Ashley H. - Solangelo

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(No hate to any Ashleys out there! I just thought up a random name. The gods have been revealed.)

Ashley P.O.V.

Hello, peasants. It is I, your queen! Well... Queen of North Shore High, that is. Since summer, the gods have been revealed. Of course, I'm not actually one of their kids, but I pretend to be. Like, why not? I claim myself a child of Hera, because I've heard she is a queen, like me. I said 'I've heard' because I don't know schist about the gods. Anyways, let's start my story!

My name is Ashley Henderson. I have wavy blonde hair and bangs. My hair is pretty short, considered a bob. The ends are dyed a pretty pink. Almost as pretty as me! Hah. I have natural brown eyes, but I wear blue contacts, because blue eyes are the prettiest. (All eyes are pretty, this is just this character's opinion for the story.) Today I'm wearing a read and black tank top, with tight black leggings. They show off my curves, if you know what I mean. To top it all off I put on a sophisticated striped headband.

There is this boy at my school. He has beautiful, curly, golden hair. His eyes are so many shades of blue, you can't even count. He has the perfect body, perfect tan, perfect everything! Well, almost everything. He turns down every person that asks him out. I know he's obviously waiting for me. Although, he should know it's classic for the guy to ask the girl. Which is why I think he is going to ask me out today after school. His name is Will Solace and he's just the sweetest, hottest, smartest, guy ever! And the most popular, so bonus for me.

He seems like he is waiting for something to happen later. He's not paying attention in class, just staring at the clock smiling. 'How do you know this?' You may ask. Well, while he watches the clock, I watch him. It's simple. Too cute to keep my eyes off of.

Wills P.O.V.

I'm so excited today! It's the last day of school, which means my friends and boyfriend are picking me up! My friends know I'm gay, but not the rest of the school. I couldn't pay attention in class all day! I just stared at the clock the whole period.

"Why are you so excited today?" My friend, David, asks. "My friends are picking me up! And... Nico?" I tell them. "Ooooh, looks like Willy's wittle boyfwend is coming for a visit!" my other friend, Alicia, teases. I blush and look away from the group. "Woah! Will, why didn't you tell us your boyfriend was coming? I need to look good, if you know what I mean." Cameron says winking. Don't worry, that's the last friend with me right now. I send him the best glare I can manage, since I'm really excited it's kinda hard.

"Are we going to get to meet him?" David asks. "I guess, if you want to." The group smiles at that. We head to our next class and are impatiently waiting.

~Time skip to after school~

Still Will P.O.V.

I lead my friends outside, to see a blue Porsche, a yellow Corvette, and a black Ferrari pull into the school parking lot. Looks like they did a lot of carpooling, today. (thanks to @geekingfangirl for the car names)

Out of the blue car, walks Annabeth, Percy, Leo, and Calypso. From the yellow one, Jason, Piper, and Thalia. And lastly, from the black car, Nico, Hazel, Frank, and Reyna walk out. I grin and motion for my friends to follow me to them. I hug them all one bye one, ending with an  extra long hug for Nico. After we pull away from the hug, I put my arm around Nico and face my mortal friends. "Alicia, David, and Cameron - this is Nico, my boyfriend. Nico - these are Alicia, David, and Cameron, my friends from school." I say, motioning to each one as I say their name.

They all shake hands. "Nice to meet you, I'm Nico." Nico says, slight smile. "Oh, yes, we know. We've heard plenty about you!" Cameron says. "Don't worry, though. All good things." David clears. "Seriously, Nico. How do you put up with his guy? He just won't ever shut up! Oh, Nico's eyes! Oh, Nico's hair! Oh, Nico in general!" Alicia adds on dramatically. I glare at her while my cheeks are most likely burning up.

"Oh, really?" He smirks. I glare at him, too. I then introduce my mortal friends to my demigod friends. We are just talking in the fields, outside of the school.

I'm leaning my back agains a tree, Nico is sitting in between my legs. Back against my torso. Percy just has his arm around Annabeth, they're sitting opposite of us. Piper is laying on her stomach, Jason sitting up next to her. Leo is just sitting down crossing his legs, elbows on his knees as Calypso is putting flowers in his hair. Hazel is sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees, as Frank is just tracing circles on her back. Thalia and Reyna are just sitting next to each other. Cameron is on one side of Reyna, and Alicia is on one side of Thalia. David is sitting next to Jason.

We just kept talking for a few minutes before we hear a very angry "What are you doing?!" coming from behind us.

Ashley P.O.V.

I've been waiting almost 20 minutes for Will to come ask me out! I haven't seen him since 5th period. I ask someone nearby if they've seen Will and they say he went to the back fields with a large group of people. I went over and you'll never believe what I saw.

He was practically cuddling with this weird, emo boy that I've never seen before. "What are you doing?!" I shout angrily. Everyone stops talking and looks at me. "What?" Some girl with short black hair and bright blue eyes asks. I just ignore her because I have no fricken clue who she is. "Will! You we asking me out today!" My voice is lower than shouting but I wouldn't say normal level.

He looks confused and raises an eyebrow. "What?" "That's why you were so excited for after school! You turn everyone down so you can date me!" I say it like it's obvious, because it is. Some of the people look confused, some look angry, and some look both. Will was one of the both. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even know your name!" Will explained. I was hurt and shocked, and my the looks on everyone's faces, that what my face expressed, too.

"I'm Hera's daughter! Everyone knows me!" I scream. The new people laugh, and even my Will chuckles. "That makes you even worse." This blonde girl with curly hair and grey eyes states. I storm out of the fields but before I leave for good I decide to hide in a bush nearby so I can hear them and watch what they do. I see the emo boy's mouth move, so I guess it was him speaking.

"Who was that?" He wondered. "I honestly don't know." I hear Will's voice say. I look back at them to see the emo boy and my Will kissing! Urgh!

I hate that boy!
I hate school!
I hate everyone!
I hate life!
And most importantly...

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