Chapter 7 - Attack

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"Okay, Kaylee, everything seems to be in order so we'll give you a call as soon as ," the manager said as we shook hands.

"Thank you so much, you have a good night," I said, feeling hopeful.

"You're welcome. You too," she said, giving me a friendly smile as I walked out of the employment building. It was already night and the streets were almost empty.

I stopped by Starbucks to get a some hot chocolate to warm me up on my way back home.

Hopefully I get the call about a position somewhere. I've been thinking of driving back home to get the rest of our things and permanently live in Carson City.

As I walked, I suddenly felt someone was following me. I gulped and kept walking.

I glanced behind me to see two hooded figures behind me, soon become 3 hooded figures.

I turned back around and picked up the pace. I can feel they're snickering become more.

My heart was beating with so much fear as I walked.

It was then, I broke into a run, dropping the cup of hot chocolate, and they were running after me.

I made a sharp turn into an alley, only to find a chain link fence as a dead end.

"NO!" I cried and turned to see them and had one run up and press a blade to my neck and cover my mouth as he pinned my body against the fence with his.

I thrashed and tried to scream for help.

"Alright, girlie, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," he snickered.

I was able to pull away and attempt to run but another guy tripped me and I fall forward.

I was flipped over and punched hard across my face as I felt a rag stuffed into my mouth and then my arms pinned above me as my shirt was torn off.

I screamed against the rag as I saw the men laughing at me, then feeling hands fumbling with my jeans.

I screamed and thrashed around, kicking the guy who was working on my jeans in the face.

"FUCK!! You bitch!!" he swore.

"Look at her cuts, dude!" one laughed.

"What a freak!!" another said.

"Can't hurt to add a few more," the one pinning me down said, holding up a knife.

I suddenly felt his knife slicing my bare stomach and hips, making me scream in pain and have tears stream down my face.

One guy punched me hard on my temple, blurring my vision.

"I love hearing her scream. Let's make her scream some more, one said, straddling my legs.

Oh please let this end... Please just kill me... Let me die...

All of a sudden, the weight from my legs was gone, alonv with the grip on my wrists and all I can hear was screaming.

"Have mercy!"


"Dear God, noo!!!!

"What are you?!"

I couldn't move and was wondering what's happening as my vision was beginning to blur.

Soon.... It was quiet.....

All I can hear now was the Pop Goes the Weasel song...

and soft but chilling maniacal laughter....

As everything soon turned black around me.

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