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POTIONS WAS FINALLY OVER, AND BEFORE LILY COULD SPEAK TO BOBBIE, the young girl was out the door. She knew she didn't have anything to worry about, she was sure the looks the young Lupin boy gave her meant nothing, but she couldn't be sure, and she wasn't taking any chances. So she ran, into the huge hallways, making sure she was as far away from the potions classroom as she could be, but sometimes when you run from someone, you run into someone new.

And that's exactly what Bobbie did, except it was the people she had been running from since the start of Hogwarts. The Slytherins were in their crowd, muttering towards one another, not yet noticing Bobbie was walking by. The young girl put her head down, not wanting to be seen by her fellow Slytherins, but when walking by, it was Lucius Malfoy who noticed the girl.

"Well, well, look who it is, little deaf dummy." Lucius Malfoy laughed to his friends, not realizing Bobbie could read their lips. Rolling her eyes, swallowing, Bobbie tried to carry on walking, hoping that they might leave her alone, but that wasn't how the Slytherins work, they wouldn't leave it at that.

Knowing she couldn't hear them, they grabbed her attention in another way. Lucius pushed her, the books she was carrying falling right out of her hands, onto the floor as well as herself. Swallowing, trying to gather her books, Bobbie knew what they were doing behind her back, she could feel them laughing at her, as they usually did. But Bobbie knew better than to back down to them, but before she could begin walking away from them, the Slytherins turned their heads, almost as if someone was shouting to them.


"I just don't understand, it was almost as though she was avoiding me altogether, she was out the door before I could even walk up to her. I told you, i'm no good with girls, there's just no point." Remus told both Sirius and James, Peter had left saying something about 'being hungry and going to the kitchens' but the other three decided to head to the great hall in their free period. Sirius just rolled his eyes at his friend, knowing Remus was once again self-doubting when he had no reason two.

Already, both Sirius and James knew the pair were like each other, both shy and the sort that was unable to talk to others. They had figured that out about the girl because she hung out around Lily, and she seemed to attract people that felt shy, uncomfortable around people, and she was able to bring them out, lightening them up, it's the sort of effect the girl had on people.

"Maybe she can sense your wolf-like attitude," Sirius joked, laughing slightly before stopping when seeing Remus's deathly stare. "Okay bad joke, but seriously she might like you that much that she is nervous just in your presence."

Remus just sighed, "I've never even spoken to her, just smiled, she has no reason to be nervous around me." He told his friend, as James raised an eyebrow. "That must have been one hell of a smile then, ey Remus, to knock her off her feet like that." He nudged his friend's shoulder, giving him a wink sarcastically.

Before Remus could say anything else, the trio heard laughing, and knew exactly where it was coming from, they had heard it before when the group had taunted them, but now it wasn't the three boys the Slytherins were taunting, it was someone else. Sirius was the first one to say something to them if there was one thing Sirius Black hated the most in life, it was the Slytherins, they knew how to get under his skin, especially when mentioning his family, and he was never one to back down from a duel with them.

"Hey! What in the hell do you think you're doing?" Sirius exclaimed to them, as both Remus and James looked at each other, knowing this wasn't going to end well, especially when the Slytherins were involved.

Bellatrix laughed at her cousin, giving the evil smile she always had on. "Just showing little Bobbie here that she doesn't belong here, are we not allow little Siri?"

It was Bobbie, the girl Remus wanted to speak to ever so much, and it was the Slytherins terrorizing her, but why? Why didn't she belong in Slytherin, as Bellatrix had said? He looked at the young girl who seemed to be shocked at the fact that they had turned up, looking at Sirius as if he was mad for doing such a thing, but it wasn't like Sirius to care. Another part of Sirius was doing this for Remus, although he probably wouldn't admit it, the girl meant something to his friend, and he would not let a group of Slytherins harm her.

"Piss off Bellatrix, why don't you go and pick on someone your own size," Remus told her, and Sirius looked over at Remus shocked. The young boy was never one to get involved in the spats both Black and Potter got into with the Slytherins, normally he would just shake his head, telling them to leave off it, or roll his eyes, knowing a professor wouldn't be too far behind them. But something inside of Remus told him to say something to them, the young girl didn't deserve to be harassed by them, and he would make sure they knew it.

Lucius laughed, staring at the scarred boy. "Well, well, if it isn't Lupin, have a little crush on the retard do you?" He asked, smirking as Remus just raised an eyebrow, his eyes flashing to Bobbie who had gathered her books, standing up, looking down at the ground, not knowing what to do in the situation.

Remus just swallowed, trying to gather the courage that was told to be a stereotypical trait of a Gryffindor was meant to have, Remus never had it before but maybe this once, it might be able to shine through. "Just piss off Malfoy, haven't you grown up yet, I mean you are the oldest out of all of us, maybe you should set an example." he sneered at Lucius, who once again laughed.

"Oh but Lupin, I am setting an example, an example of how a Slytherin should be, not like this freak." All free Gryffindor's had had enough, and it was Sirius that threw the first spell, a stinging hex, right at Lucius Malfoy, who then threw one back. Not a second later, hexes were being thrown between the two houses, but that was until a loud shout could be heard from behind them.

"What in Merlin's name is going on here?!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, staring between the two. James was the first to speak up, trying to tell the professor who was culpable, but Remus just sighed, closing his eyes. Sirius had thrown the first spell, making it technically the three's fault, and although he knew the three, as well as the Slytherins, would get an almighty amount of attention, he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. Looking behind him, he saw Bobbie standing against the wall, trying to stay out of the way of the duel that happened. She looked back at him, and It was almost as though he could tell what she was saying without even opening her mouth, he could tell with her eyes. But instead of saying anything, she just smiled at him, gratefully nodding her head. He was about to open his mouth when Professor McGonagall called him.

"And Remus, I expected better from you." She told him, as he just bowed his head and nodded. She turned her head to Bobbie, "are you alright, dear?" She asked, as the girl just nodded in reply. "You three, back to your dorm rooms, now. I'll see you in detention tonight and for the rest of the week at 7, don't be late. Off, now." She told them as Remus just turned his head towards Bobbie, trying to find some excuse to stay and talk to her, but James just pulled his sleeve, dragging him and Sirius before they got into any more trouble.

McGonagall had made the Slytherins, telling them of how Slughorn would be informed of their behavior, and Remus couldn't help but smile at the thought of the Slytherins in detention. When walking further down the corridor, he turned back his head once one, seeing McGonagall talk speak to Bobbie, as the girl silently nodded.

The young boy couldn't help but have a disappointing feeling In the pit of his stomach, he had once again failed to speak to the girl. But he saw her smile again, and for a part of him, that was enough.


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