After death

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Jade pov:

Before steven can start rambling she tells us we can come out.

Rebecca and i come out. Marc and steven looked shocked when we come out. Steven instantly hugs the both of us but marc just stays back but i can tell that he is glad we are here but i can also tell that he is sad that you are here because it means you are dead. When steven hugs me i slowly back away because i don't really like hugs. He finally lets us go. He looks at Taweret in amazement.

"This is Taweret, goddess of women and children and she's guiding us though our journey to the afterlife wow." He says in total amazement and looks at Rebecka.

Rebecka is looking at him in amazement because she didn't know that much she only knew bits and pieces of it because the red room and in her "childhood" with our "Mother".

"Okay, right so this is the afterlife. the afterlife?" Marc says in a attitude.

I roll my eyes at Marc.

"An afterlife not the afterlife. you'd be surprised how many intersectional planes of untethered consciousness exist." She say and gasp to her self like an imitation of how beautiful they are. "Like the Ancestral Plane. Oh just gorgeous. Anyway, i do actually have cards for all of this if you just wait and...." She started going through her cards and throwing the ones she didn't need away. "I'm sorry, wait, bye. Okay so because the Duat's true nature is impossible for the human mind to comprehend."  She says.

"Right." Steven and Rebecka say and they both nod in acknowledgment. 

Me and Marc both look at each other because we are confused.

"You may perceive this realm as something more easily recognizable to you." She looks around at bit. "A psych ward and whatever yours was." She looks to me and Rebecka .

Steven and Marc look at us confused.

"But, hey we can roll with it, right?" She says.

"Uh why would we imagine this realm as a Psychiatric  hospital?" Steven asks confused.

"Because we're insane." Marc sighed flapped his arms at his sides as he turned away. "We're insane, this talking hippo, talking dead bird, your outside of my body, you guys are her and separated, and the afterlife right? that's the reality and this the hospital, that's the imagination." He says rambling.

I roll my eyes at him because of how dramatic he is being. I sure as hell don't remember him being this dramatic when we were younger but that was a long time a go and we both changed for the better or worse.

"Sorry he's..." Steven says to Taweret  and looks at her apologetically.

"Ooh, man Doctor Harrow's right." Marc says while dropping his hands dramatically.

We all look at him confused.

"Doctor Harrow?" Steven asks for all of us.

"This is an organizing principal." He says  

I furrow my eyebrows.

"Are you on drugs or something because he is not a doctor and plus he is an idiot." I say.

"Is he a doctor now?" Steven says.

He sighs loudly.

"I'll prove it to you." He says while going to a set of doors. "So like right through these doors , for example we go through here there's gonna be patients and there's Crawley probably about to yell bingo!'" He says then opens the doors, "Oh my god, oh my god, what is this?!" He yells.

I come towards him and when i see it. I roll my eyes.

"Oh my god, you are so dramatic." I say walking on the boat.

Steven and Rebecka comes up to us.

"This is the underworld" Steven says in amazement.

Rebecka looks at it.

"It's so pretty." She says.

"I'm not crazy, we're dead!" He says turning around. "Where did you say we are going."

"Yeah, well you didn't believe it a few seconds a go."  I say under my breath so no one hears me.

"We are going to the field of reeds! right Taweret" Steven and Rebecka says.

"Ah so you two are the smart ones. Well if your hearts balance then you will spend eternity in paradise. The Field of Reeds. But before we get there i've got to do a quick little..." She reaches out to marc and steven and take their hearts then takes mine and Rebecka's.

"Oh, goody! It worked look at that. And here i thought little old me was going to blow your chests wide open."  She says a little to happy.

"мне жаль, что (I am sorry what)" I say in Russian. I didn't expect my self to say that in Russian.

(Sorry if the Russian part is wrong i used google translate)

Marc and steven look at me in shock.

"Sense when could you speak Russian?" Marc asks me in confusion.

"When she took me some where." I said.

Steven and marc nod. You can see in marc's eyes that he wants to know more about this place.

Taweret walks over to the scales and puts are hearts on it (please pretend that the scale is big enough to hold all four hearts).Steven explains all the things about the scales and the feather of truth.

"And what if they don't balance?" Marc asks.

"Then you get thrown overboard. The dead will drag you down to the Duat, where you will remain forever, frozen in sand." Taweret says.

"Well that sounds lovely." I say sarcastically and Rebecka elbows me in the chest. I glare at her.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"For saying that." Rebecka says.

I roll my eyes.

"No unbalanced souls on my boat. Them are the rules, But fingers crossed for you guys." She says.

We start heading to the side of the boat.

"I don't care what the hippo says there is no way we are ending up down there and we are going to the field of reeds either." Marc says.

"Then what Marc?" I ask him.

"If it comes to it, we kill the hippo then steal the boat." Marc says.

We all look at him like he is insane.

"Kill?" Steven asks.

Before we can continue the conversion Taweret calls us.

"Uh, friends?" She asks.

We all come over to her.

"It's the hearts they are not full and trust me i am a goblet half-full kind of gal but it's like they fill incomplete." she says.

"So what does that mean?" I ask her.

"Without balanced scales the Duat will claim your souls." She says.

"So what do we do?" Rebecka asks.

"This boat contains all of life memories. Now i don't know what  you four have been hiding but what my advice is that you get in there and show each other the truth balance your scales before we arrive at the field of reeds or your souls will be destroyed." She says.

Rebecka's eyes meet my panicked ones. We know how bad my memories are, i won't mind telling them but showing them is unbearable.

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