Anger Issues-Marseille

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"Sergio..Sergio!" I roughly grab my walkie talkie and begin to curse at him since he won't answer me. I was hidden inside a pile of hay and stood still when I heard a bull next to us. My brother was just a few feet from me and at least he was kinda secured from the animal unlike me. If I make any move then it'll notice me, stab his horns into my ass and i'll bleed to death..

I love animals but damn do I hate these bulls. I took a deep shaky breathe and heard dogs and steps getting closer. "They must be around here. Search for them." I heard the inspector shout at the police.

I'm getting tired. I haven't had a decent sleep for hours since Sergio, Raquel and I have been behind the scenes and checking how things have been going inside the bank. I was growing nervous with every hour that passed by.

Tokyo and Palermo are the ones I'm worried about. Those two mean trouble and without us they most probably think we got executed and might kill one another. "I knew I should've been inside the bank."

Sergio and I are responsible to what might happen between them. We need to get out of here..but I'm tired...I heard footsteps getting closer and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer...



Someone began calling my name and felt the person taking off the hay from my hair. It's the police! I opened my eyes and quickly raised my fist ready to hit the man but stumbled over and thankfully the man quickly dodged my hit.

"I could've punched you!" I whine and stare up at the man. I stood up and wrapped my arm around Marsella. "I'm so glad you're here." I whisper standing up on my toes and felt a pat on my back.

"Where's the bull?!" Suddenly I remembered and hid behind him. Marsella looked back at me confused and ran patted my head. "You were probably dreaming. Where's Sergio?" I point ahead and saw where my brother still was.

Sergio stared at us both and adjusted his eyes to the brightness. "Where's the bull?" I chuckle and Marsella helped him up on his feet.

"They tool her. They took Raquel and executed her." Sergio told his friend and couldn't help but hug the tall man. Marsella looked uncomfortable at that but hugged him back.

"We need to find a way to enter the police or see how things are going inside for them." I told them but they just stared st me. "What? I know it's a risky thing to do but-"

"(Y/N), stay still." My brother whispered and I slowly glanced back and saw the bull. "Run!" I shouted and began to run without a secong thought and terrified.

"Damn it (Y/N),What have you done?!"

Marsella helped Sergio up to get to the other side and quickly it was my turn when I saw the bull running towards us. "I'm sorry I got scared! Hey quit grabbing my ass!" I shout back when I felt his hands on my ass.

"(Y/N). Shut up he's just helping you!" Sergio shouted at me. Sergio stepped closer and helped me up and held me in his arms when Marsella quickly jumped to our side and we escaped from the animal.

"You can let go of my, sis." Sergio told me when I wouldn't let go of him. Slowly I did as he told and glared at the animal and off to where the police were looking for us, "I swear i'm gonna kill them." I took off my pistol and was beginning to hunt for him till Marsella held me down and since I wasn't listening, he put me over his shoulder and we began to go further into the forest.

"I want to kill them! They killed her and they almost captured us." I tried to wiggle away from his grip but it was useless.

"Since when has your sister been this loud and annoying." I continued hitting his back.

"She's had a lot of anger inside her, so it's only natural for her to act this way..I seriously can't imagine someone like you as passive to have to deal with her like this." I feel myself get flustered at my brother's words.

Marsella and I met when my brother Berlin got married for the last time. Thing is a few months back I kinda confessed to him that I have feelings but he didn't return them to me. "Let's continue to stick to the plan." He would say.

I can tell why he's like this but it still hurts. I sighed defeated and finally he placed me down when we arrived to the car. We quickly exchanged looks and without another word I got in and felt him shut the door and my brother got in the passenger seat and I grabbed his hand when I saw his teary eyes. I can only imagine how Sergio is feeling, he's fallen in love only once and now Raquel is gone.

Marsella continued to drive and told us the story about his beloved dog, Pamuk. It was a tragic and sad story, it reminded me of my own dog which sadly passed away a month after I turned 21. "I'm sorry about, Pamuk. She sounded like a lovely dog." I whisper and Marsella gives me a small smile.

"She's in a better place and I'm sure yours is too. You shouldn't keep risking your ass like you did back there." He said referring to the action I did back then and almost shot a police when they took Raquel and my brother had to drag me away also.

I gotta work on my anger issues.


"Guys come on stop fighting!"

I stood a few steps away from both men and saw them hitting and dodging each other punches. I hate to see them psyhically fight I gotaa admit they fight well..especially Marsella.

"Sergio! Think rationally. You're just angry and wanting to take revenge on your hands and Marsella is right! You can't just take a bike and go to the bank. You're risking the entire plan!" I continue to shout since apparently it seems thsy neither are listening to me.

Sergio punches Marsella and Marsella drops my brother to the ground. I roll my eyes and glare at both of them. "Shut up sister. You're just saying that because you don't want me to hurt your man since you're still in love with him."

My eyes widened a bit when he suddenly revealed my secret again. I clench my fists and hurriedly went over and stood between both men, without a second thought I punched my brother and glared up at the other man behind me.

I slapped Marsella as hard as I could and cursed when I felt my hand sting and began rubbing both my hands. "Fuck! Now both of you stop acting like kids and lets go."

I walked past them and got my helmet ready to go to the bank and check how things are. I heard a groan and saw Marsella punch Sergio one last time before walking up to where I was.

"What was that for?" Sergio angrily asks.

Marsella rolls his eyes and I smirked up at the man as he tiredly fixed his long hair. "Are you satisfied that you just slapped me in front of your brother?"

"As a matter of fact I did." He glares down and me and I continue to smile wickedly at him.

"You continue surprising me woman." Marsella smiles down and surprisingly took my face and kissed my lips. I smiled and quickly kissed him back and tightly wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss and not let him go.

Sergio faked a cough and stared at us with a disgusted expression. "You two are killing me. Stop kissing my sister or I swear I'll kill you this time." Sergio warns Marsella. He turns to me pats my head, "You doo have to work on your angee issues thouh."

I try to hide my laughter and smirk at him, "I'll try my best." I got on my bike before he could scold me some more. "Off to the bank of Spain then."

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