14: Honestly, I Just Wanted A Little Bit Of Ryangelo Action

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It wasn't too long after Ricky started introducing Chris to everybody that more people started to actually show up. Much to Ricky's surprise, the presence of more people didn't seem to phase the taller boy one bit.

Once Chris had been introduced to everybody there that Ricky was friendly with, he went off in search of Kuza again. After pushing through a couple crowds of people, Ricky found his friend attempting to flirt with some girl with white-ish hair- Franccesca, he was pretty sure that was her name. Rolling his eyes, Ricky began to lead Chris back through the groups of people, deciding that maybe he would look for Ryan or Angelo to pass some time with. He could wait until Mike got rejected to talk to him.


Little did Ricky know, he wouldn't be spending much time with Ryan or Angelo, either.

"Ryan, how the hell are you already drunk?" Angelo exhaled.

Ryan simply shrugged, a loopy grin on his face. By now, the party had only been going on for about forty-five minutes, and Ryan was already quite a bit wasted. Then again, he had gotten to Kuza's house earlier than most of the other party-goers.

Angelo, pretty much being the Designated Mom Friend™ amongst his friend group, had taken it upon himself to make sure the younger boy didn't get himself into any trouble. He didn't exactly mind, though, seeing as he was getting some extra time to himself with Ryan. It was just a bit irritating that he had to repeat phrases like "no, don't touch that, don't even go near it," and "no, Ryan, you can't just take the lamp home," and "Ryan, no, you can't make out with Mike's dog," what felt like every five minutes.

After another few minutes of having to pull Ryan away from fragile objects in the house, the younger boy grabbed Angelo's wrist, starting to bring him somewhere.

"Where are you taking me?" Angelo groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Upstairs," Ryan replied with a giggle.

Truth be told, Mike had a pretty big house. He had the richest parents in town, and they were hardly ever home with him, so he figured the best way to take up space in the house was to turn the place into party central. Of course, a big house came with a handful of extra bedrooms, so Mike's party-goers had plenty of space to fuck, or pass out, or what-the-fuck-ever.

"Why are we up here?" Angelo questioned.

"I'm tired," Ryan mumbled, dragging the older boy into one the empty spare bedrooms.

Angelo definitely wasn't complaining about that. Ryan had been a bit on the hyper side soon after he had started drinking that night, and since then, Angelo's had to be making an effort to look after him. Maybe now he would finally get a break.

Finally, Ryan let go of Angelo's wrist, stumbling over to the well-made bed against the back wall. Angelo closed the door behind him as he slowly followed the younger boy in, watching him struggle to get comfortable. Angelo chuckled in amusement as he kept an eye on the younger boy, until Ryan took more notice of him standing there, and opened his mouth to speak.

"Let me cuddle you," he drunkenly giggled.

"What?" Angelo asked.

"You h-heard me," Ryan slurred, smirking at the older boy. "Come cuddle. Please?"

Angelo let out a sigh, rolling his eyes. It was either get into bed with a drunken Ryan, or put up with a drunken Ryan whining until he got into bed with him. Hesitantly, he hopped up onto the bed next to Ryan, letting him wrap his arms around him.

"That's better," Ryan said softly, nuzzling his face into Angelo's neck.

The older boy chuckled in response, leaning his head back into Ryan. As he did that, the younger of the two seemed to hug him tighter. After waiting for a few minutes, Angelo could hear faint snores coming from Ryan. He was glad to get a break. But, he knew he wouldn't be able to break free from Ryan's grip without waking him.

Then again, he wasn't exactly complaining, as he let himself relax in Ryan's arms. Just the place he had wanted to be for a while now.


Finally, Kuza ended up giving up on that girl. When Ricky found him again, he was having a laugh with his friend, Matt. Upon seeing Ricky and Chris, Mike dismissed Matt, greeting Ricky with his usual smile, accompanied by a wave.

"Hey, man," Kuza said to Ricky, walking towards him. "So, you wanted to, like, explain something to me?"

As far as Ricky could tell, Kuza was a bit tipsy, but he surely wasn't drunk enough to forget anything Ricky was about to tell him- Which was a surprise to him. And, he wasn't drunk enough to go telling everybody in the house that there was a living dead man there, either.

"Yeah," Ricky nodded. "But, uh, we should probably get away from the crowds first."

Mike nodded in response, respecting Ricky's request for privacy. He told Ricky to follow him, and began to lead him and Chris upstairs. He figured his own bedroom would be their best bet for a private conversation. After all, it was on a different side of the house than all the guest bedrooms were.

"Alright, so... You wanted to explain how you became a hero and saved someone's life?" Kuza asked with a smirk, taking a seat on his bed.

"That's really the only logical way to say it without getting weird looks," Ricky chuckled, his hand still in Chris' as they both walked through the door.

Ricky paused, turning to close the door behind him, then sat next to Mike on the bed. Chris followed his actions, sitting next to Ricky, their fingers still intertwined.

"To be blunt about it, Chris is... Well, essentially, Chris is dead," Ricky started. "At least, he was dead when I found him. And, I mean, he's clearly only our age. So, of course, being the absolute angel that I am, I decided I wanted to give him back the life he deserved to live out. And now, here he is."

"You can't be serious," Mike responded, shifting his gaze from Ricky to Chris. The taller boy simply nodded, to get the message across that Ricky was indeed serious.

"It took a bit of work, but I did the research that had to be done and fixed him right up," Ricky said.

"But, how the hell did it work?" Mike inquired.

"For the most part, it was really just electricity," Ricky shrugged. "I had to put the bolts in his neck, cover them with some weird liquid, and then basically electrocute him. Oh, and I had stitch him up before I did it, considering his limbs were all detached."

"So, it was like some classic Frankenstein shit, then?" Kuza asked.

"Basically, yeah," Ricky chuckled. "Just, you know, without all the angry mobs and whatnot."

"That's really cool, actually," Kuza smiled.

Chris, of course, smiled back at him. Ricky's friends, he decided, were a good group of people. They were all different from the norm in some way- Just like he was.

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