visible only as an orange-tan blur. When she lifts them away, the two brooches continue to whirl in a circle for another moment until she claps one hoof down on each to stop them.

Applejack: Alright (Y/N), so which is the vintage one?

(Y/N) looks down at the two as he eyes both of them for a prolonged amount of time before the pressure was getting to him as he starts sweating looking back and forth multiple times. Applejack continues to stare clearly unconvinced that (Y/N) could tell a difference while Rarity's face said otherwise.

(Y/N): (Okay. . . I have no idea how to settle this argument, so. . . I'll just have to pick one to humor Rarity.) Um. . . that one.

(Y/N) points to the one on his right.

Applejack: You don't sound very sure of yourself there.

Rarity: Well, that's because he had to both think and look hard and I personally see that (Y/N) is right as well. It just has that glimmering new vintage look to it. Doesn't it, love~?

Rarity says as she bats her eyelashes at (Y/N) and all she get's is a blushed face from him with a nervous smile.

Applejack: Quit tryin' to butter him up with yer charms, girl! You're just tryin' to make a bluff by using him anyway.

Rarity: Am I? How can you tell?

Applejack: Well. . . because. . . *groans* I can't, 'cause the one you wanna waste our whole stash on is exactly the same as the one you already got! There's no way anypony would notice the difference!

She stalks off as Rarity floats the one on (Y/N)'s left back into her own bag.

Rarity: I'd say it's a lot more likely they'd notice that than some dented tin that cooked a pie a whole two seconds faster!

(Y/N): Wait. . . you want to trade your stuff for an old pie tin?

Applejack: A pie tin that'll be more efficient for bakin' apple pie.

She then leans hard into Rarity's face irritated.

Applejack: And it's FIVE seconds faster!

The two stand there and snarl at each other from point-blank range. Before anymore drama could occur, (Y/N) pushes the two away from each other.

(Y/N): Just because you two want different stuff doesn't mean that you have to act like foals in front of all of these ponies!

Rarity fumes a little from that statement.

Rarity: Act like foals? The nerve of you!

(Y/N): As a matter of fact, this does seem like a disagreement that I have to handle now that I see exactly what you two are disagreeing about. Let me start by saying that while both of you want different vintage for your tastes, you're not going to get the same with all of the stuff that you want to trade.

Applejack: Well, actually we already figured that.

(Y/N): Well in that case, why don't you two find. . . I don't know, "two" of some one thing that maybe the both of you can get for each other.

Applejack: Where? There's literally one of everything around here.

(Y/N): Well, it'll be WAY easier than arguing over a pie tin or two brooches that look nearly identical. At least that will be easier to see.

Rarity: Very well, then. Let us find a vintage that is a suitable match for the two of us Applejack.

She says not so amused as Applejack was the same.

Applejack: *sarcastically* Yeah, let's. . .

(Y/N): (Good grief. . .)

(Y/N) rolls his eyes at the two before he just walks off to go and see what else is going on around the exchange.

(Y/N) then arrives at another part of the Trader's Exchange and when he does he sees Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy zipping around stalls asking around for stuff that they want for most likely the Daring Do book that Rainbow Dash wants. (Y/N) flies over to them confused.

(Y/N): Hey, Dashie. Flutters. What are you two doing snooping around? I thought that you were going to trade in something for the first edition Daring Do book that you wanted.

Fluttershy: I did, but. . .

Rainbow Dash: I was trying to sell my lucky horseshoe for it, but there's literally nopony around here that's wants it!

(Y/N) looks at Rainbow's horseshoe and shakes his head.

(Y/N): Okay, technically, it's YOUR lucky horseshoe. So for you it's pretty expensive, but to others. . . I wouldn't be really surprised if they found it cheap.

The horseshoe then get's thrown into (Y/N)'s face as he yelps out in pain before his eyes swirl around for a second and the horseshoe hangs on his nose.

Rainbow Dash: Cheap?! I used to win a bunch of competitions with this thing, all because I had this baby by my side!

(Y/N): So. . . you're basically saying that it's not so lucky anymore?

Rainbow Dash: *smirks* Oh, it's lucky alright. But since I'm already twenty percent cooler now, I figured somepony else could use the luck while my skills can flaunt anywhere around.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes at Rainbow's ego as he levitates the horseshoe off of his face annoyed before Fluttershy walks up to him.

Fluttershy: Um. . . (Y/N)? Is there anything you want to trade for yet?

(Y/N): Not quite. And seeing that I have quite a few old stuff, I'm surprised that nothing has caught my eye yet.

Rainbow Dash: Well, we're going to try and keep finding somepony to trade in my horseshoe.

(Y/N): Somepony? I thought you were looking for the pony with the Daring Do book?

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash then look at each other feeling a little uneasy.

Fluttershy: Should we tell him?

Rainbow sighs as she takes her horseshoe back and tosses it up in the air a couple of times.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, get ready for this long train of trades. . . It's going to be a ride.

She takes a deep breath before telling (Y/N) all of the things that she needed to trade for in order to get the Daring Do book.

Rainbow Dash: *quickly* We need a crystal chalice to trade for a chicken to trade for a lamp to trade for an Orthros to then trade for the Daring Do book!

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from that as Rainbow definitely has some work on her plate to try and find all of the essentials that she needs by only selling a horseshoe.

(Y/N): Well. . . I have nothing to say, but. . . good luck with that.

Rainbow Dash: *smirks* "Lucky" horseshoe. We'll find somepony. . . eventually.

(Y/N) sighs from that as he walks away with his stuff and after he was gone, Rainbow turns to Fluttershy with a nervous look.

Rainbow Dash: . . .I hope.

Fluttershy: Me too.

After having to deal with Rainbow's desperateness, (Y/N) looked around for more things on what he could either trade or more disagreements around the area besides his girlfriends which were more difficult to deal with than he thought. (Y/N) then notices a stall that was selling prince and princess merchandise which seem weird to him that not a long of things have been sold yet from that place and he walks over to it, which was run by a unicorn mare.

Once the mare sees (Y/N) approaching, she immediately get's a giddy smile on her face, fangirling that the actual prince is in front of her right now.

(Y/N): Um, hello. I see that you've got some plushies of both me and my girlfriend and I-

Before (Y/N) could continue that sentence, a quick flash blinds him for a second as the mare had a camera right in front of her face taking a picture of (Y/N) who just stood nervously with a small smile from that.

(Y/N): . . .I was wondering if I could trade a couple of things that I've got for both types of plushies.

(Y/N) reaches down into his saddlebags and picks out the mug that he brought to trade and the moment he did, the mare instantly takes the mug with her magic surprising (Y/N) before two plushies that he wanted were just thrown straight at him. The mare squeals as she caresses the mug that (Y/N) most likely touched.

All (Y/N) could do was stare a little bit creeped out from how much this mare is a fan of both him and Twilight and he walks away while levitating the plushies with him. He then trots over to see that his princess was still at her booth with the stack of books and seeing that she didn't really have anypony yet to keep her company besides Pinkie who was hopping around the area with a grin.

(Y/N): Hey, Twi. No traders yet?

Twilight Sparkle: Not quite yet. I mean it's still the first hour so I'm not really too surprised. Did you trade anything for yourself yet?

(Y/N): As a matter of fact, I did. Not only that, I got something for you.

(Y/N) levitates the plushy of himself out and sends it over to Twilight who gives a big smile at seeing (Y/N) being so thoughtful of her.

Twilight Sparkle: Aw, thank you sweetie. You didn't really need to get me one you know.

(Y/N): Well, I assumed that you probably wanted one since many of the other girls except for Applejack and Rainbow Dash have a plushy of me.

He then sees Pinkie humming to herself while still hopping around.

(Y/N): *whispers* Believe me when I say that Pinkie has like ten plushies of me and I don't know why.

Twilight shrugs her shoulders not really knowing the answer to that, but both her and (Y/N) know that it's just Pinkie being Pinkie.

Suddenly, a small filly with a broken quill in her mouth walks up to Twilight's booth as she smiles at her.

Twilight Sparkle: Hi there. Do you want any of the books I have for display?

The filly points at all of them which made (Y/N) and Twilight look at each other confused.

(Y/N): Hold on a sec. You want to trade ALL of these books just for a broken pen?

The Pegasus filly nods heartily.

(Y/N): You sure you want to take that kind of deal, Twi?

Twilight Sparkle: Well. . . Not like it matters since I've got to get rid of these books anyway.

She holds out a front hoof toward the other.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright, fine. You got yourself a-

Pinkie then quickly zips in to shove them apart.

Pinkie Pie: Stop! What are you doing?!

Twilight Sparkle: I WAS trying to get rid of all the books I don't need anymore.

Pinkie Pie: For that? Do you reaaaaally want that?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, not really, but I'm running out of library space, so-

Pinkie then zips around the place before hopping onto Twilight's neck.

Pinkie Pie: Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! I can't believe that almost happened! But luckily, it didn't happen, thanks to me.

(Y/N): What do you mean? Its her decision on whether she wants to trade or not.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, my naive sweetie pie, you never seen the rules have you?

(Y/N): Rules? What rules? There aren't really any rules that I'm aware of besides of us breaking up disagreements.

Pinkie hops off of Twilight, reaches up, and pulls down the bottom end of a densely covered scroll out of nowhere.

Pinkie Pie: According to the rules of the Exchange, a trade is only fair if both ponies end up with something they want.

(Y/N): . . .I'm pretty sure that's a myth. You can trade anything as long as you both agree on whether the stuff that you're trading for is fair.

She then grabs (Y/N)'s cheeks and pulls him in close.

Pinkie Pie: That's the same thing! You can't break the rules! Did anypony see you do it? I don't think anypony saw!

Now she spots the filly with the bad quill, who just smiles and lifts a hoof and Pinkie whips over and glowers into her face.

Pinkie Pie: But you're not gonna say anything, are you?! Haha, I'm just kidding! Or am I?! Sometimes I can't even tell!

This is too much for the filly, who shrinks down, drops the quill, and sprints away.

(Y/N): So. . . what? You're basically going to monitor Twilight's booth by telling ponies that they're going to have to give her something that she would want? You know you could just go and pony watch elsewhere besides here y'know.

Pinkie Pie: Nope! I'm not going anywhere. I won't let Twilight make a mistake like that again!

Zipping off at warp speed, she dons a straw boater hat with a blue band, a bow tie to match it, and a dark gray fake mustache on the end of her snout. She then goes into full carnival-barker mode as she goes on a lectern sporting a picture of Twilight surrounded by hearts.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, everypony, step right up! Do not walk! Gallop over here for your chance to trade for authentic, one-of-a-kind, official princess merchandise!

Twilight just looks at the turn of events mortified as she groans loudly before looking at (Y/N) who shakes his head a little fast.

(Y/N): I beg you to not involve me. . . Besides, you know what I always say. That's-

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh! That's Pinkie folks. I know. . .

Back with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, apparently they did indeed find somepony to trade Rainbow's horseshoe for a chalice, but the moment they even touched it with one hoof, the glass chalice broke apart instantly and now they were just about finished putting it back together as it has been sloppily pieced back together with glue, tape, and a bandage or two, and Fluttershy applies a dollop from the tube in her mouth.

Fluttershy has emerged intact from putting the chalice back together, but Rainbow Dash has globs and tape scraps all over herself, leaving her mane a hopeless multicolored tangle.

Rainbow Dash: Well, that took forever.

Fluttershy: I just hope it looks okay.

They take the chalice back to the chicken dealer stallion who was polishing one of the poultry statues at his table. Rainbow Dash sets the badly repaired chalice in front of him and he scrutinizes the offering from every conceivable angle for some moments, then breaks into a huge smile.

Match Game: This is perfect!

One quick duck behind the table, and he has come up with a hammer in his teeth and used it to smash the chalice to bits all over again. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash just gasp in sheer fright from this seeing that they worked hard to put it back together until the stallion says something different.

Match Game: Perfect for the broken chalice mosaic I'm making! Alright, so what kind of antique chicken do you want? I got speckled, brown, gray. . .

As he continues, Rainbow turns to Fluttershy worried as she had forgotten something.

Rainbow Dash: Oh no! The pony we're supposed to trade the chicken statue to didn't tell us what kind he wanted! Okay, look. I'm fast. I'll fly over to the lamp stand and find out what kind of chicken he wants. Just don't let anypony trade for any chicken while I'm gone, okay?

Fluttershy: Um, well, okay! Um, I can do that, I think.

The blue flyer takes off as the dealer finally falls quiet. When she notices a stallion leaning in to run an eye over one statue, Fluttershy inserts herself between it and him.

Fluttershy: Um, well, maybe you shouldn't get one of those?

A very nasty look from the stallion sets her to crawling away with her voice failing.

Fluttershy: You know. . . unless you really want to. . .

Up above, Rainbow Dash takes in this development with a frustrated groan and back at the table, the dealer and stallion are just about to complete a trade when she zooms down to plant herself in between them.

Rainbow Dash: Beat it!

He does so before Rainbow scowls at the returning Fluttershy's embarrassed grin.

Rainbow Dash: You go. I'll stay here.

Her trading buddy nods at this suggestion as she flies away. While she does, she passes over Rarity and Applejack who are sitting on their haunches with backs turned to their saddlebags and each other. She then notices (Y/N) trotting along the way as well as she waves at him and (Y/N) waves back with a smile.

(Y/N) then notices Applejack and Rarity having another disagreement as he sighs and walks over to them.

(Y/N): Alright, you two. What's going on now? Did you find anything that the both of you could want together?

Rarity: No. However, I'm not one to be so selfish so I'll be the better friend.

She then pushes both of the bags towards Applejack.

Applejack: I'm an amazin' friend! So even though it's for somethin' that don't seem valuable at all, YOU take our stash.

She pushes the saddlebags back and (Y/N) facehooves as he could see where this is going.

Rarity: How dare you let me get what I want. What kind of friend do you think I am? You are going to get what you want!

Applejack: No, you are!

Rarity: No, you are!

(Y/N): STOP!

The ponies around the lot all turn their heads towards (Y/N) who just realized how loud he was and he sheepishly smiles.

(Y/N): Uh. . . not all of you. The rest of you just. . . go back to having fun looking for what you want to trade.

The ponies confusedly do what he says and ignore any further thing that (Y/N) had to do with Applejack and Rarity. He then takes a glare at them.

(Y/N): You girls are clearly overcomplicating things here. You don't have to make yourself look like the good or bad pony. Just find something that the both of you can agree on with each other. . . or even better why don't you two forget those things that you wanted and trade it for something cheaper that you may also want?

Applejack and Rarity look at (Y/N) then at each other before the former stands up and puts a hoof to her chin.

Applejack: That. . . doesn't seem like a bad idea.

Rarity: But (Y/N), but how do we-

(Y/N): Figure it out! This place is full of refurbished belongings anyway. It shouldn't be THAT hard to find something that may seem old, but valuable to you two.

Rarity: . . .Fair point.

(Y/N) then notices a group of ponies trotting back in the opposite direction that he came from and he just raises an eyebrow before rolling his eyes as he knows where they're headed.

Applejack: Whoo-wee! What's gotten all of those ponies attention here?

(Y/N): . . .I think I already know.

(Y/N) says as he teleports away leaving Rarity and Applejack to think what he said about what they wanted to trade with each other.

(Y/N) then arrives back at Twilight's book stand, where the crowd continues to grow thanks to Pinkie's sales pitch. He trots up to the front of the crowd and walks up to Twilight.

(Y/N): For sure, I would've thought that by now Pinkie would've gotten all of your old books cleared out.

Twilight Sparkle: She good at attracting attention, I'll give her that.

Pinkie Pie: These books made Twilight the princess she is. Before that, she was nothing – a big, fat zero!

Twilight Sparkle: Hey!

Pinkie Pie: Then she read these books, and voila! Princess! So who wants to start the bidding?

Instantly, every single pony in the crowd is shouting offers or holding up items to trade. Both the prince and the princess got nervous looks on their faces.

(Y/N): I know that I said that I should stay out of this, but it looks like it's going to get worse unless we say something.

Twilight nods as they whisk over to the lectern and Twilight waves to the crowd with a very strained grin.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, just a moment, please!

The crowd falls silent as both her and (Y/N) turn to Pinkie.

(Y/N): Pinkie, it's nice that you're trying to help out Twilight, but do you really need to keep phrasing it like she's better than everypony?

Twilight Sparkle: He's right. Nopony should trade for my books just because I'm a princess.

Pinkie then get's in between the two as she throws a foreleg around both of their shoulders.

Pinkie Pie: *quietly* I know Twilight's not better than everypony, (Y/N)! Just leave this to me!

She shoves of them off of the lectern as Pinkie continues her sales pitch.

Pinkie Pie: Did I mention that Princess Twilight got these books from Princess Celestia? AND she read them with Prince (Y/N)?

Fleur De Verre: Whoa, wait, you don't mean-

Pinkie Pie: Oh, that's right!

She whips out a paper copy of Princess Celestia's tiara and puts it on over the crown she is already wearing and even pulls out a copy of (Y/N)'s crown spinning it around on one of her forelegs.

Pinkie Pie: Double princess! Plus prince!

The clamor starts all over again and Twilight has begun to blush, but it fades away as she puts an exasperated hoof to her face.

(Y/N): Well. . . I'll admit that Pinkie is right about one thing.

Twilight Sparkle: And what's that exactly?

(Y/N): You had those books for so long that they may be in our case historical for us.

Twilight Sparkle: How so?

(Y/N): I mean, even though you don't really need to read those that you already have, they are a great reference to some of the times that you spent reading with yourself, our friends, or even Princess Celestia.

Twilight looks at the books thinking about (Y/N)'s statement as the prince levitates a green book over to them.

(Y/N): I remember this one. This book was the time you and I had our study session where you were trying to learn how to read backwards while still trying to retain all of the information.

Twilight stares at the book before she smiles at it right before (Y/N) puts it back on the stack.

(Y/N): You don't really have to get rid of all of these books, but it's your choice Twilight on what you want to trade for.

He then gives an uneasy look back the crowd that Pinkie has formed with her sales pitch.

(Y/N): As long as Pinkie doesn't try and get everypony to bombard you with so many items that you'll practically have to hoard all of them. I'm going to go and check to see how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are doing.

(Y/N) then flies off away from the crowd as Twilight looks back at it a little nervous about what she should do.

As (Y/N) flies back towards the area where he last saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, he looks around to find them in a decent size crowd of ponies before he notices Fluttershy's bear call lying on the ground being ignored by anypony who was walking by it.

(Y/N): Fluttershy's bear call? But I thought that she wanted to trade this for new bird call.

He then picks it up and places it in his saddlebag before he searches around for the Pegasus pair.

(Y/N): Well if she dropped it here, then they can't be far off right now. Rainbow did have a ton of things that she was searching to trade for the Daring Do book. She seemed REALLY desperate for that book though.

He then looks into a direction and sees Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy struggling a little bit to pull the Orthros that they saw earlier from what the mare who had the Daring Do wanted. He sees the two-headed dog with a really confused look before he runs on over to them.

(Y/N): Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy! I thought you were kidding when you said that you were trading an actual Orthros for a Daring Do book!

Rainbow Dash: Nah! I was dead serious! And I finally made it!

Fluttershy: We had to go through quite a lot of things, but as long as Rainbow Dash get's what she wants then I'll be happy.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this as he takes out the bear call that Fluttershy dropped and he holds on his hooves and looks at it before he looks back at Fluttershy with a small smile of her being this kind for her best friend.

The orthros flops to the ground in front of the Daring Do dealer's tent, taking Rainbow Dash with it. She stands as the dealer eyes the Orthros with shock.

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* Okay, the Exchange is almost over, but we did it. We traded a crystal chalice for an antique chicken. . .

Fluttershy: And the chicken for a lamp. . .

Rainbow Dash: And the lamp for an Orthros, just like you asked.

Each dog head of the Orthros barks cheerfully, and Rainbow flies over to the counter excited.

Rainbow Dash: So there you go! Now where's my book?

Teddie Safari: Yeah, you know, the thing is. . . I don't really want an Orthros anymore.

The huge grin on Rainbow's face does not waver even a millimeter, suggesting that her brain has completely locked up at these words. Fluttershy and (Y/N) look at each other with raised eyebrows.

Fluttershy: But. . . what do we do now?

Finally the blue flyer's mind and muscles give out at once as she voices a quavery moan and crumples to the ground in a faint. (Y/N) rolls his eyes from Rainbow Dash being dramatic.

Fluttershy: Oh goodness, oh goodness!

(Y/N): Oh, get up. You're fine.

(Y/N), Fluttershy, and the Orthros look over her before a dollop of its saliva from the two-headed dog splatters on her cheek to bring back to reality. Rainbow reacts to the next glob of wetness with a disgusted cry and a wipe at her face. She sits up to her haunches with a groan, scraping at her sodden mane.

Fluttershy: Good boy!

Rainbow Dash then hauls herself back up to the counter of the book seller and was clearly not in the least amused.

Rainbow Dash: Hey! You said you wanted an Orthros!

Teddie Safari: I've been watching that thing over at the ancient beast booth! It's crazy! I don't want one in my house!

The Orthros responds with a pair of threatening, slavering growls, but it quickly calms down at Fluttershy's soothing words and touch.

Fluttershy: There, there, that's a good Orthros. You just have to know how to train them. With a little patient training and a big slobber mop, they can be a wonderful household pet.

(Y/N): Sure, they're not that domestic, but as you can clearly see they can be tamed if you know how to do it right.

An ebullient bound carries it to the counter and the dealer hunkers fearfully down, but smiles and laughs as both tongues commence to licking her.

Teddie Safari: All right, all right. I'll trade you.

Rainbow Dash: Yes!

She lets her tongue loll out, matching those of the beast, and all three sets of chops get licked in unison which grosses (Y/N) out a bit.

(Y/N): Rainbow. . . The book is not some kind of meal that you haven't ate in awhile. Stop drooling!

Rainbow realizes what (Y/N) was talking about as she pulls her tongue back inside of her mouth and laughs nervously at the little gross gesture that she showed before focusing back on the Daring Do book more than ecstatic .

Teddie Safari: But I'll trade you this on one more condition.

Rainbow Dash: Anything! Please!

She looks over and points at Fluttershy.

Teddie Safari: If she comes and stays with us in Manehattan until it's trained!

(Y/N) was shocked that the dealer suggested that as Fluttershy would have to leave Ponyville and he could tell by the current nervous expression that the shy mare had on her face.

Fluttershy: Gosh, training an Orthros takes a long time. I'll probably be gone from Ponyville for... I don't even know how many moons!

(Y/N): Not only that, but all of the animals at your cottage will be left alone waiting for somepony to take care of them!

He then turns to Rainbow Dash with a serious look on his face.

(Y/N): Rainbow, you can't accept something that personal just for a book! Call the deal off!

Rainbow just ignores both of her friends and grabs the book without any hesitation.

Rainbow Dash: It's a deal!

(Y/N): Thanks for being reasonable- WAIT, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!

Rainbow just rockets skyward, leaving a rainbow contrail behind herself as she zips wildly in every possible direction. After several seconds, she stops with an ecstatic shriek.

Rainbow Dash: *squeals* I did it! I did it!

She then zips down to (Y/N) wrapping a foreleg around him before opening the book.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N), can you believe it?!

(Y/N) get's an angry face in response as he shoves Rainbow Dash off of him.

(Y/N): As a matter of fact. . . I CAN'T believe it!

Rainbow Dash: Whoa! What's with the irritated expression, babe? Can you see it?! I finally got the book!

(Y/N): Let me finish! I can't believe that you literally just traded one of your best friends just for that dumb book!

(Y/N) was getting more furious by the second as he backs Rainbow Dash up a bit.

(Y/N): Were you not even listening?! Fluttershy just said that she would have to leave home and she'll be gone from Ponyville for who knows! Maybe that trader would even like her there longer and offer her a permanent job in Manehattan! Do you even realize that trading Fluttershy away is going to cost us BIG?!?!

Rainbow then get's a guilty look before she looks at the book again, but it was quickly smacked out of her hooves from (Y/N) having it land on the ground. Rainbow then quickly turns her attention back to (Y/N) who was still very furious at seeing Rainbow's disloyalty.

Rainbow Dash: I-I was just. . .

(Y/N): Don't even say a word! I hope you're happy, Dash! You've got ALL of the first edition Daring Do books in Equestria and all it cost was your best friend! I suppose that means we'll have to try and find a different kind of yellow Pegasus mare that's good with animals and can monitor all of the animals back at the cottage! Oh, wait. . . That's right! There isn't another one with that kind of special talent!

Rainbow Dash looks ahead of (Y/N) to see Fluttershy walking behind the dealer and leading the Orthros along to the exit. Her reckless finally hit her noggin as she looks to the ground and tears up a bit slightly guilty for what she's done. (Y/N) just shakes his head in disgust, groans, and walks away.

(Y/N): You know what? Don't even bother wanting to read anymore Daring Do with me for a while Rainbow, because after seeing that, I think it's right to say that I'm going to take a break from you.

Rainbow looks ahead of (Y/N) shocked from that before she looks at the Daring Do book on the ground and swiftly picks it up before flying over in front of him.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N), wait!

(Y/N) tried not to pay attention to Rainbow Dash as he just walks past her clearly still not happy at all, but Rainbow get's in front of him and puts her hooves on his chest to stop.

Rainbow Dash: I know I didn't really think that through back there! A-And I'm really, REALLY sorry! Really I am! You're right. . . I shouldn't have traded the book for Fluttershy. . .

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Oh, look. You learned your lesson already. All is well and good.

(Y/N) was about to walk ahead of Rainbow again before she stops him yet again and quickly wraps him up with both of her hooves trying to let him go any further. She even started to weep a little as well with a couple of tears in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash: P-Please, (Y/N)! I really do want to reverse the trade! All I want right now is my friend back. . . and my boyfriend too! Please?! I really need you right now!

Rainbow was still holding onto (Y/N) just wanting him to forgive her for that dumb mistake that she made of trading Fluttershy for the Daring Do book. Rainbow didn't hear any kind of response from (Y/N) making her think that he didn't forgive her. . .

However, she then felt a pair of hooves wrap her in a hug as well surprising her as she just holds onto (Y/N) as tightly as she could while still crying softly.

(Y/N): Do you really want to get Fluttershy back THAT badly?

Rainbow Dash: *sniffles* Y-Yes! More than anything! Even that book!

(Y/N) then breaks the hug with Rainbow Dash and gives her a small smile.

(Y/N): Then I'll gladly help you get her back. You now realize what's more important don't you?

Rainbow Dash nods as she wipes her tears away.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. . . Something as valuable as this, doesn't mean anything if I don't have my friends with me!

(Y/N): *smiles* Good. I'm glad you realized that. Wait here for a second. I'll go get Twi so we can resolve this thing.

Rainbow Dash nods as (Y/N) walks ahead to go and get Twilight and when he got to her book stand, he was surprised to see that there was no longer a crowd around the area that was formerly there with Pinkie trying to up the stakes and give Twilight something valuable she can trade for all of her books.

(Y/N): Hey, Twilight. Where did everypony go? Did they not like your books?

Twilight Sparkle: No, it wasn't that. Remember earlier when you told me that some of these books bring back memories? Well that made me realize that nopony could trade anything for these books. Not because that I'm a princess, but rather that because they helped make me who I am. Pinkie was even telling all of those ponies the same thing and I just knew that I wasn't ready to give these up yet.

Backing up a few steps, she levitates a few off the pile one by one.

Twilight Sparkle: This was the one I was so absorbed in the day Spike decided he would stay at hang out with you after owing you a life debt. And this one reminds me of the day I got it – which was the day I met you, Pinkie, and the others. I may not ever need to read these again, but that doesn't mean they don't have value. I realize that now, thanks to you and Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: I told you I'd take care of everything!

(Y/N): Good on you for realizing that, Twi. However, I actually came to see you for another matter and it's actually urgent.

Twilight Sparkle: What for?

Later on at sunset, Twilight and (Y/N) were now sitting together in the royal box seats on the top row, while the wheelers and dealers have gathered in front to pay attention. They were even wearing their new crowns as well to make it seem more royal and serious and even a gavel rests off to one side. On opposite sides of the path leading up to the bleachers are Rainbow Dash, with her book propped on a stand along with Fluttershy, the Daring Do dealer, and the Orthros.

Twilight Sparkle: We've heard what you both have to say and came to a conclusion. . .

(Y/N): *sigh* You said it yourself Rainbow Dash. It was a fair trade.

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, but our hooves are tied.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I said it, but I was wrong! I did want that book, a lot. I said I wanted it more than anything in all of Equestria. But there's no thing that's worth as much to me as a friend.

Fluttershy smiles gently while the dealer's hard expression stays in place.

Rainbow Dash: I might have forgotten that for a little bit, but it's true. Which means there's no way this trade can be fair!

Fluttershy smiles again as the full import of these words settles on her while the dealer was still slightly irritated.

Teddie Safari: Oh, come on, that's. . .

Her attitude quickly changes as she smiles, begins to tear up and wipes her eyes.

Teddie Safari: . . .The sweetest thing I've ever heard. Okay, the trade's off!

Exuberant cheers from the spectators; Rainbow returns the book to the dealer, then tackles Fluttershy to the ground in a joyous hug. The overgrown mutt gets in on the fun by landing on both Pegasi and putting its tongues to work on their faces. (Y/N) looks at Rainbow and Fluttershy and smirks.

(Y/N): (I figured if she explained things, the dealer would agree as well. Luckily, she was kind enough to give back Fluttershy to Rainbow.)

Twilight then taps his shoulder to get his attention as she gestures to the gavel and (Y/N) nods seeing that sunset is now here. They both hold one hoof in the other as Twilight levitates the gavel up.

Twilight Sparkle: And with that, we declare this trial, and this year's Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange. . .

(Y/N): . . .Officially over!

Twilight pounds the gavel once to finish off this declaration.

Fluttershy and Rainbow lead the Orthros away to go and trade that away as well. At the comic tent, Spike is still here, cautiously extending his comic book toward the dealer. The geeky stallion does likewise with a second issue, and each snatches the one held by the other with a big smile. As the dealer hugs his new acquisition to his chest, Spike peels out at full speed.

It is now nighttime on the train as the Mane 7 and Spike were now on their way home after a long day at Rainbow Falls. Twilight still has her entire box of books and is digging into one of them, while Pinkie gives an approving nod at Spike's choice of his new comic. Rarity glances worriedly toward the other side of the car before looking over to Applejack who was looking morosely out of the window. A battered, discolored pie tin is then floated over to land on the farm pony's hoof, surprising her considerably.

Rarity: I know it's not the pie tin you were after, but I hope you like it. It's the rustiest piece of junk I could get.

Applejack smiles from this before she takes off her hat and digs inside.

Applejack: Well, I took my half of our stash and got you this!

Inside is a small brooch consisting of a purple gem with a clasp attached. Rarity's eyes shine at the sight of this new accessory.

Rarity: Ohhh!

Applejack: And I know you're gonna love it, 'cause you already have a bunch of ones that look exactly the same sittin' in the drawer doin' nothin'. So that should settle it once and for all which of us is the better friend.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on! You both gave up what you wanted to get something for each other! That's the coolest thing a friend can do. Trust me, I know.

Her wink to Fluttershy is met with a grateful smile and now Pinkie comes across the aisle to them.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, where's your double-doggie?

Rainbow Dash: I traded it for something way better.

The said thing was in Fluttershy's hoof as she got the new bird call that she wanted. She blows into the mouthpiece, generating a very respectable twitter. Within seconds a bird has flown in through the open window and lit on her other hoof, responding in kind and prompting her to smile. (Y/N) then crosses up to the two with his saddlebags on his shoulders.

(Y/N): That's right. I found this on the ground, Flutters. I thought you lost it earlier.

(Y/N) levitates the bear call that Fluttershy dropped earlier out of his saddlebags which made Fluttershy smile brightly that (Y/N) was able to pick it up for her when she ignored it earlier. She takes before she gives (Y/N) a small hug before she also kisses him on the lips for a brief moment.

Fluttershy: Oh, thank you (Y/N). Now I won't have to worry about giving my bear call away as I now have two whistles that I can use to call on any of my lovely friends.

(Y/N): You're very welcome, Flutters.

Pinkie Pie: Didn't you trade your things for anything, sweetie?

(Y/N): As a matter of fact, I did. I was going to show you all these the moment that we actually got back on the train.

(Y/N) digs into his saddlebags before he levitates out six small plushies that were all of the Mane 6 who were both surprised and very heartfelt from this.

Rarity: Aw, they're adorable.

Twilight Sparkle: Where did you find all six of those?

(Y/N): There wasn't only a trading stand selling prince and princess merchandise, but also some about the Elements of Harmony as well so. . . I thought I'd get these just to let you girls know that I'll be placing these in my bedroom on your respective beds just for you to know that I'm thinking about you girls even when I'm sleeping.

Applejack: That's sweet, sugarcube. . . but one question. . .

(Y/N): What's that?

Applejack: *smirks* Why do ya have these when ya have us?

(Y/N) blushes very flustered from that as he stares at the plushies for a good few seconds trying to come up with an excuse. . . but there was really nothing he could say.

(Y/N): Uh, that's. . . I mean. . . you all are my. . . These. . .

Applejack laughs along with the rest of the girls at both teasing and embarrassing (Y/N) like this. Twilight then takes a look inside of her box some more before she sees something.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, what do you know?

Her magic lifts a severely battered Daring Do and The Sapphire Statue, the same title Rainbow Dash was after all this time.

Twilight Sparkle: My copy of Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue. It's just a beat up old paperback, not a one-of-a-kind first edition. . .

Rainbow Dash gasps happily as she takes it and hugs it tight before landing back to Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash: Even better, because I can read this one with all my friends!

She transfers the embrace to the yellow Pegasus, whose bird jumps off her hoof and hovers near the window. Rainbow Dash opens the book, the other five ponies and one dragon gathering around to listen to her reading. The Mane 7 have had a real catastrophe with trading back and forth today, but they would never let that get in the way of their friendship.

Chapter 19 End.

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