3. Unveiling The Plot

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“It wasn't a dream. I actually signed the contract and the historical setting I woke up in was part of the merged story!” I muttered to myself, my mind racing to catch up with the bizarre turn of events.

As I began to sink down, overwhelmed by the weight of it all, something soft and yielding caught me.

A magical bean bag materialized beneath me, supporting me just as I was about to hit the ground.

“Well, that's unexpected,” I said aloud, my voice a mix of disbelief and awe.

The bean bag adjusted itself to my form, offering comfort and stability in that bewildering new reality.

As I sat on the magical bean bag, the comforting embrace eased my initial shock, and a flurry of questions swirled through my mind.

“What do I do now? How do I return back to my world?” I pondered aloud, feeling the weight of uncertainty settling in.

“Wait, why am I acting like a female lead who got plunged into a different reality against her will?” I chuckled nervously, recalling the countless time travel dramas I had binge-watched, where protagonists often found themselves inexplicably transported to unfamiliar times and places.

I think I can relate to Go Ha Jin at a spiritual level now.

Where are my hot guys though?

No, Haejin, focus!

Damn that Yara! If she hadn't piqued my curiosity then this wouldn't have happened!

“Right, Yara!” I hurriedly stood up and turned a bit, ready to find her.


“Were you here the whole time?” I asked, my voice wavering slightly with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

Yara's gaze was serene, her expression unreadable yet somehow reassuring.

“Yes,” she replied calmly. “I stayed silent because I thought it would be better to give you some time to take in the realization.”

I nodded slowly, digesting her words. It made sense, in a strange way. Yara had guided me here, unveiled a world of possibilities, and then allowed me the space to come to terms with the gravity of my choices.

Before I could ask her anything else, the air around us began to shimmer, as if infused with sparkling dust. The shimmering light grew brighter, forming a swirling vortex in the center of the room.

Within moments, the vortex began to take shape, gradually revealing the outline of a figure.

With a soft, melodic chime, the light coalesced into a solid form, and there stood Jina, appearing as if she had stepped through a portal from another world.

Her eyes met mine, a mix of relief and exhaustion in her gaze.

Seeing Jina now, the memory of our first encounter flashed through my mind. I remembered how I had snapped at her, mistaking her for my doppelganger, actress Kim So Hyun.

“Jina,” I began, my voice sincere and a bit shaky, “I'm really sorry for how I reacted earlier. I mistook you for someone else, and I know that wasn't fair to you. I hope you can forgive me.”

Jina's expression softened, a small smile playing on her lips. “It's okay, Haejin-ssi,” she replied gently. “It must have been relaxing for you to empty your heart like that. I'm glad I could help, even if unintentionally.”

Her understanding and kindness eased my embarrassment.

“Thank you,” I said, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

“But why are you using honorifics with me? I'm sure you're older than me,” I asked, tilting my head slightly in curiosity.

Jina's brows furrowed in thought. “Come to think of it, how old am I really?” she wondered aloud. “In Shadows of Regrets, I married due to political reasons at 20 and died tragically at 22.”

My eyes widened in shock. “What? 20 is too young for marriage, and 22, well... 22 is just too young to die!” I replied, my voice filled with genuine concern and disbelief. “I'm 22 and I'd rather not die now.” Even if my life is crappy.

I noticed Jina's traditional attire and reminded myself. It's historical fiction. What else can be expected?

Jina nodded, her expression somber. “But that's not all. After my death, I found out the truth about my existence as a fictional character and arrived in the Awakened Characters Realm. And now, in the merged story, I was 16. So, what actually is my real age?” she asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

“Don't ask me. I suck at maths,” I said, shrugging. “I'm sure Yara can tell.”

Yara smiled, stepping in. “Jina, I suggest you just consider age a number. It's your experiences and skills that will benefit you, so focus on them more.”

Both Jina and I nodded in agreement.

“Did you experience any changes because of the merger or things are following your story's plot?” Yara asked Jina.

“There are changes. Let me tell you in detail,” Jina began.

🌸 POV Change 🌸

💮 Flashback 💮

After Haejin unknowingly activated the swap feature by snapping her fingers and returned to the Transition Lounge, Jina took over her own body.

She blinked, trying to orient herself in the new surroundings. The transition was seamless, yet disorienting.

One moment she was in the ethereal space of the Transition Lounge, and the next, she found herself back in her own body.

Jina looked down at herself, noticing the white jeoksam (traditional shirt-like garment) and white baji (traditional pants) she was wearing. The feel of the fabric was both familiar and comforting.

She reached up and touched the white bandage wrapped around her head, a reminder of the injuries she had sustained in the merged story's plot.

What happened to me? Why am I injured?

A soft, worried voice interrupted her thoughts. "Miss, are you alright?"

Jina turned to see Doo Na, her loyal maid, sitting beside her bed, her eyes wide with concern.

“Doo Na-ya,” Jina said, her voice a bit shaky but growing steadier. “What happened? How did I end up like this?”

Doo Na took a deep breath before responding, her voice filled with a mix of urgency and concern. “Miss, your father, General Hae, tasked you with an imperative mission. You were to deliver your clan's moonstone amulet to the king. This amulet was bestowed by the Moon Deity to your clan's founder generations ago. The current clan leader wishes to give it to the king as a sign of reverence and respect.”

As Doo Na spoke, Jina felt a strange sensation in her mind. Images and memories she didn't recognize began to flood her consciousness.

She saw herself receiving the moonstone amulet from her father, the weight of responsibility heavy in his eyes. She saw the careful planning she had undertaken to disguise her true mission.

These memories aren't mine. What's happening?

“You were to ensure the swift and safe delivery of the divine amulet,” Doo Na continued. “You planned everything meticulously so that to outsiders, it would seem as though you were merely visiting your aunt, Lady Hae, in the capital.”

“Merging the stories could create unpredictable outcomes,” Jina’s eyes widened as she recalled Yara’s warning.

So, this is the plot of the merged story.

The memories continued to download into her mind.

She remembered the elaborate ruse she had devised to protect the mission's secrecy. She had taken every precaution to ensure that no one would suspect the true nature of her journey.

“However,” Doo Na's voice wavered, “one night, while we were staying at the inn, the box containing the amulet began to emit an extraordinary amount of spiritual energy. It was overwhelming.”

Jina felt a chill run down her spine as more memories flooded in.

She saw herself at the inn, feeling the intense energy radiating from the amulet. The power was beyond anything she had experienced before.

“Being a descendant of the divine lineage of the Moon Deity, you were deeply affected by the disturbance,” Doo Na explained. “You collapsed, and we've been worried sick about you ever since.”

Jina absorbed this information, her mind reeling from the influx of new memories.

“So,” Jina began, her voice steadying as she pieced together the plot, “I was tasked with successfully delivering the divine amulet, but its intense spiritual energy affected me, and I collapsed.” She shook her head, feeling the weight of the new plotline. “This is far more complicated than I initially thought. How long have I been unconscious?”

“Three days,” Doo Na replied, her expression still tinged with worry. “Miss, there's more that you need to know, but I’m afraid it will further complicate things.”

Jina took a deep breath, determination evident in her eyes. “Just shoot the arrows, Doo Na. I need to know everything.”

Doo Na hesitated for a moment before continuing. “The physician diagnosed you with a condition called Spirit-Split Malady. It’s a rare affliction where your essence, your spirit, is divided into two distinct and contrasting entities.”

Jina’s eyes widened as she processed the information. “Spirit-Split Malady…” she repeated, the name echoing in her mind.

“So, my spirit is split into two separate parts, each with its own characteristics?”

“Yes,” Doo Na confirmed, her voice soft. “The physician believes that the intense spiritual energy from the amulet may have triggered this condition.”

As if my existence as a fictional character wasn't depressing enough. Now, even my spirit is split into two?! This is unfair! Jina thought, frustration bubbling within her.

Did my other half reach the Awakened Characters Realm? What if she got lost on the way?

I need to inform Yara-ssi and Haejin-ssi about this plotline. But…

Jina paused as she looked into Doo Na’s eyes, seeing the worry etched deeply within them.

Doo Na’s face softened, tears shimmering in her eyes. “Miss, you've faced so much since you were young. Now, at just 16, you have to bear this rare Spirit-Split Malady. It's all so unfair.”

So I'm 16 here. Jina took a mental note of her ‘new’ age.

She inhaled deeply, overwhelmed by Doo Na's unwavering support and her own sense of responsibility. “Thank you, Doo Na-ya,” she said softly, squeezing her maid’s hand gently. “Together, we will find a way through this.”

(A/N: Imagine that a white bandage is wrapped around her head.)

Doo Na nodded, her voice trembling with emotion. “I promise to stand by your side, Miss. No matter what challenges come our way.”

“Thank you,” Jina said gratefully, pulling her into a warm hug.

Informing them can wait. Right now, comforting Doo Na is more important, she thought, holding onto the embrace.

After a while, Jina gently broke the hug.

“Where’s Yong?” she asked.

“He’s brewing your medicine to make sure everything is precise,” Doo Na replied.

Just then, the room's door slid open and a figure wearing an all black attire entered.

It was Yong, Jina's personal bodyguard and Doo Na's brother.

"Brother," Doo Na exclaimed, hurrying to close the door behind him while Yong placed the wooden tray on the table.

He lifted the porcelain bowl and handed it to Jina.

“Miss, your medicine,” he said softly.

Jina took the bowl from him and brought it near her lips. The bitter smell told her how awful the dark-brownish liquid was.

She closed her eyes and gulped the contents in one go.

“Awful,” Jina muttered, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

Yong took the empty bowl from her hand with a nod.

Doo Na quickly offered her some raisins, her eyes filled with concern. “Here, Miss. These will help with the taste.”

Jina took the raisins gratefully and popped them into her mouth, chewing slowly. The sweetness was a welcoming contrast to the bitter medicine, gradually cleansing her palate.

“Thank you,” she said, looking at both of them. “But why do I suddenly feel so dizzy?”

“The physician mentioned dizziness as a side effect of the medicine,” Yong replied calmly.

Jina nodded, her eyelids becoming heavier by the second.

The room seemed to sway around her as Doo Na gently guided her to lie down on the bed.

As Jina closed her eyes, she felt Doo Na pulling the blanket over her and the world faded into darkness

The next moment, she found herself back in the Transition Lounge.

💮 Flashback Ends 💮


“So... You had to deliver a divine amulet, but its intense spiritual energy affected you, making you unconscious for three days, and now your spirit is split into two? Also, you're a descendant of the Moon Deity lineage?” I said, trying to wrap my head around everything Jina had just shared. “That's a lot to take in.”

Jina nodded slowly, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions.

I took a deep breath, attempting to process the weight of her words. It felt surreal, like something out of a fantasy novel. But then again, Jina was a fictional character brought to life in this strange reality.

“I can't even imagine how overwhelming this must be for you,” I said, stepping closer to her. “But we'll figure this out together. You're not alone in this.”

“Indeed. We are here for you, Jina,” Yara replied, stepping forward with a reassuring smile.

“First, let's locate the other half of your spirit and bring her here,” she added, her tone resolute.

Yara closed her eyes, and her form shimmered brightly, casting an ethereal glow around the room.

A moment later, she opened her eyes, and the shimmer dimmed.

“I can't find it,” she said, her voice filled with concern.

“What do we do now?” Jina asked, her voice tinged with worry. “Will it hinder my life?”

Yara and I exchanged concerned glances.

“Maybe…” I trailed off, finding myself at a loss for words.

“Could it be…” Yara conjured a crystal ball-like object and directed it towards Jina.

“Hold it for a moment,” she instructed, and Jina complied, grasping the crystal ball with both hands.

After a brief pause, a vibrant golden light began to flicker from the crystal ball.

“Wow…” Both Jina and I were awestruck by the spectacle.

Yara gestured for the crystal ball to float towards her, and it obediently glided away from Jina's hands.

She studied it intently for a few moments before making it vanish into thin air.

“I know I shouldn't be surprised... But that was awesome!” I clapped my hands together like an enthusiastic five-year-old.

“Thanks,” Yara smiled.

“Also, I've found that we are at an advantage. Jina, your spirit isn't split into two,” she informed, looking at Jina.

“It isn't? But, Doo Na wouldn't lie to me,” Jina replied.

“She didn't lie. Your Spirit Split Malady is a plot device,” Yara informed.

“A plot device?” Jina repeated. “Sometimes I forget that I'm a fictional character,” she muttered to herself.

“How is this an advantage for us?” I asked, my curiosity piqued.

“Remember how I told you to adapt to the narrative to avoid raising suspicion?” Yara said.

“Yes,” I nodded.

“Well, now you no longer have to do that,” she informed me.

“Really? Can I be myself in the narrative?” I asked, my eyes widening.

“Yes,” Yara confirmed with a smile.

“That's awesome!” I exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement. “I can't wait to meet the characters for real! My SooSo ship, fighting!”

“But wait, when will the plot of moon lovers start? Oh no, what if it started already? I don't want to miss anything!” I started overthinking again.

“Don't worry. Just follow the narrative and things will fall into place,” Yara assured.

“Follow the narrative... So, delivering the divine amulet is our priority now?” Jina asked.

“Yes. Visit the palace and you'll find out what happens next,” Yara replied.

“Go Ha Jin arrived in Damiwon when the princes were taking a bath. What if I hide within the plants like Chae Ryung? I can watch the scene unfold right before my eyes!” I laughed like a maniacal fangirl.

“I didn't know humans are so... shameless,” Jina commented.

“I'm not... shameless,” I defended myself.

“Is spying on someone taking a bath not shameful?” Jina raised an eyebrow.

“I'm not going to spy on real people. They are characters!”

“Just because we are characters, do we not deserve any privacy?” Jina asked, her tone serious.

I found myself at a loss of words, unable to muster a coherent response.

The weight of Jina's question hung in the air, challenging my perception of fictional existence and the boundaries we, as viewers, might inadvertently cross.

“Calm down, you two,” Yara interjected gently, sensing the tension.

“Jina, remember that fiction is crafted for entertainment, so humans reading or engaging with it aren't crossing boundaries or being shameless,” Yara explained reassuringly.

Then, turning to me with a knowing smile, she continued, “And Haejin, I get your excitement as a fan, but it's important to see the characters as 'real people' while you're within the narrative. It helps maintain respect for their privacy and integrity, just like we would want for ourselves.”

“I'm sorry,” both Jina and I chimed in simultaneously, the moment feeling oddly reminiscent of my middle school days, apologizing to a teacher after a minor mishap.

“Apology accepted,” Yara replied calmly. “Now, shall we focus on devising a plan for the future?”

We spent some time discussing our approach, mapping out the basics without delving too deep into specifics. The conversation was light but purposeful, with each of us contributing ideas for the future.

The following day, in Jina's body, I prepared to visit the palace according to our plan.

Doo Na dressed me in Jina’s finest attire while Yong made all the necessary preparations for the journey.

After having breakfast at around 8 in the morning, we departed from the inn.

Approximately four hours later, the carriage came to a halt, signaling our arrival at the palace.

I took a deep breath, about to step down from the carriage when my eyes noticed the sky, which had darkened as the moon began to cover the sun.

Wow! First episode has begun!

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