Reflection(Celestia & Sombra)

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Hello again! Welcome back to this story! And again, cue the Disclaimer!

DISCLAIMER: MLP series are belongs to Hasbro. Songs are also belongs to respective owners. I DO NOT OWN THEM! Thank you.

The next one is definitely a tragic love story between Princess Celestia and Sombra before he was corrupted as Pony of Shadows himself. I decide to bring King Sombra to the group and try to amends them that he maybe evil but has tragic reasons.

The song is "Reflection" from Disney's Mulan which of course--I also DO NOT OWN too. Let's thanks the creators of IDW Comics who created "Reflection" story arc. So without further ado, let's begin.
Now right after the video, Ninja invites Cutie Mark Crusaders(Applebloom, Sweetie Bell & Scootaloo), Rainbow Dash's fellow Wonderbolt(and her crush) Soarin Skies, the noble Fancy Pants, the comedian Cheese Sandwich, Applejack's brother Big Macintosh and his marefriend Sugar Belle, the Dragon Lord Ember, the new Changeling King Thorax, and other 3 little colts: Tender Taps, Button Mash & Rumble to the Castle of Friendship. They all ask why they are invited and Twilight explains a long story.

After that....
All: Oooohhhh!!
Pinkie: Told they say that.
Cheese: Me too. *both he & Pinkie giggles*
Sugar Belle: Oooh! I can't believe what we gonna see, Big Mac.
Big Mac: E--yup.
Soarin: I'm so excited!
Fancy: The same for me.
Thorax: And me. *both 3 laugh*
Ember: Spike, what's going on?
Spike: Well, Mr. Ninja here shows a video where human version of Twilight and Flash singing a song.
Starlight: And it's so beautiful.
Twilight: *blush* SPIKE!!!
Flash: Oh come on.
Applebloom: I wonder what we gonna see today.
Sweetie: Please don't tell me we gonna a horror movies.
Scootaloo: Eeep! I'm scared!
Discord: Nonsense! You gonna watch a scary movie!
Tender: Don't worry. We are at your side, Applebloom.
Button: The same, Sweetie.
Rumble: And me, Scoots.
The CMC blushes.
Dash: Hurry up! We're not waiting for too long!
AJ: Patience, Rainbow Dash!
Rarity: Just be wait, darling!
Fluttershy: *slightly scared* Umm...Discord? Are we not gonna watch something scary?
Discord: Nope, my dear Fluttershy. Mr. Ninja and I were not gonna watch some kind of a horror movie like that clown who can shapeshift into monster but don't worry, Mr. Ninja is a NOT a fan of Horror.
Fluttershy: *sigh* Thank goodness.

Ninja returns with a new disc on his hoof.
Ninja: All right! Are you ready now?
All: Yes!/Yeah!
Ninja: Good but before that, there's someone I invited.
All: Huh?

Suddenly, the room goes dark as everyone were bit of scared or in this case--Fluttershy hugs Discord and yelp. They heard a sinister familiar laugh. The CMC went to their sisters while Starlight, Thorax and others try not to be scared.
Spike: Wait! That laugh.... *hugs Twilight*
Cadence: It sounds familiar...
Twilight: Yeah.
Shining and Flash ready their fighting stance in-front as they defend Cadence and Twilight. Luna was also scared because she felt a familiar dark aura but Celestia....
Celestia: No....No! It can't be!

Suddenly, a dark flash energy burst into the floor as everypony cover their eyes. When it died out, they saw a familiar figure that everypony scares. It was the Pony of Shadows himself, King Sombra.

Spike: K-K-Ki-Ki-King Sombra?!
The 4 princesses ready their magic as Shining and Flash glares at the Dark pony. The others were covered behind the long couches thet were sitted.
Celestia: What are you doing here, huh?!
Of course, they already knows about King Sombra anyway--the one that tried to conquer Equestria by invading the Crystal Empire and destroy the Crystal Heart but Spike the Dragon manages to catch it and restore the power which eventually defeated him and all was safe...until now.
King Sombra: *confused* Huh? What's going on? Where am I? I got letter from somepony named Ninja. *shows a letter on his hooves*
Everypony were widened and look at Ninja.
Starlight & others: Huh?
Ninja: Um...yeah. That's me, Sombra. *went to Sombra* I invited you to watch a show.
King Sombra: What show???
Twilight: Excuse me, Mr. Ninja! But why is King Sombra here?!
Cadence: Don't you realize he's evil!
Ninja: I know! He almost destroy the Crystal Empire blah blah blah blah!
Discord: Come on, guys! Give him a chance.
Shining: A chance?!
Luna: Why did you two defend him?!
Celestia: *her eyes were burning* TELL ME WHY!!!
The Mane Six, Spike, Starlight and others were shocked to see Celestia's anger side towards King Sombra.
King Sombra: HEY! You two! Don't you know who I am? I am--(cuts)!
Discord: Yeah! Yeah! You're King Sombra, the Pony of Shadows! We all get it!
Ninja: There goes the bad guy's introduction!
King Sombra face-hoof and annoyed!
King Sombra: And why am I here?
Dash: Yeah. Why is he here huh?
Celestia: Why is King Sombra here?! Why?!
Now everypony were complaining about Sombra's appearance which the Ninja got pissed!
Ninja: SHUT UP!!!
They all silence, even 4 princesses.
Ninja: The reason WHY he's here is to watch the show!

Enraged, he snaps with his magic gloves as Sombra disappears and appears besides...Celestia? And Luna was beside to Cadence and others were now back to the lpng couches.
Ninja: There! That's should do it!
Celestia & King Sombra: But--!!
The two were silent.

Discord snaps his fingers and a boxes of tissues appears in-front of the audience.
Applebloom: Umm...what's this?
Discord: Prepare yourself because the next one is gonna make you sad. *sits on his own floating chair and ate his popcorn.*
Ninja puts the disc on the Player and press the Play button.
Ninja: Oh! 1 more thing: Try not to cry.


The scene opens in Equestria where everypony were celebrating something special.
The ponies are began went to the other ponies and began dating. Some were given by flowers or chocolates or cupcakes, others were spending time in picnic in somewhere beautiful places and everypony around here are in love with their special somepony.

Sweetie: Wait a second! Is this---?
Scootaloo: Hearts & Hooves Day???
Mane Six, Spike and others(except Celestia & Sombra): WHAT???
Ninja: That's right! Hearts & Hooves Day, everypony.
Fluttershy: I thought you just said not to cry.
Discord: *hush Fluttershy* Just watch.

On the field grass area where someponies were dating via picnic, the Mane Six were also dating with their special somepony: Twilight with Flash Sentry, Rainbow Dash with Soarin, Fluttershy with Discord, Rarity with Fancy Pants(Spike see this and tearfully heartbroken), Pinkie with Cheese(The two party ponies smiles) and Applejack with Spike.

Applebloom: Applejack, you're dating Spike???
Sweetie: Is that true?
Spike: What??? No!
Scootaloo: Why?
Applejack: *groan* Blame him! *points Ninja*
Ninja: Don't blame me! Blame the fans who created that ship.
Ninja and Discord laughs while the others(except Celestia and Sombra) chuckles.

For now, Twilight is reading a book with Flash titled "Reflection in my Heart" which the others looked at her.
Dash: What are you reading, egghead?
Twilight: Oh! This? It's called "Reflection in my Heart". Celestia give this to me when I was just a student at that time.
Rarity: So what's so special, darling?
AJ: Yeah. What is it?
Pinkie: Tell us!
Twilight: Well, it tells a story of a pony who has a friend from the Mirror World and became friends but days went on as the two eventually....
Spike: Eventually what, Twilight?
Pinkie: Fall in love?
Flash: You just said it.
Dash: So what's the problem?
Twilight: The pony was from the real world while the friend is from Mirror world and they can't fall in love in 2 worlds.
Fluttershy: Oh my. That's sounds sad.
Discord: It kinda like Romeo and Juliet with a tragic ending.
Flash: Except there's no tragic ending as the two characters eventually married and has a filly.
The Mane 5 and their special someponies were awed.

Starlight: I wish I can read that book.
Twilight: So where we can find it?
Ninja: Actually, I made that one and doesn't exist here.
Everypony(except Celestia and Sombra) groans.
Discord: Psh! Boring.

Then, a familiar dark blue figure appears at them.
All: Princess Luna???
Luna: Charm, my little ponies. Happy Hearts & Hooves Day!
Pinkie & Cheese: What are you dong here?
Dash: Don't you have a date?
Luna: Nope. But I just visit you. Wow. You got some special somepony huh.
The males nodded while the Mane 6 blush.
Luna: *sigh and sees the book* If Celestia do the same, she will be happy.
Twilight: Huh? What are you talking about?
Luna: That book you reading was actually an inspiration from her.
Fluttershy: Inspiration?
Rarity: What are you talking about, Princess Luna?
Luna sigh.
Luna: I have to say sister fallen somepony a long time ago.
They were shocked to hear this.
All: What???

All: What???
Twilight: Celestia, is that true?
Celestia: I...I...I....I...don't....
King Sombra: Psh! Stupid show!
Ninja: *hush* Quiet!

Twilight: You mean Celestia....fallen in love?
Luna: Yes. Every Hearts & Hooves Day, she was smiling at the sight of everypony fall in love to their special somepony but behind her smile was a heartbroken and a tragic love story about her.
Fluttershy: *gasp* Oh dear. *got pats by Discord*
AJ, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie try to control their tears while Spike, Soarin, Fancy and Cheese try to comfort their mares.
Flash: I heard that story from Princess Cadence about Celestia during that event. She says that everytime there's Hearts & Hooves Day, she hear Celestia crying at her room.
Luna: True. Earlier today, I just heard her crying again.
Twilight: Poor Celestia.....when did this happened?
Luna: It happened a long time ago when I was exiled and banished as Nightmare Moon. Starswirl Bearded told me about what happened after I exiled. And until now, she still yet again try to move on.

Luna silently nodded about this which her sister failed to notice this. Cadence on other hand, approved about the lines. The Mane Six, the CMC and others began pick up the tissues as they wipe their tears away.

Twilight: Do you know the name of special somepony that Celestia loved?
Luna shakes her head, saying no.
Luna: I'm afraid not. The reason why there's Hearts & Hooves Day is a memory reminder of Celestia's broken love story as she cherish her love towards everypony to fall in love to their special somepony like you. That is all.
The Mane Six, Spike and others were noddingly sad.
Twilight: Is she okay?
Luna: I think she's fine for now.

Celestia is trying to leave but her body can't move while King Sombra was...staring at her.
Celestia: *glares him* What are you looking at?
King Sombra: *shrugs* Nothing.

On the balcony of the castle, Princess Celestia watches her younger sister Luna with the Mane Six and their lovers spending time each other via telescope. She smiled at them but changes into sad smile because she reminder her lost love as she looks at the skies.
Celestia: *sigh* If only I....I saved you....*tears*

Ember and Thorax could't control their tears and so to Big Mac and Sugar Belle too.
The 3 colts Tender Taps, Button Mash and Rumble hugs Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo as the trio wipe their tears away.

Celestia walks away from the balcony to the hallways and there, she began...singing.

~Cue: Reflection(from Disney's Mulan)

Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect woman
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part

Celestia walks inside into her room and touch the green box.

Now I see, that if I were truly to be myself

She opens the box, revealing a piece of broken mirror and a tag paper saying: "ALWAYS".

The Mane Six, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst, Luna, Cadence, Shining and others were shocked to see thsi while Celestia try to stay queit as tears began falling from her cheeks. Sombra on the other hand, is just watching the scene and tried not to do the same reaction as Celestia did.

I would break my family's heart

Celestia went out from her room with a broken piece of mirror and a paper tag on her hoof as she walks to the Throne Room and continues singing.

Who is that girl I see,
Staring straight back at me
Why is my reflection someone I don't know

Celestia look at the large window with her sad reflection on her face as she watches the ponies dating their special someponies. The Royal Guards who were standing here were kept quiet and stares there as Celestia continues to walk out to the other Hallway.

Somehow I cannot hide
Who am I, though I've tried
When will my reflection show, who am I, inside

The Mane Six were now crying as they got wipe their tears with the tissues. The males look at them and comfort them: Flash went to Twilight, Soarin to Rainbow Dash, Discord to Fluttershy, Fancy to Rarity(much of Spike's dismay), Cheese to now crying Pinkie and Spike went to Applejack. Sunburst does the same to Starlight as Tender Taps, Button Mash and Rumble also comfort the CMC who is also crying in tears. Big Mac is hugging now crying Sugar Belle.
Luna: I never see her crying.
Cadence: Me too.
Ember: For me, it's the first time I saw her cry.
Thorax: Poor Celestia....

Celestia is now outside her castle as she walks to the crowd which some who were bowed at her while others were dating their mares.

How I pray, that a time will come
I can free myself and meet their expectations
On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself
And to make my family proud

Unknown to her as she walking to the near lake in the field grass, Princess Luna, the Mane 6 and their special someponies quietly follows her.

They want a docile lamb
No-one knows who I am
Must there be secret me
I'm forced to hide

Celestia reach the lake and sits on the tree where there's a mark on it. It says: C + S inside in a heart shape.

Must I pretend that I am someone else for all time

She looks on her tearfully reflection on the water of the lake as an image of her loved pony appears.

When will my reflection, who I am inside

She wipes her tears and she looks back on the broken piece of mirror, seeing her sad reflection and the paper tag.

When will my reflection, who I am inside

She hugs it and cried as Princess Luna, the Mane Six and their special someponies look at her with their emotional look.
Celestia: I miss you.....*crying*
~End Cue~

It ends with Celestia continues to cry as the sun sets.


Ninja opens the Player and removes the disc as he wipes his tears with the tissue. He looks at the audience. Not long few seconds later, they burst into crying(except Celestia and Sombra) as they grabbed their tissues.

Pinkie: *sobbing* That is the saddest song I've ever heard.
Rarity: Me too. *still sobbing*
Luna sigh and stands.
Luna: That one we just's all real. Right, sister?
They looked at Celestia who was just standing, try not to control her emotions.

Spike: *To Ninja* One question: I just saw the image of the lake. Why Celestia's lost lover looks like...Sombra?
The Mane Six and Starlight saw this and he was right.
Why the pony that Celestia looks like a normal version of King Sombra?
Twilight: Celestia, tell us. What's his name?
Celestia: *shakingly* I....I....I can't....
King Sombra stomps his hooves and stands in-front of her.
King Sombra: *sad look* Because that pony that Celestia me.

Everypony were gasped and shocked!

King Sombra, the Pony of Shadows who tried to conquer Equestria, almost destroying the Crystal Empire and one of their dangerous enemies was actually Celestia's lost lover!
Shining: H-H-Ho-How come? How did this happened?!
Cadence: *To Sombra* Why are you turning into evil when you love Celestia?
Luna: Sister, why?
Discord: *look at Celestia* Tia, did you betrayed him?!
Twilight: Please Celestia! I want some answers! If you love him, why he was turn evil?
Mane 5, Spike, Starlight & others: TELL US!!!
Celestia is now shakingly that her dark secret is now exposed and she shouted in Royal Canterlot Voice.
Celestia left them as she went out, flying towards to the unknown.

The others were left dumbfounded and confused. Ninja fake coughs and tell Sombra.
Ninja: Hey, Sombra. Talk to her now.
King Sombra: Why?
Ninja: 'Coz you still love her right? Go and find her now!
King Sombra: Fine!
King Sombra walks out and went outside to find Celestia.

Ninja: Here. *snaps his magic gloves and a bunch of comics of MLP: Reflections Arc*
Spike: Huh? What's this?
Ninja: Read that and you can find out how Celestia meets Sombra back then before Sombra was corrupted to what he is now. Well...*wears a black shades* I'll be back.
Twilight: Huh? Where you going?
Ninja: I have a date. Smokebomb! *throw a smokeballs and vanishes*

Everypony were coughing due fo the smoke.
Sunburst: *cough* *cough* Why he do that?
Discord: 'Coz he's a ninja anyway.
Twilight: Is Celestia okay?
Luna: For now, we must leave her. Let King Sombra handle the situation.
Spike: But what if King Sombra do his evil things towards her?
Cadence: Don't worry. It will be fine.
Twilight: Fine?
Cadence: I sense it. A fainting glow of love between them is resurging. Why? Because I'm the Princess of Love anyway, Twilight.
Everypony: Oooohhhhh!

AND THAT'S A WRAP! This part dedicated to the heartbroken people around the world that they trying to move on from their recent heartbreak.

I hope you Like this and please Comment. Thank you and Happy Valentines' Day or in this case--Happy Hearts & Hooves Day.



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