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Everything's going according to plan. I slowly unbutton my uniform army and threw them aside now stepping in the red jumpsuit and standing on top of the stairs and seeing Denver and Palermo walking down the stairs and presenting themselves. I joined the Professor's team since the first heist and I gladly joined the second, I admire him from afar and can't help but think about the memories we shared last night.

My eyes wander through the hostages and my eyes were fixed on him. I tighten my grip on the gun and begin to descend the stairs when I heard Tokio and Nairobi see having trouble with the governor.

"Martín" I whisper as i step close behind him and watch him glance back at me. "What is it?" He impatiently asks me.

"Tokio is having trouble as usual." He turns to look at me and I can tell he's already annoyed and angry that Tokio can't do a single thing on her own.

"Want me to go after her? Take care of her while you stay here and do your job as it should be?" I continue asking him and stare at him almost adoringly. He groans to himself and begins walking rapidly past me with me hurriedly following him.

I just want him to take things easy while I do most of the work for him. To say the least things were going badly and we had just started the job. Everyone made it safe until Martín got almost shot but his eyes were filled with shattered glass. "Damn it can't any of you do your job right?!" I angrily ask the team as we surrounded him.

"Will you shut up?!" Tokio shouted back and continued her work. "That's it. None of you can work correctly, (Y/N)!" Martin shouted and I ran next to him and grabbed his arm helping him stand up.

"You'll be my eyes, take me to the hostages." I do as told but couldn't but glance at him all worried. "I should've been there to prevent this from happening." I mutter and glance up at him again.

"What's done is done." He says not looking at me. I tighten my grip a bit of me afraid of what might happen from now on. I'll do whatever he ask me to do, I don't want anyone in my team to get hurt, especially him.


I was standing away from him without making a single sound since he had his eyes shut. Taking a small break from the shit happening outside the room. Quietly I started walking closer and knelt down slowly taking his hand which he retreated back and glared at me, which did hurt a little.

"Are you okay?" I whisper to which he scoffed and rolls his eyes. "Does it look like I'm okay?" He sarcastically asked. I lowered my head and muttered and apology.

I could feel his stare still on me. I felt his cold hands reach for mine, "You're the only one who can calm me." I heard him say most to himself. I felt myself blush and tightly held his hand.

"You know I'll do anything for you." He just stared at me. "Is that right?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm. Slowly I began leaning to kiss him till he pulled away and jumped up to his feet when he heard someone shouting from outside.

As usual I followed him and saw Denver ignoring what one of the hostages. "I'll kill every single one of you." and on and on Gandia began to insult until he looked at me and I quickly lowered my head and his behind Martín.

Gandia whistled and began laughing, "I see you found yourself a new toy. Hey you little bitch im talking to you! I'll break your neck once I get to you."

"What did you just call her?" Martín stepped forward and knelt down to his level since he was with handcuffs. Gandia just spat on his face and repeated what he said.

Thing is one thing led to another and both men were fighting to which Martín began hitting him, so Denver and Nairobi came to grab him and rush him away from me.

"Dont tell me you've grown attached to that man." Gandia laughed mockingly and stared intently at me. I didn't answer him so I ran to where the team went.

"What the fuck we're you trying to do?! Show authority?" Nairobi angry yet surprised by what happened asked him. "Should I remind you what the Professor said? He hasn't been answering my calls. So as far as I know I'm in charge without him and all of you will do as said." He warned her and finally looked at me.

"I need your help." Martín began walking rather fast till he reached the elevator. He probably wants to know how things are going with Bogota and the others.

He lifts his finger and motioned me to join him. I ran to his side and the doors closed, "There's something I want to tell you." He stopped the elevator and turned to me.

His eyes seemed different. I slowly walked backwards when he stepped closer, "Y-Yes?"

"Is there something wrong with you?" I furrowed my eyebrows but couldn't answer him since Martín shoved me again the wall and wrapped his arm around my neck, that'll probably leave me bruises.

"Martín..please.." I tried to speak by he only tighten his grip on me which made my eyes watery. "What's gives you the right to use my name? We're in a heist and you were given orders to use my other name. All you've been giving me since we started the heist is disappointment."

I tried to push him away but couldn't when l I saw was an he in his eyes. "You've been following me around like a fucking lost dog chasing another one in heat. You haven't been doing your job at all. Hate to break it to you sweetheart but you mean nothing to me, you do remember what I said earlier right? I just needed you for a while. Now do your fucling job and quit depending on me." Palermo let go of me which made me fall to the floor and gasp as I held my neck.

I looked up at him now completely crying, "I t-thought you cared-"

"What was with that man back there? 'Who's your new toy' " he quoted. Palermo just smirked to himself and knelt to my level before pushing the button again be for I felt us going down.

"He's just a-an old friend." I stuttered continuing to cry. He laughed at me weakness and stood up right when the doors opened. "Do your job or I'm sending you out just like Berlin did with Tokio." He warns and stepped out leaving me on the floor.


Everything must go according to plan. I begin repeating to myself again, Everyone is downstairs and I was left to look after the hostages and saw Gandia far away from the rest, so I stepped towards him and stared at him. He smirked and met my eyes. "About time you've decided to take action, what about lover boy?" He teased.

"It was all part of my plan." I lie and look warily at my surroundings. I hold the gun to myself and saw him breaking free from the handcuffs.

"I know where the rest of the weapons are." I mutter sadly but tried to show to him that im calm and professional.

He got up snapping his neck and smiling wickedly down at me, "I knew you wouldnt let us down. Come on doll time to end this." I followed him suit and saw him open up a closet full of weapons.

I can't believe Sergio being the intellectual he is never suspected me of working with the police. Raquel was a professional at this work but decided to leave this to go with Sergio but not me, I was never loved when I was growing up so I felt attached to Martín but after he also started treating me like crap, I'm no longer anyone's toy to mess with.

For a second there I did consider joining the band an leaving the police hanging, but as always everyone ive known has let me down.

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