(192) The Black Raven

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I may or may not have an idea for another grimm fic (*chucks it on the ever growing pile* - seriously, I've has at least 6 ideas in the last three months alone!)

This time it would be a Nick Burkhardt / OC fic with Sam Riley as the face claim.

(I'm sorry that I'm so predictable.....)

Basically Mason would be a type of wesen that has the ability to change completley into their animal form, instead of just woging their body parts to look like their animal form*. Nick finds him on the side of the road with stolen jewels in his pockets (these are from various missions that the ravens have been doing - this plot point relates to one of my other ideas) and their relationship progresses from there.

*This idea is 100% inspired by Diaval, sue me.

I guess this means that my current Grimm series will turn into a trilogy???


It is very likely that I will forget this idea even exists and I will never write it, but it is out here now.

Somebody really needs to stop me from making more plots for myself,,,,


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