Kamen Rider Cross-Z Debut!

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Hey, Readers & Bronies!

I'm back for new part but this time was not the song. It's time to show one of my favorite Kamen Riders: Build. But this time, they gotta see the debut of Secondary Rider: Cross-Z! Prepare to be SHOCKED!

DISCLAIMER: Kamen Rider series are belongs to TOEI Company and My Little Pony series are belongs to Hasbro. I DO NOT OWN THEM! Thank you.
Discord is picking up one of the CDs on the set for a next show to everypony.
Scootaloo: We've been waiting for too long!
Fluttershy: Now now. Be patient. Discord is searching something.
Twilight: True. I think he searching something better.
Discord pick one CD with a weird logo on it.

Rarity: What is that logo?
AJ: Huh? Weird?
Applebloom: I never seen that one before.
Sweetie: Me either.
Thorax: Are you play now?
Ember: Hurry up!
Discord: Fine! Here it is! *puts in to the Player*
He grabs the remote and play it!


Outside the Canterlot High School, there's a fight betweem two armored persons while some crowd are watching far way from them including Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie. Behind them was rather scared Spike(Human).

Starlight: Hey look! It's Sunset and your human versions, guys.
Pinkie: But where's the Human Twilight?
AJ: Huh? Spike is a human?
Rarity: I thought you were a dog, Spike?
Spike: Huh? Maybe Mr. Ninja alternates me as a human?
Ember: Wait! Spike's a dog?
Twilight: It's a long story.

On the battle was a black armored being that looks like Batman with a large red gun-like blade weapon.

And the other is red & blue armored being who blocks the black armored being with the drill-like gun/blade weapon.

Discord: I know those guys.
Mane 6, Spike & Starlight: You do?
Discord: That Batman wanna-be is Night Rogue and the other is Kamen Rider Build, the main hero!
Celestia, Sombra, Luna, Shining Cadence, Flash, Sunburst, Thorax, Ember, CMC, Tender, Button, Rumble, Big Mac & Sugar Belle: Kamen Rider Build???
Soarin, Fancy & Cheese: Who's that?

Night Rogue: Give me the Fullbottles, Build!
Build: Not a chance! I will never give them to you for evil!

Spike: Wait a second! That voice....
Starlight: It sounds familiar.

Night Rogue: Hah! But I will!
Night Rogue push Build as he press the button.


Night Rogue slash with a large purple-black energy slash to Build and hits. Build got thrown away as the Build Driver distached and fall on the ground as it reverts back to normal.
Twilight/Sci-Twi: *grunt in pain* No.

All: Twilight???
Twilight: That must be the human version of me!
Discord: She's a Kamen Rider Build???

Everyone gasped to see Build's true identity.
Sunset & Rarity,: Twilight???
Dash: WHAT?!
AJ: Twilight is Build?!
Fluttershy: Oh my!

Night Rogue chuckles as he held the Build Driver and raise it.
Night Rogue: Finally! Now your identity as Build is finally REVEALED, I can have my unlimited POWER! *laugh*

Luna: That ungrateful whelp!!
Sombra grits his teeth as Celestia pats him on the back. Cadence, Shining, Flash, Sunburst, Thorax, Ember, Soarin, Fancy & Cheese glares him. So does Big Mac, Sugar Belle, CMC and 3 little colts.

Sci-Twi was now losing hope.
Her identity as Build has REVEALED as she looks her friends and others who were confused and shocked.

But before Night Rogue achieved his victory....
???: HIYAH!
Night Rogue: AGH!

He got KICKED by someone as the Build Driver falls on the ground. Night Rogue looks to see the attacker...it was FLASH SENTRY!

Flash: Is that...me?
Sunburst: Wow. Your human version of you is cool.

Sci-Twi: Flash???
Sunset: What is he doing here???

Flash picks up the Build Driver and gives his anger look towards Night Rogue.
Night Rouge: *stands* You imbecile! Give me that Driver!
Flash: *points Night Rogue* NO! I already knows Twilight is Kamen Rider Build because she did the right things to save everyone for her heroic deeds! But you are nothing but a maniac trying to rule the world! So if Twilight uses this for good, then so shall I!

Sci-Twi saw this as she stands before a glowing faint navy blue light appears on her pocket. She picks up and saw the Dragon Fullbottle was awaken and it chooses him.
Night Rogue: You bastard! *charges*
But a small flying dragon appears & attacks Night Rogue to back away.

Spike & Ember: A dragon?
Luna, CMC & Sugar Belle: That's so cute.
Fluttershy: Yay.

Spike: Huh? A dragon?
All: Huh?/What is that?/So cute.

Flash: It's you.
Sci-Twi: It's Cross-Z Dragon. It chooses you. Here catch! *throws the Dragon Fullbottle*
Flash: *caught it* What now?
Sci-Twi: Simple, put the Driver on the waist.
He puts the Build Driver on his waist.
Sci-Twi: Then, shake the bottle, twist the cap and put on Cross-Z Dragon.
Flash nods as the Cross-Z Dragon turns into Main Mode as it landed on his hand. He shakes the bottle, twist the cap and put it into the hole on top of C-Z.


Sci-Twi: Now put it in the Driver.
He nodded and inserted the small dragon on the top slot of Build Driver.


It started playing a different tune as Flash starting to crank the lever as two navy blue half bodies constructed, and an extra piece on the side which is browinish gold.


Flash: *do Banjou's strike pose* Henshin!


Flash Sentry is now....Kamen Rider Cross-Z!

Mane 6, Spike & Starlight: OH MY CELESTIA!!!
Celestia: Yes. I'm Celestia.
Sombra giggles at their reaction.
Flash, Shining, Sunburst, Thorax, Ember & Discord: THAT SO COOL!!!
Cadence: A dragon-like armor?
Luna: Agreed.
Soarin, Fancy, Cheese, CMC, Tender, Button, Rumble, Big Mac & Sugar Belle: AWESOME!!!!!

Everyone including Night Rogue were shocked to see this while Sci-Twi smiles.
Sunset: But how???
Rarity: There's no way!
AJ: It can't be!
Dash: *jawdrop* Flash Sentry is....
Fluttershy:...a Kamen Rider.
Night Rogue: BAKANA!(Impossible!) How did you?!
Sci-Twi: Kamen Rider...Cross-Z.
Cross-Z: Woah. This is awesome!

Dash: *smirks* And BADASS!!!

Night Rogue: Grrrr! Smash!
Then, a Constellation Smash appears and began it fight.
Cross-Z: All right! Let's do this!

(The rest is your imagination)


Everyone were cheering the victory of a new Rider.
Night Rogue: Dammit! It's not over yet! *uses black smoke to covers him*
Night Rogue disappears after a humiliating defeat.
Cross-Z give a sigh as he reverts back to civilian mode. Sci-Twi walk to him.
Sci-Twi: You did a great job, Flash.
Flash: Hehe. Thank you, Twilight. It was you who inspired to protect the people.
They both blushed before Pinkie interrupts.

Pinkie: I smell shipping. :)

Pinkie: Pardon me but....how did you became Kamen Rider Build, Twilight?
Sci-Twi: *chuckles* It's a long story.


Everypony: That is so awesome! Discord: I know right! First, Twilight is Build and now Flash Sentry is Cross-Z!
Flash: Wow. I never know that my human version is trying to be a hero. I like that, especially Twilight.
Cheese: And #SCI-FLASH too! *both laughs*
Twilight & Flash: *blushes* PINKIE/CHEESE!!!!!
Discord: BEST.OTP.EVER! *snaps his fingers and a small flag bearing a logo of Twilight & Flash's Cutie Marks appears and waves* GO TEAM FLASHLIGHT!
Twilight & Flash: DISCORD!!!!

The Mane 5, Spike, Starlight & some laughs while others giggles at their reactions.

Celestia fakes her yawn and whispers towards Sombra.
Celestia: Hey. Let's go to my room.
Sombra: What? What we were doing?
Celestia: Just come. I have something to show you. *winks*
Sombra: *smirks* Ho-ho. I see.

So Celestia secretly cast the spell to create portal to her room as she and Sombra enters and then the portal disappears which everypony did not notice.

AND DONE! Do you like the part? Please Like & Comment if you LIKE the part. Thank you.



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