Chapter 16

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Someone cleared their throat.

Nico and Will jumped apart like they'd been shocked. Regardless, Will was grinning his face off whilst Nico blushed furiously and glared at Jason, who was standing in front of them awkwardly trying to make it seem like he wasn't smiling. Will found that extremely weird. Why would he smile? Nico hadn't kissed him.

"So...when did this happen?" Jason wasn't trying to hide his smile anymore. Seriously, why?

Nico still blushed like a madman, "Just now."

"Fantastic!" He grinned and rushed at Nico to hug him. Then he dragged Will in the hug too. "I'm so happy for both of you!"

Will was taken aback by the hug, "Uh, thanks?"

"I have waited so long for this moment!" Jason squeezed them like they were all going to die any second now. But-he'd been waiting for this? What?

"Jason, oh my god. I will kill you in your sleep if you don't let go of us and shut up." Nico didn't seem as confused about it as Will was but he wasn't amused either.

He gave them one more squeeze before letting them go. He was beaming now. "Will, did you know he hadn't shut up about you in the last month? It was all 'God, I wish I could run my hands through Will's hair. Have you seen his hair? It's magical.' And I couldn't convince him to do anything about it! Not even Reyna could!"

"Jason! Oh my god!" Nico's face was completely red and Will had the undeniable urge to squeeze him because he was so cute. He almost did but Nico ruined it by latching onto his arm and pulling him down the hall. "We're going to the library."

Will let him take him. He could hug him and kiss him as much as he wanted once they were in their little room. He waved back at Jason. "Nice seeing you."

Jason only grinned and waved as he entered his room.

Nico continued to pull Will along, "You know, I know where the library is and I want to be there with you, you don't have to drag me."

Will saw the blush creep up his cheeks from where he was behind him, but he didn't let go. He took his hand instead and slowed down so they were walking side by side. "How's this?"

Will grinned, "Better."

Nico's lips curved slightly and Will's heart fluttered at the sight, "So how was your break here?"

"Lou and Reyna are dating! They completely ditched Cecil and I! My best friend ditched me for her girlfriend! How rude, seriously. Not that I'm not happy for them. I'm ecstatic but I wanted to still see Lou once in a while."

"Yeah, Reyna barely texted me back. She had a crush on her for a while but she didn't know how to handle it. That meant there wasn't much advice she could give me when I told her about you. But we worked it out."

"You-she knew?"

This time, Nico didn't hold back his smirk."Were you hoping I'd tell you first?"


Nico's smirk turned into a smile. God it's beautiful, Will thought. "You know now."

That was true. Will couldn't argue with that. Especially since the way he'd chosen to tell him was by kissing him. "Yeah, okay. Fine."

Surprisingly, on their way down, they didn't run into anyone else. They were probably returning at the last moment possible. Even their librarian wasn't there yet, it made it ten times easier to get into their secret room.

They started off talking about random things, lovingly bickering here or there. But when the sun started sinking in the horizon, they got quiet.

"I know things are going to get better, I know." Nico sighed, breaking the silence when the sun was completely gone and the stars shone in the velvet blue sky above. "But I miss her. Bianca. Sometimes I can't stop myself from wondering how my life would have been if she hadn't died. Or my mom."

Will didn't know what to say at first and brought him in close, laying Nico's head on his chest and wrapping his arms around his torso to buy his brain time. "I like to think that even if they're gone, they're still helping somehow. I don't know what happens after death but I think they might still be looking out for you."

Nico didn't reply, only tightened his arms around Will. They were in silence again until Nico mumbled, "Sing me a song, Will. I like your voice."

Will smiled into his hair, "Whatever you want, Sunshine."

He took a moment to go over the endless list of songs in his head before settling on Flares by The Script. Will thought it was a wonderful piece. "Did you lose what won't return? Did you love but never learn? The fire's out but still it burns

"And no one cares, there's no one there

"Did you find it hard to breathe?
Did you cry so much that you could barely see? In the darkness all alone

"And no one cares, there's no one there

Well did you see the flares in the sky? Were you blinded by the light? Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?

Did you? Did you?
Did you see the sparks feel the hope? You are not alone
Cause someone's out there, sending out flares

"Did you break but never mend?
Did it hurt so much you thought it was the end?
Lose your heart but don't know when
And no one cares, there's no one there

"Well did you see the flares in the sky? Were you blinded by the light? Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?

"Did you? Did you? Did you see the sparks feel the hope? You are not alone
Cause someone's out there, sending out flares
Someone's out there, sending out flares

"Did you lose what won't return?
Did you love but never learn?

"But did you see the flares in the sky? Were you blinded by the light? Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?

"Did you? Did you? Did you see the sparks filled with hope? You are not alone
Cause someone's out there, sending out flares

"Well did you see the flares in the sky? Were you blinded by the light? Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?

"Did you? Did you?
Did you see the sparks feel the hope? You are not alone
Cause someone's out there, sending out flares
Someone's out there, sending out flares..."

As the last verse left Will's lips, he realized Nico was drifting off, his breathing was leveling out. And with surprise, Will realized he was too.

He did fall asleep. And it was one of the best night's sleep in his life.

Sorry for the short chapter but this was what I could do in trying to make the fic longer. You asked and I attempted. I'll try for another two before the last and the epilogue but no promises. This one took so long to put up because I wasn't originally planning on more chapters. I already know how the last chapter will go though so when it gets to that, the chapter will be pretty easy to write. I'm sorry if it's not as long as you wanted it but I'm also not very creative but I tried?

And okay, I'm obsessing over Flares so I had to incorporate it somehow.

Okay thanks you guys. Really. I'm sorry this wasn't better but thank you.

Yours in demigodishness and all that, Izzy ✌

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