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LEAVING MCGONAGALLS OFFICE, BOBBIE FELT HER SHOULDERS SLUMP. For tonight she would have to go back to her Slytherin common room and dorm in fear of running into those who taunted her. As much as the young girl was thankful for the three Gryffindor for saving her from what might have been, Bobbie couldn't help but feel her cheeks burn when thinking about it. Would they think of her as weak for not standing up for herself? For not saying anything to them? For not fighting back? After all, she was a Slytherin and known around the school of Hogwarts was that a Slytherin never did not stand up for themselves. But Bobbie didn't, what was the point? She didn't want to cause no harm or upset to anyone, even if that person was Lucius Malfoy or Bellatrix Black. But her spirits also lifted when Bobbie thought of what her professor had said to her – she was 'a beautiful person'. No one had ever complimented the girl to the point that she was on the verge of tears, was it true? Bobbie couldn't see if for herself, but she knew her professor would never lie to her, she could see it in her eyes. Maybe, just maybe if Bobbie began listening to McGonagall's words, she could begin to believe it and begin to overcome her impediment, seeing herself for how she truly is.

Walking past the paintings on the way to the great hall for supper, Bobbies braced herself as she walked into the gigantic room lined with students grabbing food from every direction, filling their mouths to fill the hunger from their afternoon classes. Walking in she looked from left to right, looking at both the Gryffindor and Slytherin table. On the Slytherin table she saw the group at the top of the Slytherin hierarchy, her bullies, the ones she tried most to avoid. But on the Gryffindor table sat her friends, her kind hearted, lovely friends who she held so dearly to her heart. Lily spotted her and instantly waved her arm signalling to come and sit with her at their table.

Knowing that going and sitting at her house's table would almost be a form of torture for her at this point, she decided to turn to the left, putting her head down, not wanting to see the death stares coming from her housemates. Coming to Lily's side, with her head down still, she didn't catch the stare coming from another direction, a longing gaze that only wanted to catch a glimpse of the girl's face, wanting to know whether she was okay.

"You know, if you strain your neck any higher to get a look at her, it might break." Sirius said to Remus, who turned his head so quickly, a pain shot through neck, causing him to groan and hold the painful are as his friend snorted, hiding his laugh with his food. "Told you, "He muttered as Remus blushed, uttering a sarcastic laugh.

Now knowing his friends had seen him looking at the girl, the boy dropped his head, his hair slightly falling around his face, trying to hide the redness of his cheeks. "If you like her Remus, go talk to her." James whispered, ducking his head down to the same level as his friends. Remus looked up slightly, "what? In front of all these people and make a fool of myself? Yeah, great idea, why I just go and tell her as well how I'm a werewolf might as well do the whole shabang and go to the full extent of embarrassment." He whispered as James and Sirius rolled his eyes, "Listen you little love sick wolf puppy, I don't know that girl personally and probably never will do because Lily will probably find a way to throw me off the astronomy tower, since she so overprotective of her. But Remus, I can see through your eyes you utterly adore the girl without speaking to her, now all you need to go is go up and say 'hi', you know, like a normal person." James told him, with a 'duh' look on his face.

"James, I don't see the point in you giving out girl advice when the girl you like talks more to wall than she does to you." Sirius told him pointing his fork at James, as he then turns to Remus, who huffs knowing he's about to get a lecture from the biggest player in Hogwarts. "Listen Remus, since I, the best-looking guy in Hogwarts, have been on a few dates with girls, this is what you're going to do. You're going to figure out who she is, hat she likes, what her hobbies are and utterly drench her in romance, make her fall in love with you, and then ask her on a date. It's that simple – first thing tomorrow during her study period with Lily, we'll distract Lily, she'll probably end up going and killing James, the you'll swoop in and talk to her – simple as." By the time Sirius has finished telling his friends the plan, they had the jaws dropped, not understanding where this Sirius had come from.

James turned to Remus, furrowing his eyebrows. "Why did I never get this plan with Lily?" He questioned as Sirius just shrugged, once again digging into his food. "Because you were a lost cause let's be honest James, you're like a Bull in a China shop when talking to Lily. Remus is like a statue in museum."

Remus and James just stared at each other, slightly gobsmacked by the change in Sirius, who would normally say the complete opposite and make Remus go and ask her out on a date straight awa instead of actually getting to know the girl. James leant over the table to where Sirius was sitting, knocking on Sirius's head like a door. "Hello, Cupid, get out of my friends head, it's getting creepy."

Sirius rolled his eyes and both Remus and James laughed. "Look, I am not the lovey dovey type, but Romeo over here is, except for the part of actually talking to the girl, so I'm taking into my own hands." He finished his plate of food and stood up, "I have to go, got a cute Hufflepuff date, but do not forget the plan for tomorrow, I am only becoming cupid once." He walked off, leaving his friends, once again with their jaws dropped.

"Has someone Imperiod him?" James shrugged, leaving them both amused and confused. 

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