(100) Things I Like About Myself!!

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Tagged by: -lxcifer

1. I love my hair colour and the way it shines when hit by the sun!!!

2. I love my imagination and my ability to create characters and worlds that people love!

3. I love the way I see the world!!

4. I love my ability to read multiple books and not get confused!!

5. I love my eye colour and my freckles!

6. I love my kindness and my smile!!

7. I love my ability to quote some of my favourite movie scenes word for word.

8. I love all of my library related abilities (such as being able to shelve and catalogue books)!!

9. I love being able to know my boundaries and stop when I'm doing something I'm uncomfortable with!!

10. I love my ability to remember specific details that others wouldn't!!

I tag: whomever reads this page!!


Woohoo! 100th chapter!!


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