Janie G. - Reyna (+the Hunters)

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The mist is there, and sorry I haven't updated in months. I might go back and look for requests as inspiration. Thanks for waiting patiently for an update :)

Janie POV
Hello. My name is Janie, as you can see in the title. Weird things have happened to me my whole life, so I've come accustomed to them. By that I mean monsters are real. Like, Greek monsters and stuff.

I attend a high school called Commack High School. My best friend is a girl named Reyna. She doesn't really like it when people say her full name and it's pretty long anyways so I'll spare both of us the time.

We were eating lunch outside like usual when a giant dog came out of thin air. Reyna jumped up and got a javelin out of no where?? What the-

She starting fighting it like the queen she is. A group of other cool looking girls came out with mostly bows and arrows, but other weapons, too. They helped her out with the fight just as more oversized dogs came.

One jumped at me and I picked up a sharp stick off the ground and stabbed it. It didn't die or anything but it was wounded. Wow, didn't know I could do that.

Stabbing things was fun! I continued to do as much as I could with my pointy stick, which really wasn't much but whatever. Eventually, all the dog things turned into dust, which was also weird, and I then realized what just happened.

"Why were there giant dogs, how did you pull a javelin out of no where, let alone get it past school security, and who are they??"
"They're hunters, like me."

I blinked. 😐😐😐😑😐😐😐😑😐😐

"What?" 😃

Suddenly, I felt/saw a glow over my head. I looked up to see a glowing caduceus. I'm getting more and more confused by the second.

She explained that Greek Mythology wasn't actually mythology, that this group of women/girls were Hunters of Artemis, and that I was a child of Hermes.

Like, what? 😃

Artemis was there the whole time and I didn't notice?? She invited me to join her Hunters but only if I swear off all men/boys and then I'll be immortal unless I'm in battle.

Good thing I'm aro/ace.

"Wow, no men? That's gonna be so hard." I said, obviously sarcastic.
She smirked at that.
Anyway, I'm a hunter now, and my weapon is actually a gun. Turns out I have great aim with long distance. Thought I have a dagger as well for close range fights.

I've never had more fun! No men, I'm immortal, and I get to kill what I thought were mythical creatures!

A/N: This character was kind off of the song 'Janie's Got a Gun' by Aerosmith.
I'll try to write more and I'm gonna look back in my comments for any characters y'all gave me. Thanks again for waiting patiently, I honestly forgot about the stories I had on here.

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