4: Phase One Of Ricky's Project Begins

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"Alright," Ricky said to himself, sitting down at the desk in his room, scanning the table of contents in the first book he had checked out from the library. "There we go. Chapter Thirteen: The Living Dead."

As soon as he was done with his dinner, he headed back upstairs to begin reading the books he checked out to find some useful information. After spending a good twenty minutes reading the chapter, then scanning the important parts again, Ricky was able to compile a list of some of the requirements to bring that poor guy back to life.

Ricky now knew that in order to even have a chance of giving him his life back, he needed to make sure the corpse was actually still in one piece. The only problem with that was the fact that he already knew that that corpse was in several pieces.

Sighing, Ricky stood up, grabbing the hoodie hung on his door before leaving his room yet again. Rather than going straight downstairs, though, he headed to his parents' bedroom, knocking on the door. He knew better than to just walk right in. He had learned that lesson the hard way.

His mother wasn't even home yet, seeing as she had some seminar to go to after work, but he still figured it would be for the best not to walk right in.

"Hey, Ricky," his dad greeted as he opened the door. "What's up? What do you need?"

"I was wondering if I could borrow a couple things from your in-home lab," Ricky responded.

"Sure thing," his dad nodded. "What do you need?"

"Uh, for now, just some silk thread and a couple needles, if you've got any," Ricky answered.

"What do you need that for?" his father inquired.

"Oh, just trying an experiment," Ricky shrugged.

"What kind of experiment?" his father asked curiously.

"It's, uh, it's a surprise," Ricky replied.

"Whatever you say," his dad exhaled. "That stuff should be in the top right drawer in the middle container."

"Thanks, dad," Ricky grinned.

"No problem," his father smiled back, gently closing the door once he was sure his son was done talking with him.

Ricky then made his way to the in-home laboratory that his dad had set up a little while after he got his promotion. He loved his job, and he figured it would be for the best if he also had a work station of some sort in his home.

Heading straight to where his father told him the supplies he needed were, Ricky took a deep breath. As soon as he got his hands on the thread and needles he needed, he would be heading out to finish what would be step one of bringing a dead man back to life. He carefully opened the drawer, picked up what he would be needing, then quickly left the room, closing the door behind him.

Ricky guessed that if his dad was trying to sleep, he might as well just head over to the old beat-up house without even bothering to notify him. Besides, he would probably wonder what exactly his son needed to do in that place anyway. Telling his father that he was attempting to resurrect a dead stranger probably wouldn't go over all that well.

Ricky threw his hoodie on, and stuffed the needles, thread, and a flashlight into his pockets, ready to get a head start on his little project. He slipped out the front door, his breath visible in the brisk autumn-night air. With his hands in his hoodie pockets, Ricky began heading toward the decrepit house at the end of the street, doing what he could to prepare himself for the sights and smells that that one room contained. After thinking about it for a moment, he decided it probably would've been a good choice to bring a face mask from his dad's lab with him, but at this point, he didn't really feel like turning back.

With a shaky breath leaving his lips, Ricky opened the house's door, listening to it creak as the last bits of daylight flooded into the living room. He shut the door behind him as he walked in, taking the flashlight out of his pocket, then heading up the stairs.

The door to the dreaded room at the end of the hallway was still unlocked from the first time Ricky was there. He held his breath as he turned the doorknob, suppressing his gagging as the scent of the body hit his nostrils.

As soon as his eyes were met with the sight of the corpse on the table, Ricky let out a sigh. He sure as hell had his work cut out for him. Holding his breath to the best of his ability, Ricky walked even closer to the table, beginning to study the body from a closer distance. From what he could tell, the legs seemed to be in the worst condition, but he figured they should still be able to hold the guy up. As for the rest of his body, besides some bloating, it looked fine to Ricky- Well, as "fine" as a mutilated body could look, anyway.

Ricky decided to start sewing at the top of the body. He began to attach the head first, cringing slightly at the swollen facial features of it. The more he worked, though, the more accustomed he got to the stench, which he figured was for the best of he was going to continue to come here. Sure, he would never really get one hundred percent immune to the scent, but some kind of tolerance was good enough for him.

Once he finished up with the head, Ricky moved on, and began to work on the arms. The head hasn't exactly been a walk in the park, so he could only guess that the rest of the body wouldn't be all that easy, either. Once he had taken care of the right arm, Ricky decided to call it a day. It was getting late, after all. Besides, he had plenty of time to complete this little project. He would just keep working tomorrow.

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