Start of Something New(Flashlight/SciFlash)

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Hello, Readers & Bronies. I decide to change "Ask and Dare: MLP" story to "MLP Reacts Alternate Universes" in which this story I inspired from arief137's story: "Boku No Hero Academia reacts Alternate Universes" story. I hope you like my new story and leave a Like and Comment section. Thank you.

And now, let's kick-off a song that sounds familiar for a long time and starting off with: Flashlight or SciFlash ship doing a duet to sing this song.

DISCLAIMER: My Little Pony series are belongs to Hasbro while the song belongs to Disney. I DO NOT OWN THEM! Thank you.
~Castle of Friendship Castle -Living Room~
The Mane Six and Spike were just sitting at the couch. They were bored and not in mood...well...except Pinkie.
Dash: Man, this is boring!
AJ: Me too, Rainbow Dash.
Pinkie: Come on, guys! This is so excited! I can't wait!
Rarity: Pinkie, would you please calm down?
Pinkie: Nope. *smiles*
Fluttershy: This is boring.
Spike: *sigh* There's nothing we can do, Twilight.
Twilight: *sigh* You're right.
???: SMOKEBOMB! *Ninja appears*
The Mane Six and Spike coughs due of the smoke, before facing the Ninja(in Pony form).
Ninja: Hey, everypony!
Dash: Where have you been?
AJ: Yeah. It's been a long time we been waiting for you.
Ninja: *groan* Exame! I focusing my Mid-Term Exams! It's really, really, hard!
Twilight: Wow. You're Exams are really hard, right?
Ninja nodded.
Ninja: Anyways, time to bring some audience.
All: Huh?
Ninja snaps the fingers using his magic gloves and voila! Princess Celestia, her younger sister Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and her husband/Twilight's brother Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and Flash Sentry(in Royal Guard) appears at them.
Starlight: Huh?
Sunburst: Umm...what are we back in Twilight's castle?
Celestia: What's going on?
Luna: Why am we here in Twilight's castle?
Cadence: Huh?
Shining: What's going on?
Flash: Umm...I'm just doing my job. Where am I anyway?
Ninja: Well, you're in Twilight's castle, everypony.
All(except Mane Six & Spike): Who the heck are you?!
Twilight: Calm down, everypony. Let me explain.
20 Minutes Later....
Ninja: So....everypony ready?
Spike: I think they're all ready now, Mr. Ninja?
Ninja: Hmm...where's Discord?
Discord appears beside Ninja.
Discord: Right here. Sorry, I'm late. I just battle some kind of being who has the same chaos powers that look like a Dorito.

Ninja's eyes twitch as he hears a being that look like a Dorito.

Discord: Anyway, what are we doing?
Ninja: Watching a show. Want to watch?
Discord: Sure. *snaps his fingers and his red chair with popcorns appears and sits* I'm ready.
Ninja: Okay. *snaps his fingers as a disk appears and puts on to the player that connects on TV* And...action!


Inside a big house, there was a party where everyone were celebrating some kind of music festival.
Ninja: Please Note! You're watching the human counterpart of you, everypony.
Spike: Wait! Isn't that....?
Twilight: Sunset's world.
On stage, Octavia puts two mics with a stand as she order Vinyl to stop music.
Octavia: All right. Welcome to my house, everyone.
Everyone cheers.
Octavia: I know this is a slumber party, thanks to Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie at the stands as she serves some cupcakes to everyone.
Pinkie: You're welcome.
Pinkie: Yippiieee! There's me!
Twilight: Yeah. Whatever, Pinkie.
Octavia: Anyways, tonight is a Duet Song. If a Spotlight points at you, you two gonna sing on stage now.
Everyone cheers again as the spotlight appears around everyone.
AJ: Who's gonna be?
Celestia: Just watch.
Fluttershy: *whispers* I'm so excited.
Eventually, the spotlight spotted a young man with orange yellow skin, blue hair and blue eyes.

Cadence & Shining: Flash???
Flash: Wait! Is that me?
The 2 princesses giggles.
And the other spots a young girl in purple hair with a red lines on it, purple skin and eyes and wears glassses.

Twilight: That's me?!
The Mane 5 laughs about this.
The young man try to refuse but his friends insist him by pushing to the stage while the young girl was also the samw thing.
At last, the two were on stage. Both did not see each other due of a little stage fear as Octavia came to them.
Octavia: Okay. What's your name?
Flash: Umm...Flash Sentry.
Octavia: And you?
Twilight: Umm...Twilight Sparkle.
Octavia: *smiles* Well Flash and Twilight, you two are ideal duet couple for this to sing...or not.
Everyone chuckles as Twilight blush.
The Mane 5, Spike, Starlight and others giggles as Twilight groans and Flash was nervously smile.
Starlight: Oo~hh! This could be good.
Sunburst chuckles.
Octavia: Music please.
Vinyl thumbs-up and plays the Music.
~Cue: Start of Something New
(Note: Song - Both Sing)

The two were standing there nervously as the music begins. Luckily, there's the Screen Projector on the wall which reveals the lyrics of the song and so Flash began sing first.

Flash: Livin' in my own world, didn't understand

AJ, Dash and Rarity: NO WAY!!!
Fluttershy: Flash, you have a wonderful voice.
Flash: What???

Flash: That's anything can happen, when you take a chance

He looks at Twilight who was nervous to sing the song. Because of this, Flash decides to walkout but....

Twilight: I never believed in(Ohh) what I couldn't see

The Mane 5, Spike and Starlight cheers as Twilight jawdrop.

Flash saw her sing and decides to join.

Twilight: I never opened my heart(Flash: Oohh) to all the possibilites, ooh

Both: I know
Twilight: That something has changed
Never felt this way
Twilight: And right here, tonight

This could be the start of something new
Twilight: It feels so right
to be here with you, oh
And now, looking in your eyes
Twilight: I feel in my heart(Flash: Feel in my heart)
The Start of Something New
Flash: Oh, yeah

The Mane 5, Spike, Starlight and others cheers while Twilight and Flash were blushing as the 3 princesses and Shining were chuckling.
Discord: Now, this is awesome!

They both see each other and smile as Flash takes off his black jacket and grabs the mic.

Flash: Now who'd have ever thought that, mmm

The crowd cheers.

We'd both be here to tonight?
Flash: Oh
Twilight: Yeah, and the world looks so much brighter(Flash: Brighter, brighter)
Twilight: Oh, with you by my side(Flash: By my side)

I know that's something I've changed
Never felt this way
Twilight: I know it for real

This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you, oh
And now, looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
Twilight: The Start of Something new

Flash: I never knew that it could happen, 'till it happened to me
Oh, yeah
I didn't know it before,
Twilight: but it's easy to see

The crowd cheers loudly at them.
The Mane 5, Spike, Starlight and others does the same cheeers.

It's the start of something new
It feels so right(Flash: So right)
Twilight: to be here with you, oh
And now, lookin' in your eyes(Flash: Lookin' in your eyes)
Twilight: I feel in my heart(Flash: Feel in my heart)(2x)

The start of something new(Flash: The start of something new)
The start of something new

The music ends as both smiled each other as the crowd cheers loudly.


The Mane 5, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst and Discord claps as Twilight groans.
Twilight: *blushes* Seriously??? This is embarassing!
Flash: Me too. *blushes* I don't get it!
The 2 princesses chuckles as Cadence pats Twilight's back.
Cadence: I know you have crush on Flash Sentry. Am I right?
Twilight: Ummm.....I...I....okay! I have a crush on Flash! Happy?
Celestia: Seems Twilight is really grown up now.
Luna: Agreed, sister.
Shining: Really? *looks at Flash* Since when?
Flash: The Royal Summit.
Shining: Oh. I'm so proud of you.
Flash: Huh?
Twilight: You're not mad, BBBFF?
Shining: No. I'm not mad. You're a grown pony, Twiley.
Cadence: It's true. You two are meant to be. I feel love more powerful I ever feel since me and Shining's marriage.
The Mane 5 chuckles while Spike thumbs-up to them.
Twilight: *sigh* Okay. I like Flash.
Flash: Umm...I like you too, Twilight.
They both blush as Ninja and Discord high-five.
Ninja & Discord: Nice.
Pinkie: Hihihihihi!
Starlight: Guess we have free time, Sunburst.
Sunburst: *blushes* Hehehe...yes.

AND CUT! I hope you like this! Thank you. And also....




And also arief137 , you can inspired this part for Deku and Uraka for your story.

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