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"30 Seconds!"

Berlin shouted and we all took our positions and placed our masks back on our face and held our weapons ready to fire if anything were to occur. 5 Months that's the amount of time we had to practice and study for this heist. Four years ago I was released from jail after I killed a few people who were the one responsible for my families death, so from that day on I decided to leave that job and focus on something my new life.

But the past always comes to haunt you. I arrived from work around midnight and got scared when I saw a figure of a man by the corner of my living room, he offered me this job so I wouldn't ever had to worry about money. I agreed but had one condition, if anything goes wrong and someone gets killed i'm out.

"10 Seconds!"

I gripped my gun and waited for the doors to open. Before Berlin would stop counting Tokyo ran out and we all called out to her, "Fuck!" without a second thought I ran after her and everyone began to fire at us, I aimed my gun but I began to tremble in fear that was till I held something brush my cheek and slowly I touched my cheek to see that I was bleeding and suddenly blood was splattered on my face.

I turned to look around and saw Rio on the floor bleeding, "Tokyo enough!" i shouted loud enough to hear. She turned around and I saw her eyes burning with rage. Again she began to aim at the police, someone pulled Rio and I back inside.

I fell to the floor in shock and began to breathe rapidly.I cursed and held my head worriedly as I saw Rio coughing up a bit of blood. "Damn it! This wasn't suppose to happen." someone from our team said.

"Tokyo what were you doing?!" Berlin angrily stomped over to her. Both if them began to argue and I felt someone's hand on my shoulders, "Try to calm down." Nairobi said holding me close to her but I began to cry.

"No one was supposed to get shot. I can't do this anymore." I whispered to myself and heard Berlin chuckle as if this were some game.

"We were hired for this job (C/N). Deja de ser tan inutil." to that Nairobi stood back straight and glared at him.

"What gives you the right to talk to her like that?!' she later cursed at him and I angrily ran to the office where the main phone was to call the professor. I dialed the number and waited for him to answer, The Professor picked it up.

"Que fue en lo que nos quedamos? I told you I would step out if anyone got shot." I angrily look up at the cameras in which he's surely seeing.

In a calm voice he spoke back, "If you want to leave then do it, I won't be tolerating any childish behavior...No one else got shot besides Rio."

"No one else huh? What about me?! I almost got shot trying to get Tokyo and her stupid ass inside again. If this is how you want to play Professor, then fine. I'll play your sick game." I angrily placed the phone down and glared one last time at the camera and walked away. I stayed a while in the room and fell to the ground feeling helpless.

I small knock was heard from the door and in came Nairobi, she cautiously walked over to me and knelt down, with one hand she wrapped and arm around me. "I'm sorry...this must all be a mess to you, but we'll get through it. If it's okay with you I can help." slowly I glanced over to her and saw her smile.

"I know you didn't want to get involved in this shit but once it's all over we'll be free and go wherever we want. Hey, We can even travel together it'll be more exciting...We never know when we might lose someone.." and so Nairobi told me a part of her own life. It was crushing listening to the many struggles she's been through and that made me even more protective of my team. Nairobi finished and stayed silent while running her hands down my hair.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that." I muttered and Nairobi shrugged.

"The past is in the past." she got up and helped me to stand up too but before we left she cleaned up my small wound and smiled at me. "There good as new. Don't get any more injuries okay? I'd hate to see yourself hurt again." Nairobi said and quickly pecked my forehead and walked away. 

"You know!" I shouted before she could leave further. She took a few steps back so I stood up straight and smiled at her, "Once this bullshit is over..I'll help you in getting your son back. Whatever it takes."

With that Nairobi looked down at her feet smiling then back at me, "I know you will." 

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