Going Through Memories Part 2

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Warning: It might go to other peoples thoughts like little Marc and also i am going to say that Steven was created way before his 12 birthday same with Rebecca, Jake and Jacklen. I also changed how many people she killed

Jade pov:

I sigh and go to were there was a red hour glass or as i know it the black widow symbol and open the door and it is over flowing with dead body's or to be exact 1560 dead body's.

All of them are behind me but i can hear marc and steven gasp.

"Bloody hell!" Steven says.

"Trust me i am not proud of it." I say while closing the door.

"You killed all of those people?" Marc says.

"Yeah." I say and i feel Rebecka puts a hand on my shoulder comforting  because she knows i am not a fan of people touching me after the Red Room.

"How many people?" Steven asks.

"1560 people." I say.

I can tell that steven wants to cry and so does marc but he does not show it. 

"Can we move on from subject?" Rebecka asks.

"Right, yeah." Steven says he spots the scales.

"Look the scales are slowing down it is working." Steven says excitedly.

"Okay, alright so then what now? What do we do? Do you need to go next?" Marc asked steven.

"um........Who is that?" Steven asks us while pointing to a little boy or as me, Marc, Jacklen and Rebecca recognize as Roro.

I just stood there frozen not knowing what to do. I feel Rebecca's hands slide into mine trying to comfort me because she knows i blame myself for it and no matter what anyone says the guilt is always there. 

"Marc, Jade why is there a child in a room full of people you guys killed?" Steven asks terrified.

Steven started going close to him and Marc looks terrified and turns to me but he can see i am frozen.

"Steven, Look don't go near him-" Marc starts to say but then is cut off by steven.

"Hey, little man. What's your name, there?" Steven asks.

"Steven, please don't go near him." Rebecca pleads to him but he does not listen and he goes after Roro after he runs away.

I get out of my frozen state and going after Steven same with Marc and Rebecca. When we get to the door Steven locks it so we can't get in. We go around trying to find to a door that might get Steven over to us. We get to a door and it has are "Mother" looking straight back at us.

"It's just a memory." Marc says repeating it over and over again.

I Just try to calm myself down and Rebecca try's to help me calm down. Marc open's the door and goes in followed by us two.

"Hey, Steven." Marc says.

Steven looks at Rebecca and he looks mad ignoring Marc.

"Did you know" Steven asks her.

"What are you-?" She gets cut off.

"Did you know we had a little brother?"

She sighs sadly.

"Yes, Yes i did but not till after we were gone."

Steven just nodded and then looked at the memory. Are "Mother" was crying and are "Father" was trying to comfort her.

"I want my RoRo back. I want him back." Our "mother says while crying.

The floorboard's of the stairs creak and little Marc that was 9 stepping down the stairs carefully having his hand on the railing and he looks like he is about to cry. I can see our "Mother's" eyes darken and look at him in anger.

I close my eyes preparing for what is about to happen and i feel Rebecca hand tighten on mine.

"What are you doing here, hmm." She said in a low voice that has venom in it.

"Come on, Guys." Marc says trying to get all of us out of here more specifically Steven i can tell by his voice he is very uncomfortable and so am i this is the third time i have been through this the first was time was when it actually happened second time was when i had to show Rebecca and Jacklen and the third time is right now.

"You were supposed to keep him safe." She says angrily and her voice getting higher in pitch. 

I open my eyes to see both Rebecca and steven on the verge of tears even though this is the second time she saw this i knew she would always be on the verge of tears whenever she saw this or are "Mother".  Little marc was trying his best not to cry

"You let him drown. This is all your fault!" She said now yelling and pointing her finger at him.

We all hear heavy steps like someone running down the stars and little me 12 at that time shows up next to marc in a black dress but i had no intentions of going to the shiva because i felt like it was all my fault and i still do think it is i am the older sister i should protected him but i didn't. Little me grabs little Marc on the shoulder softly and i whisper to him about going up the stairs and he runs up there and before i go with him i send a glare to her.

Now that both of us left  she is crying and Steven goes up the stairs chasing after little us, Rebecca lets goes of my hand and starts chasing after Steven and soon enough marc goes to. Before i go with them i send a glare to our "Mother".

The next memory is Marc's 10th birthday and look very sad because  there is no one there besides little me and are "Dad". Marc and me are sitting at the table with the cake with 10 candles on it. We both had birthday hats on looking sad but i tried to look happy. I had a bunch on bandages on me and some of the cuts i had were  stitched because they were pretty deep because it was one on the many times i got glass thrown at me because i was "Backtalking" her which meant was  yelling at her or telling her to stop beaning a bitch and to be a mother instead.

"Wendy? Wendy come on please. Wendy, please! we're just about to blow out the candles now."  "Dad" was trying to convince her but gave up and went to the table with a sorry look on his face and sat on his chair.

"She is not coming." Little marc says sadly.

"Your mother isn't feeling well, Marc. we will just do us three this year."  He says making stupid ass excuses.

"Stop try to make excuses for her." Little me said.

He just stays quite not trying make an argument because he knows that at least twice a week me and her get in a argument and i always end up getting more cuts and bruises on me and sometimes it got so bad one of my teeth got knocked out or i passed out.

Marc blew out the candles but he missed one but he did not notice it so "Dad" blew out for him. Little me gives him a gift and he looks at me surprised because he didn't see it because i was holding it the whole time. It was in a small box wrapped gift wrap. He opens it and it is a handmade bracelet that blue and light yellow and it says bro and sis on it because i couldn't fully put brother and sister on it.

"I know it is not a lot but i don't have-" Little me is  cut of by little marc hugging me.

Little me was shocked by it but slowly wrapped my arms around him to hug him.

Steven all of a sudden runs up the staircase we all follow him up the stairs.  It is another birthday party but i don't know how old he was because this is the one of many birthdays i missed but i could tell he was happier because he and "Dad" had a smile on there faces and it was decorated a lot more. 

"Can't have a birthday without your favorite cake!" "Dad" says with a smile. "Get started on these, okay, son?" He says before walking out of the room.

Little Marc starts to put 1 and 2 candles on when SHE walked into the room with a glass of liquor and the bottle in the other hand stumbling as soon as she does my face turns into disgust already knowing what is going to happen. 

She pulled out a chair and set the glasses down and then sat down. Little marc was watching her with every movement she made preparing him self for the worst. 

"You were always jealous of him. Both you and your sister." She says with slurring her words and coughed out a laugh as little Marc tenses at the mention of his older sister he may hate that she left him but he still cared about her. " Ever since he was born." Little marc peeks up at her preparing for what about she is going to say because it is always the same but it always hurts when he hears it. "I should of know the two of you would do something like this." She laughs again. Little Marcs eyes welled up with tears he tried to be strong like his sister stand up to her and yell at her but he will never be that strong in his mind. He takes of the party hat and runs up the stairs.

"Mum what are you doing?" Steven says looking in horror. Steven runs up the stairs chasing after 12 year old Marc we go after him and when he is about to grab the handle of the closed door that little marc went in he gets pushed out of the way by Marc while me and Rebecca follow him and we are outside of the house. Marc was pulling Steven by the shoulder pushing him out of the house.

"What happened in that room, Marc." Steven said shouting.

Me and Rebecca look at each other silently agreeing that we will not get involved in their argument because they need to figure out each others memories and stuff.

"That's it, Steven. That's it." Marc says while having twisted around and pushing him down the street.

"Alright! Alright!" Steven said giving up on pressing Marc on telling him to what happened in that room.

We are walking down the street we grew up on to a white door that leads to a different memory.

"Why are you remembering her like that? that is not what she was like." Steven says with a pained expression.

I could see Rebecca wanting to tell him every thing that he was made not remember the real her and that they both were made to be escape goats. She looks at to tell him everything but i shake my head mouthing to her that Marc has to tell him.

Steven tried to go back but Marc caught him. "No, let me go back in there! What are you hiding?"

"Marc, son. please come inside! She will get help." I notice that voice as are "dad's" voice.

I quietly scoff at the phrase he always used to say that and he never did have her "Get help".

Marc was a teenager at this point with a duffel bag in his hand. with tears in his eyes and he was striding down the street angrily as "dad" was following him trying to convince him to come "Home" if you could even call it that.

"We will fix this"

"You are supposed to fix this! I mean why haven't you?" Marc says sounding broken and trying not to cry.

"I failed him, i failed the one person i have left, the one person i was supposed to protect" I think repeatedly.

"I cannot lose another kid. Please," Younger Marc pushed "dad's" hand as he tried to beg him to come back. "Please"

"That's enough, Steven"

Marc tackled Steven and the scenery changed into a battlefield that was in a desert. There was dead body's everywhere and there was a couple burning  vehicles. 

Marc let out a pained breath and the sound is very familiar to me i have done the same thing in The Red Room when i had to kill people.

"Oh god.." Steven says horrified as he stumbles an to his feet.  "Harrow said you were a mercenary. That you killed hostages."

"Steven." Rebecca says trying to stop him from saying something he will regret.

"Don't" I whisper to her.

"And you believe that?" Marc asks as he stands up.

"yea, wouldn't put it past you." Steven says sassily,

I could tell Rebecca wanted to say something but she didn't because we both know if we try to intervene we will probably make it worse.

Marc let out a pained laugh and nodded his head. " Turns out going AWOL in a fugue state gets you discharged from the military. Didn't have a ton of options after that, so i went work for hire for my old CO bushman."  Marc said as we follow Steven as he is walking around looking at the dead bodies. "The job was to raid an Egyptian tomb but Bushman changed the plan, called for no witnesses, and i couldn't live with that..."

I knew soon as i heard the words work for hire it was not going to be good because that never ends well with that kind of thing and i knew soon as i heard Egyptian tomb that it was the night that he got the old bird but it is good to know he didn't change a lot it may seem like it on the outside but in the inside he is still my little brother that i once knew. 

"Is that Doctor El-Faouly? Layla's dad?"  Steven says as he points to a man with a scarb, fuschia scarf that looked handmade.

"Yeah. and i tried.... tried to get them all away but we didn't make it clearly," He says softly and his voice cracks.

That explains a lot of how he is now days i think. I feel Rebecca grab my hand again as she try's not cry or say anything.

"What happened to you." Steven asks quietly but loudly enough so that we can hear him.

Marc pointed to a temple which i assume that it is Khonsu's temple. We all start walking  up the hill of sand to the temple. Inside of it they all saw younger Marc covered in blood, groaning in pain as he drags himself towards the staircase that lead to a statue that was more then likely Khonsu. Younger Marc rolled on to his back holding his side, his hand covered in blood and so is his shirt. Younger Marc put a gun under his chin,

I can feel Rebecca's hand tighten and i could see her close her eyes tightly. I can tell that he is pain not only physically but mentally and that he does not know what to do with his life. I failed him like i failed everyone else that just keeps repeating in my head over and over again.

"What a waste." A deep says.

I close my eyes tightly i have been told that in The Red Room an and also a lot of other things that you should not tell anyone especially children. I feel Rebecca's hand slip out of mine but i pay no mind to that.

"Huh?" Younger Marc asks as he looks up confused on where that came from and stopped what he was doing before. 

"I fee; the pain inside of you." The voice of which i assume is Khonshu and did a contemplative hum after. 

"What the hell are you?"

"I am the god Khonshu, in search of a warrior."

Steven looked over at Marc sharply.

Younger Marc let out a very weak chuckle. "A warrior. well, good luck with that."

Marc's head dropped as he gasped in pain.

"Your mind, i feel it. Fractured, broken. Most fascinating." Khonshu hummed. "You are a worthy candidate to serve during this time."

I open my eyes again it pains me to hear how he has been manipulated i know part of the blame is on  me for leavening him i know that if i didn't go to The Red Room he would of went Hydra but i still feel like i could have done something.

Marc stared up darkly at the statue of Khonshu and then his eyes drift back down to his own body.

"In exchange for your life, do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring my vengeance to those  who would do them harm?"

"That sneaky old vulture, he was manipulating you from the start." Steven watched in between Marc and Rebecca looking very sad.

"Yeah well, he kept us alive."

"Was that really living Marc? Because i have seen manipulation and that is it at it's finest ." Rebecca says.

I jab her in the ribs because they don't know anything about that.

They turn to us confused. "what the hell does that mean?" Marc asks.

I sigh and i can see Rebecca give me an apologetic smile. "I will show you guys later." I say even though i don't want them to see it i know it is uninventable.

They seem except that answer because they shut up about it.

Younger Marc looks down at his bloody hand as Khonshu turned persistent. "Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring ,y vengeance to those who would do them harm?" Khonshu's voice seemed to get louder.

Younger Marc slowly nodded his head. "Yes." He agrees very quietly as unsure of his answer.

"Look, the scales. Have we done it? Have we balanced them?" Steven says as he points to the scales it it seems that they are slowing down by a bit.

"Then rise. Rise and live again!" Khonshu's booming voice interrupts us.

Younger Marc's eyes start to glow white that looks like the moon phasing as the wind began to get more violent. His body that is now healed stands up and he extends his arms as the Moon Knight suit forms around him.

"As my fist of vengeance as my Moon Knight!" Khonshu's voice gets very loud at him saying Moon Knight.

We all were interrupted by a very loud screeching noise we all looked around confused.

"Baboons? Come on guys, let's go." Steven says as he runs and we all follow him to the front of the boat and we all see that the underworld was slowly but surely falling apart.

It was an utter mess Baboons running and screeching out of distress and glowing purple beams of light were destroying stuff  and then were landing in the dunes with small bursts of sand.

Taweret was pressing a hand on her chest scared. "Fear is spreading in the upper world unbalanced souls are being judged or condemned to the sands before their time, oh this is bad, this is evil."

We all looked at each other knowing who it is.

"Harrow." Marc says even though we all know who it is.

Steven looks back at Taweret. "You see why we have to go back?"

"Even if i could send you back up there, you'd just be returning to bodies with bullets in them. You wouldn't be able to heal."

So back to square one again i think annoyed not at her just at the situation.

"Can you send a word to Layla? Please help us free Khonshu." Steven said practically begging.

I never though i would see the day were they beg to have Khonshu back but i get why they want him back not only to protect the world but the person there're world.

"Are you sure you want to be with Khonshu again? Seems like you really want to get away from him." She asks worried.

"I did but this is our only shot, it's the way it's got to be." Marc says sadly i can tell that he does not want to be with him again but to save the world and Layla.

Taweret thought about it for a bit before shrugging. "What the heck? Osiris is not going to like this, but his gate is the only way path back."

"Uh before you do anything what is going to happen with us?"  Rebecca's British voice cuts in, i mentally face palm.

"I can figure something out for you guys." She say but then she looks confused. "That is weird i didn't notice that before."

"What?" Rebecca asks worried.

"You two can't have kids." She says to me and Rebecca.

"Wait, what?" I can hear both the boys say.

"Yeah, we know." I say.

"Oh." She say before she grabs on to the stearin g pole and gives it a harsh yank and we all are thrown to the side of the boat. "Get back inside! you don't have long. Get those scales balanced!" She yells as we go back inside the boat. 

"Back at the house, there was that bedroom that you didn't want us to go into. That's it! That's where we will go. Then you guys have to show us you memories."   Steven points us to the end of that last sentence.

I know for a fact that i know what happened in that room even if i wasn't there.

"Just a second. Just wait a second! Just give me a second here. Okay!  Um, look we don't have to go back through it all again. We can just talk. Let's just talk. Right here, right now. I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything, okay. I'm just begging you, don't make us go there again. It's not worth it." Marc say panicking.   

"Not worth it? Not worth it!?  Marc you are about to lose everything. Marc do you understand? If we don't get back, and Harrow succeeds, and all those people die. If Layla dies, that's on your head. It'll be all your fault." Steve shouts.

"Steven." Rebecca says somewhat harshly. 

"No, no, no! I can't! I won't do it! I won't do it! You can't make me! You can't make me-"Marc says while slapping his face.

*Time skip*

We are back in the room Marc did not want us to go in.

Young Marc swipes all the toys of his desk and drops on the carpeted ground his back against the chest of drawers. He puts his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"I don't........ This is my room. I remember some things, but not this." Steven says confused.

Our "Mom" is pounding at the door. Little Marc rocking back and forth whimpering and jumping from every loud pound of the door.

"It's not my mom. It's not my mom." He kept chanting over and over again.

"Marc, open this door. Open this door right now." "Mom" Demanding as the knocks got louder and louder same with her voice.

We all flinch at her tone and the loud knocking. I tried miserably because as much as i hate to admit it i will always be a scared little girl that was just trying to protect her brother and nothing more then that.  

"It's not my mom. It's not my mom." He keeps chanting.

"Open this door!"

"It's not my mom. It's not my mom-" His eyes rolled in the back of his head and his head jerked up a bit  and i could tell by the poster and everything that it was Steven now. "Bloody hell. look at the state of this place. Better sort out before Mum sees it......"

Younger Steven started to clean up his toys.

"Mom" kept banging at the door. "Marc open this door right now!" She yells.

Steven spots the poster and reads it out loud. "When danger is near, Steve Grant has no fear.... You made me up." He said realizing.

There was two bangs on the door. "Open this door right now!"  "Mom" Yells.

The door fly's open Steven and Rebecca flinch at it opening harshly. "Mom" gets the belt that was on the hook of the wardrobe. I knew what was going to happen it has happed to me multiple time but the fact that it happened to him and i couldn't prevent makes me sick. Younger Steven froze looking at the ground before he started to clean his room again.

(This is the longest chapter I made it is around 4139 words)

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