Talking with layla

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Jade pov:

"Okay ." She said

I get my bike and meet her at the street I said I will meet her at .

She arrives.

"So we're are we going?" She asks

"If it is okay with you I need to go to my apartment first ." I said .

"Okay then let's go there ." She said .

Time skip

You both arrive at the apartment complex .you both are walking in and get in the elevator.

"Ok so who are you ?" She asks

"My name is jade but the reason why he called me Rebecca is because I have a similar thing like him ." I said

The elevator beeps and you both get out and start walking towards your apartment.

"So you mean like there is like two different people in you ?" She asked.

"That is the short explanation of it I guess." I said while opening my apartment door. She comes in with me .

"So do you know any reason why he wouldn't let me know that he had Steven or he why he left me ?" She asks .

I start packing stuff.

"I don't know I haven't seen him in a long time if anything he will be mad at me but my best guess on the Steven part is that is he was afraid you would judge him ." I said with full on honest honesty.

" why would he mad at you and be afraid I would judge him about Steven?" She asks .

"In a short explanation I left him but if you want the full thing you need ask him because if he did not tell you some other things." I said .

"So your saying he has more secrets and why can't you tell me ?" She asks .

I am done packing and look at her .

"I am not saying he is keeping more secrets from you and I can't tell you because it is kinda like a compromise situation like we need to ask each other if it is okay to tell people certain things so if it wasn't like that I would tell you but that is up to him not just me ." I said .

"Ok so if he says It is okay to tell me you would immediately tell me ?" She asked confused.

"Yes ." I said bluntly.

"But why you just met me ?" She asks me .

"If mark trusts you then I trust you ." I said .

She sighed. " I just wish he would tell me things I mean I am his wife ." She said clearly frustrated.

I look at her confused .

" wait you guys are married?" I asked .

"Yeah you didn't know?" She asked confused.

"No . I am sorry I couldn't be there when you got married." I said hiding the sadness in my voice that I couldn't see my little brother get married because I missed so much of his life.

"Sorry you didn't know . " she said .

"It's fine. " I said .

"Do you got all your stuff?" She asks .

"Yeah just a second." I said .

I changed into normal clothes and get my passport that allows me to bring my weapons.

"Ok let's go . Where do you have to stop?" I ask .

"I have to get a fake passport do you need one ?" She asks .

"No need I have one ." I show it . "It also lets me bring my weapons." I said

"Ok but where did you get that or do you know how to make passport's ?" She asks .

"Yeah I know how to make the but I can't do yours because I need a new camera." I said while grabbing my bag .

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