Chapter 40

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"Or late!" Rooster reminded Ozone. The group, finally realizing that they weren't going to die, looked around. They and the general were riding on something giant. Whatever it was, it was equipped with two large bird wings. Recognizing the tri colored fur, Daisy realized that they were on a certain giant flying guinea pig.

"Norman! You're alive!" Tiberius cried, heading over to the guinea pig's face. Hugging his friend, he laughed happily. In response, Norman let out a series of cheerful squeaks. Remembering the wings, the bird monster remarked, "And uh... you can fly now. How long has this been a thing, little guy?"

"Hang on everyone, we're in for a bumpy ride!" Rooster declared, holding onto the blue horn on Norman's nose. Everyone did as they were told, gripping the guinea pig's soft fur firmly. Dodging the falling debri with grace and agility, Norman flew like he had been flying his entire life. In the meantime, they could all hear the ship's computer counting down, "Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

"Come on, come on. Please work!" Sergei muttered, pressing every single button on the dashboard. For some reason, the escape capsule was not working. He then noticed that its rockets were damaged. At the same time, he could hear the ship's computer counting down the seconds. Frightened, he curled up into a ball and awaited his doom as the ship's computer announced, "Three, two, one."

Nothing happened.

"Huh, nothing happened," the ship's computer remarked. Hearing that, Sergei let out a huge sigh of relief. Maybe he wasn't doomed after all. He relaxed while the computer continued talking, "Perhaps my countdown was off by a lit-"


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