My Dear Goddess (Zilong/Freya)

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Sorry, not a continuation to the previous chapter. It was still in progress.

So, at this occassion, let us present you with a one-shot featuring a quite popular ship. Hope you like them!


"Every love story is beautiful.
Ours is my favorite"

---Zilong's PoV---

"Brother, are you scared of monsters?"

A cheerful young maiden's sound reaches my ears. Of course, it won't take even two seconds for me to register the sound.

It belongs to none other than my little sister, Chang'e.

Hm...monsters? Well this topic is quite interesting...but being a hero myself of course the answer should be obvious.

"Of course not. Why are you asking that?"

"Oh, really?" She asked again. "But I believe there is still one monster that you'll be scared of."

My face scrunched in confusion. A monster that I will be scared of? I wonder what it is...

"Really, what monster is it?"

"Well, you know, that monster called's very scary. Almost everyone is scared because of that!" She chuckled and hugged me tight. "I believe you are too!"

At first I would like to deny, but then realization hit me: She might be right for some reason.

I don't know if she knew or not, but I have been falling in love to a certain beautiful Valkyrie named Freya, but the valkyrie haven't noticed it, even until now.

The sentence Chang'e said may actually perfectly fits me, I was too scared to confess my love to her, or rather, I'm scared to be rejected.

Just thinking about her lovely face and figure, her enchanting blue hair of hers, that is enough to redden and to heat my face, which doesn't go unnoticed by the little girl hugging me right now.

"Oh, why are you blushing, big brother?" She asked, before somehow slipped a smirk. "Is there something I need to know?"

I sighed. If this sentence was already out from her mouth then that will be the moment that I knew...I f...messed up.

It would be pretty much impossible to hide by now, because she would eventually be super annoying until I told her the truth.

And so, I just tell her the fact that I have fallen head over heels to a certain valkyrie that has occupied my mind for God knows how long already.

And, as I expected, Chang'e begins to squeal in excitement.

"Ayyiiee! Big brother has grown up into a man! I'm so proud of you!"

To hear that from a younger sister...I find it rather funny.

"However, you haven't told her, have you? Then you should tell her as quickly as possible! And don't be scared, I'll support you!"

I smiled...This is why I loved my sister very much. She was very supportive.

And on her cue, I go into my bedroom, take a piece of paper and begin writing.

"Good afternoon, my dear Goddess, I want to meet you under the usual cherry tree at 6 today. I hope you could come. See you!"


---Timeskip: Later at 6---

I made my way to the usual cherry tree where Freya and I used to play or chat together. That place is nevertheless precious for us, known for being a beautiful sight during the sunset.

And as I arrive, I see her, standing under the tree with a little confused and frowning face, but I could see a faint blush on her cheeks.

"My dear Goddess, you came!"

"You're a few minutes late, Zilong, and what's with you calling me "my dear Goddess..."?"

I froze for awhile, thinking for an excuse.

"You know what?" Freya asked. "Forget it, Just tell me what you want, Dragonborn."

I am trembling a little, but I have to compose myself. And so I take her right hand and placed it on top of mine.

"The view in front of me is perfect, you, along with this beautiful sunset, this is quite the heavenly view." I said. "I wish I could always enjoy this view for the rest of my life, so, this might be embarrassing, but, will you go out with me? Will you let me praise your beauty forever and ever?"

I gently slapped myself over that cringy line. But all I said really came from the deepest part from my heart. I will never take it back.

"You know very well that I'm a Goddess of War, and not the Goddess of Love, Zi..."

That shakes me to the core.

That sentence is very critical to my fragile heart.

She doesn't accept me...and so I can only look down and leave in shame.


Or maybe that's what I think, since suddenly I find myself being hugged from behind. I could feel her warmth suddenly flows through me.

"I'm not finished yet, Zi."

She turns my body so that we're again facing each other.

"Being a Goddess of War doesn't mean I can't feel love. If you want me to say clearly..."

She hugged me again, this time from the front.

"I had my eyes set on you for a long time already, Zi. I decided to mess a little with you just for the fun of it, never thought you may think out seriously. Then I better keep it all straight to the point."

She parted and faced me.

"I love you, I could only hope that you might return my feelings, and I'm glad you do. I'll be willing to let you praise my beauty for as long as you live. And in return, let me praise your valor through the eternity."

"Fair enough" I replied. "I love you, my dear Goddess."

Under the cherry tree, bathed by the beautiful light of sunset, we share a tender kiss. At this time, I don't care of all the surrounding obstacles. All I care about is for us to live a happy life


Alright. That ends the shot! We hope you guys like it!

Please Read & Review! Thank you and see you soon!

Kage (Hayashinkage17)
Azumi (AngelLia180)

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