Reacting the Ship :)

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Hello, Readers & Bronies.

Since no one has requested yet, I decide to do my own favor.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy were in the Field Grass area and having a picnic.
Dash: Where the heck are they?
AJ: Calm down, Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie will be here for now. Spike was able to assist her.
Rarity: There they are.

They see Pinkie holding a vanilla strawberry cake on her hooves while Spike is pushing a tray wheel where 7 milk shakes are.
Pinkie: Sorry, guys. We're late due of long delivery back from the Sugar Cube Corner.
Fluttershy: Are you alright, Spike?
Spike: Eyup. I'm fine.
Twilight: All right. Let's the picnic begins!
And they began their picnic.

~Sometime Later~
The Mane Six and Spike's stomach were full. Then, Spike burps.
Spike: Excuse me. *burps again*
He burps again but this time, it's a scroll.
Dash: A scroll?
Fluttershy: Did Princess Celestia sends a message?
Pinkie: *excited* What is it?(2x)
Rarity: Could it be a new friendship mission?
Twilight uses her magic horn  and opens the scrolls. But instead, it 6 different colored letters each with their names.
Twilight: Huh? It's from us?
AJ: What is it, sugarcube?
Twilight: Hold up. *uses magic to levitate a purple letter* It's for me?
AJ: Hey! There's a letter for me too? *holds an orange & green letter*
Pinkie: Me three. *holds a pink letter*
Rarity: *holds a white & purple letter and sniffs an aroma scent* It smells beautiful, darling.
Fluttershy: Me too. *holds a yellow letter*
Dash: I wonder what's inside of these. *holds a skyblue letter*
Spike: Hey! There's a short letter in the scroll.
The Mane Six look at the letter on the scroll says:

"To Twilight and her friends,
I send 6 letters about you and it was requested by my friends here. Well, good luck with that."

From your friend,

Pinkie: Mr. Ninja sends these for us? That's the BEST THING EVER!
Spike: Hmph! He forgot to send letter to me.
Twilight: Sorry, Spike. Anyways, I open first.
She open the letter but instead of letter, it was some kind of photos of her but not just her.

She looks at her friends and covered with red blush. Spike look to see the pictures and started to laugh.
Twilight: That's not funny, Spike.
Rarity: What is it, Twilight?

Spike grabs the letter and shows the photos of Twilight...and Flash Sentry.

Soon after they all laugh about these.
Twilight: That's not funny! That Flash Sentry is just a Royal Guard. We were just friends!
Spike: Friends? Then why are you bumping at him several times? *smirks*
Fluttershy: Spike is right. You have crush on him.
Twilight: I DO NOT! *groans*
Rainbow Dash: Hahahaha! *smirks* Good job, Twilight. Now, what's this inside?
She opens the letter and like Twilight, it also a photos of her but her face is covered with pinkish blush on her cheeks.
AJ: What is it?
Dash: I...I..I...can't...I...can't...
Rarity: Let me see that. *uses her horn to levitate the photos* Oh my! Look! *shows it to everyone*
Dash: Please don't!
But it was too late. Rarity shows them a photos of Rainbow Dash...and a fellow Wonderbolt named Soarin.

Twilight and others laugh at Rainbow Dash.
Dash: Come on! Why there's me and Soarin anyways? We're just partners!
AJ: I don't know, sugarcube. But you two are really look like a couple *laugh*
Dash: *covers her blushing face with her hooves*
Rarity: Now, let's see what is my photos here?
She opens the letter, it also a photos of her and...
Rarity: Fancy Pants?
AJ: Huh?
Fluttershy: Who's Fancy Pants?
Rarity shows the photos to them.

Spike saw these photos and broke his heart into pieces.
Spike: Why? Why there is no me and Rarity?
Twilight: Fancy Pants? You mean one of the Canterlot nobles you met?
Rarity: Yes. He accepted your invitation during the party.
Pinkie: Oh! I remember now.
Spike try to control his tears.
Fluttershy: It's my turn now. *opens the letter* Oh my.
Rarity: What is it?
Fluttershy: It's me and Discord.
She shows them the photos of her and Discord.

Rarity: That's so nice, darling.
Pinkie: Oh! My turn! *opens the letter* Huh? Cheese?
All: Cheese?
She shows them a photos of her and Cheese Sandwich.

Dash: Hahahaha. What do you know? You two are party planners, same curly hair and loves parties.
Pinkie: Wow! No wonder there's a ship between me and Cheese. I'll accepted it.
AJ: All right. I'm last. Let's see.

She opens the letter and there, her eyes were widened like a plates as her face covers in red like those apples.
Spike: What is it? *grabs the photos*
Spike sees the photos and like Applejack, he's also blush.
Twilight uses her magic horn to levitate the photos as she, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie to see the photos.

They laugh as Applejack shouts at them.
AJ: Come on! That's not funny!
Spike: Guys, Applejack and I were just friends! What's wring with you?
Rarity: Oh~! Spikey~wikey, I was so jealous that you and AJ are really close each other.
Dash: You two are awesome!
Twilight: Oh, Spike. You're already grown up now.
Pinkie: Applejack and Spike, sitting on the tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

They laugh again as Applejack face-hoof while Spike screams on the skies.

~Human World(aka Sunset's world)~
Spike(Human counterpart) sneeze while helping Applejack on the farm.
AJ: What is it, Spike?
Spike: Strange. Somebody shouting at me.
AJ: Hmmm....I don't know but we have to continue the work.
Spike: Okay.

~A few minutes later~
Spike was rest under the barn in the hayfloor.
Spike: Woooh! I'm tired right now. I need rest.
But Applejack appears at him, wearing only two piece green bra and a shorts. She is somewhat....seduce him. (0__0?)
Spike: *blush* AJ, what are you wearing that?
AJ: Tired? Or maybe...*licks her lips and move closer to Spike* how about some fun in my bedroom? *seductively smile* Kinky is it?
Spike: *gulps and nervously smile* Bow chika bow wow.

~My world~
Me: I'm outta here. *leaves the room*


Well, what do you think? Like and Comment please. And if you like your Request, it's a freely open for me. Thanks.



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