I won't say I'm in Love(Applespike)

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All right, everypony/everyone! I'm back! Sorry for waiting for too long due of my school performance tasks aka projects. It's really hard and next week or soon, I have an Interview for preparation of my College courses. My job is to become a Teacher. So...it's really TOUGH for me. I hope you show respect for me.

Thank you.


he next one is also a song from Disney. So, enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN that song. It belongs to Disney and MLP series belongs to Hasbro. Thank you.

The next day, everypony went back to the couch in the Castle of Friendship(minus Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Stellar Flare & Firelight) for the next show. A little later, Discord appears with a sad tone.
Fluttershy: What's wrong, Discord?
Discord: *sigh* It's Ninja. He can't come here because he's busy towards school. Projects, lessons & anything.
Dash: Ah great! Now he's taking that crap things! Why don't he give it up?!
Spike: Twilight is right. That's how teenage humans doing at the school. After the school, they can have a job like engineering, teaching, businessmen, etc.
Celestia: Yoy were right, Spike. It is true that Ninja is absent because he need to focus his study so he can have a job and help his family.
Dash: Fine. Whatever.
Luna: NO, Rainbow Dash! He lost his father, remember?
CMC: Ninja's father is gone?
Pinkie: It's true. I feel his sadness and emotions because his father says farewell to him and his family. *sobs*
Dash: Oh. I did not know about it. Sorry.
Discord: Apology accepted. Now... *pulls out a new disc* let's play this that I got.
He puts this to the Player, grabs the remote and play it.


Applejack was in the bed as her hooves cover the bedsheets. She's asleep on the cold night.

Rarity: Oh look. It's you, Applejack.
AB: She's sleeping huh.
AJ: *thinking* Hmmm...I feel something unexpected.

Then, she starts dreaming. In Applejack's dream, she was at the apple farms bucking some apples off the tree. She's dressing blue dress with white polo(She's look like Dorothy from "Wizard of Oz") like a classic Southern belle and humming as she walks away to the Everfree Forest with thr basket of apples.

The Mane 5, Celestia, Luna, Cadence and the CMC began giggles.
AJ: Okay. Why am I wearing like that.
Discord: *giggles* I know what is this.
AB: Hihi. I knew it.

As she continues, a group of Timber Wolves began licking their mouths towards her and they appears at her, growling in which she reacts screaming.
AJ: Oh no! Timber Wolves! Help! *runs away*

Mane 5, CMC & Discord: RUN, APPLEJACK! RUN!
AJ: Why is that version of me didn't fight back? I can fight that Timber Wolf with my hooves!
Pinkie: I don't know.

As she running, the path ends when a large rock blocks her. It means "Dead End". She looks at the Timber Wolves began closer to eat her.
AJ: Help me! Please! Somepony! Help!

AJ: Come on ya! Fight back! *groans*
Luna: Shhhhh! Calm down. Just watch.

Then, a ball of green fire hits one of them and burns into ashes. The other Timber Wolves stares shock at this before a voice was heard.
???: Fear not, milady!

Mane 5: Huh?
Spike: That voice....it sounds familiar.

The Timberwolves & a shocked AJ turns around the voice. On the top of the large rocks stands a tall familiar purple & green dragon wearing a black mask on the eyes with some kind of a superhero suit(The same superhero suit that Spike wears in "Power Ponies") along with sword on his claws.

Spike: No way!
Flash, Soarin, Fancy, Cheese, Sunburst & Discord: It's Spike!
AJ: *groan* Why everytime I see Spike appears with me?
Pinkie smiles about this.

Spike: It is I, Spike the Brave & Glorious will defeat these foul creatures and save you, milady! *jumps safely on the ground thanks to his wings and stands between the Timberwolves & AJ* All right, you creatures. Let's dance!
The Timberwolves charges at Spike in which he reacts by slashing them with his flaming sword, burn them on the ground.

Pinkie, Cheese, Flash, Twilight, Dash & Soarin: WOW!!!
Spike: One-Hit is Awesome!
Discord: And Badass!

After that, AJ hugs Spike.
AJ: My hero! Thank you for saving me.
Spike: No problem.
AJ: Perhaps I can give you a 'reward'.

Both AJ & Spike blushes heavily as the Mane 5, Celestia, Luna, Cadence and others giggles.

AJ and Spike both closes their eyes and their lips began closer...and closer...and closer...and...

AJ/Spike: NO!!!!

AJ's screams as she wakes up from that dream. It was morning already.
AJ: Oh my Celestia! I have a crazy dream! Me & Spike are having a ki--AH! What am I saying! *sigh*
AJ couldn't believe her eyes what she saw.
AJ: But why? Did I like Spike? He has crush towards Rarity, not me. Spike is my bestfriend. He's help me sometimes in my farm. And he savd me from the--*gasp*.
AJ remembers about Spike's tenacity and helpful towards her.

Discord: I know what's next.
Starlight: Hihi. You're right. The flashbacks.
The Mane 5 giggles as Spike & AJ groans.

On her flashbacks shows the day when Rarity was 'kidnapped' by Diamond Dogs as Spike calls help to Twilight & her friends including her,  he was dreaming about him saving Rarity and he almost try to kiss Rarity on his dream--in reality--almost kissing Applejack herself.


Everypony laughs about that scene.
Starlight: Applejack, did you call him "Lover Boy"?
AJ: Umm...um...yeah. But we didn't do anything.
Spike: I did not KISS her! I just dreaming about--(cuts)!
Sombra: Ssshhh! Quiet! Look!

Another scene of flashback shows on Spike's birthday, he hugs her, thanking her for the present.

Twilight: Oh! I get it! That was Spike's birthday.
Spike: Oh I remember that. Do you remember that red ruby that turns me into a giant dragon?
Rarity: Oh. Right, we all know that.

Another Flashback scene shows Spike became Applejack's assistant. Then it changes to Spike saves her from a Timber Wolf.


Cadence: Wow.
Shining: You're really brave at all, Spike.
Spike: Hehe. Thanks.

The flashbacks ends when Spike calls her outside the barn.
Spike: Applejack! It's me, Spike.
AJ went to the window and saw Spike.
AJ: Morning, Spike. What the hay are you doing?
Spike: I'm just helping Big Mac and Applebloom in the farm. Can I please? *puppy eyes*

Pinkie: *smiles* Look!
Cheese: Puppy eyes! *both he & Pinkie laughs*
Fluttershy: That's cute.
Discord: I know.

AJ: *sigh* Sure, Spike. Be careful.
Spike: Okay. Don't worry, Applejack. I'm reall strong you know. *shows & flexing his muscles*
Spike went to Big Mac & Applebloom to help their harvest.

Soarin: Dang!
Dash: Wow. You have a muscles huh.
Starlight: Must be have a workout, Spike?
Spike: Hehe. Yeah.

AJ saw Spike before turning back to her room. She keeps thinking about Spike and her dream and the kis--AH! 'What am I thinking?' It's true that Spike has crush on Rarity but AJ's feelings towards Spike is growing.
AJ: Am I in-love...to Spike?

Spike: No. No!
AJ: What the hay?
The Mane 5, Starlight, 3 princesses, Discord and the male group began giggles or laughing.

She began singing.


Applejack: If there's a prize for rotten judgement,
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation

Everypony were stared in shock.
Fluttershy: Applejack, you have a wonderful voice.
Rarity: True, darling.
AJ is blushing.

Scene changes to a flashback scene where Spike almost kissing Aj.

Applejack: That's ancient history, been there, done that

The next thing, a spirited version of the Mane 5 appears at her began singing too.

Pinkie: Hey! There's us!
Twilight: And we sing too.

Mane 5: Who d'you think you're kidding
He's the earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden,
Honey we can see right through you

Applejack: Oh noooooo....)

Girl you can't conceal it
We know how you're feeling
Who you thinking of

Applejack: No chance no way I won't say it, no no
(Mane 5: You swoon you sigh why deny it oh oh)

t's too cliche I won't say I'm in love

Cheese: YEAH!
AJ & Spike: SHUT UP!!!
The Mane 5 and others laugh out loud.

Applejack: I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming "Get a grip girl"

It shows Spike saves Applejack from the Timber Wolf before it switches to both of them give them a bro-hoof.

Applejack: Unless you're dying to cry your heart out

Scene changes to the spirited version of Mane 5 began marching with the flags of Applejack & Spike's Cutie Marks while singing.

Spike: Wait! Is that my Cutie Mark besides AJ's Cutie Mark?
Twilight: Don't know but Mr. Ninja does.

Mane 5: Girl you can't deny it
Who you are is how you're feeling
Baby we're not buying
Hon we saw you hit the ceiling
(Applejack: OH NOOOOOOOO!!!)

Face it like a grown-up
When you gonna own up that you got got got it bad

Applejack: No chance no way I won't say it, no no
(Mane 5: Give up, give in, check the grin you're in love)
This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love

(Mane 5: We'll do it until you admit you're in love)
Applejack: You're way off base I won't say it
Get off my case I won't say it

The flashback ends with AJ & Spike(from AJ's dream) riding towards the sunset as Derpy in giant mode, serves as their ride.

Mane 5: Derpy!

(Mane 5: Girl don't be proud it's okay you're in love)
Applejack: At least out loud I won't say I'm in love

The scene ends back to reality as Applejack is at the window, watching Spike helping Big Mac & Applebloom. Spike saw her at the window and smile as he waves her. AJ blush as she also smiles and waves him back.


The Mane 5, CMC and others cheers!
AB: I don't believe it! You have crush on Spike.
Sweetie Bell: I know!
Scootaloo: Spike & Applejack sitting on tree....
Mane 5: K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

They all laugh as Spike & AJ face-hoof/claw as they tried to hide their red faces.

Celestia: *whispers to Sombra* Story of our life, isn't it?
Sombra: *whispers to Celestia & giggles * I know.
AND DONE!!! I love Applespike ship than Sparity and that song was stuck in my head for a long time.

So who's next to be show?

A) Rarity x Fancy Pants or Raripants
B) Soarin x Rainbow Dash or Soarindash
C) Cheese Sandwich x Pinkie Pie or Cheese Pie
D) Your choice

That's all. Thank you.


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